941 resultados para Complaints
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of sleep habits and complaints and to estimate the secular trends through three population-based surveys carried out in 1987, 1995, and 2007 in the general adult population of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Surveys were performed using the same three-stage cluster-sampling technique in three consecutive decades to obtain representative samples of the inhabitants of Sao Paulo with respect to gender, age (20-80 years), and socio-economic status. Sample sizes were 1000 volunteers in 1987 and 1995 surveys and 1101 in a 2007 survey. In each survey, the UNIFESP Sleep Questionnaire was administered face-to-face in each household selected. Results: For 1987, 1995, and 2007, respectively, difficulty initiating sleep (weighted frequency %; 95% CI) [(13.9; 11.9-16.2), (19.15; 16.8-21.6), and (25.0; 22.5-27.8)], difficulty maintaining sleep [(15.8; 13.7-18.2), (27.6; 24.9-30.4), and (36.5; 33.5-39.5)], and early morning awakening [(10.6; 8.8-12.7), (14.2; 12.2-16.5), and (26.7; 24-29.6)] increased in the general population over time, mostly in women. Habitual snoring was the most commonly reported complaint across decades and was more prevalent in men. There was no statistically significant difference in snoring complaints between 1987 (21.5; 19.1-24.2) and 1995 (19.0; 16.7-21.6), but a significant increase was noted in 2007 (41.7; 38.6-44.8). Nightmares, bruxism, leg cramps, and somnambulism complaints were significantly higher in 2007 compared to 1987 and 1995. All were more frequent in women. Conclusions: This is the first study comparing sleep complaints in probabilistic population-based samples from the same metropolitan area, using the same methodology across three consecutive decades. Clear trends of increasing sleep complaints were observed, which increased faster between 1995 and 2007 than from 1987 to 1995. These secular trends should be considered a relevant public health issue and support the need for development of health care and educational strategies to supply the population`s increased need for information on sleep disorders and their consequences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Speech understanding disorders in the elderly may be due to peripheral or central auditory dysfunctions. Asymmetry of results in dichotic testing increases with age, and may reflect on a lack of inter-hemisphere transmission and cognitive decline. Aim: To investigate auditory processing of aged people with no hearing complaints. Study design: clinical prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two voluntary individuals, aged between 55 and 75 years, were evaluated. They reported no hearing complaints and had maximal auditory thresholds of 40 dB HL until 4 KHz, 80% of minimal speech recognition scores and peripheral symmetry between the ears. We used two kinds of tests: speech in noise and dichotic alternated dissyllables (SSW). Results were compared between males and females, right and left ears and between age groups. Results: There were no significant differences between genders, in both tests. Their Left ears showed worse results, in the competitive condition of SSW. Individuals aged 65 or older had poorer performances than those aged 55 to 64. Conclusion: Central auditory tests showed worse performance with aging. The employment of a dichotic test in the auditory evaluation setting in the elderly may help in the early identification of degenerative processes, which are common among these patients.
This article investigates the researcher's work in the coproduction (or not) of complaint sequences in research interviews. Using a conversation analytic approach, we show how the interviewer's management of complaint sequences in a research setting is consequential for subsequent talk and thus directly affects the data generated. In the examples shown here, researchers sharing cocategorial incumbency with respondents may well provide spaces for research participants to formulate complaints. This article examines sequences of talk surrounding complaints to show how researchers generate complaints (or not) and handle unsafe complaints. Researchers are able to provoke specific types of accounts from respondents, whereas their respondents may actively resist the researchers' direction. For researchers using the interview as a method of data generation, examination of complaint sequences and how these appear in interview data provides insight into how interview talk is coproduced and managed within a socially situated setting.
OBJECTIVE: Use of analgesics has been increasingly recognized as a major public health issue with important consequences in Turkey. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and patterns of analgesics usage and associated factors in adults with pain complaints. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 15 cities selected from five demographic regions in Turkey. The study sample population comprised 1.909 adults 18-65 age groups suffering from pain. The sampling method was multi-step stratified weighted quota-adjusted sampling. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured survey questionnaire consisting of 28 questions. Odds ratios were produced by logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of analgesic use was 73.1%, and it was higher in females (75.7%; p<0.05), in subjects 45-54 years (81.4%; p<0.05), in subjects in rural areas (74.6%; p<0.05), in subjects in northern region (84.3%; p<0.05), in illiterate subjects (79.1%; p>0.05), and in subjects of lower socioeconomic status (74.1%; p>0.05). One in ten of the participants used non-prescription analgesics. Non-prescription analgesics were more prevalent among the 55-65 age groups (18.1%; p<0.05), among female (11.6%; p>0.05), among the urban population (10.7%; p>0.05), and in subjects of lower middle socioeconomic status (13.2%; p<0.05). Logistic regression showed statistically significant ORs only for age groups, duration of education, socioeconomic status, and demographic regions (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the prevalence of analgesic use and prescription analgesic use is high in Turkey, and their use is related to sociodemographic characteristics.
In a “perfect” drinking water system, the water quality for the consumers should be the same as the quality of the water leaving the treatment plant. However, some variability along the system can lead to a decrease in water quality (such as discolouration) which is usually reflected in the number of the customer complaints. This change may be related to the amount of sediment in the distribution network, leading to an increase in turbidity at the water supply. Since there is no such thing as a perfect drinking water system, the behaviour of particles in a drinking water network needs a suitable approach in order to understand how it works. Moreover, the combination of measurements, such as turbidity patterns and the Resuspension Potential Method (RPM) aid in the prevention of discoloured water complaints and intervention in the treatment upgrade or the network cleaning. Besides sediments there is also bacterial regrowth in the network, which is related to the water quality and distribution network characteristics. In a theoretical drinking water system higher velocities, temperature and shorter residences times lead to wider bacterial growth. In this study we observe velocity and residence steady-states and bacterial does not seem to be related to either. It can be concluded that adequate measurements of RPM, customer complaints and bacterial concentrations allow a wider knowledge on particle behaviour in drinking water systems.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
La dépression majeure est fréquente chez les patients qui consultent un cabinet de médecine générale. Elle reste toutefois difficile à diagnostiquer car elle est souvent masquée par une ou plusieurs plaintes physiques qui sont l'unique motif de consultation. Pour aider le médecin généraliste à démasquer ce trouble, un test de dépistage composé de deux questions a été développé et validé. Ce test indique une probabilité accrue de dépression si le patient répond positivement à au moins une des deux questions suivantes : « Est-ce que, durant le mois qui a précédé, vous vous êtes senti(e) triste, déprimé(e), désespéré(e) ? » et « Durant le mois qui a précédé, avez-vous ressenti un manque d'intérêt et de plaisir dans la plupart des activités que d'habitude vous appréciez ? ». Une troisième question, ajoutée aux deux questions ci-dessus, a été proposée récemment afin d'améliorer les performances de ce test de dépistage. Cette troisième question rend le test négatif si le patient répond négativement à la question suivante : « Souhaitez-vous de l'aide pour cela ? ». Une étude avait indiqué que l'ajout de la question supplémentaire améliorait la spécificité du test sans réduire sa sensibilité. Objectifs Il s'agissait de décrire la performance de deux tests de dépistage de la dépression majeure, composés, respectivement, de deux et de trois questions, dans une population de patients consultant dans un cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique, et de les valider. Méthode Les réponses aux questions des tests de dépistage de la dépression dans la population de la cohorte SODA (Somatisation, Depression, Anxiety) ont été utilisées. Il s'agissait de patients de plus de 18 ans, sélectionnés aléatoirement, consultant pour au moins une plainte physique auprès de 24 médecins généralistes de Suisse Romande, réexaminés une année après l'inclusion dans la cohorte. Le questionnaire validé « Full Patient Health Questionnaire » a été utilisé, le même jour, pour diagnostiquer une dépression majeure. Ce résultat a été utilisé pour évaluer les performances des deux tests de dépistage en calculant la sensibilité et la spécificité, notamment. Résultats Les données de 724 / 937 patients inclus ont pu être utilisées. Un diagnostic de dépression majeure a été posé chez 9.5% des patients (n = 69). La sensibilité et la spécificité des deux questions de dépistage étaient de 91.3% (IC95% : 81.4-96.4%) et 65.0% (IC95% : 61.2-68.6%), respectivement. En ajoutant la troisième question, la sensibilité des deux questions de dépistage a diminué à 59.4% (IC95% : 47.0-70.9%) et la spécificité a augmenté à 88.2% (IC95% : 85.4-90.5%). Conclusions L'utilisation des deux questions pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure est associée à une haute sensibilité et à une basse spécificité chez des patients se présentant en cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique. En ajoutant la troisième question, la spécificité augmente, mais la sensibilité diminue. Ainsi, en ajoutant la troisième question, quatre patients dépressifs majeurs sur dix ne sont pas détectés, alors que seulement un patient sur dix n'est pas détecté avec les deux questions de dépistage. Notre étude montre que le test composé de deux questions reste une méthode de choix pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure et que l'ajout de la troisième question n'est pas recommandée. Celle-ci reste toutefois pertinente dans l'incitation au dialogue sur le sujet de la dépression entre le médecin et son patient.
Part 9 of the Health Act 2004 makes provision for the introduction of a statutory complaints system within the HSE. The purpose of this Department of Health and Children Consultation is to establish a shared understanding of the requirements and priorities attaching to this particular part of the Act as well as providing an opportunity for those experienced in complaints handling to contribute to and inform the Regulations which will specify how the HSE will establish a statutory framework for dealing with complaints received under Part 9 of the Health Act, 2004. Read the report (PDF, 387kb) Â
BACKGROUND: Major depression, although frequent in primary care, is commonly hidden behind multiple physical complaints that are often the first and only reason for patient consultation. Major depression can be screened by two validated questions that are easier to use in primary care than the full DSM-IV criteria. A third question, called the "help" question, improves the specificity without apparently decreasing the sensitivity of this screening procedure. We validated the abbreviated screening procedure for major depression with and without the "help" question in primary care patients managed for a physical complaint. METHODS: This diagnostic accuracy study used data from a cohort study called SODA (for SOmatisation Depression Anxiety ) conducted by 24 general practitioners (GPs) in western Switzerland that included patients over 18 years of age with at least one physical complaint at index consultation. Major depression was identified with the full Patient Health Questionnaire. GPs were asked to screen patients for major depression with the three screening questions one year after inclusion. RESULTS: Out of 937 patients with at least one physical complaint, 751 were eligible one year after index consultation. Major depression was diagnosed in 69/724 (9.5%) patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the two-question method alone were 91.3% (95% confidence interval 81.4-96.4%) and 65.0% (95% confidence interval 61.2-68.6%), respectively. Adding the "help" question decreased the sensitivity (59.4% ; 95% confidence interval 47.0-70.9%) but improved the specificity (88.2% ; 95% confidence interval 85.4-90.5%) of the three-question method. CONCLUSIONS: The use of two screening questions for major depression was associated with high sensitivity and low specificity in primary care patients presenting a physical complaint. Adding the "help" question improved the specificity but clearly decreased the sensitivity; when using the "help" question; four out of ten patients with depression will be missed, compared to only one out of ten with the two-question method. Therefore, the "help" question is not useful as a screening question, but may help discussing management strategies.
BACKGROUND: Mental disorders in primary care patients are frequently associated with physical complaints that can mask the disorder. There is insufficient knowledge concerning the role of anxiety, depression, and somatoform disorders in patients presenting with physical symptoms. Our primary objective was to determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders among primary care patients with a physical complaint. We also investigated the relationship between cumulated psychosocial stressors and mental disorders. METHODS: We conducted a multicentre cross-sectional study in twenty-one private practices and in one academic primary care centre in Western Switzerland. Randomly selected patients presenting with a spontaneous physical complaint were asked to complete the self-administered Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) between November 2004 and July 2005. The validated French version of the PHQ allowed the diagnosis of mental disorders (DSM-IV criteria) and the analyses of exposure to psychosocial stressors. RESULTS: There were 917 patients exhibiting at least one physical symptom included. The rate of depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders was 20.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 17.4% to 22.7%), 15.5% (95% CI = 13.2% to 18.0%), and 15.1% (95% CI = 12.8% to 17.5%), respectively. Psychosocial stressors were significantly associated with mental disorders. Patients with an accumulation of psychosocial stressors were more likely to present anxiety, depression, or somatoform disorders, with an increase of 2.2 fold (95% CI = 2.0 to 2.5) for each additional stressor. CONCLUSIONS: The investigation of mental disorders and psychosocial stressors among patients with physical complaints is relevant in primary care. Psychosocial stressors should be explored as potential epidemiological causes of mental disorders.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE Introduction En médecine de premier recours, les plaintes physiques sont fréquemment associées à des troubles dépressifs, anxieux et somatoformes et peuvent les masquer. Il est fréquemment reporté que ces troubles mentaux ont tendance à être insuffisamment diagnostiqués. Par ailleurs, peu d'études ont été conduites en médecine de premier recours concernant la possible association entre facteurs de stress psychosociaux et troubles dépressifs, anxieux et somatoformes. Objectifs Les objectifs étaient de déterminer la prévalence des troubles dépressifs, anxieux et somatoformes chez des patients consultant avec une plainte physique en médecine de premier recours, ainsi que d'explorer la possible association entre ces troubles mentaux et des facteurs de stress psychosociaux. Méthodes Nous avons conduit une étude transversale, multicentrique parmi vingt et un cabinets médicaux en Suisse Romande et la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne. Les sujets étaient sélectionnés aléatoirement parmi des patients qui avaient présenté spontanément au moins une plainte physique et qui avaient consulté lors d'une demi- journée de consultation considérée pour l'étude. Les patients inclus ont rempli l'auto- questionnaire Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) entre novembre 2004 et juillet 2005. Nous avons utilisé la version française et validée du PHQ qui permet le diagnostic des principaux troubles mentaux selon les critères du DSM-IV et l'analyse de l'exposition aux facteurs de stress psychosociaux. Résultats Neuf cent dix-sept patients se présentant avec au moins une plainte physique ont été inclus. Le taux de troubles dépressifs, anxieux et somatoformes a été de 20,0% (intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95% = 17,4%-22,7%), 15,5% (IC 95% = 13,2%- 18,0%) et 15,1% (IC 95% = 12,8%~17,5%), respectivement. Les facteurs de stress psychosociaux ont été significativement associés aux troubles mentaux. Les patients avec une accumulation de facteurs de stress psychosociaux ont été le plus souvent déprimés, anxieux ou ont manifesté des troubles somatoformes, avec une augmentation par un facteur 2,2 (IC 95% = 2,0-2,5) pour chaque facteur additionnel. Conclusions Bien que la relation entre facteurs de stress psychosociaux et trouble dépressif soit bien établie, cette étude montre qu'il existe un lien entre ces facteurs de stress et les troubles dépressifs, anxieux et somatoformes. L'investigation de ces troubles mentaux chez des patients consultant avec un symptôme physique en médecine de premier recours est pertinente. D'autres explorations sont nécessaires pour investiguer le bénéfice potentiel d'une prise en charge intégrée des facteurs de stress psychosociaux sur la diminution des plaintes physiques et des troubles mentaux chez les patients que suivent les médecins de premier recours.
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Protozoan and helminthes are frequently associated with persistent digestive complaints, not only in returning travelers from the tropics, but also in industrialized countries. The symptoms are often more vague than those associated to bacterial or viral infections and diarrhea is not always a key feature of the clinical presentation. Three stool examinations and a full blood cells count looking for eosinophilia is the comer stone of the investigations looking for digestive parasites. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic and management of digestive protozoans and helminthes.