993 resultados para Colonial economy


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As câmaras municipais constituíram-se em um dos mais notáveis mecanismos de manutenção do vasto império ultramarino português. Originavam-se dos antigos conselhos medievais, aglutinavam os interesses das elites coloniais ao serem compostas pelos homens bons da colônia, detinham considerável poder sobre a sociedade local além de terem a liberdade de representar ao rei de Portugal seus anseios ou dificuldades. Paralelo, ao poder do senado da câmara municipal, encontravam-se as autoridades nomeadas pelo rei de Portugal: governadores coloniais. Este compartilhamento do poder na colônia gerava, muitas vezes, conflitos entre a câmara municipal e os funcionários régios. No Rio de Janeiro, setecentista, vários fatores internos e externos à colônia deterioraram as relações entre os governadores coloniais e os membros do senado.Tal situação agrava-se com as incursões corsárias francesas de 1710 e 1711 que demonstraram a fragilidade do império português que há muito deixara de ter um poder naval significativo, perdendo espaços para potências como a França, Inglaterra e Holanda. Incapaz de conter os inimigos no vasto oceano, desprovido de meios navais capazes de patrulhar os litorais de suas colônias na África, Ásia e América, em especial o do Brasil, o império português dependia cada vez mais dos recursos humanos de suas colônias para a manutenção do seu território ultramarino. A corte portuguesa sofreu duro impacto com a conquista da cidade do Rio de Janeiro por Duguay-Trouin e, ao longo dos próximos anos, procurou fortalecer o sistema defensivo de sua colônia com o envio de tropas e navios além da construção de novas fortalezas e o reaparelhamento do sistema defensivo já existente.Todo este esforço para a guerra era bancado, em sua maior parte, com recursos da própria colônia do Rio de Janeiro. Obviamente este ônus não agradava a incipiente elite mercantil que florescia na colônia resultando no fato de que a política de enclausurar o Rio de Janeiro entre muralhas e fortificações, ás custas da economia colonial, colocou em campos opostos os funcionários do rei e os membros do senado por várias vezes nas primeiras décadas do século XVIII. Surgiram inevitáveis conflitos pelo uso e posse do território urbano do Rio de Janeiro cada vez mais pontilhado por fortalezas, sulcado por extensas valas e trincheiras a impedir-lhe o crescimento urbano. Além do conflito territorial, em função da expansão da atividade mercantil desenvolvida pelos colonos, as disputas comerciais envolveram as elites locais, ávidas por lucros e impulsionadas ao comércio devido à descoberta do ouro na região das Minas, e as autoridades e comerciantes lusos, uns querendo controlar a atividade comercial que crescia em acelerado ritmo, outros querendo lucrar e disputar espaços com as elites coloniais locais. No meio destes embates encontrava-se a Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, objetivo maior desta pesquisa, a defender os interesses das elites da colônia, pois delas era representante. Era uma disputa em que, muitas vezes, seus membros pagaram com a perda da liberdade e dos seus bens frente a governadores coloniais mais intolerantes


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This article explains how the colonial economic system was set up on the what is now the Ecuadorian coast. It also shows how social and precolonial economic forms funcioned and its articulation with the colonial economy. In this geographic zone where merchandise was exchanged and where people mingled and information was shared linking the distant mother country with the viceroyalty, the production and circulation of a wide array of goods provided the cornerstone for crestfallen indigenas societies. The sources provide evidence on the methods used by local rulers, who were essential actors in colonial implantation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com base em exaustivo trabalho de reconstituição de séries que se estendem de 1720 a 1822, o artigo objetiva contribuir para a construção de perspectivas da economia colonial amazônica que enfatizem o contexto global - a capacidade demonstrada de se afirmar como subsistema do Império Colonial Português no contexto do mercado mundial. Ao discutir essa capacidade, avalia a evolução das condições fundamentais de escala e eficiência, entendendo-as como determinadas pelas condições locais de operação do projeto colonial. Tais condições, caracterizadas pelos fundamentos naturais únicos do bioma amazônico, são avaliadas na referência das mudanças institucionais que marcam, vigorosamente, no tempo, a trajetória da economia e sociedade regionais.


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Esta Monografía se centra en mostrar cómo el intento por conservar la identidad colectiva de la Liga de los Estados Árabes impide ceder ante el deseo de Somalilandia de ser reconocida como Estado independiente.


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Includes bibliography


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In this paper we propose to analyze the relationship established by Fernando Novais with Caio Prado regarding the studies about the colonization. Putting himself as his disciple, Novais exposes his conception of colonization as a deepening means and a way to overcome the way by which the author of Formação do Brasil contemporâneo understood the colonial phenomenon. This way of putting this relationship has been accepted by both the critics and supporters of Novais, thus acquiring certainty of truth. We show in this paper that by rooting his conception of colonization in Prado’s conception, Novais conceived him in a particular way: as an historian of the ‘sense of colonization’. The analysis of Prado’s concept of colonization shows, however, that this is part of his interpretation of the history of Brazil, as a whole. It follows that we can’t isolate one from the other without disturbing the comprehension of Prado’s conception. The result of our text is thus retaking the Prado’s conception in its historicity.


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This dissertation examines Mexico City’s material politics of print—the central actors engaged in making print, their activities and relationships, and the legal, business, and social dimensions of production—across the nineteenth century. Inside urban printshops, a socially diverse group of men ranging from manual laborers to educated editors collaborated to make the printed items that fueled political debates and partisan struggles in the new republic. By investigating how print was produced, regulated, and consumed, this dissertation argues that printers shaped some of the most pressing conflicts that marked Mexico’s first formative century: over freedom of expression, the role of religion in government, and the emergence of liberalism. Printers shaped debates not only because they issued texts that fueled elite politics but precisely because they operated at the nexus where new liberal guarantees like freedom of the press and intellectual property intersected with politics and patronage, the regulatory efforts of the emerging state, and the harsh realities of a post-colonial economy.

Historians of Mexico have typically approached print as a vehicle for texts written by elites, which they argue contributed to the development of a national public sphere or print culture in spite of low literacy levels. By shifting the focus to print’s production, my work instead reveals that a range of urban residents—from prominent printshop owners to government ministers to street vendors—produced, engaged, and deployed printed items in contests unfolding in the urban environment. As print increasingly functioned as a political weapon in the decades after independence, print production itself became an arena in struggles over the emerging contours of politics and state formation, even as printing technologies remained relatively unchanged over time.

This work examines previously unexplored archival documents, including official correspondence, legal cases, business transactions, and printshop labor records, to shed new light on Mexico City printers’ interactions with the emerging national government, and reveal the degree to which heated ideological debates emerged intertwined with the most basic concerns over the tangible practices of print. By delving into the rich social and cultural world of printing—described by intellectuals and workers alike in memoirs, fiction, caricatures and periodicals— it also considers how printers’ particular status straddling elite and working worlds led them to challenge boundaries drawn by elites that separated manual and intellectual labors. Finally, this study engages the full range of printed documents made in Mexico City printshops not just as texts but also as objects with particular visual and material qualities whose uses and meanings were shaped not only by emergent republicanism but also by powerful colonial legacies that generated ambivalent attitudes towards print’s transformative power.


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ResumenAnaliza las primeras actividades económicas que desarrollaron en la Provincia de Costa Rica los conquistadores-pobladores-encomenderos. La comercialización del tributo en especie y la ganadería fueron el fundamento de la economía colonial durante el período de estudio (1569-1610).AbstractStudies the economic activities carried out in the Province of Costa Rica be the conqueror- settler- “encomenderos”. Marketing of tribute in kind and livestock were the basis of the Colonial economy during the period under analyses (1569-1610).


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Este artículo analiza el emplazamiento urbano, las dinámicas económicas y las relaciones sociales que caracterizaron a Guayaquil durante el XVIII. El desarrollo económico y productivo que experimentó la ciudad-puerto se debió a su feraz entorno natural y a las posibilidades de comunicación que brindó el sistema fluvial del Guayas. Se analizan las particularidades de su estructura social, las relaciones entre la élite y los sectores subalternos, la estructura político-administrativa del Cabildo y la influencia que este centro urbano ejerció sobre los pueblos y partidos ubicados en su hinterland.


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This paper juxtaposes postmodernist discourses on language, identity and cultural power with historical forms of language inequalities grounded in the nation-state. The discussion is presented in three sections. The first section focuses on the mixed legacies of language-state relations within the pluralist nation-state, colonial and postcolonial language policies. The second section examines the concept of linguistic minority rights beyond the nation-state. This incorporates discussion of transmigration, the breaking up of previous power blocs in Eastern Europe and the role of language in the articulation of emergent 'ethnic' nationalisms. The third section examines the concept of multilingualism within the interactive cultural landscape defined by 'informationalism'. Discussing the collective impact of these variables on the shaping of new cultural, economic and political inequalities, the paper highlights the tensions in which the concept of linguistic minority rights exists in the world today.


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In Kurunavanua (the trembling of the earth) Bolatagici investigates representations of Pacific Island masculinity, Fiji and the economy of war. Her ongoing research is concerned with neo-colonial encounters between the US, Australia, Britain and Pacific Island nations. This exhibition is informed by research into the exploitation of the Pacific by comparing the participation of Fijian soldiers in the nuclear tests at Christmas Island in the 1950s to the current recruitment of Fijians to work for Private Security Military Companies in the Middle East.


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This paper traces representations of the black body, which I have related to contemporary masculine identities in Fiji. I have linked historical representations to what I perceive as the ongoing commodification of the Fijian body and argue that opportunities that have arisen from conflict in the Middle East have had a significant impact on employment opportunities for Fijians. I have framed the discussion around a description and analysis of my own photographic and installation artworks produced between 2007 and 2009.