936 resultados para Community Associations
Due to their confinement to specific hostplants or restricted habitat types, Auchenorrhyncha have the potential to make suitable biological indicators to measure the quality of chalk grassland under different management practices for nature conservation. The Auchenorrhyncha data from a study designed to identify the factors influencing the invertebrate diversity of chalk grasslands in southern England was used to evaluate the potential use of this group of insects as biological indicators. Between 1998 and 2002 altogether 81 chalk grassland sites were sampled. Vegetation structure and composition were recorded, and Auchenorrhyncha were sampled at each site on three occasions in each of two seasons using a ‘Vortis’ suction sampler. Auchenorrhyncha assemblages were then linked to the different grassland plant communities occurring on chalk soils according to the British National Vegetation Classification (NVC). Altogether 96 Auchenorrhyncha species were recorded during the study. Using data on the frequency and dominance of species, as is commonly done for plant communities, it was possible to identify the preferential and differential species of distinct Auchenorrhyncha assemblages. Significant differences between the Auchenorrhyncha assemblages associated with the various chalk grassland plant communities of the NVC were observed down to a level of sub-communities. We conclude that data on Auchenorrhyncha assemblages can provide valuable information for the setting of conservation management priorities, where data on floristic composition alone may not be sufficient, providing additional information on aspects of vegetation structure and condition.
As energy costs increase in Colorado more homeowners will need renewable energies to provide electricity, heating and cooling for their homes. Renewable energy technology and energy efficient measures have been available for decades but Homeowner Associations (HOA) has not permitted this technology into communities primarily because of aesthetics. In April 2008, House Bill 1270 was signed into law that gives homeowners the right to make their homes more energy efficient and install renewable energy generation devices. The purpose of this capstone is to enable HOAs with information on available technology and design guideline options that can be integrated into communities and thus encourage, instead of hinder, the use of renewable energy and energy efficient measures.
Can voluntary and nonprofit research be helpful for local community associations (CAs) seeking to respond to organizational challenges and problems? This paper builds on a study of an organizational crisis in an English CA to explore this question. The events which precipitated and prolonged the crisis seemed inexplicable to outside observers. Yet the study found that much of what occurred could be explained in the light of earlier theories and research. The paper concludes that voluntary and nonprofit scholarship, as well as generic organizational theories, has the potential to be helpful for community association members and activists in anticipating and responding to organizational problems. But scholars need to do more to disseminate existing research findings; to make them accessible and to adapt them to the distinctive needs and real world problems of community associations.
Non-profit community groups such as sporting clubs, charities, interest groups and community associations can be formally incorporated and recognised by the law. More than 21,000 associations are already incorporated in Queensland. The governing legislation is the Associations Incorporate Act 1981 (Qld) (the Act) and the Associations Incorporate regulation 1999 (Qld) (The Regulation). The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General is responsible for administering this Act and incorporating associations and does so through the Office of Fair Trading. This chapter covers some of the basic concepts and procedures for incorporating an association under the Act. The Act and the Regulation are usually amended at least once a year, and current materials are available on the Queensland Government legislation website.
The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of breastfeeding among refugee women from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo living in two major capital cities in Australia. Participants were recruited from their relevant community associations and via a snowballing technique. Thirty-one women took part in either individual interviews or facilitated group discussions to explore their experiences of breastfeeding in their home country and in Australia. Thematic analysis revealed four main themes: cultural breastfeeding beliefs and practices; stigma and shame around breastfeeding in public; ambivalence towards breastfeeding and breastfeeding support. Women who originated from these four African countries highlighted a significant desire for breastfeeding and an understanding that it was the best method for feeding their infants. Their breastfeeding practices in Australia were a combination of practices maintained from their countries of origin and those adopted according to Australian cultural norms. They exemplified the complexity of breastfeeding behaviour and the relationship between infant feeding with economic status and the perceived social norms of the host country. The results illustrate the need for policy makers and health professionals to take into consideration the environmental, social and cultural contexts of the women who are purportedly targeted for the promotion of breastfeeding.
A total of 234 species of fish have been recorded from the St Martin Island. Of which, 98 species are coral associated. The total number of recorded mollusc and crab species stands at 187 and 7 species respectively. A total of 66 coral species were recorded, of which 19 are fossil corals, 36 living corals and the rest are under 6 families of subclass Octocorallia (soft corals). A total of 14 species of algae have been recorded from the St. Martin's Island. There is an estimated amount of 1500 MT red sea weed biomass available around the St. Martin's Island. The island contains some of the most unique, benthic community associations in Bangladesh, not found anywhere else in the South Asian region. The unique marine communities have very high scientific value for research and monitoring and there are only a few examples worldwide, where coral-algal communities dominate rocky reefs. The economy of the island is based on fishing. It is estimated that, about 1650 MT of fish are caught annually. Over-exploitation of renewable marine and coastal resources (e.g., rocky reef fisheries, coral and shell extraction; removal of coastal vegetation from inter-tidal and sub-tidal habitats) is a major threat to this ecosystem. Destructive fishing practices, mainly the use of rock-weighted gill nets over the inshore boulder reefs is of prime aggravates. Proper implementation of the rules and regulation for Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA's), alternative livelihood for the local people and further research should be immediately taken for sustainable utilization and to save the rich biodiversity of the only coral island in Bangladesh.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar três bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento (BCDs) paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, em seus primeiros meses de existência (de junho de 2009 a dezembro de 2011), tendo-se por base a perspectiva dos atores envolvidos. A partir de 2004, iniciou-se um processo de disseminação dos bancos comunitários conduzidos pelas lideranças criadoras da primeira instituição desse tipo no país, o Banco Palmas, fundado em 1998, em Fortaleza (CE), e pela Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária (SENAES). Existem poucos estudos sobre os bancos comunitários disseminados e poucas informações sobre as contingências existentes no processo de adoção desses bancos. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir suprindo essa lacuna. O trabalho conclui que, no caso dos três bancos comunitários paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, há contingências em dois níveis de implementação. O primeiro nível é caracterizado pela relação entre os coordenadores de associações comunitárias de construção, as quais dão suporte ao banco, os gerentes, os analistas de crédito e os caixas dos bancos, e os moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais onde os bancos estão inseridos. Nesse nível de implementação as contingências são: o confronto entre a agenda da associação comunitária de construção e do banco comunitário, a realização de atividades pelos trabalhadores e gerentes dos bancos cujo foco não é o banco comunitário e a intensidade do trabalho do agente de crédito. No segundo nível de implementação, caracterizado pela relação entre as ações indutoras da adoção dos bancos comunitários e os coordenadores de associação, os gerentes, analistas de crédito e caixas dos bancos, foram identificadas as seguintes contingências: o conjunto de obstáculos existente com o gestor da rede de correspondentes e o conjunto de obstáculos gerados por problemas ocorridos no modelo de indução vertical. As estratégias adotadas pelos bancos estudados para contraporem-se a tais contingências referem-se à busca de parcerias com uma instituição geograficamente mais próxima, parceria esta não consolidada até o fim do período analisado, para obtenção de recursos e gerenciamento da rede de correspondente, e à espera por recursos adicionais, baseado no modelo de indução vertical.
It historizes and it analyzes the social capital in the area Seridó. The traditions associative seridoenses are reconstructed starting from the dimensions: economical, social, religious person and politics. In them it is possible to notice actions that form the social capital of the area. The country of Seridó present an associative tradition based on the mutual help, in the trust and reciprocity that she remount there are decades in your history. The relationship among the Catholic Church, that historically it is present in the area, and rural communities, through your community associations, it is the backdrop where you/they are the responsible associative elements for the tear of the regional social fabric: in him (the backdrop) he/she is the responsible social capital for the work of the rural community organizations. The Catholic Church, through your social action and the Program of Combat to the Rural Poverty, of Rio Grande do Norte is the league that sustains the actions collective seridoenses
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo central compreender as perspectivas de futuro de jovens faxinalenses. Para isso, buscamos entender as particularidades de sua forma de vida, desafios, problemas, potencialidades, sua relação com as comunidades e os possíveis fatores que influenciam na aproximação ou distanciamento entre eles e seus territórios. Os faxinais constituem uma forma particular de organização camponesa reconhecida como Comunidade Tradicional. Possuem como principal característica o uso de áreas em comum, chamadas de criadouro comunitário. Neste espaço, as famílias criam seus animais à solta, preservam grande parte da vegetação nativa, constroem suas casas e mantêm a dinâmica comunitária. Quanto ao uso comum das áreas, muitos proprietários permitem que não proprietários de terras morem e usufruam da área do criador comunitário, a partir de acordos estabelecidos entre os envolvidos. Historicamente, os faxinais vêm sofrendo fortes pressões por grande parte do sistema econômico, do modelo de agricultura considerada moderna e do poder público, que invadem seus territórios, destroem a natureza, geram preconceito, forçam a diminuição e o fechamento das áreas de uso comum, e expulsam famílias das comunidades. Apesar de intensas pressões, inúmeras famílias seguem resistindo e dando continuidade ao seu tradicional modo de vida. Para compreender as estratégias de resistência e as perspectivas de futuro, participamos de espaços coletivos das comunidades, empreendemos oficinas, conversas informais com lideranças comunitárias e com os jovens, sendo que com os jovens ainda realizamos, em grupos, a técnica percurso comentado. A partir das análises dos dados obtidos em campo, sistematizamos algumas estratégias que as comunidades faxinalenses utilizaram e utilizam para resistir a condições sociais e econômicas degradantes, que, no limite, visam à sua finalização. Interpretamos a relação das comunidades com o Movimento Articulação Puxirão dos Povos Faxinalenses (APF) como essencial para o desenvolvimento das estratégias, que se manifestam na educação, na geração de renda, nas associações comunitárias, na produção agroecológica, nos espaços coletivos, na religiosidade e no enraizamento, que promovem relações diferenciadas com o território e com o modo de vida. Fatores que mobilizam formas de resistência, fortalecimento das comunidades, reorganização das tradições e, consequentemente, contribuem com a construção de planos e perspectivas de futuro dos jovens faxinalenses, que lutam e resistem pela manutenção e desenvolvimento de suas comunidades
Sports and recreation management is addressed here using a model that combines the policies and methodologies applied in the Costa Rican context as a result of a concern to identify the real needs in the sports, recreation, and health promotion fields through the different manifestations of human movement. This approach has been developed during eight years of work in the Costa Rican Sports and Recreation Institute (Instituto Costarricense del Deporte y la Recreación-ICODER) together with different Costa Rican communities, both rural and urban, and local organizations, such as Comprehensive Development Community Associations, Sports and Recreation Community Boards (CCDR), Municipal Mayorships, and NGOs, among others. This article particularly takes into consideration the experience of the CCDRs as entities that have been given the responsibility by the Costa Rican Government to promote and manage municipal sports and recreation services with a convenient offering that would meet the needs of users or customers. In this way, this article is aimed at answering the question on how Boards should conduct an efficient management in a way that they also meet the needs of public users or customers in the municipalities of the country, by proposing a management model that serves as an additional instrument to improving the already existing services managed by the aforementioned entities. This study presents a model of Costa Rican management structured with the theoretical elements that currently define the organization and planning of sports and recreation as a service.