978 resultados para Collections, 1819
Species of Adelpha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae) occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Based on literature, collections and sampled butterflies, a list of twelve species of Adelpha Hübner occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State is presented, including host plants. Adelpha epizygis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha falcipennis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha goyama Schaus, 1902 and Adelpha isis (Drury, 1782) are new reports to Rio Grande do Sul. The species are illustrated and keyed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Vol. 5 has title: Table générale par ordre alphabétique de matières, des lois, décrets, arrêtés et ordonnances du roi, publiés dans les Ve, VIe et VIIe séries du Bulletin des lois, depuis le 1er avril 1814, jusqu'au 1er janvier 1819. Faisant suite à celle publiée en 4 volumes... pour les lois, sénatus-consultes... jusqu'au 1er avril 1814. Par L. Rondonneau.
A key controversy in negotiating the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the likely long-term effectiveness of the agreement, is the way in which the intellectual property provisions are interpreted and applied to the key genetic resources forming the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system of International Agricultural Research Centres' (IARC) collections. This paper reviews the intellectual property provisions in the treaty and examines the likely consequences from patenting under the Patents Act 1990 over materials derived from these collections. The consequence is argued to be significant and, over time, these practices are likely to deplete the usefulness of these collections and undermine the relevance of the treaty. The paper concludes that Australia's interests might best be served by arguing that access to these collections, and the other materials under the treaty, be subject to a non-exclusive, royalty free licence for any use of the derived materials to develop useful new plant varieties.
Background and Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for the treatment of sterile pancreatic fluid collections (PFC), either by means of transmural drainage or by complete aspiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of single-step EUS-guided endoscopic approaches for treatment of sterile PFC. Patients and Methods: During a 3-year period, 77 consecutive patients with symptomatic, persistent sterile PFC were evaluated and treated with the linear EUS. We excluded patients with grossly purulent collections, chronic pseudocyst and those whose cytology diagnostic was neoplastic cyst of pancreas. 44 patients received a single 10-Fr plastic straight stent under EUS or fluoroscopic control (group I) and 33 of these underwent a single-step complete aspiration with a 19-gauge needle (group II). Results: The mean size of the sterile PFC was 48 mm in group I and 28 mm in group II (p < 0.001). Overall, endoscopic treatment was successful in 70 (90.9%) patients. The mean volume aspirated was 25 (18-65) ml. The total number of procedures was 50 in group I and 41 punctures in group II. After a mean follow-up of 64 +/- 15.6 weeks there were 6 complications 13.6%): 2 recurrences (referred to surgery), 2 developing abscesses (submitted a new EUS-guided endoscopic drainage with success), 1 perforation that died (2.2%), and 1 case of bleeding (sent to surgery) in group I. In group II there were only 6 (18.1%) recurrences (submitted a new EUS-guided aspiration). None of the patients undergoing single-step aspiration developed infections, perforation or hemorrhage. Conclusion: The recurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts after endoscopic treatment was similar, either by means of plastic stents or by complete single-step aspiration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
The material in genebanks includes valuable traditional varieties and landraces, non-domesticated species, advanced and obsolete cultivars, breeding lines and genetic stock. It is the wide variety of potentially useful genetic diversity that makes collections valuable. While most of the yield increases to date have resulted from manipulation of a few major traits (such as height, photoperiodism, and vernalization), meeting future demand for increased yields will require exploitation of novel genetic resources. Many traits have been reported to have potential to enhance yield, and high expression of these can be found in germplasm collections. To boost yield in irrigated situations, spike fertility must be improved simultaneously with photosynthetic capacity. CIMMYT's Wheat Genetic Resources program has identified a source of multi-ovary florets, with up to 6 kernels per floret. Lines from landrace collections have been identified that have very high chlorophyll concentration, which may increase leaf photosynthetic rate. High chlorophyll concentration and high stomatal conductance are associated with heat tolerance. Recent studies, through augmented use of seed multiplication nurseries, identified high expression of these traits in bank accessions, and both traits were heritable. Searches are underway for drought tolerance traits related to remobilization of stem fructans, awn photosynthesis, osmotic adjustment, and pubescence. Genetic diversity from wild relatives through the production of synthetic wheats has produced novel genetic diversity.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro Área de especialização – Vidro
La présente thèse doctorale propose l’étude de l’activité théâtrale développée dans les théâtres permanents construits en Amérique Portugaise au long du XVIIIe et dans la première décennie du XIXe siècle, en mettant l’accent sur les idéalisateurs des Casas da Ópera et les moyens de financement utilisés dans l’édification et l’entretien de celles-ci, le répertoire mis en scène, les artistes composant les compagnies théâtrales, les spectateurs et les possibilités de sociabilité établies dans l’espace théâtrale et les modèles architectoniques qui ont inspiré la construction des bâtiments théâtraux au cours de la période mentionnée. Ces cinq axes principaux soulignent l’approche interdisciplinaire qui a orienté nos études, dans un souci de contribution à une plus complète compréhension de notre sujet de recherche. Mots clés : Théâtres, Amérique Portugaise, Comédiens Mulâtres, Théâtre Éphémère, Comédies Portugaises, Architecture théâtrale luso-américaine, Casa da Ópera de Vila Rica/Ouro Preto.
Journal of Cultural Heritage, nº 9 (2008), p. 64-68