949 resultados para Commercial software


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Key topics: Since the birth of the Open Source movement in the mid-80's, open source software has become more and more widespread. Amongst others, the Linux operating system, the Apache web server and the Firefox internet explorer have taken substantial market shares to their proprietary competitors. Open source software is governed by particular types of licenses. As proprietary licenses only allow the software's use in exchange for a fee, open source licenses grant users more rights like the free use, free copy, free modification and free distribution of the software, as well as free access to the source code. This new phenomenon has raised many managerial questions: organizational issues related to the system of governance that underlie such open source communities (Raymond, 1999a; Lerner and Tirole, 2002; Lee and Cole 2003; Mockus et al. 2000; Tuomi, 2000; Demil and Lecocq, 2006; O'Mahony and Ferraro, 2007;Fleming and Waguespack, 2007), collaborative innovation issues (Von Hippel, 2003; Von Krogh et al., 2003; Von Hippel and Von Krogh, 2003; Dahlander, 2005; Osterloh, 2007; David, 2008), issues related to the nature as well as the motivations of developers (Lerner and Tirole, 2002; Hertel, 2003; Dahlander and McKelvey, 2005; Jeppesen and Frederiksen, 2006), public policy and innovation issues (Jullien and Zimmermann, 2005; Lee, 2006), technological competitions issues related to standard battles between proprietary and open source software (Bonaccorsi and Rossi, 2003; Bonaccorsi et al. 2004, Economides and Katsamakas, 2005; Chen, 2007), intellectual property rights and licensing issues (Laat 2005; Lerner and Tirole, 2005; Gambardella, 2006; Determann et al., 2007). A major unresolved issue concerns open source business models and revenue capture, given that open source licenses imply no fee for users. On this topic, articles show that a commercial activity based on open source software is possible, as they describe different possible ways of doing business around open source (Raymond, 1999; Dahlander, 2004; Daffara, 2007; Bonaccorsi and Merito, 2007). These studies usually look at open source-based companies. Open source-based companies encompass a wide range of firms with different categories of activities: providers of packaged open source solutions, IT Services&Software Engineering firms and open source software publishers. However, business models implications are different for each of these categories: providers of packaged solutions and IT Services&Software Engineering firms' activities are based on software developed outside their boundaries, whereas commercial software publishers sponsor the development of the open source software. This paper focuses on open source software publishers' business models as this issue is even more crucial for this category of firms which take the risk of investing in the development of the software. Literature at last identifies and depicts only two generic types of business models for open source software publishers: the business models of ''bundling'' (Pal and Madanmohan, 2002; Dahlander 2004) and the dual licensing business models (Välimäki, 2003; Comino and Manenti, 2007). Nevertheless, these business models are not applicable in all circumstances. Methodology: The objectives of this paper are: (1) to explore in which contexts the two generic business models described in literature can be implemented successfully and (2) to depict an additional business model for open source software publishers which can be used in a different context. To do so, this paper draws upon an explorative case study of IdealX, a French open source security software publisher. This case study consists in a series of 3 interviews conducted between February 2005 and April 2006 with the co-founder and the business manager. It aims at depicting the process of IdealX's search for the appropriate business model between its creation in 2000 and 2006. This software publisher has tried both generic types of open source software publishers' business models before designing its own. Consequently, through IdealX's trials and errors, I investigate the conditions under which such generic business models can be effective. Moreover, this study describes the business model finally designed and adopted by IdealX: an additional open source software publisher's business model based on the principle of ''mutualisation'', which is applicable in a different context. Results and implications: Finally, this article contributes to ongoing empirical work within entrepreneurship and strategic management on open source software publishers' business models: it provides the characteristics of three generic business models (the business model of bundling, the dual licensing business model and the business model of mutualisation) as well as conditions under which they can be successfully implemented (regarding the type of product developed and the competencies of the firm). This paper also goes further into the traditional concept of business model used by scholars in the open source related literature. In this article, a business model is not only considered as a way of generating incomes (''revenue model'' (Amit and Zott, 2001)), but rather as the necessary conjunction of value creation and value capture, according to the recent literature about business models (Amit and Zott, 2001; Chresbrough and Rosenblum, 2002; Teece, 2007). Consequently, this paper analyses the business models from these two components' point of view.


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Packaged software is pre-built with the intention of licensing it to users in domestic settings and work organisations. This thesis focuses upon the work organisation where packaged software has been characterised as one of the latest ‘solutions’ to the problems of information systems. The study investigates the packaged software selection process that has, to date, been largely viewed as objective and rational. In contrast, this interpretive study is based on a 21⁄2 year long field study of organisational experiences with packaged software selection at T.Co, a consultancy organisation based in the United Kingdom. Emerging from the iterative process of case study and action research is an alternative theory of packaged software selection. The research argues that packaged software selection is far from the rationalistic and linear process that previous studies suggest. Instead, the study finds that aspects of the traditional process of selection incorporating the activities of gathering requirements, evaluation and selection based on ‘best fit’ may or may not take place. Furthermore, even where these aspects occur they may not have equal weight or impact upon implementation and usage as may be expected. This is due to the influence of those multiple realities which originate from the organisational and market environments within which packages are created, selected and used, the lack of homogeneity in organisational contexts and the variously interpreted characteristics of the package in question.


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This study investigated the cool roof technology effects on annual energy saving of a large one-storey commercial building in Queensland, Australia. A computer model of the case study was developed using commercial software by using the appropriate geometrical and thermal building specifications. Field study data were used to validate the model. The model was then used to extend the investigation to other cities in various Australian climate zones. The results of this research show that significant energy savings can be obtained using cool roof technology, particularly in warm, sunny climates, and the thesis can contribute to provide a guideline for application of cool roof technology to single-storey commercial building throughout Australia.


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Three dimensional digital model of a representative human kidney is needed for a surgical simulator that is capable of simulating a laparoscopic surgery involving kidney. Buying a three dimensional computer model of a representative human kidney, or reconstructing a human kidney from an image sequence using commercial software, both involve (sometimes significant amount of) money. In this paper, author has shown that one can obtain a three dimensional surface model of human kidney by making use of images from the Visible Human Data Set and a few free software packages (ImageJ, ITK-SNAP, and MeshLab in particular). Images from the Visible Human Data Set, and the software packages used here, both do not cost anything. Hence, the practice of extracting the geometry of a representative human kidney for free, as illustrated in the present work, could be a free alternative to the use of expensive commercial software or to the purchase of a digital model.


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Na década de 90 com o aumento da capacidade de processamento e memória dos computadores, surgiu a fotogrametria digital, que tem como objetivo principal o mapeamento automático das feições naturais e artificiais do terreno, utilizando a imagem fotogramétrica digital como fonte primária de dados. As soluções fotogramétricas se tornaram mais compactas e versáteis. A estação fotogramétrica digital educacional E-FOTO é um projeto multidisciplinar, em desenvolvimento no laboratório de Fotogrametria Digital da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que se baseia em dois pilares: autoaprendizado e gratuidade. Este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de avaliar a qualidade das medições fotogramétricas utilizando a versão integrada 1.0β do E-FOTO. Para isso foram utilizados dois blocos de fotografias de regiões distintas do planeta: um bloco de fotografias (2005) do município de Seropédica-RJ e um bloco de fotografias antigas (1953) da região de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha. Os resultados obtidos com o E-FOTO foram comparados com os resultados do software comercial de fotogrametria digital Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS 2010) e com as coordenadas no espaço-objeto de pontos medidos com posicionamento global por satélite (verdade de campo). Sendo possível avaliar as metodologias dos softwares na obtenção dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e na determinação da exatidão das coordenadas no espaço-objeto dos pontos de verificação obtidas no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO. Os resultados obtidos com a versão integrada 1.0β do E-FOTO na determinação dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e no cálculo das coordenadas dos pontos de verificação, sem a inclusão dos parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração são compatíveis com o processamento realizado com o software LPS. As diferenças dos parâmetros X0 e Y0 obtidos na orientação exterior com o E-FOTO, quando comparados com os obtidos com o LPS, incluindo os parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração da câmara fotogramétrica, não são significativas. Em função da qualidade dos resultados obtidos e de acordo com o Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica, seria possível obter um documento cartográfico Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe B em relação à altimetria na escala 1/10.000, com o projeto Rural e Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe C em relação à altimetria na escala 1/25.000, com o Projeto Santiago de Compostela. As coordenadas tridimensionais (E, N e H) dos pontos de verificação obtidas fotogrametricamente no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO, podem ser consideradas equivalentes as medidas com tecnologia de posicionamento por satélites.


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The objective of the present article is to identify and discuss the possibilities of using qualitative data analysis software in the framework of procedures proposed by SDI (socio-discursive interactionism), emphasizing free distribuited software or free versions of commercial software. A literature review of software for qualitative data analysis in the area of social sciences and humanities, focusing on language studies is presented. Some tools, such as: Wef-tQDA, MLCT, Yoshikoder and Tropes are examined with their respective features and functions. The software called Tropes is examined in more detail because of its particular relation with language and semantic analysis, as well as its embeded classification of linguistic elements such as, types of verbs, adjectives, modalizations, etc. Although trying to completely automate an SDI based analysis is not feasible, the programs appear to be powerful helpers in analyzing specific questions. Still, it seems important to be familiar with software options and use different applications in order to obtain a more diversified vision of the data. It is up to the researcher to be critical of the analysis provided by the machine.


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Descreve a implementação de um software de reconhecimento de voz para o Português Brasileiro. Dentre os objetivos do trabalho tem-se a construção de um sistema de voz contínua para grandes vocabulários, apto a ser usado em aplicações em tempo-real. São apresentados os principais conceitos e características de tais sistemas, além de todos os passos necessários para construção. Como parte desse trabalho foram produzidos e disponibilizados vários recursos: modelos acústicos e de linguagem, novos corpora de voz e texto. O corpus de texto vem sendo construído através da extração e formatação automática de textos de jornais na Internet. Além disso, foram produzidos dois corpora de voz, um baseado em audiobooks e outro produzido especificamente para simular testes em tempo-real. O trabalho também propõe a utilização de técnicas de adaptação de locutor para resolução de problemas de descasamento acústico entre corpora de voz. Por último, é apresentada uma interface de programação de aplicativos que busca facilitar a utilização do decodificador Julius. Testes de desempenho são apresentados, comparando os sistemas desenvolvidos e um software comercial.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The following paper means to develop a program to make structural analysis of space trusses. The program to be implemented was based on the concepts of the finite element method and used the programing resources of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for the Excel Software®. Being Excel® a software of easy access, low cost, capacity to make matrix calculations and with advanced resources of VBA programing, it is possible to develop an economic solution, efficient and precise for structural analysis of space trusses. Firstly is presented a finite elemento method and the space truss. Then is developed a few important algorithms to be used during the development of the program and also the use of a few resources of VBA. And to validate the quality, efficiency and precision of the results, these are compared with the established commercial software Ansys


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In Brazil, The power generation has always depended on the rivers, in other words, there are moments that the power generation can vary, which can cause variations in energy supply and even blackout according to the level of water in the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants. For this reason, many options has been studied, like our example, which is about a combined cycle power plant in Canas. The use of combined cycle is interesting from the point o view of energy, because its efficiency is between 50 and 60%, and from the point of view of environment, because it can burn natural gas, which is cleaner than coal, it reduces the emission of gases that influence on the greenhouse effect. This work aims to perform a technical analysis of a case study of a power plant proposed to be built in Canas by the AES/AES Tietê Group. For the analysis will be used the commercial software GateCycle 6.0.0 from GE, this software has the power of simulating power generation cycles (nuclear, combined, etc.). The energy department of UNESP has the license, which makes possible the academic use of this tool. Two combined cycles were simulated, one using one pressure level HRSG, and another one closer to the real power plant, which is a combined cycle with a three pressure level HRSG. The results were close to expected, for the combined cycle with one pressure HRSG the power was 513,9 MW and a efficiency of 53,27%, in the case with the three pressure level HRSG the power was 517,1 MW and a efficiency of 53,5%. We conclude that the software requires that the user must have the knowledge about the subjects involved in the use of GateCycle in problems resolutions


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We present an algorithm to process images of reflected Placido rings captured by a commercial videokeratoscope. Raw data are obtained with no Cartesian-to-polar-coordinate conversion, thus avoiding interpolation and associated numerical artifacts. The method provides a characteristic equation for the device and is able to process around 6 times more corneal data than the commercial software. Our proposal allows complete control over the whole process from the capture of corneal images until the computation of curvature radii.


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The document begins by describing the problem of budget information units and the high cost of commercial software that specializes in library automation. Describes the origins of free software and its meaning. Mentioned the three levels of automation in library: catalog automation, generation of repositories and full automation. Mentioned the various free software applications for each of the levels and offers a number of advantages and disadvantages in the use of these products. Concludes that the automation project is hard but full of satisfaction, emphasizing that there is no cost-free project, because if it is true that free software is free, there are other costs related to implementation, training and commissioning project progress.


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There are many studies that reveal the nature of design thinking and the nature of conceptual design as distinct from detailed or embodiment design. The results can assist in our understanding of how the process of design can be supported and how new technologies can be introduced into the workplace. Existing studies provide limited information about the nature of collaborative design as it takes place on the ground and in the actual working context. How to provide appropriate and effective of support for collaborative design information sharing across companies, countries and heterogeneous computer systems is a key issue. As data are passed between designers and the computer systems they employ, many exchanges are made. These exchanges may be used to establish measures of the benefits that new support systems can bring. Collaboration support tools represent a fast growing section of the commercial software market place and a reasonable range of products are available. Many of them offer significant application to design for the support of distributed meetings by the provision of video and audio communications and the sharing of information, including collaborative sketching. The tools that specifically support 3D models and other very design specific features are less common and many of those are in prototype stages of development. A key question is to find viable ways of combining design information visualisation support with the collaboration support technologies that can be seen today. When collaborating, different views will need to be accessible at different times to all the collaborators. The architects may want to explain some ideas on their model, the structural engineers on their model and so on. However, there are issues of ownership when the structural engineer wants to manipulate the architect’s model and vice versa. The modes of working, synchronous or asynchronous may have a bearing as in a synchronous session there is control of what is happening.


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Current software tools for documenting and developing models of buildings focus on supporting a single user who is a specialist in the specific software used within their own discipline. Extensions to these tools for use by teams maintain the single discipline view and focus on version and file management. There is a perceived need in industry to have tools that specifically support collaboration among individuals from multiple disciplines with both a graphical representation of the design and a persistent data model. This project involves the development of a prototype of such a software tool. We have identified multi-user 3D virtual worlds as an appropriate software base for the development of a collaborative design tool. These worlds are inherently multi-user and therefore directly support collaboration through a sense of awareness of others in the virtual world, their location within the world, and provide various channels for direct and indirect communication. Such software platforms also provide a 3D building and modelling environment that can be adapted to the needs of the building and construction industry. DesignWorld is a prototype system for collaborative design developed by augmenting the Second Life (SL) commercial software platform1 with a collection web-based tools for communication and design. Agents manage communication between the 3D virtual world and the web-based tools. In addition, agents maintain a persistent external model of designs in the 3D world which can be augmented with data such as relationships, disciplines and versions not usually associated with 3D virtual worlds but required in design scenarios.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an information technology [IT] enabled approach to managing design data in the AEC/FM (Architecture, Engineering and Construction/ Facilities Management) industry. BIM enables improved interdisciplinary collaboration across distributed teams, intelligent documentation and information retrieval, greater consistency in building data, better conflict detection and enhanced facilities management. Despite the apparent benefits the adoption of BIM in practice has been slow. Workshops with industry focus groups were conducted to identify the industry needs, concerns and expectations from participants who had implemented BIM or were BIM “ready”. Factors inhibiting BIM adoption include lack of training, low business incentives, perception of lack of rewards, technological concerns, industry fragmentation related to uneven ICT adoption practices, contractual matters and resistance to changing current work practice. Successful BIM usage depends on collective adoption of BIM across the different disciplines and support by the client. The relationship of current work practices to future BIM scenarios was identified as an important strategy as the participants believed that BIM cannot be efficiently used with traditional practices and methods. The key to successful implementation is to explore the extent to which current work practices must change. Currently there is a perception that all work practices and processes must adopt and change for effective usage of BIM. It is acknowledged that new roles and responsibilities are emerging and that different parties will lead BIM on different projects. A contingency based approach to the problem of implementation was taken which relies upon integration of BIM project champion, procurement strategy, team capability analysis, commercial software availability/applicability and phase decision making and event analysis. Organizations need to understand: (a) their own work processes and requirements; (b) the range of BIM applications available in the market and their capabilities (c) the potential benefits of different BIM applications and their roles in different phases of the project lifecycle, and (d) collective supply chain adoption capabilities. A framework is proposed to support organizations selection of BIM usage strategies that meet their project requirements. Case studies are being conducted to develop the framework. The results of the preliminary design management case study is presented for contractor led BIM specific to the design and construct procurement strategy.