517 resultados para Cogeneration ashes


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For proper management of wastes and their possible recycling as raw materials, complete characterization of the materials is necessary to evaluate the main scientific aspects and potential applications. The current paper presents a detailed scientific study of different Brazilian sugar cane bagasse ashes from the cogeneration industry as alternative cementing materials (active addition) for cement manufacture. The results show that the ashes from the industrial process (filter and bottom ones) present different chemical and mineralogical compositions and pozzolanic properties as well. As a consequence of its nature, the kinetic rate constant (K) states that the pozzolanic activity is null for the bottom ash and very low for the filter ash with respect to a sugar cane bagasse ash obtained in the laboratory under controlled burning conditions (reference). The scarce pozzolanic activity showed by ashes could be related to a possible contamination of bagasse wastes (with soils) before their use as alternative combustibles. For this reason, an optimization process for these wastes is advisable, if the ashes are to be used as pozzolans. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Considerable work has been undertaken to determine an economical process to provide sugarcane trash as a fuel for cogeneration. This paper reviews efforts to provide that trash fuel by harvesting, transporting and processing the trash with the cane. Harvesting trash with the cane has the advantage that cane that would otherwise be lost by extracting it with the trash is captured and sugar can be produced from that cane. Transporting trash with the cane significantly reduces the bulk density of the cane, requiring substantial changes and costs to cane transport. Shredding the trash at the harvester and compacting the cane in the bin prior to transport are possible methods to increase the bulk density but both have considerable cost. Processing trash through the sugar factory with the cane significantly reduces sugar recovery and sugar quality. Although considerable knowledge has been gained of these effects and further analysis has provided insights into their causes, much more work is required before whole crop harvesting and transport is an economically viable means of trash recovery.


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This article is something of a brief extension of recent research into deeds of company arrangement (DOCAs) under Pt 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), conducted with the support of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association’s (ARITA’s) Terry Taylor Scholarship (TTS). This article presents some of the findings of that research (namely, the dividend outcomes delivered by sampled Australian DOCAs) in a manner consistent with reports which have recently emerged from similar research conducted in the UK. In so doing, a basic comparison can be made of the performance of Australian DOCAs against analogous UK procedures.


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Considerable work has been undertaken to determine an economical process to provide sugarcane trash as a fuel for cogeneration. This paper reviews efforts to provide that trash fuel by harvesting, transporting and processing the trash with the cane. Harvesting trash with the cane has the advantage that cane that would otherwise be lost by extracting it with the trash is captured and sugar can be produced from that cane. Transporting trash with the cane significantly reduces the bulk density of the cane, requiring substantial changes and costs to cane transport. Shredding the trash at the harvester and compacting the cane in the bin prior to transport are possible methods to increase the bulk density but both have considerable cost. Processing trash through the sugar factory with the cane significantly reduces sugar recovery and sugar quality. Although considerable knowledge has been gained of these effects and further analysis has provided insights into their causes, much more work is required before whole crop harvesting and transport is an economically viable means of trash recovery.


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One of the major problems faced by coal based thermal power stations is handling and disposal of ash. Among the various uses of fly ash, the major quantity of ash produced is used in geotechnical engineering applications such as construction of embankments, as a backfill material, etc. The generally low specific gravity of fly ash resulting in low unit weight as compared to soils is an attractive property for its use in geotechnical applications. In general, specific gravity of coal ash lies around 2.0 but can vary to a large extent (1.6 to 3.1). The variation of specific gravity of coal ash is due to the combination of various factors like gradation, particle shape, and chemical composition. Since specific gravity is an important physical property, it has been studied in depth for three Indian coal ashes and reported in this paper.


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Thermal power stations use pulverized coal as fuel, producing enormous quantities of ash as a by-product of combustion. Currently, with very low utilization of the ash produced, the ash deposits at the thermal power stations are increasing rapidly. The disposal problem is expected to become alarming due to the limited space available for ash disposal near most thermal power stations. Among the various applications available for the use of fly ash, geotechnical application offers opportunity for its bulk utilization. However, the possibility of ground and surface water contamination due to the leaching of toxic elements present in the fly ash needs to be addressed. This paper describes a study carried out on two Indian fly ashes. It is found that pH is the controlling factor in the leaching behavior of fly ashes.


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Fly ash is a waste by-product obtained from the burning of coal by thermal power plants for generating electricity. When bulk quantities are involved, in order to arrest the fugitive dust, it is stored wet rather than dry. Fly ash contains trace concentrations of heavy metals and other substances in sufficient quantities to be able to leach out over a period of time. In this study an attempt was made to study the leachabilities of a few selected trace metals: Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Pb and Zn from two different types of class F fly ashes. Emphasis is also laid on developing an alternative in order to arrest the relative leachabilities of heavy metals after amending them with suitable additives. A standard laboratory leaching test for combustion residues has been employed to study the leachabilities of these trace elements as a function of liquid to solid ratio and pH. The leachability tests were conducted on powdered fly ash samples before and after amending them suitably with the matrices lime and gypsum; they were compacted to their respective proctor densities and cured for periods of 28 and 180 days. A marked reduction in the relative leachabilities of the trace elements was observed to be present at the end of 28 days. These relative leachability values further reduced marginally when tests were performed at the end of 180 days.


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The strength of fly ash mixture often needs to be enhanced for its better utilization in geotechnical and environmental applications. Many fly ashes often improve their strength with lime but may not meet the requirements. Gypsum, which reduces the lime leachability, further improves the strength. An attempt is made in this paper to study the effect of gypsum on the strength development of two Class F fly ashes with different lime contents after curing them for different periods. The sustainability of improved strength has been examined after soaking the cured specimens in water and with different leachates containing heavy-metal ions. The strength of both the fly ashes investigated improved markedly up to a particular amount of the lime content, which can be taken as optimum lime content, and thereafter the improvement is gradual. The improvement in strength at higher lime contents continues for a longer period (even up to 180 days). Gypsum accelerates the gain in strength for lime-stabilized fly ashes, particularly in the initial curing periods at about optimum lime content. At high lime contents gypsum attributes very high strength after curing for long periods mainly due to the alteration of fly ash lime reaction compounds. Gypsum not only improves the reduction in the loss of strength due to soaking even at low curing periods but also improves the durability of stabilized fly ashes due to repeated cycles of wetting and drying.


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A knowledge of permeability and consolidation is essential in a number of engineering problems such as settlement, seepage, and stability of the structures. Since fly ash is used very widely for several geotechnical applications, there is a need to understand its permeability and consolidation behavior. This paper presents a detailed study conducted on two Indian fly ashes. It brings out the role of chemical composition (free lime) on the permeability and consolidation behavior of fly ashes. It is found that the permeability values computed based on grain-size distribution agree well with those obtained based on test data.


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To reduce the cost of disposal of large quantities of fly ash generated and environmental problems associated with it, efforts are made to utilize fly ash for geotechnical applications. Geotechnical properties of fly ash play a key role in enhancing their application. Physical properties and chemical composition control the index properties arid engineering behaviour. The paper brings out the rob of surface area, surface characteristics, reactive silica and lime content of fly ashes on index, compaction, consolidation and strength properties of fly ashes.


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The technical feasibility of utilization of fly ash as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of metals from water has been studied. For two types of fly ashes, the retention capacities of copper, lead, and zinc metal ions have been studied. Contact time, initial concentration, and pH have been varied and their effect on retention mechanism has been studied. The dominant mechanisms responsible for retention are found to be precipitation due to the presence of calcium hydroxide, and adsorption due to the presence of silica and alumina oxide surfaces in the fly ash. First-order kinetic plots have revealed that the rate constant increases with increase in the initial concentration and pH. Langmuir adsorption isotherms have been plotted to study the maximum adsorption capacities for metal ions considered under different conditions. X-ray diffraction studies revealed the formation of new peaks corresponding to respective metal ions precipitates under alkaline conditions.