29 resultados para Colocasia


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Callus was initiated in three different ‘‘esculenta’’ taro cultivars by culturing corm slices in the dark on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for 20 days followed by subculture of all corm slices to half-strength MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l thidiazuron (TDZ). Depending on the cultivar, 20–30% of corm slices produced compact, yellow, nodular callus on media containing TDZ. Histological studies revealed the presence of typical embryogenic cells which were small, isodiametric with dense cytoplasms. Somatic embryos formed when callus was transferred to hormone-free medium and *72% of the embryos germinated into plantlets on this medium. Simultaneous formation of roots and shoots during germination, and the presence of shoot and root poles revealed by histology, confirmed that these structures were true somatic embryos. Plants derived from somatic embryos appeared phenotypically normal following 2 months growth in a glasshouse. This method is a significant advance on those previously reported for the esculenta cultivars of taro due to its efficiency and reproducibility.


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Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important crop worldwide but is of particular significance in many Pacific Island countries where it forms part of the staple diet and serves as an export commodity. Escalating pest and disease problems are jeopardizing taro production with serious implications to food security and trade. Biotechnological approaches to addressing pest and disease problems, such as somatic embryogenesis and transgenesis, are potentially viable options. However, despite biotechnological advancements in higher profile agronomic crops, such progress in relation to Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta has been slow. This paper reviews taro biology, highlights the cultural and economic significance of taro in Pacific Island countries and discusses the progress made towards the molecular breeding of this important crop to date.


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Embryogenic callus was initiated by culturing in vitro taro corm slices on agar-solidified half-strength MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for 20 days followed by transfer to 1.0 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ). Callus was subsequently proliferated on solid medium containing 1.0 mg/L TDZ, 0.5 mg/L 2,4- D and 800 mg/L glutamine before transfer to liquid medium containing the same components but with reduced glutamine (100 mg/L). After 3 months in liquid culture on an orbital shaker, cytoplasmically dense cell aggregates began to form. Somatic embryogenesis was induced by plating suspension cells onto solid media containing reduced levels of hormones (0.1 mg/L TDZ, 0.05 mg/L 2,4-D), high concentrations of sucrose (40–50 g/L) and biotin (1.0 mg/L). Embryo maturation and germination was then induced on media containing 0.05 mg/L benzyladenine (BA) and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Histological studies of the developing embryos revealed the presence of typical shoot and root poles suggesting that these structures were true somatic embryos. The rate of somatic embryos formation was 500–3,000 per mL settledcell volume while approximately 60% of the embryos regenerated into plants.


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Taro (Colocasia esculenta) accessions were collected from 15 provinces of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The collection, totalling 859 accessions was collated for characterization and a core collection of 81 accessions (10%) was established on the basis of characterization data generated on 30 agro-morphological descriptors, and DNA fingerprinting using seven SSR primers. The selection of accessions was based on cluster analysis of the morphological data enabling initial selection of 20% accessions. The 20% sample was then reduced and rationalized to 10% based on molecular data generated by SSR primers. This represents the first national core collection of any species established in PNG based on molecular markers. The core has been integrated with core from other Pacific Island countries, contributing to a Pacific regional core collection, which is conserved in vitro in the South Pacific Regional Germplasm Centre at Fiji. The core collection is a valuable resource for food security of the South Pacific region and is currently being utilized by the breeding programmes of small Pacific Island countries to broaden the genetic base of the crop.


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We report the first genome sequence of a Colocasia bobone disease-associated virus (CBDaV) derived from bobone-affected taro [Colocasia esculenta L. Schott] from Solomon Islands. The negative-strand RNA genome is 12,193 nt long, with six major open reading frames (ORFs) with the arrangement 3′-N-P-P3-M-G-L-5′. Typical of all rhabdoviruses, the 3′ leader and 5′ trailer sequences show complementarity to each other. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CBDaV is a member of the genus Cytorhabdovirus, supporting previous reports of virus particles within the cytoplasm of bobone-infected taro cells. The availability of the CBDaV genome sequence now makes it possible to assess the role of this virus in bobone, and possibly alomae disease of taro and confirm that this sequence is that of Colocasia bobone disease virus (CBDV).


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La malanga ( Colocasia esculenta. (L.) Schott) , familia Aráceae, es el tubérculo de mayor exportación en Nicaragua, pero es escasa la información sobre su agrotecnia. Se evaluó el efecto que tienen el tiempo de cosecha y dos condiciones de humedad del suelo sobre el rendimiento de Malanga Lila para exportación. Se establecieron dos ensayos. En el ensayo I se evaluó el efecto de cosechar las plantas a los 7 meses (7M) y 9 meses (9M) en suelo seco. Se establecieron 2 lotes de plantas de 0.7 ha cada uno, el primero en noviembre 2009 y el otro en enero 2010, ambos lotes cosechados en agosto 2010. En el ensayo II se evaluó el efecto de siembra en secano (7MS) y fangoso (7MF) sobre el rendimiento. En ambos ensayos se establecieron cuatro submuestras de 10 plantas (observaciones) por lote. En el Ensayo I se evaluaron variables morfológicas a 127, 150, 180 y 215 días después de la siembra (dds) en relación a plantas 9MS y a los 96, 120, 150 y 185 dds a plantas 7M. El ensayo II se evaluó de igual forma que las plastas 7M del ensayo I. A los datos de las variables morfológicas se realizó la prueba de T-Student y las de rendimiento un ANDEVA. Se determinó la incidencia del Virus del Mosaico del Dasheen (DsMV) mediante la prueba ELISA, se evaluó la concentración de materia seca de los cormos de plantas madres. Las plantas 9M y 7M registraron valores de las variables morfológicas y rendimiento similares (45.15 y 42.47 t ha-1 respectivamente), el momento ó ptimo de cosecha es 9 meses. Las plantas 7MF crecieron más lentamente que las platas 7MS, las que no lograron el máximo desarrollo foliar y presentaron mayor incidencia de enfermedades fungosas y bacterianas en cormos, raíces y hojas. Las plantas de ambos ensayos mostraron síntomas del virus. Las plantas 7MF presentaron cormos alargados y menos anchos que las plantas 7MS.


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La Universidad Nacional Agraria, institución de educación superior, autónoma, que promueve el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la sociedad nicaragüense, que forma profesionales en el campo agropecuario y forestal y genera conocimientos científicos, pone en manos de la sociedad nicaragüense la Guía Técnica: REPRODUCCIÓN ACE­LERADA DE SEMILLA DE QUEQU ISQUE (XANTHOSOMA SP.) Y MALANGA (COLOCASIA SP.), la cual posee información sobre aspectos generales de la propagación agámica del quequisque y la malanga; sobre el sombreadero, el cantero y el substrato. La Guía comprende, además, el procedimiento de la técnica de reproducción acelerada de quequisque y malanga. La información que contiene es el resultado de una serie de estudios realizados en el laboratorio de cultivo de tejidos de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, de los resultados de investigaciones realizadas por docentes y estudiantes del Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses, adscrito a la Facultad de Agronomía y del intercambio de experiencias con instituciones afines que realizan Investigación en el Campo Agropecuario y Forestal. El objetivo de las GUIAS TÉCNICAS es apoyar a técnicos y productores en la toma de decisiones sobre la producción de los cultivos el manejo pecuario y los procesos agroindustriales que den mayor competitividad al sector agropecuario y forestal. De igual forma, contribuir al manejo integral de las Ancas, desde una perspectiva agro ecológica. La publicación de las GUIAS TECNICAS, se constituye en una de las estrategias con las que cuenta la UNA para la difusión de su quehacer universitario. Estas se unen al Centro Nacional de Documentación Agropecuaria (CENIDA), así corno a la infraestructura y equipo para la investigación , (laboratorios y personal técnico), a los medios de divulgación de los resultados, Eventos Científicos y la Revista Científica La Calera. Las GUIAS TECNICAS han sido elaboradas con el propósito de hacerlas accesibles a una amplia audiencia, que incluye Productores , Profesionales, Técnicos, y Estudiantes, de tal forma que se constituyan en una herramienta de consulta, enseñanza y aprendizaje , que motiven la investigación y la adopción de tecnologías, y que contribuyan de la mejor manera al desarrollo Agropecuario y Forestal de Nicaragua.


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Ceratocystis fimbriata foi encontrado em tubérculos de inhame (Colocasia esculenta), apresentando lesões escuras, pouco profundas, contendo estruturas de reprodução do fungo, cuja coloração variava do cinza ao negro. As amostras foram coletadas em supermercados, quitandas e varejões nos Estados de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Rondônia e Distrito Federal que, na maioria dos casos, comercializavam inhame produzido no Estado de São Paulo. Os sintomas de podridão negra indicam se tratar de uma doença de pós-colheita. Seqüências de rDNA indicam que os isolados de Colocasia sp. pertencem ao clado da America Latina do complexo C. fimbriata, embora esses isolados sejam mais agressivos em pseudo-pecíolos de C. esculenta do que os isolados de Ficus carica e Mangifera indica.


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We present results of starch analysis of archaeological deposits from Pitcairn Island. High concentrations of starch grains preserved in cell membranes, and xylem tracheary elements, consistent with introduced Colocasia esculenta (taro) were found. Because of limited age control, we are uncertain if the microfossils are prehistoric. Problems associated with identifying taxa with small starch grains in extractions from weathered deposits are highlighted. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent multidisciplinary investigations document an independent emergence of agriculture at Kuk Swamp in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. In this paper we report preliminary usewear analysis and details of prehistoric use of stone tools for processing starchy food and other plants at Kuk Swamp. Morphological diagnostics for starch granules are reported for two potentially significant economic species, taro (Colocasia esculenta) and yam (Dioscorea sp.), following comparisons between prehistoric and botanical reference specimens. Usewear and residue analyses of starch granules indicate that both these species were processed on the wetland margin during the early and mid Holocene. We argue that processing of taro and yam commences by at least 10,200 calibrated years before present (cal BP), although the taro and yam starch granules do not permit us to distinguish between wild or cultivated forms. From at least 6950 to 6440 cal BP the processing of taro, yam and other plants indicates that they are likely to have been integrated into cultivation practices on the wetland edge.


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The levels of some heavy metals in soil samples and tubers of cocoyam ( Colocasia esculentum ) grown on soil receiving paint wastes (PWS) has been investigated using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam 939/959 model). Similar analyses were carried out for the same plant from a control area. The studies revealed that although the P.W.S contained abnormally high levels of Pb (474.14mgkg-1) and Cu (137.85mgkg-1). The paint waste tuber (PWT) recorded low levels of these metals: Pb (2.13mgkg-1) and Cu (13.85mgkg-1) respectively. Correlation analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance show that no significant correlation existed between the metals levels in the soil and the level in the tuber. In all cases the levels of the metals in the tubers were well below the upper limit documented for unpolluted plant. The results however suggest the ineffectiveness of the use of Colocasia esculentum as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution in soil.


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Somatic embryogenesis and transformation systems are indispensable modern plant breeding components since they provide an alternative platform to develop control strategies against the plethora of pests and diseases affecting many agronomic crops. This review discusses some of the factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and transformation, highlights the advantages and limitations of these systems and explores these systems as breeding tools for the development of crops with improved agronomic traits. The regeneration of non-chimeric transgenic crops through somatic embryogenesis with introduced disease and pest-resistant genes for instance, would be of significant benefit to growers worldwide.