996 resultados para Color Management


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Det nystartade digitaltryckeriet Digaloo planerar att inom en snar framtid införa ICC-hantering i sittarbetsflöde. Med anledning av detta har en studie utförts där antalet erfordrade ICC-profiler undersöktssamt vilka akromatiska inställningar som bäst lämpar sig för tryckeriets HP Indigo Press 1000.Testtryckning utfördes på sex av Digaloos mest använda papperskvaliteter. Genom inläsning av testkartorhar de olika papperskvaliteternas reproducerbara färgrymder åskådliggjorts. Grundat på resultatetfrån denna testtryckning framställdes ICC-profiler för valda papperskvaliteter. Dessa genereradesmed olika inställningar för akromatisk repro och TIC (Total Ink Coverage). Vid en andra testtryckninganvändes dessa ICC-profiler för konvertering av mellanton-, natt- och snöbilder, vilka trycktespå olika papperskvaliteter.Resultatet från den första testtryckningen visar att HP Indigo Press 1000 återger störst förgrymd påpapperskvaliteten Silverblade Silk, tätt följd av Silverblade Art. De minsta färgrymderna reproduceraspå Lessebo Linné Gultonat och Lessebo Linné Naturvit.Vid perceptuell bedömning av de olika bilderna blev resultatet att bäst tryckresultat uppnås medpappersspecifika ICC-profiler. Detta gäller dock endast i två av tre fall. Vid bedömning av bäst lämpadTIC ansågs den idag på Digaloo använda nivån som mycket dålig. Genom att antingen sänka eller höjadenna nivå bedömdes tryckresultatet öka i kvalitet.Slutligen visar studien även att akromatik i form av UCR ger bäst bildåtergivning i mellanton- ochnattbilder på de valda papperskvaliteterna. De olika graderna av GCR i snöbilder anses dock passaolika bra beroende på vilken papperskvalitet som används.


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It always has been a need for the abiltiy to create color proofs. When an error occurs late in the production process, itis allways complicated and difficult to correct the error. In this project, digital proofs been made and discussions havebeen held with several people in the printing industry, in order to examine how well excisting digital proofs, meet thedemand of the market. And how close the digital proofs can come to the actual printsheat from the press. The study hasbeen shown that the one thing that has had the most influence on the outcome for the quality of a digital proof, is theprintshop operator’s knowledge about color management and proofing systems. Many advertising agencies in the graphicindustry think rasterised proofs are not necessesary and expensive. Therefor they prefer a cheaper alternative, whichdoesn’t show colors as well as the rasterised proof, but well enough to be content with it. There are a good awarenessconcerning lack of communication between printshop, reproduction and advertising agency. Advertising agencies thinkthat printshop rarely listen to what they have to say, while the printshop think that the advertising agency doesn’t understandwhat they are trying to tell them. The outcome of the printed proofs in this study can’t be representive for howgood digital proofs are conducted in regular basis in the industry. The divergence between the print press sheat and thedigital proof that was made was bigger than expected. This shows that implementation of ICC profiles in a color managementflow, not alone is the answer to making perfect digital proofs. There are so many other issues that has to be examined,like color management software, measure tools and correct color management module. In order to make a perfectproof, you have to look at the whole picture. In the end, the human eye finally has the last word on wheather theproof is good or not.


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Color management has become more common now than ever in the graphic trade. Calibration andcharcterization are words that are mentioned very often when it comes to controlling colors andwhen you want a printed picture to look the same as an original photograph. The problem is thatthere are not so many people that has the knowlegde about this subject. Even if a printer supportscolor management it is not sure that the result is going to be satisfied and that a printed picture isgoing to look the same as the original.The printers which were used were Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi, Xerox Docu Color 12 and AgfaChromapress 50i. The theory of color, colour management and the equipment which were usedare described in the first stage. The second stage describes calibration and characterization ofmonitors, scanners and printers. Finally the result of created ICC-profiles is set by visual comparisionof a photographs original colours and a scanned and printed photograph.The results of calibration and characterization were varying a lot. Agfa Chromapress 50i was theonly printer which could produce a succesful calibration. Agfa Chromapress 50i and XeroxDocuColor 12 gave the best results when comparing original photographs with printed pictures ifthey were separated with ICC-profiles. ICC-profiles created for Hp DeskJet 970 Cxi achievedundesirable effects. This was the only printer that gave a bad result both with and without ICCprofiles.The reason for this miserable result can depend on the printers unability to fully supportcolor management.


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The connection between fluorescence and color management still is a relatively unexplored area. Thefollowing composition analyses the theory that when printing on fluorescent ink jet paper using ICCprofilesa more yellow print will appear. In theory the ICC-profile compensate for blue light that fluorescefrom the paper with the complementary color, yellow. The human eye apprehands this fluorescentlight as white.When categorizing a number of ink jet qualities some tests to indicate change of color in the final printwere made. Five qualities were chosen for further analyses, each with different white point. TheTC3.5CMYK target was prined on an ink jet printer and measured with different filters for the measurementequipment, GretagMacbeth Spectrolino. U- and UV-filters were used during the testings.From the measurement data ICC-profiles were made to make it possible to watch how the profiles compensatefor the blue change of color that appeared in the data. Although a distinct change of color intoblue were discernible in the measured data there is no evident proof that this cause a final print thatis more yellow. Other conclusions and results are to be read at the end of this composition.


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This Degree Project is carried through in association with Fototext in Guthenburg. The firmsees benefits using”Soft Proof” technology for both economic and time-saving. The reasonfor ”Soft Proofing” for internal/ external production is to estimate and controll documentswithout using digital or chemical printing output.The different technical solutions to ”Soft Proof”, knowledges and facts aboutColorManagement together with PDF-workflow is going to pattern for a correct succesfull”Soft Proofing” on the monitor.Acrobat 5 in association with Photoshop 6 are effectively used in ”Soft Proofing” technic.The advance and capacity of the graphical softwares which are explained in this reporthelps the users to begin to experiment with ”Soft Proof”. Graphical firms which are interestedto begin working with ”Soft Proof” need to allready have knowledge in ICC-profilingand a practical ColorManaged workflow.


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To make your company change from a conventional workflow to an ICC-based workflow you need tomake investments in time and money. On the other hand you get your reward in terms of a stable andquality safe production. To choose this way of adjusting your company to new routines requires accuracyas well as a great deal of commitment. It is not only about having the right equipment. There area lot of factors that affect the quality of production.Our ambition with this report is to bring out the importance of general thinking when it comes toICC-profiling and to discuss on which basis printing profiles should be created. Quality parameters asfor example roughness and whiteness of paper are also discussed. To be able to investigate these mattersin detail we have taken a closer look at two companies, which have chosen to commit themselvesto achive better quality through color management but still feel that they have some problems withtheir workflow.One of the conclusions that are made in this report is that both companies should extend their investmentsin education of employees to become less independent of consultants, but also to increase theinterest in changes within the company. It is also stressed that an ICC-profile only can be efficient if acompany commits itself to accuracy regarding routines, control and calibration.


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Tryckeribranschen är en ekonomiskt pressad bransch som söker nya besparingsmetoder. En av metoderna är att minska insatsvaran tryckfärg med färgreduceringsprogramvara. Rapporten undersöker möjligheterna med färgreduceringssystem. Detta genom att studera hur man använder sig av färgreducering och hur det påverkar trycket. Studien avser besvara: • Hur stor färgminskning kan man använda sig av utan negativa konsekvenser på bildkvalitén? • Hur går man tillväga för att skapa den färgminskningen? • Överensstämmer total färgförändring och visuell bedömning av tryck? För att få svar på dessa frågor togs en testform fram med nödvändiga bilder och färgfält som sedan genomgick en rad färgreduktioner. Testformen utvärderades digitalt med avseende på TAC och total färgförändring. Därefter trycktes testformen och utvärderades visuellt av en testgrupp och uppmättes för att visa färgförändring efter tryck. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det går att färgreducera tryck utan avsevärda negativa konsekvenser på bildkvalitén. En reducering från 300 % TAC till en TAC mellan 240 % och 210 % är fullt möjlig för att få en besparing och vara inom standard för total färgförändring. Detta går att göra väldigt lätt med en programvara som Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO, med enbart förvalda inställningar och en inställd Total Ink Limit mellan 240 % och 210 %. Resultatet visade även en stark korrelation mellan den visuella bedömningen och den totala färgförändring, som tyder att både metoder är lämpliga för bedömning av tryck.


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Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att ge en överblick över de parametrar som påverkar möjligheten att upprätta ett färghanterat arbetsflöde. Ett färghanterat arbetsflöde ger möjlighet att förutsäga färgåtergivningen i trycksaker via softproof – skärmkorrektur. Examensarbetet belyser de problem och fallgropar som finns i arbetsflödet och hur de kan påverka relevansen för en bedömning av tryckresultat via softproof. Examensarbetet behandlar hur färgåtergivningen påverkas av betraktningsljus och omgivningsljus samt vikten av att arbeta med en kalibrerad bildskärm – en förutsättning för att kunna utföra en färgriktig softproof. Som utgångspunkt för examensarbetet har arbetsflödet på fyra företag i branschen använts och hur väl de uppfyller gällande standarder, ISO 3664 och ISO 12646. Genom ett visuellt test som utarbetats inom examensarbetet har arbetsmiljöns påverkan på färgseendet kunnat påvisas. Testet kan ge en vägledning om hur avvikelser från ISO 3664 och ISO 12646 i arbetsmiljön påverkar bedömningen av färger vid softproof och provtryck.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Thousands of hectares of native plants and shallow open water habitat have been displaced in Lake Okeechobee’s marsh by the invasive exotic species torpedograss ( Panicum repens L.). The rate of torpedograss expansion, it’s areal distribution and the efficacy of herbicide treatments used to control torpedograss in the lake’s marsh were quantified using aerial color infra red (IR) photography.(PDF has 6 pages.)


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The market for table grapes is moving into mass production of specialty seed-less grapes in covered areas, aiming at obtaining premium prices with early or late production of high quality products. Production of quality seedless grapes is not straightforward since it is requires the correct combination of various independent characteristics, such as color, sugars, size and quantity at the right moment for successful harvesting and marketing. The present study was carried out at the two largest Portuguese producers located in Alentejo, and has the objective of studying the effect of irrigation management strategies and two different soils on the various relevant parameters for successful production and marketing. The management strategies were the application of ten day stress at the end of the cycle, in order to promote early maturing of the grapes. Three different timings of the stress were applied. Soil moisture, sap flow, bark thickness, as well as leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content were measured regularly during the production season. The results indicate that the roots explore a rather large soil volume and the plants can successfully withstand reasonable periods of drought without significant changes to the plant physiology. Additionally late rains can mask the effect of any farmer applied drought and invalidate any farmer induced stress to the plants. Water-logged soils tend to cause early onset of maturity, but cause the ripening stage to extend over a longer period of time, and thus, in effect result in a delay in the harvest date. Topography also has some effect on the ripening, since hot air tends to accumulate under the plastic at the higher areas of the field. This work is funded by PRODER, 4.1, within the scope of project MORECRIMSON


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This thesis aims to explore the concept of impression management from the financial analysts’ point of view. Impression management is the definition of the act of an agent manipulating an impression that another person have of this agent, in the context of this thesis it happens when a company make graphics to disclosure financial-accounting information in order to manipulate the market’s perception of their performance. Three types of impression management were analyzed: presentation enhancement (color manipulation), measurement distortion (scale manipulation) and selectivity (the disclosure of positive information only). While presentation enhancement improved only the most impulsive financial analysts’ perception of firm’s performance, the measurement distortion improved the perception of performance for both groups of financial analysts (impulsive and reflective). Finally, selectivity improved the financial analysts’ perception of firm’s performance for both groups (impulsive and reflective), although impulsive financial analysts assigned lower ratings when compared to their reflective peers, on average, to a hypothetical company.


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Este artigo traz os primeiros resultados sobre a resposta ao estresse em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes cores de luz. O jundiá é uma espécie para produção no sul da América do Sul - sendo assim apta a cultivo em qualquer região de clima temperado e subtropical. Com o objetivo de desenvolver um manejo de luz para o jundiá durante sua manutenção em tanques internos e de entender a relação entre as cores de luz e o bem-estar da espécie, alevinos foram exposto por 10 dias à luz branca, azul e verde. No 10° dia de exposição às diferentes cores de luz, um estressor agudo foi imposto. Uma hora após a aplicação do estressor, os peixes foram amostrados e a resposta ao estresse medida por meio da determinação da concentração sérica de cortisol. Nossos resultados mostraram que a luz verde parece ser a pior alternativa para iluminar instalações internas ou de transporte de jundiás. Os resultados também sugerem que a cor da luz afeta a resposta ao estresse dos jundiás, conhecimento que pode ser útil no manejo da espécie.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)