992 resultados para Col·lisions (Física nuclear)


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Many discussions about the role of the school are on the agenda, in an increasingly complex society. Sociologists, educators, anthropologists, researchers of different areas seek that role. The objective of this dissertation is to contribute what we can consider the central role for the physics teaching, citizenship training. We have elaborated a didactic proposal to increase the interest of high school students on issues of social relevance and, throughout it, to promote the formation of attitudes of social responsibility, enhancing the formation of a more politically and socially active citizen. For the preparation of the proposal, studies were made on education for citizenship and on attitudes change, using as its main theoretical foundation the researches on the Science, Technology and Society curricular emphasis. The teaching of Nuclear Physics was integrated to our proposal, due to its pedagogical potential for the discussion of social, political and economic subjects related to scientific concepts and associated technologies. The educational proposal we have produced was applied on a high school class of a private school at Natal-RN. It was composed from the controversial issue involving the installation of nuclear power plants in Brazilian northeast. The methodology of role playing, in which students assumed social roles and produced specific subsidies for a public hearing and a later referendum, both simulated. In the analysis of the implementation of the proposal, we highlighted the difficulties but also the possibilities and the relevance of exercising skills such as reasoning, finding information, and arguing about of social problems. The results of the research showed the possibility of meaningful learning on Nuclear Physics contents, through this social, political, economic, scientific and technological contextualization using a controversial and real issue together with mechanisms that trigger for greater popular participation, as public hearing. It has also been identified changes in attitude by some students about issues related to Nuclear Physics. We hope, through this dissertation, to contribute to the formation of future citizens as well as to the initiative of teachers-researchers with pedagogical aims similar to those in the present work


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El estudio de la radiactividad y su influencia en los seres vivos es un tema fundamental para la formación de los alumnos de los grados en Biología y Ciencias del Mar, y por lo tanto aparece incluido en el plan de estudios de la asignatura de Física de las dos carreras anteriormente mencionadas. A pesar de esto, dicha signatura no cuenta con ninguna práctica de laboratorio en el tema de radiactividad. Esto es debido, principalmente, al alto coste de los equipos y a cuestiones de seguridad. Con el objetivo de solventar este problema en la formación de los alumnos de Física hemos programado, usando el lenguaje JAVA, dos prácticas de laboratorio virtuales en el área de radiactividad. En una de las experiencias, el alumno mide la evolución de la actividad de una muestra radiactiva con el tiempo y a partir de esto podrá obtener la vida media del isótopo radiactivo estudiado, calcular la cantidad de isótopo que queda en la muestra al transcurrir un cierto tiempo, o evaluar el tiempo necesario que debe de transcurrir para que quede un cierto porcentaje del material radiactivo inicial. En la otra experiencia la medición de la actividad y la masa de una muestra dada de carbono de origen biológico, permitirá establecer la edad de la muestra usando el método del 14C. En ambas prácticas el alumno utiliza el instrumental virtual tal y como si estuviera en un laboratorio real con el instrumental adecuado. La interactividad de la práctica y la posibilidad de realizarla fuera de la universidad, a través de internet, hacen de los experimentos virtuales diseñados un excelente complemento a las prácticas tradicionales de laboratorio.


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We study the spectrum and magnetic properties of double quantum dots in the lowest Landau level for different values of the hopping and Zeeman parameters by means of exact diagonalization techniques in systems of N=6 and 7 electrons and a filling factor close to 2. We compare our results with those obtained in double quantum layers and single quantum dots. The Kohn theorem is also discussed.


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The rigorous and transparent treatment of the effects of nuclear vibrational motion in two-photon absorption (TPA) was discussed. Perturbation formula for diatomic molecules were developed and applied to the X¹Σ+–A¹Π transition in CO. The analysis showed that the vibrations played an important role in TPA, just as their role in the calculation of conventional nonlinear optical (NLO) hyperpolarizabilities


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A low energy electron may attach to a molecule, forming a metastable resonance, which may dissociate into a stable anion and a neutral radical. Chloromethane has been a good target for dissociative electron attachment studies, since it is a small molecule with a clear dissociative ‘sigma*’ shape resonance. We present potential energy curves for CH3Cl and its anion, as a function of the C-Cl distance. Due to the resonant nature of the anion, a correct description requires a treatment based on scattering calculations. In order to compute elastic cross sections and phase shifts we employed the Schwinger multichannel method, implemented with pseudopotentials of Bachelet, Hamann and Schlüter, at the static-exchange plus polarization approximation. At the equilibrium geometry, the resonance was found arround 3.3 eV, in accordance to experience. The incoming electron is captured by a ‘sigma*’ orbital located at the C-Cl bond, which will relax in the presence of this extra electron. We took this bond as the reaction coordinate, and performed several scattering calculations for a series of nuclear conformations. The phase shift obtained in each calculation was fitted by a two component function, consisting in the usual Breit-Wigner profile, which captures the resonant character, and a second order polynomial in the wave number, which accounts for the background contribution. That way, we obtained position and width of the resonance, which allowed us to build the potential energy curve. For larger distances, the anion becomes stable and usual electronic structure calculations suffice. Furthermore, the existence of a dipole-bound anion state is revealed when we employed a set of very diffuse functions. The knowledge on the behaviour of the neutral and anionic electronic states helps us in elucidating how the dissociation takes place.


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The PHENIX experiment has measured electrons and positrons at midrapidity from the decays of hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks produced in d + Au and p + p collisions at root S-NN = 200 GeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.85 <= p(T)(e) <= 8.5 GeV/c. In central d + Au collisions, the nuclear modification factor R-dA at 1.5 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c displays evidence of enhancement of these electrons, relative to those produced in p + p collisions, and shows that the mass-dependent Cronin enhancement observed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider extends to the heavy D meson family. A comparison with the neutral-pion data suggests that the difference in cold-nuclear-matter effects on light- and heavy-flavor mesons could contribute to the observed differences between the pi(0) and heavy-flavor-electron nuclear modification factors R-AA. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.242301


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We investigate how the initial geometry of a heavy-ion collision is transformed into final flow observables by solving event-by-event ideal hydrodynamics with realistic fluctuating initial conditions. We study quantitatively to what extent anisotropic flow (nu(n)) is determined by the initial eccentricity epsilon(n) for a set of realistic simulations, and we discuss which definition of epsilon(n) gives the best estimator of nu(n). We find that the common practice of using an r(2) weight in the definition of epsilon(n) in general results in a poorer predictor of nu(n) than when using r(n) weight, for n > 2. We similarly study the importance of additional properties of the initial state. For example, we show that in order to correctly predict nu(4) and nu(5) for noncentral collisions, one must take into account nonlinear terms proportional to epsilon(2)(2) and epsilon(2)epsilon(3), respectively. We find that it makes no difference whether one calculates the eccentricities over a range of rapidity or in a single slice at z = 0, nor is it important whether one uses an energy or entropy density weight. This knowledge will be important for making a more direct link between experimental observables and hydrodynamic initial conditions, the latter being poorly constrained at present.


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Measurements of the anisotropy parameter v(2) of identified hadrons (pions, kaons, and protons) as a function of centrality, transverse momentum p(T), and transverse kinetic energy KET at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.35) in Au + Au collisions at root s(N N) = 200 GeV are presented. Pions and protons are identified up to p(T) = 6 GeV/c, and kaons up to p(T) = 4 GeV/c, by combining information from time-of-flight and aerogel Cerenkov detectors in the PHENIX Experiment. The scaling of v(2) with the number of valence quarks (n(q)) has been studied in different centrality bins as a function of transverse momentum and transverse kinetic energy. A deviation from previously observed quark-number scaling is observed at large values of KET/n(q) in noncentral Au + Au collisions (20-60%), but this scaling remains valid in central collisions (0-10%).


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O escopo desse trabalho é a observação de dijatos de difração simples em colisões pp com ps = 7 TeV, durante os primeiros períodos de aquisição de dados do experimento CMS/LHC. A técnica utilizada foi a medida da multiplicidade no calorímetro HF. Os dados foram analisados para diferentes períodos de aquisição de dados do ano de 2010, com ∫ Ldt ~_ 3,2 pb-1. Comparamos os dados observados com o Monte Carlo simulado com efeito de empilhamento e sem esse efeito.


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Apresentamos um estudo preliminar da produção difrativa de mésons utilizando dados obtidos da colisão próton-próton, a energias de centro de massa de 7 TeV, com o experimento CMS-LHC. O trabalho inclui o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de reconstrução dos mésons D* através do canal de decaimento D*->D0 + pion (lento) ->K+pion, a medida da eficiência de detecção e reconstrução, e uma análise do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa dessas partículas, particularmente, das lacunas de rapidez. Para isso, foi utilizada uma luminosidade integrada de 3,171pb^(-1) de dados coletados no ano de 2010. As análises com os dados experimentais foram comparadas com os resultados obtidos com geradores de Monte Carlo PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 e POMPYT.


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We present the results of an elliptic flow, v(2), analysis of Cu + Cu collisions recorded with the solenoidal tracker detector (STAR) at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV. Elliptic flow as a function of transverse momentum, v(2)(p(T)), is reported for different collision centralities for charged hadrons h(+/-) and strangeness-ontaining hadrons K-S(0), Lambda, Xi, and phi in the midrapidity region vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.0. Significant reduction in systematic uncertainty of the measurement due to nonflow effects has been achieved by correlating particles at midrapidity, vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.0, with those at forward rapidity, 2.5 < vertical bar eta vertical bar < 4.0. We also present azimuthal correlations in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV to help in estimating nonflow effects. To study the system-size dependence of elliptic flow, we present a detailed comparison with previously published results from Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. We observe that v(2)(p(T)) of strange hadrons has similar scaling properties as were first observed in Au + Au collisions, that is, (i) at low transverse momenta, p(T) < 2 GeV/c, v(2) scales with transverse kinetic energy, m(T) - m, and (ii) at intermediate p(T), 2 < p(T) < 4 GeV/c, it scales with the number of constituent quarks, n(q.) We have found that ideal hydrodynamic calculations fail to reproduce the centrality dependence of v(2)(p(T)) for K-S(0) and Lambda. Eccentricity scaled v(2) values, v(2)/epsilon, are larger in more central collisions, suggesting stronger collective flow develops in more central collisions. The comparison with Au + Au collisions, which go further in density, shows that v(2)/epsilon depends on the system size, that is, the number of participants N-part. This indicates that the ideal hydrodynamic limit is not reached in Cu + Cu collisions, presumably because the assumption of thermalization is not attained.


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Tese de doutoramento, História e Filosofia das Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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The nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter fulfills an energy weighted sum rule. Comparing two different realistic potentials, these sum rules are studied for Greens functions that are derived self-consistently within the T matrix approximation at finite temperature.