985 resultados para Columnar liquid crystals


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Discotic molecules comprising a rigid aromatic core and flexible side chains have been promisingly applied in OLEDs as self-organizing organic semiconductors. Due to their potentially high charge carrier mobility along the columns, device performance can be readily improved by proper alignment of columns throughout the bulk. In the present work, the charge mobility was increased by 5 orders of magnitude due to homeotropic columnar ordering induced by the boundary interfaces during thermal annealing in the mesophase. State-of-the-art diodes were fabricated using spin-coated films whose homeotropic alignment with formation of hexagonal germs was observed by polarizing optical microscopy. The photophysical properties showed drastic changes at the mesophase-isotropic transition, which is supported by the gain of order observed by X-ray diffraction. The electrical properties were investigated by modeling the current−voltage characteristics by a space-charge-limited current transport with a field dependent mobility.


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Recent optical kerr effect (OKE) studies have demonstrated that orientational relaxation of rod-like nematogens exhibits temporal power law decay at intermediate times not only near the isotropic–nematic (I–N) phase boundary but also in the nematic phase. Such behaviour has drawn an intriguing analogy with supercooled liquids. We have investigated both collective and single-particle orientational dynamics of a family of model system of thermotropic liquid crystals using extensive computer simulations. Several remarkable features of glassy dynamics are on display including non-exponential relaxation, dynamical heterogeneity, and non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time. Over a temperature range near the I–N phase boundary, the system behaves remarkably like a fragile glass-forming liquid. Using proper scaling, we construct the usual relaxation time versus inverse temperature plot and explicitly demonstrate that one can successfully define a density dependent fragility of liquid crystals. The fragility of liquid crystals shows a temperature and density dependence which is remarkably similar to the fragility of glass forming supercooled liquids. Energy landscape analysis of inherent structures shows that the breakdown of the Arrhenius temperature dependence of relaxation rate occurs at a temperature that marks the onset of the growth of the depth of the potential energy minima explored by the system. A model liquid crystal, consisting of disk-like molecules, has also been investigated in molecular dynamics simulations for orientational relaxation along two isobars starting from the high temperature isotropic phase. The isobars have been so chosen that the phase sequence isotropic (I)–nematic (N)–columnar (C) appears upon cooling along one of them and the sequence isotropic (I)–columnar(C) along the other. While the orientational relaxation in the isotropic phase near the I–N phase transition shows a power law decay at short to intermediate times, such power law relaxation is not observed in the isotropic phase near the I–C phase boundary. The origin of the power law decay in the single-particle second-rank orientational time correlation function (OTCF) is traced to the growth of the orientational pair distribution functions near the I–N phase boundary. As the system settles into the nematic phase, the decay of the single-particle second-rank orientational OTCF follows a pattern that is similar to what is observed with calamitic liquid crystals and supercooled molecular liquids.


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Colloidal systems with competing interactions are known to exhibit a range of dynamically arrested states because of the systems' inability to reach its underlying equilibrium state due to intrinsic frustration. Graphene oxide (GO) aqueous dispersions constitute a class of 2D-anisotropic colloids with competing interactions long-range electrostatic repulsion, originating from ionized groups located on the rim of the sheets, and weak dispersive attractive interactions originating from the unoxidized graphitic domains. We show here that aqueous dispersions of GO exhibit a range of arrested states, encompassing fluid, glass, and gels that coexist with liquid-crystalline order with increasing volume fraction. These states can be accessed by varying the relative magnitudes of the repulsive and attractive forces. This can be realized by changing the ionic strength of the medium. We observe at low salt concentrations, where long-range electrostatic repulsion dominates, the formation of a repulsive Wigner glass, while at high salt concentrations, when attractive forces dominate, the formation of gels exhibits a nematic to columnar liquid-crystalline transition. The present work highlights how the chemical structure of GO hydrophilic ionizable groups and hydrophobic graphitic domains coexisting on a single sheet gives rise to a rich and complex array of arrested states.


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5,10,15,20-Tetra-[(p-alkoxy-m-ethyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin and [5-(p-alkoxy)phenyl-10,15,20-tri-phenyl]porphyrin and their holmium(III) complexes are reported. They display a hexagonal columnar discotic columnar Col(h)) liquid crystal phase and were studied by cyclic voltammetry, surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS), electric-field-induced surface photovoltage spectroscopy (EFISPS) and luminescence spectroscopy. Within the accessible potential window, all these compounds exhibit two one-electron reversible redox reactions. Quantum yields of Q band are in the region 0.0045-0.21 at room temperature. The SPS and EFISPS reveal that all the compounds are p-type semiconductors and exhibit photovoltaic response due to pi-pi* electron transitions.


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Tetracatenar liquid crystals were obtained by substituting the 1,10-phenanthroline central core unit at the 3- and 8-positions by extended, rigid acetylene moieties, equipped at the termini with two alkoxy chains of various lengths (n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14). The liquid crystals exhibit a rich mesomorphism including smectic C, cubic, hexagonal and rectangular columnar phases, depending on the alkoxy chain length. The corresponding rhenium(I) complexes containing the bulky [ReBr(CO)3] fragment are not liquid-crystalline. The ligands and rhenium(I) complexes were investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Both the ligands and the rhenium(I) complexes can be self-assembled into monolayers at the TCB–graphite and octanoic acid–graphite interfaces. The ligands and rhenium(I) complexes are luminescent.


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N-Alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium cations have been used for the design of ionic liquid crystals, including a new type of uranium-containing metallomesogen. Pyrrolidinium salts with bromide, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide, tetrafluoroborate, hexafluorophosphate, thiocyanate, tetrakis(2-thenoyltrifluoroacetonato)europate(III) and tetrabromouranyl] counteranions were prepared. For the bromide salts and tetrabromouranyl compounds, the chain length of the alkyl group CnH2n+1 was varied from eight to twenty carbon atoms (n =8. 10-20). The compounds show rich mesomorphic behaviour: highly ordered smectic phases (the crystal smectic E phase and the uncommon crystal smectic T phase), smectic A phases, and hexagonal. columnar phases were observed, depending on chain length and anion. This work gives better insight into the nature and formation of the crystal smectic T phase, and the Molecular requirements for the appearance of this highly ordered phase. This uncommon tetragonal mesophase is thoroughly discussed on the basis of detailed powder X-ray diffraction experiments and in relation to the existing literature. Structural models are proposed for self-assembly of the molecules within the smectic layers. In addition, the photophysical properties of the compounds containing a metal complex anion were investigated. For the uranium-containing mesogens, luminescence can be induced by dissolving them in an ionic: liquid matrix. The europium-containing compound shows intense red photoluminescence with high colour Purity.


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A series of new columnar discotic liquid crystalline materials based on the superphenalene (C96) core has been synthesized by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation with iron(III) chloride of suitable three-dimensional oligophenylene precursors. These compounds were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), and showed highly ordered supramolecular arrays and mesophase behavior over a broad temperature range. Good solubility, through the introduction of long alkyl chains, and the fact that these new superphenalene derivatives were found to be liquid crystalline at room temperature enabled the formation of highly ordered films (using the zone-casting technique), a requirement for application in organic electronic devices. The one-dimensional, intracolumnar charge carrier mobilities of superphenalene derivatives were determined using the pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity technique (PR-TRMC). Electrical properties of different C96-C12 architectures on mica surfaces were examined by using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM). Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (C42) derivatives substituted at the periphery with six branched alkyl ether chains were also synthesized. It was found that the introduction of ether groups within the side chains enhances the affinity of the discotic molecules towards polar surfaces, resulting in homeotropic self-assembly (as shown by POM and 2D-WAXS) when the compounds are processed from the isotropic state between two surfaces. A new, insoluble, superphenalene building block bearing six reactive sites was prepared, and was further used for the preparation of dendronized superphenalenes with bulky dendritic substituents around the core. UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments suggest reduced π-π stacking of the superphenalene cores as a result of steric hindrance between the peripheral dendritic units. A new family of graphitic molecules with partial ”zig-zag” periphery has been established. The incorporation of ”zig-zag” edges was shown to have a strong influence on the electronic properties of the new molecules (as studied by solution and solid-state UV/Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy), leading to a significant bathochromic shift with respect to the parent PAHs (C42 and C96). The reactivity of the additional double bonds was examined. The attachment of long alkyl chains to a ”zig-zag” superphenalene core afforded a new, processable, liquid crystalline material.


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Liquid crystals (LCs) represent a challenging group of materials for direct transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies due to the complications in specimen preparation and the severe radiation damage. In this paper, we summarize a series of specimen preparation methods, including thin film and cryo-sectioning approaches, as a comprehensive toolset enabling high-resolution direct cryo-TEM observation of a broad range of LCs. We also present comparative analysis using cryo-TEM and replica freeze-fracture TEM on both thermotropic and lyotropic LCs. In addition to the revisits of previous practices, some new concepts are introduced, e.g., suspended thermotropic LC thin films, combined high-pressure freezing and cryo-sectioning of lyotropic LCs, and the complementary applications of direct TEM and indirect replica TEM techniques. The significance of subnanometer resolution cryo-TEM observation is demonstrated in a few important issues in LC studies, including providing direct evidences for the existence of nanoscale smectic domains in nematic bent-core thermotropic LCs, comprehensive understanding of the twist-bend nematic phase, and probing the packing of columnar aggregates in lyotropic chromonic LCs. Direct TEM observation opens ways to a variety of TEM techniques, suggesting that TEM (replica, cryo, and in situ techniques), in general, may be a promising part of the solution to the lack of effective structural probe at the molecular scale in LC studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:754-772, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Proton NMR spectra of 1,3-diazanaphthalene and 1,2,4-triazanaphthalene have been investigated in the nematic phase of three liquid crystals. The spectral analysis provided direct dipole-dipole couplings which have been used to derive the molecular structure. Geometry of the phenyl ring in both the molecules deviates from the regular hexagonal structure. Signs of the order parameter of the largest magnitude are opposite in liquid crystals with positive diamagetic anisotropies.


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It is shown that cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures can be used as convenient solvents in NMR experiments for the determination of molecular structure. The advantages of such solvents are pointed out. The application is demonstrated for acetonitrile; the value for the HCH bond angle thus determined is 108.8°.


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The use of more than one liquid crystal solvents to determine molecular structure and conformation is discussed. Liquid crystals of similar and opposite signs of diamagnetic anisotropies are considered separately since they lead to different novel applications. Advantages of such experiments over those employing single solvents are pointed out with illustrative examples.


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ZLI-1167 is a ternary mixture of nematic liquid crystals with negative diamagnetic anisotropy. It has, therefore, been used as a solvent where the spinning of the samples around the vertical axis in the conventional electromagnets without destroying the orientation of the dissolved molecules is possible in NMR experiments. This results in sharp lines with widths up to 1 Hz in the spectra.1,2 In an NMR system using a superconducting magnet (where the magnetic field direction is along the axis of spinning of the sample), it is possible to use even the nematic liquid crystals with positive diamagnetic anisotropy such as N-(p'-methoxybenzylidene)-p-n-butylaniline (MBBA) or N-(p'-ethoxybenzylidene)-p-n-butylaniline (EBBA) to obtain the spectra with sample spinning with equally sharp lines.3 The orientational behaviour of the dissolved molecules as a function of relative concentrations of the two solvents is investigated and the results are reported in the present communication.


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The NMR spectra of 2-fluoropyridine in two nematic liquid crystal solvents have been investigated. The direct dipole-dipole coupling constants thus derived have been used to obtain the structural information. The values of the interproton distance ratios arc found to be similar to those in pyridine. The results indicate negligible anisotropic contributions of lH-l9F indirect couplings.