913 resultados para Colony limits
To maintain a power system within operation limits, a level ahead planning it is necessary to apply competitive techniques to solve the optimal power flow (OPF). OPF is a non-linear and a large combinatorial problem. The Ant Colony Search (ACS) optimization algorithm is inspired by the organized natural movement of real ants and has been successfully applied to different large combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents an implementation of Ant Colony optimization to solve the OPF in an economic dispatch context. The proposed methodology has been developed to be used for maintenance and repairing planning with 48 to 24 hours antecipation. The main advantage of this method is its low execution time that allows the use of OPF when a large set of scenarios has to be analyzed. The paper includes a case study using the IEEE 30 bus network. The results are compared with other well-known methodologies presented in the literature.
Under inflammatory conditions, neutrophil apoptosis is delayed due to survival-factor exposure, a mechanism that prevents the resolution of inflammation. One important proinflammatory cytokine involved in the regulation of neutrophil survival/activation is granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Although GM-CSF mediates antiapoptotic effects in neutrophils, it does not prevent apoptosis, and the survival effect is both time dependent and limited. Here, we identified the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bim as an important lifespan limiting molecule in neutrophils, particularly under conditions of survival factor exposure. Strikingly, GM-CSF induced Bim expression in both human and mouse neutrophils that was blocked by pharmacological inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K). Increased Bim expression was also seen in human immature bone marrow neutrophils as well as in blood neutrophils from septic shock patients; both cell populations are known to be exposed to GM-CSF under in vivo conditions. The functional role of Bim was investigated using Bim-deficient mouse neutrophils in the presence and absence of the survival cytokines interleukin (IL)-3 and GM-CSF. Lack of Bim expression resulted in a much higher efficacy of the survival cytokines to block neutrophil apoptosis. Taken together, these data demonstrate a functional role for Bim in the regulation of neutrophil apoptosis and suggest that GM-CSF and other neutrophil hematopoietins initiate a proapoptotic counterregulation that involves upregulation of Bim.
Cellular desensitization is believed to be important for growth control but direct evidence is lacking. In the current study we compared effects of wild-type and down-regulation-resistant mutant m3 muscarinic receptors on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cell desensitization, proliferation, and transformation. We found that down-regulation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors was the principal mechanism of desensitization of receptor-activated inositol phosphate phospholipid hydrolysis in these cells. Activation of wild-type and mutant receptors inhibited anchorage-independent growth as assayed by colony formation in agar. However, the potency for inhibition of anchorage-independent growth was greater for cells expressing the mutant receptor. Activation of either receptor also initially inhibited anchorage-dependent cell proliferation in randomly growing populations. Rates of DNA synthesis and cell division were profoundly reduced by carbachol in cells expressing either receptor at early time points. Analysis of cell cycle parameters indicated that cell cycle progression was inhibited at transitions from G1 to S and G2/M to G1 phases. However, mutant receptor effects on anchorage-dependent growth were sustained, whereas wild-type receptor effects were transient. Thus, receptor down-regulation restored cell cycle progression. In contrast, activation of either receptor blocked entry into the cell cycle from quiescence, and this response was not reduced by receptor down-regulation. Therefore, activation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors inhibited CHO cell anchorage-dependent and -independent growth. In anchored cells carbachol inhibited the cell cycle at three distinct points. Inhibitions at two of these points were eliminated by wild-type receptor down-regulation while the other was not. These results directly demonstrate that desensitization mechanisms can act as principal determinants of cellular growth responses.
G-CSF has been shown to decrease inflammatory processes and to act positively on the process of peripheral nerve regeneration during the course of muscular dystrophy. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of treatment of G-CSF during sciatic nerve regeneration and histological analysis in the soleus muscle in MDX mice. Six-week-old male MDX mice underwent left sciatic nerve crush and were G-CSF treated at 7 days prior to and 21 days after crush. Ten and twenty-one days after surgery, the mice were euthanized, and the sciatic nerves were processed for immunohistochemistry (anti-p75(NTR) and anti-neurofilament) and transmission electron microscopy. The soleus muscles were dissected out and processed for H&E staining and subsequent morphologic analysis. Motor function analyses were performed at 7 days prior to and 21 days after sciatic crush using the CatWalk system and the sciatic nerve index. Both groups treated with G-CSF showed increased p75(NTR) and neurofilament expression after sciatic crush. G-CSF treatment decreased the number of degenerated and regenerated muscle fibers, thereby increasing the number of normal muscle fibers. The reduction in p75(NTR) and neurofilament indicates a decreased regenerative capacity in MDX mice following a lesion to a peripheral nerve. The reduction in motor function in the crushed group compared with the control groups may reflect the cycles of muscle degeneration/regeneration that occur postnatally. Thus, G-CSF treatment increases motor function in MDX mice. Nevertheless, the decrease in baseline motor function in these mice is not reversed completely by G-CSF.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
In Brazil the 1990s constituted years of institutional achievements in the fields of housing and urban rights, given the incorporation of the principles of the social function of cities and property, the recognition of tenure rights for slum dwellers and the direct participation of citizens in the decision making process of urban policies, within the 1988 Constitution. These proposals have become the pillars of the Urban Reform agenda which has penetrated the federal government apparatus since the creation of the Ministry of Cities under Lula's administration. The article evaluates the limits and possibilities for the implementation of this agenda through the analysis of two policies proposed by the Ministry: the National Council of Cities and the campaign for Participatory Master Plans. The approach is based on the organization of the Brazilian State in terms of urban development, the relationship with the political system and the characteristics of Brazilian democracy.
The cell provisioning and oviposition process (POP) is a unique characteristic of stingless bees (Meliponini), in which coordinated interactions between workers and queen regulate the filling of brood cells with larval resources and subsequent egg laying. Environmental conditions seem to regulate reproduction in stingless bees; however, little is known about how the amount of food affects quantitative sequences of the process. We examined intrinsic variables by comparing three colonies in distinct conditions (strong, intermediate and weak state). We predicted that some of these variables are correlated with temporal events of POP in Melipona scutellaris colonies. The results demonstrated that the strong colony had shorter periods of POP.
We describe a case of a spontaneously established mixed colony of two species of stingless bees. The host colony of Scaptotrigona depilis, an aggressive bee that forms large colonies, was invaded by workers of Nannotrigona testaceicornis, a smaller bee that forms small colonies. The host colony and the invading species colony were maintained in next boxes about 1.5 m apart. The N. testaceicornis colony had been recently divided. Observations were made daily for 10 min, and every two weeks the colony was opened for observations within the nest. Initially the host colony bees repulsed the invading species, but as their numbers built up, they were no longer able to defend the entrance. An estimated 60-90 N. testaceicornis workers lived integrated into the colony of S. depilis for 58 days. During this period, they reconstructed and maintained the entrance tube, changing it to an entrance typical of N. testaceicornis. They also collected food and building material for the host colony. Nannotrigona testaceicornis tolerated transit of S. depilis through the entrance, but did not allow the host species to remain within the tube, though the attacks never resulted in bee mortality. Aggression was limited to biting the wings; when the bees fell to the ground they immediately separated and flew back. There have been very few reports of spontaneously occurring mixed stingless bee colonies. It is difficult to determine what caused the association that we found; probably workers of N. testaceicornis got lost when we split their colony, and then they invaded the colony of S. depilis.
The existence of a classical limit describing the interacting particles in a second-quantized theory of identical particles with bosonic symmetry is proved. This limit exists in addition to the previously established classical limit with a classical field behavior, showing that the limit h -> 0 of the theory is not unique. An analogous result is valid for a free massive scalar field: two distinct classical limits are proved to exist, describing a system of particles or a classical field. The introduction of local operators in order to represent kinematical properties of interest is shown to break the permutation symmetry under some localizability conditions, allowing the study of individual particle properties.
We evaluated the ratio between the number of pollen foragers and the total number of bees entering colonies of Melipona bicolor, a facultative polygynous species of stingless bees. The variables considered in our analysis were: seasonality, colony size and the number of physogastric queens in each colony. The pollen forager ratios varied significantly between seasons; the ratio was higher in winter than in summer. However, colony size and number of queens per colony had no significant effect. We conclude that seasonal differences in pollen harvest are related to the production of sexuals and to the number of individuals and their body size.
Results are reported from a search for active to sterile neutrino oscillations in the MINOS long-baseline experiment, based on the observation of neutral-current neutrino interactions, from an exposure to the NuMI neutrino beam of 7.07 x 10(20) protons on target. A total of 802 neutral-current event candidates is observed in the Far Detector, compared to an expected number of 754 +/- 28(stat) +/- 37(syst) for oscillations among three active flavors. The fraction f(s) of disappearing nu(mu) that may transition to nu(s) is found to be less than 22% at the 90% C.L.
This study outlines the quantification of low levels of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in pure cultures, since this bacterium is not inactivated by pasteurization and may remain in industrialized foods and beverages. Electroconductive polymer-modified fluorine tin oxide (FTO) electrodes and multiple nanoparticle labels were used for biosensing. The detection of A. acidoterrestris in pure cultures was performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and the sensitivity was further increased by asymmetric nested RT-PCR using electrochemical detection for quantification of the amplicon. The quantification of nested RT-PCR products by Ag/Au-based electrochemical detection was able to detect 2 colony forming units per mL (CFU mL(-1)) of spores in pure culture and low detection and quantification limits (7.07 and 23.6 nM, respectively) were obtained for the target A. acidoterrestris on the electrochemical detection bioassay.
A Thermodynamic air-standard cycle was envisaged for Ranque-Hilsh (R-H) or Vortex Tubes to provide relevant Thermodynamic analysis and tools for setting operating limits according to the conservation laws of mass and energy, as well as the constraint of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The study used an integral or control volume approach and resulted in establishing working equations for evaluating the performance of an R-H tube. The work proved that the coefficient of performance does not depend on the R-H tube operating mode, i.e., the same value is obtained independently if the R-H tube operates either as a heat pump or as a refrigeration device. It was also shown that the isentropic coefficient of performance displays optima values of cold and hot mass fractions for a given operating pressure ratio. Finally, the study was concluded by comparing the present analysis with some experimental data available in the literature for operating pressures ranging 2-11 atm. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
The 1990s in Brazil were a time of institutional advances in the areas of housing and urban rights following the signing of the new constitution in 1988 that incorporated the principles of the social function of cities and property, recognition of the right to ownership of informal urban squatters and the direct participation of citizens in urban policy decision processes. These propositions are the pillars of the urban reform agenda which, since the creation of the Ministry of Cities by the Lula government, has come under the federal executive branch. This article evaluates the limitations and opportunities involved in implementing this agenda on the basis of two policies proposed by the ministry - the National Cities Council and the campaign for Participatory Master Plans - focusing the analysis on government organization in the area of urban development in its relationship with the political system and the characteristics of Brazilian democracy. Resume Au Bresil, les annees 1990 ont ete marquees par des progres institutionnels en matiere de logement et de droits urbains, dans le sillage de la Constitution de 1988 qui integre les principes d`une fonction sociale de la ville et de la propriete urbaine, ainsi que la reconnaissance du droit a la propriete pour les squatters urbains et la participation directe des citoyens aux processus d`elaboration des politiques urbaines. Ce sont egalement les piliers du programme de reforme urbaine qui releve de l`executif federal depuis la creation d`un ministere des Villes par le gouvernement Lula. Pour evaluer les limites et potentiels lies a la mise en place de ce programme, cet article s`appuie sur deux politiques publiques proposees par le ministere, le Conseil national des villes et la campagne en faveur des Plans directeurs participatifs, en analysant plus particulierement l`organisation gouvernementale en matiere d`urbanisme par rapport au systeme politique et aux caracteristiques de la democratie bresilienne.