911 resultados para Common right and fields
La historiografía inglesa ha ahondado en el estudio de los bienes y usos comunales con el propósito de comprender el rol que jugó la transformación de los mismos en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. No obstante, su contraparte francesa ha tendido a relegar este tipo de estudios a un segundo plano, sobre todo en lo que a los usos comunales respecta. De hecho, en los últimos veinte años se ha postulado la necesidad de estudiar a los bienes y usos comunales por separado, compartimentando el análisis histórico. El presente trabajo parte de un estudio de caso centrado en la región de Lorena, y pretende analizar el rol jugado por las luchas en torno a los bienes y usos comunales durante el período revolucionario en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. Sugerimos que en Lorena el conflicto por los bienes comunales estimuló, al transformar la base material de producción, disputas más amplias en torno a las prácticas rurales que fueron redefiniendo la apropiación de la renta rural, beneficiando a los sectores que producían con mano de obra asalariada
La historiografía inglesa ha ahondado en el estudio de los bienes y usos comunales con el propósito de comprender el rol que jugó la transformación de los mismos en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. No obstante, su contraparte francesa ha tendido a relegar este tipo de estudios a un segundo plano, sobre todo en lo que a los usos comunales respecta. De hecho, en los últimos veinte años se ha postulado la necesidad de estudiar a los bienes y usos comunales por separado, compartimentando el análisis histórico. El presente trabajo parte de un estudio de caso centrado en la región de Lorena, y pretende analizar el rol jugado por las luchas en torno a los bienes y usos comunales durante el período revolucionario en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. Sugerimos que en Lorena el conflicto por los bienes comunales estimuló, al transformar la base material de producción, disputas más amplias en torno a las prácticas rurales que fueron redefiniendo la apropiación de la renta rural, beneficiando a los sectores que producían con mano de obra asalariada
La historiografía inglesa ha ahondado en el estudio de los bienes y usos comunales con el propósito de comprender el rol que jugó la transformación de los mismos en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. No obstante, su contraparte francesa ha tendido a relegar este tipo de estudios a un segundo plano, sobre todo en lo que a los usos comunales respecta. De hecho, en los últimos veinte años se ha postulado la necesidad de estudiar a los bienes y usos comunales por separado, compartimentando el análisis histórico. El presente trabajo parte de un estudio de caso centrado en la región de Lorena, y pretende analizar el rol jugado por las luchas en torno a los bienes y usos comunales durante el período revolucionario en la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo. Sugerimos que en Lorena el conflicto por los bienes comunales estimuló, al transformar la base material de producción, disputas más amplias en torno a las prácticas rurales que fueron redefiniendo la apropiación de la renta rural, beneficiando a los sectores que producían con mano de obra asalariada
Alors que les hypothèses de valence et de dominance hémisphérique droite ont longtemps été utilisées afin d’expliquer les résultats de recherches portant sur le traitement émotionnel de stimuli verbaux et non-verbaux, la littérature sur le traitement de mots émotionnels est généralement en désaccord avec ces deux hypothèses et semble converger vers celle du décours temporel. Cette dernière hypothèse stipule que le décours temporal lors du traitement de certains aspects du système sémantique est plus lent pour l’hémisphère droit que pour l’hémisphère gauche. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner la façon dont les mots émotionnels sont traités par les hémisphères cérébraux chez des individus jeunes et âgés. À cet effet, la première étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’hypothèse du décours temporel en examinant les patrons d’activations relatif au traitement de mots émotionnels par les hémisphères gauche et droit en utilisant un paradigme d’amorçage sémantique et une tâche d’évaluation. En accord avec l’hypothèse du décours temporel, les résultats obtenus pour les hommes montrent que l’amorçage débute plus tôt dans l’hémisphère gauche et plus tard dans l’hémisphère droit. Par contre, les résultats obtenus pour les femmes sont plutôt en accord avec l’hypothèse de valence, car les mots à valence positive sont principalement amorcés dans l’hémisphère gauche, alors que les mots à valence négative sont principalement amorcés dans l’hémisphère droit. Puisque les femmes sont considérées plus « émotives » que les hommes, les résultats ainsi obtenus peuvent être la conséquence des effets de la tâche, qui exige une décision explicite au sujet de la cible. La deuxième étude a pour objectif d’examiner la possibilité que la préservation avec l’âge de l’habileté à traiter des mots émotionnels s’exprime par un phénomène compensatoire d’activations bilatérales fréquemment observées chez des individus âgés et maintenant un haut niveau de performance, ce qui est également connu sous le terme de phénomène HAROLD (Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in OLDer adults). En comparant les patrons d’amorçages de mots émotionnels auprès de jeunes adultes et d’adultes âgés performants à des niveaux élevés sur le plan comportemental, les résultats révèlent que l’amorçage se manifeste unilatéralement chez les jeunes participants et bilatéralement chez les participants âgés. Par ailleurs, l’amorçage se produit chez les participants âgés avec un léger délai, ce qui peut résulter d’une augmentation des seuils sensoriels chez les participants âgés, qui nécessiteraient alors davantage de temps pour encoder les stimuli et entamer l’activation à travers le réseau sémantique. Ainsi, la performance équivalente au niveau de la précision retrouvée chez les deux groupes de participants et l’amorçage bilatéral observé chez les participants âgés sont en accord avec l’hypothèse de compensation du phénomène HAROLD.
What can explain the strong euroscepticism of radical parties of both the right and the left? This article argues that the answer lies in the paradoxical role of nationalism as a central element in both party families, motivating opposition towards European integration. Conventionally, the link between nationalism and euroscepticism is understood solely as a prerogative of radical right-wing parties, whereas radical left-wing euroscepticism is associated with opposition to the neoliberal character of the European Union.This article contests this view. It argues that nationalism cuts across party lines and constitutes the common denominator of both radical right-wing and radical left-wing euroscepticism. It adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining intensive case study analysis with quantitative analysis of party manifestos. First, it traces the link between nationalism and euroscepticism in Greece and France in order to demonstrate the internal validity of the argument. It then undertakes a cross-country statistical estimation to assess the external validity of the argument and its generalisability across Europe.
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Tieteellinen tiivistelmä Common scab is one of the most important soil-borne diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in many potato production areas. It is caused by a number of Streptomyces species, in Finland the causal agents are Streptomyces scabies (Thaxter) Lambert & Loria and S. turgidiscabies Takeuchi. The scab-causing Streptomyces spp. are well-adapted, successful plant pathogens that survive in soil also as saprophytes. Control of these pathogens has proved to be difficult. Most of the methods used to manage potato common scab are aimed at controlling S. scabies, the most common of the scab-causing pathogens. The studies in this thesis investigated S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies as causal organisms of common scab and explored new approaches for control of common scab that would be effective against both species. S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies are known to co-occur in the same fields and in the same tuber lesions in Finland. The present study showed that both these pathogens cause similar symptoms on potato tubers, and the types of symptoms varied depending on cultivar rather than the pathogen species. Pathogenic strains of S. turgidiscabies were antagonistic to S. scabies in vitro indicating that these two species may be competing for the same ecological niche. In addition, strains of S. turgidiscabies were highly virulent in potato and they tolerated lower pH than those of S. scabies. Taken together these results suggest that S. turgidiscabies has become a major problem in potato production in Finland. The bacterial phytotoxins, thaxtomins, are produced by the scab-causing Streptomyces spp. and are essential for the induction of scab symptoms. In this study, thaxtomins were produced in vitro and four thaxtomin compounds isolated and characterized. All four thaxtomins induced similar symptoms of reduced root and shoot growth, root swelling or necrosis on micro-propagated potato seedlings. The main phytotoxin, thaxtomin A, was used as a selective agent in a bioassay in vitro to screen F1 potato progeny from a single cross. Tolerance to thaxtomin A in vitro and scab resistance in the field were correlated indicating that the in vitro bioassay could be used in the early stages of a resistance breeding program to discard scab-susceptible genotypes and elevate the overall levels of common scab resistance in potato breeding populations. The potential for biological control of S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies using a non-pathogenic Streptomyces strain (346) isolated from a scab lesion and S. griseoviridis strain (K61) from a commercially available biocontrol product was studied. Both strains showed antagonistic activity against S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies in vitro and suppressed the development of common scab disease caused by S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse. Furthermore, strain 346 reduced the incidence of S. turgidiscabies in scab lesions on potato tubers in the field. These results demonstrated for the first time the potential for biological control of S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse and under field conditions and may be applied to enhance control of common scab in the future.
Although Portugal does not have a significant radical right presence in its party system, in the last decades the country did witness the development of a neo-Nazi skinhead movement that expresses its white nationalist nature and goals through the musical genres of Rock Against Communism (RAC) and the related Oi!. Utilizing various historical sources and theoretical analysis, this study contextualizes the development of nationalist music in Portugal, both before and especially during the democratic period (1974-2015). It focuses on its protagonists, domestic and international networks, as well as on the few attempts to establish a common cause with radical right-wing political parties at the turn of the century and in present times.
Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A have been shown to predispose to cutaneous malignant melanoma. We have identified 2 new melanoma kindreds which carry a duplication of a 24bp repeat present in the 5' region of CDKN2A previously identified in melanoma families from Australia and the United States. This mutation has now been reported in 5 melanoma families from 3 continents: Europe, North America, and Australasia. The M53I mutation in exon 2 of CDKN2A has also been documented in 5 melanoma families from Australia and North America. The aim of this study was to determine whether the occurrence of the mutations in these families from geographically diverse populations represented mutation hotspots within CDKN2A or were due to common ancestors. Haplotypes of 11 microsatellite markers flanking CDKN2A were constructed in 5 families carrying the M53I mutation and 5 families carrying the 24bp duplication. There were some differences in the segregating haplotypes due primarily to recombinations and mutations within the short tandem-repeat markers; however, the data provide evidence to indicate that there were at least 3 independent 24bp duplication events and possibly only 1 original M53I mutation. This is the first study to date which indicates common founders in melanoma families from different continents.
Most urban dwelling Australians take secure and safe water supplies for granted. That is, they have an adequate quantity of water at a quality that can be used by people without harm from human and animal wastes, salinity and hardness or pollutants from agriculture and manufacturing industries. Australia wide urban and peri-urban dwellers use safe water for all domestic as well as industrial purposes. However, this is not the situation remote regions in Australia where availability and poor quality water can be a development constraint. Nor is it the case in Sri Lanka where people in rural regions are struggling to obtain a secure supply of water, irrespective of it being safe because of the impact of faecal and other contaminants. The purposes of this paper are to overview: the population and environmental health challenges arising from the lack of safe water in rural and remote communities; response pathways to address water quality issues; and the status of and need for integrated catchment management (ICM) in selected remote regions of Australia and vulnerable and lagging rural regions in Sri Lanka. Conclusions are drawn that focus on the opportunity for inter-regional collaborations between Australia and Sri Lanka for the delivery of safe water through ICM.
Road construction and maintenance activities present challenges for ensuring the safety of workers and the traveling public alike. Hazards in work zones are typically studied using historical crash records but the current study took a qualitative approach by interviewing 66 workers from various work zones in Queensland, Australia. This supplemented and enhanced the limited available data regarding the frequency and nature of work zone crashes in Australia, provided worker insights into contributing factors, and assessed their opinions on the likely effectiveness of current or future approaches to hazard mitigation. Workers may not be aware of objective data regarding effectiveness, but their attitudes and consequent levels of compliance can influence both the likelihood of implementation and the outcomes of safety measures. Despite the potential importance of worker perceptions, they have not been studied comprehensively to date, and thus this study fills a significant gap in the literature. Excessive vehicle speeds, driver distraction and aggression towards roadworkers, working in wet weather, at night and close to traffic stream were among the most common hazards noted by workers. The safety measures perceived to be most effective included police presence, active enforcement, and improving driver awareness and education about work zones. Worker perceptions differed according to their level of exposure to hazards.
Shared aetiopathogenic factors among immune-mediated diseases have long been suggested by their co-familiality and co-occurrence, and molecular support has been provided by analysis of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes and genome-wide association studies. The interrelationships can now be better appreciated following the genotyping of large immune disease sample sets on a shared SNP array: the 'Immunochip'. Here, we systematically analyse loci shared among major immune-mediated diseases. This reveals that several diseases share multiple susceptibility loci, but there are many nuances. The most associated variant at a given locus frequently differs and, even when shared, the same allele often has opposite associations. Interestingly, risk alleles conferring the largest effect sizes are usually disease-specific. These factors help to explain why early evidence of extensive 'sharing' is not always reflected in epidemiological overlap. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Copy number variants (CNVs) account for a major proportion of human genetic polymorphism and have been predicted to have an important role in genetic susceptibility to common disease. To address this we undertook a large, direct genome-wide study of association between CNVs and eight common human diseases. Using a purpose-designed array we typed 19,000 individuals into distinct copy-number classes at 3,432 polymorphic CNVs, including an estimated 50% of all common CNVs larger than 500 base pairs. We identified several biological artefacts that lead to false-positive associations, including systematic CNV differences between DNAs derived from blood and cell lines. Association testing and follow-up replication analyses confirmed three loci where CNVs were associated with diseaseIRGM for Crohns disease, HLA for Crohns disease, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, and TSPAN8 for type 2 diabetesalthough in each case the locus had previously been identified in single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based studies, reflecting our observation that most common CNVs that are well-typed on our array are well tagged by SNPs and so have been indirectly explored through SNP studies. We conclude that common CNVs that can be typed on existing platforms are unlikely to contribute greatly to the genetic basis of common human diseases. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.