639 resultados para Colitis Ulcerosa
The availability of new topical preparations for the treatment of left sided ulcerative colitis ulcerosa offers a therapy optimization for many patients. Rectal application of steroids and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is associated with fewer side effects and has a higher therapeutic efficacy in mild to moderate-active left-sided colitis as compared to a systemic therapy. Often it is argued that the patients' compliance is insufficient with a rectal therapy. However, with sufficient information on the proven advantages this is usually not the case. The rectal application of drugs in distal ulcerative colitis is suitable also for the maintenance of remission. Therefore the new therapy guidelines recommend topical therapy more than in former times. Subsequently, these manuscripts focussed specifically on the topical therapy of distal colitis, to elucidate that clear treatment advantages are present in daily practice.
La colitis ulcerosa (CU) es caracteritza per una afectació contínua de la mucosa rectal en sentit proximal cap a altres zones del còlon. Hi ha formes de CU amb afectació distal i periapendicular (CU-PA). Objectius: avaluar la prevalença de la CU-PA, i comparar les seves característiques clíniques, terapèutiques i evolutives. Mètodes: 14 pacients amb CU-PA van ser comparats en termes d'evolució clínica amb 25 pacients amb CU distal sense afectació periapendicular. Resultats: Es va trobar una major freqüència de CU-PA en homes (p = 0,047), sense diferències en la resta de les variables comparades entre els dos grups de pacients.
Las enfermedades inflamatorias del intestino (EII) son trastornos crónicos que inflaman y destruyen el tejido intestinal de forma periódica y recurrente. Las EII se clasifican en dos tipos: enfermedad de Crohn (EC) y colitis ulcerosa (CU). La etiología tanto de la EC como de la CU es poco conocida y el curso está influido por múltiples factores de tipo biopsicosocial. Al respecto, diversas investigaciones están aportando evidencia de la implicación de factores psicológicos en el curso de las EII, tales como el estrés psicosocial, las estrategias de afrontamiento, las características de personalidad, los síntomas psicopatológicos y el apoyo social.
Regulatorische T-Zellen; Treg; Colitis ulcerosa; DSS; CED; APN; Phebestin
Studies in animal models and humans suggest anti-inflammatory roles on the N acylethanolamide (NAE)-peroxisome proliferators activated receptor alpha (PPARα) system in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, the presence and function of NAE-PPARα signaling system in the ulcerative colitis (UC) of humans remain unknown as well as its response to active anti-inflammatory therapies such as 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and glucocorticoids. Expression of PPARα receptor and PPARα ligands-biosynthetic (NAPE-PLD) and -degrading (FAAH and NAAA) enzymes were analyzed in untreated active and 5-ASA/glucocorticoids/immunomodulators-treated quiescent UC patients compared to healthy human colonic tissue by RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analyses. PPARα, NAAA, NAPE-PLD and FAAH showed differential distributions in the colonic epithelium, lamina propria, smooth muscle and enteric plexus. Gene expression analysis indicated a decrease of PPARα, PPARγ and NAAA, and an increase of FAAH and iNOS in the active colitis mucosa. Immunohistochemical expression in active colitis epithelium confirmed a PPARα decrease, but showed a sharp NAAA increase and a NAPE-PLD decrease, which were partially restored to control levels after treatment. We also characterized the immune cells of the UC mucosa infiltrate. We detected a decreased number of NAAA-positive and an increased number of FAAH-positive immune cells in active UC, which were partially restored to control levels after treatment. NAE-PPARα signaling system is impaired during active UC and 5-ASA/glucocorticoids treatment restored its normal expression. Since 5-ASA actions may work through PPARα and glucocorticoids through NAE-producing/degrading enzymes, the use of PPARα agonists or FAAH/NAAA blockers that increases endogenous PPARα ligands may yield similar therapeutics advantages.
BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated the influence of colectomy on antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positivity in ulcerative colitis (UC). In small series of patients it has been suggested that ANCA positivity in UC might be predictive for development of pouchitis after colectomy. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of ANCA in UC patients treated by colectomy and a Brooke's ileostomy (UC-BI) or ileal pouch anal anastomosis (UC-IPAA), and the relation between the presence of ANCA, the type of surgery, and the presence of pouchitis. SUBJECTS: 63 UC patients treated by colectomy (32 with UC-BI and 31 with UC-IPAA), 54 UC, and 24 controls. METHODS: Samples were obtained at least two years after colectomy. ANCA were detected by indirect immunofluorescent assay. RESULTS: There were no differences between patients with (36.3%) or without pouchitis (35.0%) and between patients with UC (55%), UC-BI (40.6%), and UC-IPAA (35.4%). However, ANCA prevalence significantly decreases in the whole group of operated patients (38.0%) compared with non-operated UC (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ANCA in operated patients was significantly lower than in non-operated UC, suggesting that it might be related either to the presence of inflamed or diseased tissue. ANCA persistence is not related to the surgical procedure and it should not be used as a marker for predicting the development of pouchitis.
The availability of new topical preparations for the treatment of left sided ulcerative colitis ulcerosa offers a therapy optimization for many patients. Rectal application of steroids and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is associated with fewer side effects and has a higher therapeutic efficacy in mild to moderate-active left-sided colitis as compared to a systemic therapy. Often it is argued that the patients' compliance is insufficient with a rectal therapy. However, with sufficient information on the proven advantages this is usually not the case. The rectal application of drugs in distal ulcerative colitis is suitable also for the maintenance of remission. Therefore the new therapy guidelines recommend topical therapy more than in former times. Subsequently, these manuscripts focussed specifically on the topical therapy of distal colitis, to elucidate that clear treatment advantages are present in daily practice.
La Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (Enfermedad de Crohn,EC; Colitis Ulcerosa,CU; Colitis inclasificable, CI) ha sufrido variaciones de incidencia, su estudio permite conocer los factores fisiopatológicos implicados y tratamientos específicos. Se ha realizado un estudio observacional retrospectivo de los casos diagnosticados de EII en el Departamento de Salud 6 de Valencia relacionando resultados con los obtenidos en España y otros países. La incidencia estandarizada a la población europea, ajustada a sexo y edad fue: 3.89(EC),6.635(CU) y de 2.845(CI). La incidencia de CU fue más elevada que la de EC, excepto en los más jóvenes, superior para CU y CI en hombres.
Disposem d’evidència sobre la influència negativa del tabac en la malaltia de Crohn i el seu efecte positiu en la Colitis ulcerosa. Per altra banda, no s’ha avaluat una potencial interacció entre el tabaquisme i la resposta a determinats fàrmacs. En el present treball hem avaluat l’eficàcia de les tiopurines en la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal corticodepenent, en relació a l’existència d’hàbit tabàquic a l’inici del tractament i la seva influència en el seguiment dels pacients amb resposta inicial al fàrmac, valorant la necessitat de teràpies de rescat o de tractament quirúrgic durant la seva evolució segons l’hàbit tabàquic.
En aquest estudi, s'ha intentat determinar si l'aplicació de contrast intravenós augmenta la rendibilitat de l'ecografia abdominal en l'estudi de la recurrència postquirúrgica de la malaltia de Crohn (EC). Per a això vam estudiar 40 pacients que complien uns determinats criteris d'inclusió, als quals se'ls va realitzar una colonoscopia (gold standar) i una ecografia abdominal (EA) amb contrast intravenós. Després d'analitzar els resultats, podem concloure, que l'ocupació de contrast durant la realització de l'ecografia abdominal permet augmentar la capacitat diagnòstica de la recurrència endoscópica en pacients amb EC i resecció intestinal, no obstant això la seva utilitat és menor per a valorar la gravetat de la recurrència
Background: A functional polymorphism located at 21 from the start codon of the CD40 gene, rs1883832, was previously reported to disrupt a Kozak sequence essential for translation. It has been consistently associated with Graves’ disease risk in populations of different ethnicity and genetic proxies of this variant evaluated in genome-wide association studies have shown evidence of an effect in rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS) susceptibility. However, the protective allele associated with Graves’ disease or rheumatoid arthritis has shown a risk role in MS, an effect that we aimed to replicate in the present work. We hypothesized that this functional polymorphism might also show an association with other complex autoimmune condition such as inflammatory bowel disease, given the CD40 overexpression previously observed in Crohn’s disease (CD) lesions. Methodology: Genotyping of rs1883832C.T was performed in 1564 MS, 1102 CD and 969 ulcerative colitis (UC) Spanish patients and in 2948 ethnically matched controls by TaqMan chemistry. Principal Findings: The observed effect of the minor allele rs1883832T was replicated in our independent Spanish MS cohort [p= 0.025; OR (95% CI)= 1.12 (1.01–1.23)]. The frequency of the minor allele was also significantly higher in CD patients than in controls [p= 0.002; OR (95% CI)= 1.19 (1.06–1.33)]. This increased predisposition was not detected in UC patients [p= 0.5; OR (95% CI)= 1.04 (0.93–1.17)]. Conclusion: The impact of CD40 rs1883832 on MS and CD risk points to a common signaling shared by these autoimmune conditions
BACKGROUND The etiology of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD), considered together as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), involves environmental and genetic factors. Although some genes are already known, the genetics underlying these diseases is complex and new candidates are continuously emerging. The CD209 gene is located in a region linked previously to IBD and a CD209 functional polymorphism (rs4804803) has been associated to other inflammatory conditions. Our aim was to study the potential involvement of this CD209 variant in IBD susceptibility. METHODS We performed a case-control study with 515 CD patients, 497 UC patients and 731 healthy controls, all of them white Spaniards. Samples were typed for the CD209 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4804803 by TaqMan technology. Frequency comparisons were performed using chi2 tests. RESULTS No association between CD209 and UC or CD was observed initially. However, stratification of UC patients by HLA-DR3 status, a strong protective allele, showed that carriage of the CD209_G allele could increase susceptibility in the subgroup of HLA-DR3-positive individuals (p = 0.03 OR = 1.77 95% CI 1.04-3.02, vs. controls). CONCLUSION A functional variant in the CD209 gene, rs4804803, does not seem to be influencing Crohn's disease susceptibility. However, it could be involved in the etiology or pathology of Ulcerative Colitis in HLA-DR3-positive individuals but further studies are necessary.