897 resultados para Communication in Paulo Freire


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The dialogue represents an essential condition for the complete realization of the Communication. In Paulo Freire we find a concept of dialogue which expresses itself, fundamentally, in two dimension: on one hand, in the confluence of subjectivities; on the other, in action. Dialogue would not be, therefore, a thinking for , but a thinking with . On the other hand, the media, here understood as synonym of technical media of information and expression is spread all over society as synonym of communication media. In this direction, this paper intends to check if the media allows the dialogue, in the heart of the Freirean concept of communication. We start from the premise that it is not possible to come to an answer if we continue to accept the theoretical approach which polarizes the process of communication between emitter and receptor. By using elements of the ethnomethodology such as the analysis of the conversation and the reflexivity, we dived in the school everyday life of educators and students of an elementary level public school in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, in order to, through some experiences with the media, corroborate Paulo Freire's ideas, stating the mediation made by the world and seeking a bias for the use of the media to enable a more dialogic education


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Sendo um assunto recente à história do país, e que durante vinte um anos fora tolhido a análise dos estudiosos, devido à censura e a repressão do governo ditatorial, o período anterior ao dia 01 de abril de 1964 vem despertando nos meios acadêmicos a necessidade de novas discussões que sejam capazes de trazer respostas à sociedade a respeito daqueles anos, e que possam gerar perspectivas quanto aos problemas estruturais que ainda hoje não foram solucionados. Por isso, este trabalho visa analisar a trajetória política e pedagógica do professor Paulo Freire, entre os anos de 1959 e 1964, tendo como foco a sua atuação na construção de um novo projeto de alfabetização de jovens e adultos no Brasil, em especial, na cidade de Angicos/RN e reconstruir as reflexões do mesmo acerca da democracia brasileira, da educação, da cultura e da política no citado período.


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Análisis de algunas ideas, conceptos y expresiones de la obra del pedagogo brasileño Paulo Freire relacionadas con la educación infantil, desde el momento en que aprenden a leer, hasta el diálogo y la comunicación con otras personas. Se destaca la labor investigadora de Freire cuyos resultados se ven en sus metodologías y pedagogías escritas. Se habla de la relación educador-alumno o aprendiz. Se incide sobre la relación del educador en la instrucción y en el medio que le rodea, como los movimientos sociales. Se toman conceptos y expresiones como el universo real de los vocablos, las metodologías de investigación participativa, la pedagogía fundamentada, el diálogo y la comunicación, círculos de cultura, afectuosidad y la pedagogía del oprimido.


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The main thesis of this paper is that Freire’s original experience in Angicos anticipated a grand design for social transformation of educational systems. As such it brought together two key concepts that formulated the basis of his educational system: popular culture as an counter-hegemonic project and popular education, more particularly what was later called citizen schools or public popular education as keystone of his new educational system. I use the term Paulo Freire System to show that his original attempts were not only to challenge pedagogical the prevailing banking education system that was so pervasive in Brazil and Latin American at the time. In challenging the hegemony of banking education, its narrative, theoretical foundations, epistemology and methodology, Freire and his team sought to create a new system that could replace the old one. They saw banking education not only as obsolete in terms of modernization of systems but also oppressive in gnoseological, epistemological and political terms. In the conclusion of this paper I will discuss the twins obsessions of Freire, already present in the Angicos experience and that will stay with him throughout his life: the relationship between democracy, citizenship and education, and education as a postcolonial ethical act of social transformation. I would like to emphasize therefore that the Paulo Freire system, as conceived in the Angicos experience and its aftermath was a much larger and comprehensive system that originally considered, even by his critics.


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The objectives of this study were: (1) to test the existence of an aggregation pheromone in the gregarious psocid Cerastipsocus sivorii; (2) to compare the attractiveness of odors from different aggregations; (3) to test whether nymphs are able to chemically recognize damage-released alarm signals. In a choice experiment conducted in the laboratory, we showed that psocids are able to detect chemical cues from groups of conspecifics. Laboratory experiments also showed that nymphs are capable of chemically recognizing the aggregations where they came from. Finally, in a field experiment, most aggregations dispersed when exposed to the body fluids of a crushed conspecific, but no aggregations dispersed upon exposure to a crushed termite. The implications of these results for the evolution of sociality in psocopterans are discussed.


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This paper explores the critical pedagogy of activists as they participate in activism on some of the most important human rights issues of our time. I argue the pedagogy of activism is critically cognitive and embodied in a practice that is inherently social. The paper commences with some writing on what I claim is Freire’s own activism, always working towards a struggle for social justice and social change. His educational practices were never removed from sites and movements of struggle and resistance and he encouraged teachers to be political, that their teaching should never be disassociated from a critique of the political and social realities that impact on and create impediments to a democratic education.The paper then outlines empirical research on the learning dimensions of activists conducted in Australia and draws on some of the personal narratives of activists. I explore the reflexivity of activists as they work within and against the state, on issues of indigenous self-determination, racism, religion, homophobia, urban development, climate change, civil liberties, economic inequality and others. I argue for a critically reflexive pedagogy, as Paulo Freire reminds us, activism without purposeful reflection has the potential to become what he termed “naïve activism’’. That is, a focus on the theory and philosophical underpinnings of activism, and the tactics and strategies necessary to instigate social change, can create a pedagogy that is wanting in praxis. Yet the urgency of activism and the desire for significant social change often prevents a critical space for reflection to occur.The paper concludes with some suggestions for how Freire’s writing on praxis, can improve activists important practice.


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The main objective of the present research is to reflect on the affinities between post-colonial theories - analytical perspectives directed toward the discussion of colonialism and its effects on the contemporary social fabric - and Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire‟s (1921-1997) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written at the end of the 1960‟s. The study aims to make the argument that the present reflections on the featured work is an example of a post-colonial theoretical framework, delineating a critical modus operandi of colonialism, particularly in its cultural and epistemic dimensions, delineating a problematization of the processes of cognitive domination set, above all, by the European colonization of the Latin American continent, with the formation of the modern-world-system (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), dated from the 16TH Century forward. From this stand point, and especially supported by the contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos on the sociology of absence, the present work accentuates Pedagogy of the Oppressed as a set of reflections that bring the possibility of a pedagogy of absence (SANTOS, 1996), having in mind that, this book deals with, the presuppositions of an educational action, which considers the plurality of knowledge and social practices by way of the establishment of a pedagogical practice of collective construction, emancipator and dialogic that arises from the encounter to the indolent reason (SANTOS, 2009) in which the silencing of the voices of the oppressed, construct their conditions of invisibility, promoting also the absence of the social questions inherent to the processes of teaching and learning. It is with this perspective, however, that post colonialism is considered a theoretical site for the affirmation and the reinvention of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an obligatory reference in the construction of a prudent knowledge for a decent life (SANTOS, 2006)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Visual communication is widespread among several anuran families, but seems to be more common than currently thought. We investigated and compared visual communication in six species of an anuran community in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Four are nocturnal species: Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum (Centrolenidae), Hyla albomarginata, Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti), and Scinax eurydice (Hylidae), and two are diurnal species: Hylodes phyllodes and Hylodes asper ( Leptodactylidae). For H. uranoscopum, H. albomarginata, S. eurydice, and H. phyllodes, this is the first record of visual communication. Observations were made at Nucleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, in the Municipality of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Descriptions of behaviour were based on individuals observed in the field, using sequence sampling with continuous tape recording for behavioural observations. Eight new behaviours are described: body wiping, face wiping, jump display, leg kicking, limb lifting, mouth opening, toe flagging, and vocal sac display. of the 42 anuran species known from Nucleo Picinguaba, at least six ( approximately 14%) display visual communication. The evolution of visual signals in these species may be related to the availability of ambient light, the structural complexity of the habitat, and/or the ambient noise. They may also have evolved to aid in the location of the individual, to avoid physical combat, and/or may be a by-product of seismic communication.


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O presente trabalho analisa as idéias de Malinowski e Paulo Freire, propondo algumas proximidades entre a antropologia e a pedagogia. Dentre as possibilidades resultantes de tal encontro, uma certamente merece destaque: a recomendação de que antropólogos e professores respeitem sempre o "saber-fazer" comunitário e previamente adquirido por seus respectivos outros, alunos ou "nativos", enquanto um verdadeiro ponto de partida para a construção da ciência. Desta maneira, pode-se pensar que em ambas as disciplinas o conhecimento caminha junto a um respeito pela alteridade, lição esta que elas devem partilhar não somente com outras áreas do saber, mas especialmente com a comunidade mais ampla.


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The experiences lived in the Read and Write Program (Programa Ler e Escrever), through the scholarship project Public School and University at literacy (Escola Pública e Universidade na alfabetização), were the starting point for the preparation of this research. From this observations obtained in the classroom, it was noticed gaps present in the process of teaching-learning in the system imposed by the state government of Sao Paulo, preponderant factors to understand how and when children learn. This way, was noted that only one literacy proposal to be adopted by all schools revealed not being efective to meet different contexts, also disregards the individuality of each student. Thus, we applied the Paulo Freire's Method with children from Second year (Former First series) adapted in a playful way, during reinforcement classes at state shcool “Torquato Minhoto”, located in Bauru/SP. Sought to promote, properly, the comprehension of the language code and the development of learning in reading and writing. This manner, some barriers prevented a more thorough job covering a wider range of studantes over an extended period, however, the results were generally positives about the startup of literacy


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Ao observarmos o cotidiano nas escolas é possível constatar que nem sempre se reconhece e se valoriza a diferença e a singularidade que caracteriza cada sujeito envolvido, pois ocorrem situações de negação mútua entre alunos, entre alunos e professores e entre outras relações do espaço escolar que ferem a dignidade humana. Uma alternativa a essa realidade é a promoção de vivências dialógicas. Nesse sentido, objetivamos com este trabalho: Refletir sobre as contribuições teórico-conceituais desenvolvidas por Paulo Freire e por Humberto Maturana acerca da vivência do diálogo, suas possibilidades e impasses nas relações sociais e na relação educativa; e identificar, a partir de um estudo de caso realizado em uma escola da Rede Pública Estadual, as concepções dos educadores sobre a prática dialógica no cotidiano escolar. Para Freire, o diálogo é o encontro e a partilha de concepções de A com B e não de A sobre B ou vice versa, sendo que nesta relação é importante que ambos se disponham à escuta mútua reconhecendo a diversidade de concepções que estimula a curiosidade epistemológica. Para Maturana, a partir da Biologia, cada ser vivo se constitui como uma organização autopoiética, ou seja, tem a tarefa de produzir-se a si próprio, estabelecendo relações com o meio. Na existência humana, essas interações com o meio e entre os humanos se estabelecem num entrelaçamento de emoções e ações, que ele nomeia de conversação. A partir das reflexões pelos autores e o diálogo estabelecido com sujeitos da pesquisa destacamos: 1) As relações sociais se mantêm quando há aceitação do outro como legítimo outro na convivência, o que implica a aceitação de si próprio; 2) O diálogo cria um clima de aceitação para com a história e a diferença do outro, o que favorece relações de partilha de ideias e de releitura coletiva do mundo. Tanto Maturana e Freire, quanto os entrevistados valorizam o ...


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This paper analyzes data under diametrically opposed theoretical frameworks. Encouraged by the sudden and recent popularity of Hannah Arendt, we decided to submit the data of a already presented dissertation to a “new” reference, extracted from Arendt’s famous text on the education crisis in the United States in the 1950. Data had been interpreted in the light of Paulo Freire’s epistemology. In further analyzes, from Arendt, our interpretations gained even more strength. However, in the final comparison between the two thinkers stand out irreconcilable differences: For Arendt, it is impossible to educate adults and the world of education should be detached from the world of politics, since the responsibility of the educator is based on tradition and authority while for Freire is indeed possible to educate adults and the responsibility of the educator – as in Sartre – leads to freedom. Our conclusion is to be possible the social education of adults if we educate ourselves with them in a dialogic relationship.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)