306 resultados para Comb


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Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)


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Glossocercus chelodinae (MacCallum, 1921) n. comb. is redescribed from fresh material recovered from the intestine of an Australian freshwater turtle, Chelodina expansa. G. chelodinae can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the shape of its rostellar hooks. it is suggested that this species has colonised fish-eating turtles from fish-eating birds. The morphological relationships among Parvitaenia, Bancroftiella and Glossocercus are discussed. The diagnosis of Bancroftiella is amended and marsupials are eliminated as hosts. Bancroftiella sudarikovi Spasskii & Yurpalova, 1970 becomes a synonym of Glossocercus glandularis (Fuhrmann, 1905); only B. tennis Johnston, 1911, the type-species, and B. ardeae Johnston, 1911 remain in the genus.


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The phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Comamonadaceae and several unclassified strains were studied by direct sequencing of their PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, members of the family formed a coherent group. The closest relatives are species of the Rubrivivax sub-group: Leptothrix discophora, Ideonella dechloratans and Rubrivivax gelatinosus. The genus Hydrogenophaga formed two subclusters, as did the species of Acidovorax, whereas the five species of the genus [Aquaspirillum] were polyphyletic. Comamonas acidovorans was phylogenetically distant from the type species of Comamonas, Comamonas terrigena. On the basis of this work and previous studies, Comamonas acidovorans is removed from the genus Comamonas and renamed as Delftia acidovorans gen. nov., comb, nov. Descriptions of the new genus Delftia and of the type species Delftia acidovorans, for which the type strain is ATCC 15668(T), are presented.


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Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence of Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp. largomobilis supports a phylogenetic relationship with the species of the genus Azospirillum. This confirms results of previous nucleic acid hybridization studies (FALK, E. C., J. L. JOHNSON, V. D. L. BALDANI, J. DOBEREINER, and N. R. KRIEG. 1986. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 36: 80-85). Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp. largomobilis was most closely related to the species Azospirillim lipoferum and Azospirillum brasilense but sufficiently distant to warrant separate species status. Conglomeromonas largomobilis subsp. parooensis was more distantly related to the existing species of Azospirillum and represents an isolated subline of descent. On the basis of the phylogenetic evidence a prosposal is made to transfer the subspecies Conglom-eromonas largomobilis subsp. largomobilis to the genus Azospirillum as Azospirillum largomobile comb. nov. and to retain the genus Conglomeromonas by elevating the subspecies C. largomobilis subsp. parooensis to the type species of Conglomeromonas as Conglomeromonas parooensis sp. nov.


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The budding bacterium Blastobacter natatorius belongs to the alpha-4 group of the Proteobacteria and clusters phylogenetically on a deep branch with Sphingomonas capsulata, with which it shares 93.9% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. On phylogenetic, phenotypic, and chemotaxonomic grounds a proposal is made to transfer B. natatorius to the genus Blastomonas gen, nov. as Blastomonas natatoria comb, nov.


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The digenean originally designated Lepidapedon (Lepidapedon) ostorhinchi is redescribed from its type-host, Oplegnathus woodwardi [= Ostorhinchus conwaii], from the waters off Western Australia. The discovery of a uroproct indicates that the generic designation is wrong and the worm should be Paralepidapedon ostorhinchi (Korotaeva, 1974) n. comb. It is distinct from its nearest relative, P. hoplognathi (Yamaguti, 1938), in having: a prominent post-oral ring; a distinct oesophagus; short anterior diverticula on the caeca; a long external seminal vesicle, ensheathed in a membrane bound gland-cell mass; and less anteriorly extensive vitellarium.


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A new genus, Weketrema, is erected in the family Lecithasteridae for the species hitherto known as Lecithophyllum hawniiense. Weket, ema hawaiiense (Yamaguti, 1970) comb, n. is redescribed from Scolopsis bilineatus (Bloch) (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) from Lizard Island and Heron Island, Queensland, Plectorhinchus gibbosus (Lacepede) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) from Heron Island and Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson (Perciformes: Cheilodactylidae) and Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau) (Perciformes: Latridae) from Stanley, northern Tasmania. The new genus is distinguished from related members of the family Lecithasteridae by its complete lack of a sinus-sac. Although placed in the subfamily Lecithasterinae pro tem, its true subfamily position is not entirely clear. Comment is made on its unusual distribution, both in terms of zoogeography and hosts.


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The ultrastructural features of the holotrichous ciliates inhabiting macropodid maruspials were investigated to resolve their morphological similarity to other trichostome ciliates with observed differences in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences. The ultrastructure of Amylovorax dehorityi nov. comb. (formerly Dasytricha dehorityi) was determined by transmission electron microscopy. The somatic kineties are composed of monokinetids whose microtubules show a typical litostome pattern. The somatic cortex is composed of ridges which separate kinety rows, granular ectoplasm and a basal layer of hydrogenosomes lining the tela corticalis. The vestibulum is an invagination of the pellicle lined down one side with kineties (invaginated extensions of the somatic kineties); transverse tubules line the surface of the vestibulum and small nematodesmata surround it forming a cone-like network of struts. Cytoplasmic organelles include hydrogenosomes, irregularly shaped contractile vacuoles surrounded by a sparse spongioplasm, food vacuoles containing bacteria and large numbers of starch granules. This set of characteristics differs sufficiently from those of isotrichids and members of the genus Dasytricha to justify the erection of a new genus (Amylovorax) and a new family (Amylovoracidae). Dasytricha dehorityi, D. dogieli and D. mundayi are reassigned to the new genus Amylovorax and a new species A. quokka is erected. While the gross morphological similarities between Amylovorax and Dasytricha may be explained by convergent evolution, ultrastructural features indicate that these two genera have probably diverged independently from haptorian ancestors by successive reduction of the cortical and vestibular support structures.


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Intraerythrocytic bodies identified as haemogregarine gamonts were found in 29% of 97 brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) examined during a haematological survey of reptiles in Australasia during 1994-1998. The morphological characteristics of the parasites were consistent with those of Haemogregarina boigae Mackerras, 1961, although the gamonts were slightly larger and lacked red caps but contained distinctive polar grey capsules. Gamonts did not distend host cells but laterally displaced their nuclei. They were contained within parasitophorous vacuoles and possessed typical apicomplexan organelles, including a conoid, polar rings, rhoptries and micronemes. Schizonts producing up to 30 merozoites were detected in endothelial cells of the lungs of 11 snakes. The absence of erythrocytic schizogony suggests the parasites belong to the genus Hepatozoon. Electron microscopy also revealed the presence of curious encapsulated organisms in degenerating erythrocytes. These stages did not possess apical complex organelles and were surrounded by thick walls containing circumferential junctions and interposed strips reminiscent of oocyst sutures.


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SignalProcessing, Vol. 81, nº 3


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The study of the type material of Chironomus (Polypedilum) griseistriatum Edwards, 1931 described from Patagonia lead us to formally transfer the species to Apedilum Townes, 1945 as a new combination, and a reared specimen allows us to describe its pupa. Based on several larvae belonging to Apedilum collected in the proximity of the localities in which the adults and pupae were found, we tentatively describe the larval stage. Subfossil larval head capsules of the same species were found in Laguna Stibnite at 46°S in Chile dated to about 2,500 years ago and in Puerto Blest, Lago Nahuel Huapi at 41°S in Argentina dated about 2,000 years ago. We discuss the habitat of the species based on both modern and subfossil material. Identification keys to male adult, pupae and fourth instar larvae are also provided.


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O autor reestuda a espécie Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921) parasita de pulmões de Callithrix jacchus (mico-estrela). Trata-se da segunda observação destes parasitas. É feito um resumo histórico destes metastrongilídeos de pulmão de macacos. O autor complementa ainda a descrição original de Travassos e faz observações sobre a patogenia determinada pelos vermes no pulmão do macaco. É proposta uma nova combinação: a espécie é transferida do gênero Filaroides Van Beneden, 1858 para o gênero Filariopsis Van Thiel, 1926, em vista de apresentar três lábios na face oral; estes vermes passam a chamar-se Filariopsis barretoi (Travassos, 1921) Rego, 1974.


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Os autores redescrevem e apresentam figuras originais do exemplar tipo de Stephanoprora singularis (Lutz, 1924) propondo uma nova combinação: Equinoparyphium singularis (Lutz, 1924) comb. n.