13 resultados para Coleus


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OBJETIVO: Testar os efeitos do extrato aquoso de Coleus barbatus (EAB) na cirrose biliar secundária por obstrução das vias biliares extra-hepáticas em ratos jovens. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos Wistar machos com 21 dias de vida (P21), foram distribuídos em quatro grupos de 10 animais, submetidos a operação simulada ou dupla ligadura e ressecção do ducto biliar (S ou L) combinados EAB e a Água (B ou A). No P48, foi medido o tempo de sono com o pentobarbital (TS). No P49, foram submetidos a eutanásia para a determinação das atividades séricas do aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e da alanina aminotransferases (ALT); após a eutanásia foram avaliados o peso fresco do fígado (PFF) e, em cortes histológicos do fígado, a freqüência de mitoses (FM), o número de áreas de necrose (NN), a intensidade da fibrose (IF) e da proliferação ductal (IPD). Os efeitos da colestase, os do EAB e suas interações foram testados pela ANOVA com dois fatores, e as comparações múltiplas pareadas foram realizadas pelo teste de S.N.K ou teste de Wilcoxon. Também foi determinada a correlação linear de Pearson entre as variáveis histológicas duas a duas separadamente para os grupos LA e LD. O nível de significância estatística para os vários testes foi de p do erro alfa <0,05. RESULTADOS: A colestase aumentou significativamente o TS, a ALT, a AST, o PFF, a MI, o NN, a IF e a IPD. O EAB diminuiu o TS e a IM nos animais sem colestase (operação simulada). O EAB diminuiu o TS, a ALT, a AST, o PFF, a MI, o NN e IF na colestase. No grupo LA houve correlação positiva entre a IPD e a IF, correlação negativa entre a IPD e a FM e correlação negativa entre a IF a FM. No grupo LD houve correlação negativa entre o NN e a IPD. CONCLUSÕES: Na ausência de colestase o EAB encurta o tempo de sono e diminui a freqüência de mitoses. O EAB apresenta efeito hepatoprotetor no modelo de cirrose biliar secundária a obstrução biliar extra-hepática.


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Extracts of Coleus bal barbatus B. have been used in folk medicine to interrupt pregnancy. In order to evaluate if this plant interferes with embryo implantation or with the normal development of the concepts, pregnant Wistar rats were treated with increasing doses (220, 440 and 880 mg/kg per day) of a hydroalcoholic extract of C. barbatus. The rats received the extract by gavage from days 0 to 5 of pregnancy (preimplantation period) or 6 to 15 (organogenic period). Control groups received distilled water during the same periods: the animals were killed at term for the evaluation of maternal and fetal parameters. The results showed that the treatment with 880 mg/kg per day of the extract of C. barbatus before embryo implantation caused delayed fetal development and an anti-implantation effect, which justifies the popular use of this extract with abortive purposes. After embryo implantation delayed development associated with maternal toxicity was observed in the fetuses of the group which received 880 mg/kg per day. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mudas envasadas de Coleus blumei, com três meses de idade, foram submetidas a diferentes concentrações de cloreto de sódio (NaCl: 0,00; 0,25; 0,50 e 1,00%). Visando determinar a absorção osmótica, as mudas tiveram seus caules cortados a 10 cm acima do solo. Os caules remanescentes foram interligados a tubos de vidro por tubos flexíveis de borracha. Foram feitas leituras (cm) a cada 30 minutos dos níveis das colunas de água nos capilares, correspondentes às absorções osmóticas de água, sendo ao todo realizadas onze leituras. em outro momento, mudas de C. blumei, com a mesma idade das anteriores, receberam as mesmas concentrações de NaCl descritas anteriormente, e, ao ar livre, foram avaliadas em termos de transpiração e resistência estomática, usando-se para isto porômetro LI 1600. Usou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições, submetendo-se os dados à análise de variância e regressão polinomial. Verificou-se para todos os tratamentos aumento da absorção osmótica até três horas após a adição das soluções. A partir desse momento observou-se reversão da absorção osmótica proporcional ao aumento da concentração salina, sendo esse efeito mais pronunciado em 1,00 % de NaCl, o que reflete perdas crescentes de água pelas raízes. No controle a absorção osmótica apresentou comportamento crescente e linear com o passar do tempo. A transpiração foi proporcionalmente reduzida com o aumento da concentração salina.


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PURPOSE: To test if a water extract of Coleus barbatus (WEB) has any effect on weight gain, food energy utilization and lipid metabolism in young rats with obstructive cholestasis. METHODS: Forty 21 day old (P21) Wistar rats, in groups of 10, were submitted to one of the following treatments: a sham operation with daily water or WEB administration, double ligature and resection of the bile duct with daily water or WEB administration. At P49 they were submitted for euthanasia when the following were determined: ingested feed (IF), energy utilization (EU) and weight gain (WG) from P29 to P49, together with total serum cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol (TG) concentrations, liver wet weight (LWW) and fat content (LFC). Two Way ANOVA and the S.N.K. test for paired comparisons were employed to study the effects of cholestasis and those of WEB and their interactions (p < or = 0.05). RESULTS: Cholestasis, independently of WEB, and WEB, independently of cholestasis both reduced IF, EU, and WG but there was no significant interaction between the two factors. Cholestasis, independently of WEB, increased LWW, LFC, the TC and TG The WEB, independently of cholestasis, reduced these values, and there was a significant interaction between the two factors; such that these effects were more accentuated in animals with cholestasis. CONCLUSION: The WEB reduced IF, WG, and EU, both in the presence and absence of cholestasis in the same proportion. It also partially inhibited the increase in LWW, LFC, TC and TG caused by cholestasis.


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Coleus blumei Benth (Lamiaceae), popularly known in Brazil as heart-hurt or coleus-of-Java is an ornamental plant widely used due to the color of its leaves. Several species of the genus Coleus present compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial and allopathic activities due to the presence of chemicals such coleonol, forskolin and rosmarinic acid. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out phytochemical study and biological tests to evaluate the antibacterial, antioxidant and allopathic activities of the 70% ethanol extract and its fractions ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and end aqueous fraction leaf of Coleus blumei Benth. The plant extract was prepared by turbolisis from the powder of dried leaves, as a solvent for extraction using 70% ethanol. The ethanol extract was fractionated with solvents dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical study identified the presence of saponins, free anthraquinones, flavonoids and anthocyanidins. In evaluating the antibacterial dichloromethane fraction showed activity against all microorganisms tested both in agar diffusion test and microdilution test. The 70% ethanol extract showed activity against the micro-organisms S. aureus and S. epidermidis in agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The ethyl acetate fraction showed activity against the micro-organism S. aureus in the agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The end aqueous fraction showed no activity against any micro-organism tested. In the test of evaluation activity allopathic dichloromethane fraction showed greater inhibition of seed germination and growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), followed by 70% ethanolic extract, the ethyl acetate fraction and the end aqueous fraction. In testing the antioxidant activity with DPPH ethyl acetate fraction showed higher antioxidant activity followed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Aim of the study: Most people especially in rural areas depend on herbal medicines to treat many diseases including inflammation-related ailments such as rheumatism, muscle swelling, cut wound, accidental bone fracture, insect bites, pains and burn by fire and hot water. The objectives of this study were: to catalog ethno-medicinal plants of Lohit community, ecological status, indigenous folk medicinal uses, morphological parts used and to determine their reported pharmacological studies. Materials and methods: The ethnobotanical information on traditional medicinal plants exclusively used for management of inflammation-related ailments by the Khampti community of Arunachal Pradesh, India was based on first-hand field survey work through semi-structured interviews. Results and conclusion: A total of 34 species in 32 genera and 22 families were encountered during the field survey. Botanical families such as Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Lamiaceae were represented by the highest numbers of species reported in this study. Thirteen plant species, namely: Bombax ceiba, Canarium strictum, Chloranthus erectus, Xanthium indicum, Lycopodium clavatum, Coleus blumei, Batrachospermum atrum, Chlorella vulgaris, Marchantia palmata, Marchantia polymorpha, Eria pannea, Sterculia villosa and Alpinia galanga are reported for the first time for the treatment of inflammation-related diseases.


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The use of natural active principals is widespread among a great proportion of the rural population, or by people who do not have easy access to medical assistance. These active principles are used as food or medicines, and even for purposes of contraception. It becomes necessary to establish a relationship between the folklore habits and current information on the nature of anti-fertility substances, and knowledge of their mechanisms. Anti-fertility agents may exert their actions in a number of areas, (hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, oviduct, uterus, and vagina), inhibiting synthesis and/or liberation of hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, and steroid hormones), ovulation, ovum transportation, and implantation process. Therefore, a review of literature was carried out, including of several plants used by women as abortifacient and anti-fertility agents to compare their effects with those obtained among laboratory animals.


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The adventitious rooting process of in vitro cultured plantlets is a technique that has been employed for the vegetative propagation of a significant number of native and exotic species. Many factors are associated with the rooting stage influencing positive and/or negatively the establishment of micropropagation protocols. The objective of this work was a literature review of the main inherent factors concerning in vitro rooting process including the correlation among others the endogenous and exogenous auxins levels, juvenility, genotype, mineral nutrition, culture medium conditions, addition of growth regulators and other substances as phenolic compounds and active coal besides growth environmental conditions of in vitro cultures. Although the complete elucidation of all processes involved with rooting of in vitro cultured plants has not been achieved so far, a comprehensive study of the main factors that interfere on rooting is fundamental for the establishment of new researches that might contribute for the rooting of economically important plants.


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O uso de plantas medicinais no Munic ípio de Benevides: Elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico e Introdução da Política de Plantas Medicinais no Município de Benevides é um trabalho, desenvolvido com o objetivo de levantar as espécies vegetais utilizadas por usuários do SUS e profissionais de saú de, integrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Benevides, com vistas à elaboração do Memento Fitoterápico do município, como primeiro passo para a institucionalização da Política Municipal de Plantas Medicinais. Para o levantamento dos dados, utilizou-se a tecnologia social Etnofarmácia, desenvolvida e aplicada em parceria com a comunidade, envolvendo a aplicação do formulário etnofarmacêutico aos usuários do SUS e profissionais de saúde, o que permitiu uma análise quanti - qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados indicaram que a utilização de plantas medicinais pela população entrevistada é uma prática intensa e se deve, em parte, à dificuldade que os usuários do sistema têm em acessar os medicamentos sintéticos prescritos nas Unidades Saúde da Família (USF) do município e ao baixo padrão de renda das famílias entrevistadas. Quanto aos profissionais de saúde, os resultados indicam sensibilidade dos mesmos ao tema e disposição para prescrição, desde que se tenha disponível capacitação, protocolo clín ico e plantas medicinais nas USF. Para compor o Memento Fitoterapêutico, foram selecionadas as espécies: Chenopodium ambrosioides, Linn. (mastruz); Eleutherine plicata, Herb (marupazinho); Mentha pulegium, Linn. (hortelãzinho); Coleus amboinicus, Lour. (boldo) e Arrabidaea chica, Velrt. (parirí), segundo os critérios de frequência de citação, perfil epidemiológico do município, interesse do Ministério da Saúde e manejo da espécie.


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This work deals with present and discuss mainly the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of each species of the National List of Medicinal plants of interest to SUS (RENISUS) contained in scientific articles that are found in the Bauru-SP region. Such information compiled in this study may help in the advancement of scientific research, promoting the speed in bibliographic queries these species. In the present work was carried out consultation papers and described in the form of literature review, published information of the species listed in Renisus specific to the Bauru-SP region are: Aloe spp* (A. vera or A. barbadensis), Schinus terebinthifolius = mastic Schinus, trimera Baccharis, Mikania spp* (M. glomerata and M. laevigata), Vernonia condensata, Tabebuia avellanedeae, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Momordica charantia, Phyllanthus spp* (P. amarus, P. niruri, P. tenellus and P. urinaria), Stryphnodendron adstringens = Stryphnodendron barbatimam, pulegium Mentha, Mentha spp* (M. crispa, M. piperita or M. villosa), Plectranthus barbatus = Coleus barbatus, Persea spp* (gratissima or P. americana P.), Bauhinia spp* (B. affinis, B. forficata or B. variegata), Copaifera spp*, Morus sp*, Eugenia uniflora or brasiliana Myrtus*, Psidium guajava, Syzygium spp* (S. jambolanum or S. cumini), Passiflora spp* (P. alata, P. edulis or P. incarnata), Punica granatum and Casearia sylvestris. Studies have shown that the use of plants as alternatives treatment and sustainable use of Brazilian biodiversity has a breakthrough in research regarding the chemical composition of each species of RENISUS relationship. Many phytochemical studies are reported compiled with possible pharmacological indications of each species. Thus enabling the use and production of herbal medicines in SUS


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Themes for the 2010 Home Demonstration Garden Field Days were several newer cultivars of annual flowers (zinnia, four o’clocks, gazania, gaillardia, petunia, coleus, and vinca), a blooming quilt block, eggplant cultivars (including an inedible eggplant), and a compost trial.


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The cucurbits translocate the galactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose, therefore, α-galactosidase (α-d-galactoside galactohydrolase, EC is expected to function as the initial enzyme of photoassimilate catabolism. However, the previously described alkaline α-galactosidase is specific for the tetrasaccharide stachyose, leaving raffinose catabolism in these tissues as an enigma. In this paper we report the partial purification and characterization of three α-galactosidases, including a novel alkaline α-galactosidase (form I) from melon (Cucumis melo) fruit tissue. The form I enzyme showed preferred activity with raffinose and significant activity with stachyose. Other unique characteristics of this enzyme, such as weak product inhibition by galactose (in contrast to the other α-galactosidases, which show stronger product inhibition), also impart physiological significance. Using raffinose and stachyose as substrates in the assays, the activities of the three α-galactosidases (alkaline form I, alkaline form II, and the acid form) were measured at different stages of fruit development. The form I enzyme activity increased during the early stages of ovary development and fruit set, in contrast to the other α-galactosidase enzymes, both of which declined in activity during this period. In the mature, sucrose-accumulating mesocarp, the alkaline form I enzyme was the major α-galactosidase present. We also observed hydrolysis of raffinose at alkaline conditions in enzyme extracts from other cucurbit sink tissues, as well as from young Coleus blumei leaves. Our results suggest different physiological roles for the α-galactosidase forms in the developing cucurbit fruit, and show that the newly discovered enzyme plays a physiologically significant role in photoassimilate partitioning in cucurbit sink tissue.