977 resultados para Colour Vision


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This paper proposes a vision‐based autonomous move‐to‐grasp approach for a compact mobile manipulator under some low and small environments. The visual information of specified object with a radial symbol and an overhead colour block is extracted from two CMOS cameras in an embedded way. Furthermore, the mobile platform and the postures of the manipulator are adjusted continuously by vision‐based control, which drives the mobile manipulator approaching the object. When the mobile manipulator is sufficiently close to the object, only the manipulator moves to grasp the object based on the incremental movement with its head end centre of the end‐effector conforming to a Bezier curve. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by experiments.


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Colour is an important factor in food detection and acquisition by animals using visually based foraging. Colour can be used to identify the suitability of a food source or improve the efficiency of food detection, and can even be linked to mate choice. Food colour preferences are known to exist, but whether these preferences are heritable and how these preferences evolve is unknown. Using the freshwater fish Poecilia reticulata, we artificially selected for chase behaviour towards two different-coloured moving stimuli: red and blue spots. A response to selection was only seen for chase behaviours towards the red, with realized heritabilities ranging from 0.25 to 0.30. Despite intense selection, no significant chase response was recorded for the blue-selected lines. This lack of response may be due to the motion-detection mechanism in the guppy visual system and may have novel implications for the evolvability of responses to colour-related signals. The behavioural response to several colours after five generations of selection suggests that the colour opponency system of the fish may regulate the response to selection.


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Pacientes que fazem uso de cloroquina ou hidróxi-cloroquina, drogas que são freqüentemente administradas para o tratamento de artrite reumatóide, lúpus eritrematoso ou malária, podem sofrer alterações na visão de cores e na sensibilidade de contraste. O presente estudo avaliou a função visual destes pacientes em um estudo conjunto da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), em São Paulo, e da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), em Belém. Trinta e dois pacientes usuários de cloroquina sem alterações no exame de fundo de olho foram avaliados em São Paulo (n=10, 38 a 71 anos, média=55,8 anos) e em Belém (n=22, 20 a 67 anos, média=40 anos). A dose acumulada de cloroquina prescrita foi de 45 a 430 g (média=213 g; dp=152 g) para o grupo de São Paulo, e de 36 a 540 g (média=174 g; dp=183 g) para o grupo de Belém. Os testes foram realizados monocularmente com o estado refracional corrigido. A discriminação de cor foi avaliada utilizando o Teste de Cor de Cambridge (CCT): o limiar de discriminação de cor foi mensurado primeiro nos eixos protano, deutano e tritano, e em seqüência, três elipses de MacAdam foram determinadas. A visão de cores dos pacientes também foi avaliada com testes de arranjo de cores: o teste de 100 matizes de Farnsworth-Munsell (FM100), o D15 de Farnsworth-Munsell, e o teste Lanthony Dessaturado (D15d). A sensibilidade de contraste foi também medida com grades senoidais preto-e-brancas em 22 pacientes. Os resultados foram comparados com controles sem patologias oftalmológicasou neuro-oftalomológicas. 24 pacientes apresentaram discromatopsia adquirida, com perdas seletivas (11 pessoas) ou difusas (13 pessoas). Embora as perdas estivessem presentes no FM100, não houve correlação entre o escore de erro do FM100 e a área elíptica medida pelo CCT. Além disso, três pacientes que tiveram escores normais no FM100 falharam para alcançar limiares normais no CCT. O teste de Lanthony foi menos sensível do que os outros dois testes, tal que falhou em indicar perda em cerca de metade dos pacientes afetados, e o D15 foi o teste menos sensível, deixando de indicar déficits em 9 de 10 pacientes. A sensibilidade de contraste esteve dentro dos valores normais para pacientes submetidos a este teste. A extensão das perdas na discriminação de cores foi positivamente correlacionada com a dose acumulada. O CCT é recomendado para o acompanhamento destes pacientes, pois forneceu dados quantitativos que podem ser diretamente interpretados no espaço cromático da CIE (Commission Internationelle d'Éclairage).


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Os testes Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) e Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) têm sido amplamente utilizados em pesquisas básicas e clínicas, devido à alta sensibilidade e especificidade de seus resultados. Estes testes utilizam diferentes paradigmas de estimulação para estimar os limiares de discriminação de cor. Pouco se sabe sobre a relação de cada paradigma na avaliação da discriminação de cor nesses testes. Sendo assim, este trabalho objetiva comparar os parâmetros de avaliação da discriminação de cor estimados pelos testes CAD e CCT em sujeitos tricromatas e com discromatopsia congênita. Foram avaliados 59 sujeitos tricromatas e 38 sujeitos discromatópsicos (16 protans, 22 deutans) com idade média de 26,32 ± 8,9 anos. Foram testados 66 sujeitos nos testes CAD e CCT, 29 sujeitos no teste CAD e 2 sujeitos no teste CCT. O fenótipo da visão de cores de todos os sujeitos foi determinado através de uma bateria de testes psicofísicos e a estimativa dos limiares de discriminação de cor foi avaliada pelos testes CAD e CCT. Os dados de limiares de discriminação de cor foram ajustados a funções de elipse. Os critérios analisados para cada sujeito foram: a área da elipse, o ângulo de rotação e tamanho dos vetores protan, deutan e tritan. Para cada um dos parâmetros foi realizada: estatística descritiva, análise da dispersão dos parâmetros entre os testes CAD e CCT e dos parâmetros em conjunto, razão entre os parâmetros, correlação dos parâmetros a três modelos matemáticos e análise de concordância. Os parâmetros de área e tamanho dos vetores deutan e tritan do subgrupo tricromata; área e tamanho do vetor tritan do subgrupo protan; e tamanho dos vetores protan e tritan do subgrupo deutan apresentaram equivalência entre os resultados de ambos os testes. Os parâmetros de área, ângulo de rotação e tamanho dos vetores protan e tritan apresentaram concordância de medidas entre os testes CAD e CCT. Fatores como as localizações distintas das coordenadas centrais dos testes CAD e CCT e a disposição espacial dos vetores no espaço de cor da CIE 1976 no teste CCT podem ter influenciado na determinação de limiares de discriminação cromática de ambos os testes. Apesar de utilizarem paradigmas distintos na configuração da estimulação, os testes CAD e CCT são equiparáveis.


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This longitudinal study addresses the reversibility of color vision losses in subjects who had been occupationally exposed to mercury vapor. Color discrimination was assessed in 20 Hg-exposed patients (mean age = 42.4 +/- 6.5 years; 6 females and 14 males) with exposure to Hg vapor during 10.5 +/- 5.3 years and away from the work place (relative to 2002) for 6.8 +/- 4.2 years. During the Hg exposure or up to one year after ceasing it, mean urinary Hg concentration was 47 +/- 35.4 mu g/g creatinine. There was no information on Hg urinary concentration at the time of the first tests, in 2002 (Ventura et al., 2005), but at the time of the follow-up tests, in 2005, this value was 1.4 +/- 1.4 mu g/g creatinine for patients compared with 0.5 +/- 0.5 mu g/g creatinine for controls (different group from the one in Ventura et al. (2005)). Color vision was monocularly assessed using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Hg-exposed patients had significantly worse color discrimination (p < 0.02) than controls, as evaluated by the size of MacAdam`s color discrimination ellipses and color discrimination thresholds along protan, deutan, and tritan confusion axes. There were no significant differences between the results of the study in Ventura et al. (2005) and in the present follow-up measurements, in 2005, except for worsening of the tritan thresholds in the best eye in 2005. Both chromatic systems, blue-yellow and red-green, were affected in the first evaluation (Ventura et al., 2005) and remained impaired in the follow-up testing, in 2005. These findings indicate that following a long-term occupational exposure to Hg vapor, even several years away from the source of intoxication, color vision impairment remains irreversible.


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We assessed chromatic discrimination in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients both with (ON) and without (no ON) a history of optic neuritis using the Cambridge color test (CCT). Our goal was to determine the magnitude and chromatic axes of any color vision losses in both patient groups, and to evaluate age-related changes in chromatic discrimination in both patient groups compared to normals. Using the CCT, we measured chromatic discrimination along the protan, deutan and tritan axes in 35 patients with MS (17 ON eyes) and 74 age matched controls. Color thresholds for both patient groups were significantly higher than controls` along the protan and tritan axes (P < 0.001). In addition, the ON and no-ON groups differed significantly along all three-color axes (p < 0.001). MS patients presented a progressive color discrimination impairment with age (along the deutan and tritan axes) that was almost two times faster than controls, even in the absence of ON. These findings suggest that demyelinating diseases reduce sensitivity to color vision in both red-green and blue-yellow axes, implying impairment in both parvocellular and koniocellular visual pathways. The CCT is a useful tool to help characterize vision losses in MS and the relationship between these losses and degree of optic nerve involvement.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the visual outcome of chronic occupational exposure to a mixture of organic solvents by measuring color discrimination, achromatic contrast sensitivity and visual fields in a group of gas station workers. We tested 25 workers (20 males) and 25 controls with no history of chronic exposure to solvents (10 males). All participants had normal ophthalmologic exams. Subjects had worked in gas stations on an average of 9.6 +/- 6.2 years. Color vision was evaluated with the Lanthony D15d and Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Visual field assessment consisted of white-on-white 24-2 automatic perimetry (Humphrey II-750i). Contrast sensitivity was measured for sinusoidal gratings of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 cycles per degree (cpd). Results from both groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. The number of errors in the D15d was higher for workers relative to controls (p<0.01). Their CCT color discrimination thresholds were elevated compared to the control group along the protan, deutan and tritan confusion axes (p<0.01), and their ellipse area and ellipticity were higher (p<0.01). Genetic analysis of subjects with very elevated color discrimination thresholds excluded congenital causes for the visual losses. Automated perimetry thresholds showed elevation in the 9 degrees, 15 degrees and 21 degrees of eccentricity (p<0.01) and in MD and PSD indexes (p<0.01). Contrast sensitivity losses were found for all spatial frequencies measured (p<0.01) except for 0.5 cpd. Significant correlation was found between previous working years and deutan axis thresholds (rho = 0.59; p<0.05), indexes of the Lanthony D15d (rho = 0.52; p<0.05), perimetry results in the fovea (rho = -0.51; p<0.05) and at 3, 9 and 15 degrees of eccentricity (rho = -0.46; p<0.05). Extensive and diffuse visual changes were found, suggesting that specific occupational limits should be created.


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When we actively explore the visual environment, our gaze preferentially selects regions characterized by high contrast and high density of edges, suggesting that the guidance of eye movements during visual exploration is driven to a significant degree by perceptual characteristics of a scene. Converging findings suggest that the selection of the visual target for the upcoming saccade critically depends on a covert shift of spatial attention. However, it is unclear whether attention selects the location of the next fixation uniquely on the basis of global scene structure or additionally on local perceptual information. To investigate the role of spatial attention in scene processing, we examined eye fixation patterns of patients with spatial neglect during unconstrained exploration of natural images and compared these to healthy and brain-injured control participants. We computed luminance, colour, contrast, and edge information contained in image patches surrounding each fixation and evaluated whether they differed from randomly selected image patches. At the global level, neglect patients showed the characteristic ipsilesional shift of the distribution of their fixations. At the local level, patients with neglect and control participants fixated image regions in ipsilesional space that were closely similar with respect to their local feature content. In contrast, when directing their gaze to contralesional (impaired) space neglect patients fixated regions of significantly higher local luminance and lower edge content than controls. These results suggest that intact spatial attention is necessary for the active sampling of local feature content during scene perception.


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In this paper, we propose a system for authenticating local bee pollen against fraudulent samples using image processing and classification techniques. Our system is based on the colour properties of bee pollen loads and the use of one-class classifiers to reject unknown pollen samples. The latter classification techniques allow us to tackle the major difficulty of the problem, the existence of many possible fraudulent pollen types. Also presented is a multi-classifier model with an ambiguity discovery process to fuse the output of the one-class classifiers. The method is validated by authenticating Spanish bee pollen types, the overall accuracy of the final system of being 94%. Therefore, the system is able to rapidly reject the non-local pollen samples with inexpensive hardware and without the need to send the product to the laboratory.


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Esta tesis trata sobre métodos de corrección que compensan la variación de las condiciones de iluminación en aplicaciones de imagen y video a color. Estas variaciones hacen que a menudo fallen aquellos algoritmos de visión artificial que utilizan características de color para describir los objetos. Se formulan tres preguntas de investigación que definen el marco de trabajo de esta tesis. La primera cuestión aborda las similitudes que se dan entre las imágenes de superficies adyacentes en relación a su comportamiento fotométrico. En base al análisis del modelo de formación de imágenes en situaciones dinámicas, esta tesis propone un modelo capaz de predecir las variaciones de color de la región de una determinada imagen a partir de las variaciones de las regiones colindantes. Dicho modelo se denomina Quotient Relational Model of Regions. Este modelo es válido cuando: las fuentes de luz iluminan todas las superficies incluídas en él; estas superficies están próximas entre sí y tienen orientaciones similares; y cuando son en su mayoría lambertianas. Bajo ciertas circunstancias, la respuesta fotométrica de una región se puede relacionar con el resto mediante una combinación lineal. No se ha podido encontrar en la literatura científica ningún trabajo previo que proponga este tipo de modelo relacional. La segunda cuestión va un paso más allá y se pregunta si estas similitudes se pueden utilizar para corregir variaciones fotométricas desconocidas en una región también desconocida, a partir de regiones conocidas adyacentes. Para ello, se propone un método llamado Linear Correction Mapping capaz de dar una respuesta afirmativa a esta cuestión bajo las circunstancias caracterizadas previamente. Para calcular los parámetros del modelo se requiere una etapa de entrenamiento previo. El método, que inicialmente funciona para una sola cámara, se amplía para funcionar en arquitecturas con varias cámaras sin solape entre sus campos visuales. Para ello, tan solo se necesitan varias muestras de imágenes del mismo objeto capturadas por todas las cámaras. Además, este método tiene en cuenta tanto las variaciones de iluminación, como los cambios en los parámetros de exposición de las cámaras. Todos los métodos de corrección de imagen fallan cuando la imagen del objeto que tiene que ser corregido está sobreexpuesta o cuando su relación señal a ruido es muy baja. Así, la tercera cuestión se refiere a si se puede establecer un proceso de control de la adquisición que permita obtener una exposición óptima cuando las condiciones de iluminación no están controladas. De este modo, se propone un método denominado Camera Exposure Control capaz de mantener una exposición adecuada siempre y cuando las variaciones de iluminación puedan recogerse dentro del margen dinámico de la cámara. Los métodos propuestos se evaluaron individualmente. La metodología llevada a cabo en los experimentos consistió en, primero, seleccionar algunos escenarios que cubrieran situaciones representativas donde los métodos fueran válidos teóricamente. El Linear Correction Mapping fue validado en tres aplicaciones de re-identificación de objetos (vehículos, caras y personas) que utilizaban como caracterísiticas la distribución de color de éstos. Por otra parte, el Camera Exposure Control se probó en un parking al aire libre. Además de esto, se definieron varios indicadores que permitieron comparar objetivamente los resultados de los métodos propuestos con otros métodos relevantes de corrección y auto exposición referidos en el estado del arte. Los resultados de la evaluación demostraron que los métodos propuestos mejoran los métodos comparados en la mayoría de las situaciones. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se puede decir que las respuestas a las preguntas de investigación planteadas son afirmativas, aunque en circunstancias limitadas. Esto quiere decir que, las hipótesis planteadas respecto a la predicción, la corrección basada en ésta y la auto exposición, son factibles en aquellas situaciones identificadas a lo largo de la tesis pero que, sin embargo, no se puede garantizar que se cumplan de manera general. Por otra parte, se señalan como trabajo de investigación futuro algunas cuestiones nuevas y retos científicos que aparecen a partir del trabajo presentado en esta tesis. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the correction methods used to compensate the variation of lighting conditions in colour image and video applications. These variations are such that Computer Vision algorithms that use colour features to describe objects mostly fail. Three research questions are formulated that define the framework of the thesis. The first question addresses the similarities of the photometric behaviour between images of dissimilar adjacent surfaces. Based on the analysis of the image formation model in dynamic situations, this thesis proposes a model that predicts the colour variations of the region of an image from the variations of the surrounded regions. This proposed model is called the Quotient Relational Model of Regions. This model is valid when the light sources illuminate all of the surfaces included in the model; these surfaces are placed close each other, have similar orientations, and are primarily Lambertian. Under certain circumstances, a linear combination is established between the photometric responses of the regions. Previous work that proposed such a relational model was not found in the scientific literature. The second question examines whether those similarities could be used to correct the unknown photometric variations in an unknown region from the known adjacent regions. A method is proposed, called Linear Correction Mapping, which is capable of providing an affirmative answer under the circumstances previously characterised. A training stage is required to determine the parameters of the model. The method for single camera scenarios is extended to cover non-overlapping multi-camera architectures. To this extent, only several image samples of the same object acquired by all of the cameras are required. Furthermore, both the light variations and the changes in the camera exposure settings are covered by correction mapping. Every image correction method is unsuccessful when the image of the object to be corrected is overexposed or the signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Thus, the third question refers to the control of the acquisition process to obtain an optimal exposure in uncontrolled light conditions. A Camera Exposure Control method is proposed that is capable of holding a suitable exposure provided that the light variations can be collected within the dynamic range of the camera. Each one of the proposed methods was evaluated individually. The methodology of the experiments consisted of first selecting some scenarios that cover the representative situations for which the methods are theoretically valid. Linear Correction Mapping was validated using three object re-identification applications (vehicles, faces and persons) based on the object colour distributions. Camera Exposure Control was proved in an outdoor parking scenario. In addition, several performance indicators were defined to objectively compare the results with other relevant state of the art correction and auto-exposure methods. The results of the evaluation demonstrated that the proposed methods outperform the compared ones in the most situations. Based on the obtained results, the answers to the above-described research questions are affirmative in limited circumstances, that is, the hypothesis of the forecasting, the correction based on it, and the auto exposure are feasible in the situations identified in the thesis, although they cannot be guaranteed in general. Furthermore, the presented work raises new questions and scientific challenges, which are highlighted as future research work.


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Poison frogs in the anuran family Dendrobatidae use bright colors on their bodies to advertise toxicity. The species Dendrobates pumilio Schmidt 1858, the strawberry poison frog, shows extreme polymorphism in color and pattern in Panama. It is known that females of D. pumilio preferentially choose mates of their own color morph. Nevertheless, potential predators must clearly see and recognize all color morphs if the aposermatic signaling system is to function effectively. We examined the ability of conspecifics and a model predator to discriminate a diverse selection of D. pumilio colors from each other and from background colors. Microspectrophotometry of isolated rod and cone photoreceptors of D. pumilio revealed the presence of a trichromatic photopic visual system. A typical tetrachromatic bird system was used for the model predator. Reflectance spectra of frog and background colors were obtained, and discrimination among spectra in natural illuminants was mathematically modeled. The results revealed that both D. pumilio and the model predator discriminate most colors quite well, both from each other and from typical backgrounds, with the predator generally performing somewhat better than the conspecifics. Each color morph displayed at least one color signal that is highly visible against backgrounds to both visual systems. Our results indicate that the colors displayed by the various color morphs of D. pumilio are effective signals both to conspecifics and to a model predator.


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Many coral reef fish possess ultraviolet (UV) colour patterns. The behavioural significance of these patterns is poorly understood and experiments on this issue have not been reported for free-living reef fish in their natural environment. The damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis has UV facial patterns, and spectroradiometric ocular media measurements show that it has the potential for UV vision. To test the potential behavioural significance of the UV patterns, I studied the response of males, in natural territories on the reef and in aquaria, to two conspecific intruders, one presented in a UV-transmitting (UV+) container and the other in a UV-absorbing (UV-) one. Territory owners attacked intruders viewed through UV+ filters significantly more often and for longer than intruders viewed through the UV- filter. In general, the results of the field experiment confirmed those of the laboratory experiment. The results support the hypothesis that P. amboinensis males are sensitive to UV light and that reflectance patterns, which appear in high contrast only in UV, modulate the level of aggressive behaviour. A recent survey showed that many predatory fish may not have UV vision and the use of UV colours in select species of reef fish may therefore serve as a 'private communication channel'. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the real time global vision system for the robot soccer team the RoboRoos. It has a highly optimised pipeline that includes thresholding, segmenting, colour normalising, object recognition and perspective and lens correction. It has a fast ‘paint’ colour calibration system that can calibrate in any face of the YUV or HSI cube. It also autonomously selects both an appropriate camera gain and colour gains robot regions across the field to achieve colour uniformity. Camera geometry calibration is performed automatically from selection of keypoints on the field. The system acheives a position accuracy of better than 15mm over a 4m × 5.5m field, and orientation accuracy to within 1°. It processes 614 × 480 pixels at 60Hz on a 2.0GHz Pentium 4 microprocessor.


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Motion discontinuities can signal object boundaries where few or no other cues, such as luminance, colour, or texture, are available. Hence, motion-defined contours are an ecologically important counterpart to luminance contours. We developed a novel motion-defined Gabor stimulus to investigate the nature of neural operators analysing visual motion fields in order to draw parallels with known luminance operators. Luminance-defined Gabors have been successfully used to discern the spatial-extent and spatial-frequency specificity of possible visual contour detectors. We now extend these studies into the motion domain. We define a stimulus using limited-lifetime moving dots whose velocity is described over 2-D space by a Gabor pattern surrounded by randomly moving dots. Participants were asked to determine whether the orientation of the Gabor pattern (and hence of the motion contours) was vertical or horizontal in a 2AFC task, and the proportion of correct responses was recorded. We found that with practice participants became highly proficient at this task, able in certain cases to reach 90% accuracy with only 12 limited-lifetime dots. However, for both practised and novice participants we found that the ability to detect a single boundary saturates with the size of the Gaussian envelope of the Gabor at approximately 5 deg full-width at half-height. At this optimal size we then varied spatial frequency and found the optimum was at the lowest measured spatial frequency (0.1 cycle deg-1 ) and then steadily decreased with higher spatial frequencies, suggesting that motion contour detectors may be specifically tuned to a single, isolated edge.


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Background: As light-emitting diodes become more common as the light source for low vision aids, the effect of illumination colour temperature on magnifier reading performance was investigated. Methods: Reading ability (maximum reading speed, critical print size, threshold near visual acuity) using Radner charts and subjective preference was assessed for 107 participants with visual impairment using three stand magnifiers with light emitting diode illumination colour temperatures of 2,700 K, 4,500 K and 6,000 K. The results were compared with distance visual acuity, prescribed magnification, age and the primary cause of visual impairment. Results: Reading speed, critical print size and near visual acuity were unaffected by illumination colour temperature (p > 0.05). Reading metrics decreased with worsening acuity and higher levels of prescribed magnification but acuity was unaffected by age. Each colour temperature was preferred and disliked by a similar number of patients and was unrelated to distance visual acuity, prescribed magnification and age (p > 0.05). Patients had better near acuity (p = 0.002), critical print size (p = 0.034) and maximum reading speed (p <0.001), and the improvement in near from distance acuity was greater (p = 0.004) with their preferred rather than least-liked colour temperature illumination. Conclusion: A range of colour temperature illuminations should be offered to all visually impaired individuals prescribed with an optical magnifier for near tasks to optimise subjective and objective benefits.