1000 resultados para Collyria seal


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Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire.


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The objective of this thesis is to examine the economic effects in the conflict between grey seal population and the salmon fishery in the Baltic Sea. We will formulate a bioeconomic model which provides new insights on the optimal management of Atlantic salmon with respect to the effects brought about by the grey seal population. As the catch losses caused by seals have an effect on salmon fishery in Baltic, we will study how seal population affects the present value of the salmon fishery. The study considers the Finnish coastal trap net fishery. The bioeconomic model considers a scenario of sole salmon fishery and a scenario of salmon fishery affected by the grey seal population. On the basis of these scenarios, a seal compensation scheme is introduced. We can observe a significant economic seal-induced effect on the salmon fishery. The results suggest that the present seal compensation scheme emploid by the Finnish government is suboptimal. This thesis is part of the TARMO –project, in which the conflict between grey seal population and salmon fishery is studied using the methods of environmental economics.


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The virus epizootics which occurred in seals in both Europe and Siberia during 1987/1988 were caused by two different morbillivirus, referred to as phocid distemper virus (PDV) 1 and 2, respectively. Molecular and serological studies have shown that the European virus is quite distinct from canine distemper virus (CDV), its closest relative in the morbillivirus group. Analysis of tissues obtained from infected seals from a wide geographical distrubution over Northern Europe showed that the infectious agent (PDV 1) was identical in all cases. Nucleotide sequence analysis of one of the virus genes suggested that this virus has evolved away from CDV over a long time period and is most probably an enzootic virus of marine mammals. In contrast, the virus (PDV 2) which caused the deaths of many Siberian seals was indistinguishable, both serologically and at the molecular level, from CDV and must have originated from a land source.


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Abstract: This article deals in the main with claims made by Lipschits et al. that the lmlk stamps were partly manufactured after Sennacherib’s campaign in 701 BCE. It forms specifically a rejoinder to Lipschits’ claims published recently. Finally, in the epilogue, are presented the data dealing with the suggestions of Lipschits, which have already been published by Stern, Grena and Van der Veen.


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[ES]El trabajo fin grado desarrollado en este documento consiste en la realización de una interfaz gráfica que permita analizar la precisión, en la medida de armónicos e interarmónicos de señales eléctricas de tensión y corriente, de diferentes técnicas que buscan la sincronización de la frecuencia de muestreo con la frecuencia fundamental. Se estudian diferentes técnicas de estimación de la frecuencia fundamental y diferentes técnicas de remuestreo aplicadas a señales analíticas de las que se conocen su frecuencia fundamental y su contenido armónico. Estas técnicas de procesado tienen como objetivo mejorar en la medida del contenido armónico haciendo disminuir, mediante la sincronización de la frecuencia de muestreo, el error que se comete debido a la dispersión espectral provocada por el enventanado de las señales.


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[ES]En este documento se estudia el desarrollo de una aplicación electrónica para la ayuda a gente con movilidad reducida a través de unos sensores cerebrales que permitan el análisis de la iniciativa de la persona a realizar acciones que de otra manera no podría realizar. El concepto completo consiste en el diseño del sensor que el paciente se colocaría en la cabeza, el tratamiento de la información extraída y la actuación por medio de una solución mecánica, como un conjunto cilindro-pistón para el futuro desarrollo de un sistema de ayuda a la movilidad.


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[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en el diseño de una herramienta gráfica para el desarrollo de prácticas de laboratorio basadas en el procesado de señales electrocardiográficas (ECG) para la asignatura de Procesado de Señales Biomédicas. El proyecto se concreta en la aplicación de la herramienta para tres prácticas de laboratorio diferentes basadas en ECG, las cuales tendrán objetivos y técnicas de procesado diferentes. El objetivo final es que los docentes y los estudiantes sean capaces de trabajar con señales de ECG, analizar sus principales características y comprender distintas técnicas y algoritmos de procesado típicas de este ámbito.


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[EN]These feedback devices are used to improve the quality of chest compressions while performing CPR technique, as they provide real time information to guide the rescuer during resuscitation attempts. Most feedback systems on the market are based on accelerometers and additional sensors or reference signals, used for calculating the displacement of the chest from the acceleration signal. This makes them expensive and complex devices. With the aim of optimizing these feedback systems and overcoming their limitations, in this document we propose three alternative methods for calculating the depth of chest compressions. These methods differ from the ones existing so far in that they use exclusively the chest acceleration signal to compute the displacement. With their implementation, it would be possible to develop systems to provide accurate feedback more easily and economically. In this context, this document details the design and implementation of the three methods and the development of a software environment to analyze the accuracy of each of them and compare the results by means of a detailed calculation of errors. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the methods a database is required, and it can be compiled using a sensorized manikin to record the acceleration signal and the gold standard chest compression depth. The database generated will be used for other studies related to the estimation of the compression depth, because the signals obtained in the manikin platform are very similar to those recorded during a real resuscitation episode.


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ES]El proyecto descrito en este documento consiste en la investigación sobre la viabilidad de detección automática de pulso y respiración a partir de la señal de aceleración, medida mediante un acelerómetro posicionado bien en la carótida o en el pecho del paciente. El motivo de la utilización de la aceleración está principalmente en el bajo costo y por la tecnología sencilla de los acelerómetros. En este documento se explica cómo se ha montado una plataforma para la adquisición de las señales de aceleración y el electrocardiograma emitido por el corazón, en sujetos sanos. Con la base de señales adquirida se ha diseñado un método basado en el dominio de la frecuencia para detectar la presencia de pulso y respiración. Los resultados son prometedores y confirman la posibilidad de desarrollar estos detectores. Las herramientas desarrolladas podrán ser utilizadas para análisis futuros y para seguir avanzando en este estudio.


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[EN]This paper presents a project within that research field. The project consists on the development of an experimental environment comprised by a sensorized practice manikin and a management software system. Manikin model allows the simulation of cardiac arrest episodes on laboratory settings. The management software system adds the capacity to compute and analyze the characteristics of the artifact induced on the electrocardiogram and the thoracic impedance signals by chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to variations of the electrode-skin interface. The main reason for choosing this kind of model is the impossibility to use real people because of the risk of thoracic injuries during chest compression. Moreover, this platform could be used for training in reanimation techniques for real situations. Even laypeople with minimal training can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This can reduce the response time to an emergency while the healthcare personnel arrives, which is key to improve outcomes, since with every minute the chances of survival decrease approximately 10%. It is not necessary to have medical knowledge to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which could increase chances of survival for a patient with an early reanimation since In this context, this paper details the technique solution for the manikin sensorisation to acquire the electrocardiogram, the impedance signal measured between the defibrillation pads placed on the patient’s chest, the compression depth, the compression force and the acceleration experienced by the chest in the three orthogonal axes. Moreover, it is possible to inject a previously recorded electrocardiogram signal.


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[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es la implementación de un algoritmo de ocultación de datos para la señal de voz mediante el uso de su información de fase espectral. Cuando se trabaja con señales de voz lo más habitual es utilizar el módulo debido a su sencillez a la hora de manipularlo y porque está relacionado con la percepción. En este caso, se busca que la información oculta sea perceptualmente y estadísticamente indetectable y que a su vez degrade lo menos posible la calidad de la señal, por lo que modificar el módulo produciría efectos no deseados. Por lo tanto, el método más eficaz de conseguirlo es trabajando con la fase espectral, precisamente por el hecho de que el sistema auditivo humano es menos sensible ante modificaciones de fase. Esta característica es la que se aprovechará para introducir la información que se desea ocultar. Por último, se evaluará la técnica desarrollada de acuerdo a diferentes criterios. Mediante pruebas en las que se modificarán los valores de algunos parámetros se obtendrán resultados relacionados con la perceptibilidad, la robustez, el rendimiento o la capacidad entre otros, determinando así la configuración óptima del algoritmo.