853 resultados para Colonic polyps
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by proliferation of Langerhans-type cells that express CD1a, Langerin (CD207) and S100 protein. Birbeck granules are a hallmark by ultrastructural examination. LCH presents with a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from solitary lesions of a single site (usually bone or skin) to multiple or disseminated multisystemic lesions, which can lead to severe organ dysfunction. Most cases occur in children. Gastrointestinal tract involvement is rare and has been associated with systemic illness and poor prognosis especially in children under the age of 2 years. Adult gastrointestinal LCH is very rare. We report a case of a previously healthy, nonsmoking 48-year-old male who was referred for routine screening colonoscopy. Two sessile, smooth, firm and yellowish LCH polyps measuring 0.2 cm and 0.3 cm were detected in the sigmoid colon. Fifteen months later a second colonoscopy found two histologically confirmed hyperplastic polyps at the sigmoid colon. No other LCH lesions were seen. A third colonoscopy after 28 months of follow-up found a submucosal 0.5 cm infiltrated and ulcerated LCH polyp in the cecum, close to the ostium of the appendix. The patient had been asymptomatic for all this period. Imaging investigation for systemic or multiorgan disease did not find any sign of extracolonic involvement. On histology all lesions showed typical LCH features and immunohistochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse staining for CD1a and CD207. This case illustrates two distinct clinicopathologic features not previously reported in this particular clinical setting: metachronous colonic involvement and positivity for CD207.
Background. Colorectal polyps are abnormal growths in the wall of the colon including the rectum. The study aims to estimate the prevalence and type of colonic polyps in children undergoing colonoscopic examination at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston, Texas during 2000-2007. Also, to examine the factors associated with colonic polyps and the potential determinants of colonic polyps in children undergoing colonoscopy and compare those who had colonic polyps with those who did not on colonoscopy, and determine the significant risk factors of colonic polyps in these children. ^ Methods. We conducted a cross sectional study to analyze data collected at TCH. We obtained demographic, clinical, and histopathology information on consecutive patients who underwent colonoscopy during 2000-2007 from endoscopic records contained in the PEDS-CORI registry (Pediatric Endoscopy Database System-Clinical Outcomes Research Initiative), and abstracted data from the accompanying histopathology reports. ^ Results. We identified 2,693-unique patients, under 18 years of age, who underwent colonoscopy. Approximately 65.5% were white non-Hispanic, and 10.8% African-American. The mean age was 8.7 years and 51.8% were female patients. Polyps were present in 174 patients (6.5%). The most common two histological types were juvenile (60.6%), inflammatory (17.4%). We found that the prevalence of polyps was higher in younger aged children (12.9% in 0-5 years) than in older aged children (4% in 15-17 years), and slightly higher in males than in females (7.9% and 5.4% respectively). For males only, the odds of polyps were statistically significantly higher in Blacks and Hispanics compared to white non Hispanics (OR of 2.2 and 2.1, respectively, and 95% CI of 1.3, 3.9 and 1.3, 3.5 respectively). The indications for colonoscopy were different for children with polyps compared to those without polyps, i.e., 47.0% vs. 19.8% respectively for lower GI bleeding, 2.7% vs. 21.4% respectively for abdominal pain/bloating, and, or 0.9% vs. 9.6% respectively for diarrhea. ^ Conclusion. Colorectal polyps occur in about 1 in 15 children and adolescents undergoing first colonoscopy. The demographic variable of younger age is strongly associated with having polyps irrespective of ethnicity. Lower GI bleeding is strongly related to the presence of colorectal polyps in children and adolescents undergoing colonoscopy.^
Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent cancer at death and third most common neoplasm in Switzerland, with about 1600 deaths and 4000 new cases per year, respectively. This study describes the recent trends in colorectal polyps and cancers in the canton of Vaud where a rare population-based series on polyps has been available since 1983. The most salient results are the exponential increase in the detection rates of polyps since the late 19805, associated with a doubling in the proportion of right-sided polyps, whereas colorectal cancer incidence remained constant over the last 25 years. The apparent paradox between the strong increase in detection and resection of polyps, largely due to screening activity, and the absence of reduction in colorectal cancer incidence in the Vaud population is discussed.
The present study is a comparative analysis of the adenomatous polyps and colorectal cancers, registered during a determined period within the population of the cantons of Geneva and Vaud. The analysis is particularly based on the polyp/cancer ratio by sub-site. Histological type as well as age and sex of the patient are taken into consideration.
Cette année, six études utiles pour la pratique ont été retenues. L'indication à la mammographie entre 40 et 49 ans devrait être évaluée individuellement et en tenant compte des risques/bénéfices de cet examen. Au-delà de 65 ans, un dépistage systématique de la fibrillation auriculaire avec prise de pouls puis ECG (si pouls irrégulier) pourrait être réalisé de manière systématique. Les risques de complications postcolonoscopie existent, particulièrement suite à des biopsies/polypectomies, et ce risque devrait être discuté. Les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons au long court sont un facteur de risque de fracture de hanche. S'il est important de prendre en charge des pressions artérielles élevées au-delà de 80 ans, il faut être prudent (orthostatisme). Une corticothérapie précoce suite à une paralysie faciale périphérique est efficace. This year we have selected six studies useful for the day to day practice. A mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age should be evaluated taking into account the patient's profile and the possible risks and benefits of this exam. In patients over 65 years of age, a systematic atrial fibrillation screening, with pulse rate measuring then ECG (if irregular beat) should be realised on a regular basis. The risks for complications following colonoscopies do exist, especially after biopsies/polypectomies and this risk should be discussed. Long term proton pump inhibitor treatment is a risk factor for hip fracture. It is important to treat high blood pressure problems in the elderly, but the orthostatic risks should be adressed. A corticoid treatment started quickly for Bell's palsy is efficient
Le cancer colorectal atteint, chaque année, plus d'un million de personnes dans le monde et plus de 500'000 en meurent [1]. Il affecte de manière très inégalitaire les différentes parties du monde. En effet, s'il constitue un problème de santé publique majeur dans des régions telles que l'Amérique du Nord, l'Europe ou l'Océanie (incidence supérieure à 50 pour 100'000), il est nettement plus rare dans certains pays d'Asie, d'Afrique ou d'Amérique du Sud (incidence inférieure à 10 pour 100'000) [2]. Aux Etats-Unis, on estime que 5 à 6% de la population générale présentera un cancer colorectal au cours de sa vie [3]. En Suisse, le cancer colorectal est le deuxième cancer le plus mortel, avec quelque 1'600 décès par an, après le cancer du poumon [4]. Avec 4'000 nouveaux cas annuels, il représente 11% de tous les cancers chez l'homme et chez la femme [5]. Le cancer colorectal est le troisième cancer le plus fréquent après celui du poumon et de la prostate chez l'homme, alors qu'il n'est précédé chez la femme que par le cancer du sein. Pour la période 2003-07, l'incidence en Suisse est estimée à 50 cas/100'000 hommes et 32 cas/100'000 femmes (taux standardisés selon la population européenne) [5] et son taux de survie relative à 5 ans est de 60%, ce qui en fait le taux le plus élevé d'Europe [6]. Le fait que l'incidence chez les migrants ait tendance à rattraper celle des indigènes en moins d'une génération suggère que les facteurs environnementaux jouent un rôle prédominant dans la carcinogénèse des tumeurs colorectales [7]. Cependant, d'autres facteurs, notamment génétiques, interviennent dans la survenue des cancers colorectaux. En effet, dans des conditions de vie similaires, on observe une incidence de cancers colorectaux différente entre différentes ethnies. Des études américaines ont par exemple montré une incidence plus élevée chez les noirs (48 pour 100'000) que chez les blancs (40/100'000) ou les hispaniques (26/100'000) [8]. Les hommes sont plus fréquemment touchés par le cancer colorectal que les femmes, avec un sexe ratio de 1,5 [9]. Les premiers cas de cancers colorectaux apparaissent à partir de 25 ans et l'incidence augmente de manière quasi exponentielle jusqu'à un âge de 75-80 ans, puis se stabilise [10]. L'âge moyen au diagnostic se situe entre 65 et 70 ans. Environ 66% des cancers colorectaux sont localisés dans le côlon (dans l'ordre décroissant: au niveau du sigmoïde, du côlon ascendant, descendant et transverse), 27% dans le rectum, 4% dans l'anus tandis qu'environ 4% restent multiples et indéfinis [10]. Notons encore, qu'à des fins de comparaisons épidémiologiques, les cancers du côlon, du rectum et de l'anus sont souvent regroupés dans l'unique groupe des tumeurs colorectales.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a dominant autosomal inherited disorder characterized by intestinal hamartomatous polyps in association with mucocutaneous melanocytic maculae. This syndrome is rare, and the frequency reaches from 1 in 60,000 to 1 in 300,000 people in the USA. The symptom presentations vary greatly in this disease. Some patients require minor clinical treatment while others undergo many hospitalizations and surgical treatments. In addition, patients with PJS have an increased risk for developing a variety of malignant tumors. The aim of the present study was to report one case studied of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
OBJETIVO: Analisar retrospectivamente o resultado do estudo anatomopatológico de polipectomias colonoscópicas realizadas no Setor de Endoscopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP durante os anos de 2002 e 2003. Material e Métodos: Estudamos retrospectivamente, a partir de procedimentos colonoscópicos realizados em nosso serviço, as características dos pólipos retirados: tamanho, localização e distribuição, bem como o motivo da indicação do mesmo e o resultado do estudo anatomopatológico. RESULTADOS: Num total de 100 polipectomias colonoscópicas realizadas em 75 pacientes, observamos que 63% dos pólipos localizava-se em reto e sigmóide e 15,8% no cólon descendente; o estudo anátomopatologico evidenciou que a grande maioria tinha características adenomatosas (54%). A idade dos pacientes variou entre 6 e 92 anos, não havendo predominância quanto ao sexo; a principal indicação para a realização de colonoscopia foi sangramento. CONCLUSÃO: Constatamos o importante papel diagnóstico e terapêutico das colonoscopias no que diz respeito ao câncer colorretal; os achados demonstram que, em nossa casuística, a maioria os pólipos colônicos são adenomatosos, pequenos e de localização distal.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the urological and nephrological long-term outcome of patients born with classical bladder exstrophy treated with bilateral ureterosigmoidostomies in early childhood. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Out of 42 patients born with bladder exstrophy in Switzerland between 1937 and 1968, 25 participated in this study; seven had died, seven were lost to follow up and three refused consent. Assessment included chart review, clinical examination, and assessment of renal function and morphology. RESULTS: After a follow-up period of 37-69 years ((mean 50 years), 13 of the 25 participants (52%) had their ureterosigmoidostomy still in place. All others had different forms of urinary diversions. Fifteen (60%) patients had normal renal function or mild chronic kidney disease as assessed by estimated glomerular filtration rate. Three patients were on renal replacement therapy. MRI (n=16) showed 10 morphologically normal kidneys. One patient suffered from adenocarcinoma of the colon, five had benign colonic polyps, one urethral papillary carcinoma and 18 no evidence of tumor. CONCLUSION: The majority of our patients have normal or mildly impaired renal function and a well functioning ureterosigmoidostomy. This is remarkable, given the fact that ureterosigmoidostomies are considered to be refluxing high-pressure reservoirs at risk of renal injury and malignancy.
Cancer cell genomes contain alterations beyond known etiologic events, but their total number has been unknown at even the order of magnitude level. By sampling colorectal premalignant polyp and carcinoma cell genomes through use of the technique inter-(simple sequence repeat) PCR, we have found genomic alterations to be considerably more abundant than expected, with the mean number of genomic events per carcinoma cell totaling approximately 11,000. Colonic polyps early in the tumor progression pathway showed similar numbers of events. These results indicate that, as with certain hereditary cancer syndromes, genomic destabilization is an early step in sporadic tumor development. Together these results support the model of genomic instability being a cause rather than an effect of malignancy, facilitating vastly accelerated somatic cell evolution, with the observed orderly steps of the colon cancer progression pathway reflecting the consequences of natural selection.
Background: Inflammatory fibroid polyps are very unusual gastrointestinal tumours. Furthermore, their occurrence in the rectum is a rarity indeed. Objective: To document this very rare pathologic entity in a patient from our region of Africa and highlight some pertinent clinical and pathologic aspects of the disease. Case report: We present a 59 year old Nigerian who had neither significant previous medical history nor current complaint and had a routine colonoscopy done. The finding in the rectum was of a small polypoidal mass which was excised whole and whose histopathologic findings were consistent with a diagnosis of inflammatory fibroid polyp. Conclusion: A unique case of rectal inflammatory fibroid polyp in a Nigerian is hereby presented. This, to the best of our knowledge, is the first such documented case from our region of the world. Hence, the entity should be considered in the differential diagnosis of colonic polyps from the continent.
Adenomas are the precursors of most colorectal cancers. Hyperplastic polyps have been linked to the subset of colorectal cancers showing DNA microsatellite instability, but little is known of their underlying genetic etiology. Using a strategy that isolates differentially methylated sequences from hyperplastic polyps and normal mucosa, we identified a 370-bp sequence containing the 5' untranslated region and the first exon of a gene that we have called HPP1. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends was used to isolate HPP1 from normal mucose. Using reverse transcription-PCR, HPP1 was expressed in 28 of 30 (93%) normal colonic samples but in only seven of 30 (23%) colorectal cancers (P < 0.001). The 5' region of HPP1 included a CpG island containing 49 CpG sites, of which 96% were found to be methylated by bisulfite sequencing of DNA from colonic tumor samples. By COBRA analysis, methylation was detected in six of nine (66%) adenomas, 17 of 27 (63%) hyperplastic polyps, and 46 of 55 (84%) colorectal cancers. There was an inverse relationship between methylation level and mRNA expression in cancers (r = -0.67; P < 0.001), and 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine treatment restored HPP1 expression in two colorectal cancer cell lines. In situ hybridization of HPP1 indicated that expression occurs in epithelial and stromal elements in normal mucosa but is silenced in both cell types in early colonic neoplasia. HPP1 is predicted to encode a transmembrane protein containing follistatin and epidermal growth factor-like domains. Silencing of HPP1 by methylation may increase the probability of neoplastic transformation.
Patients with megaesophagus (ME) have increased prevalence of cancer of the esophagus. In contrast, a higher incidence of colorectal cancer is not observed in patients with megacolon (MC). MC is very common in some regions of Brazil, where it is mainly associated with Chagas disease. We reviewed the pathology records of surgical specimens of all patients submitted for surgical resection of MC in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (HC-FMRP), from the University of São Paulo. We found that 894 patients were operated from 1952 until 2001 for MC resection. Mucosal ulcers, hyperplasia and chronic inflammation were frequently found, while polyps were uncommon. No patients with MC presented any type of colonic neoplasm. This observation reinforces the hypothesis that MC has a negative association with cancer of the colon. This seems to contradict the traditional concept of carcinogenesis in the colon, since patients with MC presents important chronic constipation that is thought to cause an increase in risk for colon cancer. MC is also associated with other risk factors for cancer of colon, such as hyperplasia, mucosal ulcers and chronic inflammation. In ME these factors lead to a remarkable increase in cancer risk. The study of mucosal cell proliferation in MC may provide new insights and useful information about the role of constipation in colonic carcinogenesis.