17 resultados para Codianeum variegatum


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Adventitious rooting of ornamental plants can be accelerated by the application of growth regulators, such as auxin. Humic acids, organic matter in soil and organic compounds also have a biostimulant effect. This work evaluated the rooting in cuttings of croton (Codianeum variegatum L. Rumph) and hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) in response to the application of different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse. Apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions at concentrations of: 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg L-1 IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L-1 HA carbon isolated from vermicomposting. Forty-five days after the applications, the cuttings were removed from the pots containing carbonized rice hull and the following variables were measured: rooting number, length and width of leaves, fresh and dry matter of root and aerial part and root area. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the qualitative and quantitative effects of the treatments were compared by contrast and regression, respectively. Regression equations were used to determine the maximum efficiency level of root dry matter according to IBA and HA. Higher accumulation of root dry matter was recorded for the treatments with the doses 579 mg L-1 IBA and 14 mmol L-1 HA and 970 mg L-1 IBA and 50 mmol L-1 HA for root cuttings of croton and hibiscus, respectively. It was found that the application of eiher IBA or HA at the indicated doses accelerates rooting in cuttings of croton and hibiscus and contributes to the formation of vigorous plants.


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The vegetative propagation of ornamental plants can be accelerated by applying plant growth regulators. Amongst them, the use of auxins, plant hormones with physiological effects on cell elongation and rooting have stood out. Alternatively, the application of humic acids, bioactive fraction of soil organic matter, also results in increases in rooting cuttings of ornamental plants. The objective of this work was to study the growth characteristics and the nutritional contents of croton and hibiscus plants during acclimation of seedlings in response to different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA) applied to cuttings for rooting. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, and the apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions with concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1of IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of C from HA. At 45 days of rooting in carbonized rice husk, they were individually transferred to plastic bags of 2.0 dm3 containing a mixture of soil: sand: manure (2: 1: 1) as substrate. At 90 days of acclimation, the plants were collected for measurement of growth and nutritional variables. The results showed that the application of the IBA stimulates the absorption of nutrients and growth of croton cuttings and transplanted hibiscus, contributing to formation of vigorous seedlings. A similar response occurred with the application of HA in hibiscus cuttings


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Com o objetivo de determinar o melhor substrato para o enraizamento de estacas de crotón (Codiaeum variegatum L.), utilizou-se areia, vermiculita média, areia x vermiculita (75% x 25%); (50% x 50%); (25% x 75%), esponja fenólica e solo. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara de nebulização com delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições de vinte estacas cada. Determinaram-se as propriedades físicas dos substratos e foram efetuadas as seguintes avaliações: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, porcentagem de estacas brotadas, número de raízes por estaca, comprimento da maior raiz e peso da matéria seca das raízes. Os resultados permitem concluir que o substrato vermiculita média é o mais indicado para o enraizamento de estacas de crotón, embora os demais, exceto o solo e areia que apresentaram os piores desempenhos, também possam ser utilizados.


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The objective of this study was to extract and concentrate calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals from plant leaves that form the above mentioned crystals. The chemical and physical studies of CaOx from plant to be performed depend on an adequate amount of the crystals. The plant used in this study was croton (Codiaeum variegatum). The leaves were ground in a heavy duty blender and sieved through a 0.20 mm sieve. The suspension obtained was suspended in distilled water. The crystals were concentrated at the bottom of a test tube. The supernatant must be washed until it is free of plant pigments and other organic substances. Biogenic CaOx crystals have well-defined and sharp peaks, indicating very high crystallinity. Moreover, the CaOx crystals were not damaged during the extraction procedure, as can be seen on the scanning electron microscope images. The porposed method can be considered efficient to extract and concentrate biogenic calcium oxalate.


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The objective of this study was to extract and concentrate calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals from plant leaves that form the above mentioned crystals. The chemical and physical studies of CaOx from plant to be performed depend on an adequate amount of the crystals. The plant used in this study was croton (Codiaeum variegatum). The leaves were ground in a heavy duty blender and sieved through a 0.20 mm sieve. The suspension obtained was suspended in distilled water. The crystals were concentrated at the bottom of a test tube. The supernatant must be washed until it is free of plant pigments and other organic substances. Biogenic CaOx crystals have well-defined and sharp peaks, indicating very high crystallinity. Moreover, the CaOx crystals were not damaged during the extraction procedure, as can be seen on the scanning electron microscope images. The porposed method can be considered efficient to extract and concentrate biogenic calcium oxalate.


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1. The present study was carried out to determine the target cells and tissues for anti-tick immunoglobulins using an indirect immunohistochemical technique.2. Sections in triplicate prepared from unfed ticks Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, R. evertsi and Amblyomma variegatum were used to assess the cross-reactivity of serum from guineapigs naturally infested with these tick species or immunized against them.3. The sections showed slight (+) to strong (++++) labelling of several structures in the tick body, e.g. salivary gland, gut lumen and malpighian tubules, depending on the serum used.4. The immune serum resulting from the immunization of guinea pigs with an extract of unfed nymphs of R. appendiculatus ticks showed the most intense cross-reactivity with the sections examined.


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La conoscenza delle esigenze luminose (intensità, spettro, durata minima, massima ed ottimale del fotoperiodo di illuminazione) e della tolleranza alle condizioni degli interni delle piante ad uso decorativo, è di fondamentale importanza per una giusta tecnica di progettazione (dimensionamento e dislocazione dei punti luce) dell’indoor plantscaping. Il lungo periodo di condizionamento al quale queste piante vengono sottoposte, caratterizzato principalmente dalla scarsa disponibilità di luce naturale e dagli alti livelli di concentrazione di CO2 determina una forte influenza sui processi morfo-fisiologici. Il presente studio analizza il fattore luminoso ed è articolato su più punti quali; • caratterizzazione della riposta fotosintetica all’intensità luminosa di 21 delle principali specie a fogliame decorativo comunemente utilizzate nella realizzazione degli spazi verdi indoor, per stabilire quali siano i minimi ed ottimali livelli di PAR tali da garantire una fotosintesi netta positiva e nel complesso le condizioni di maggior benessere per le piante; • quantificazione dell’incremento fotosintetico netto dovuto ad una maggior concentrazione di CO2 negli interni rispetto alla concentrazione CO2 atmosferica esterna, all’aumentare dell’ intensità luminosa artificiale sulle precedenti specie; • monitoraggio dell’andamento delle attività fotosintetiche durante il periodo di illuminazione di 8 ore comunemente utilizzato in un interno ad uso lavorativo, a PAR costante e variabile in Ficus elastica e Dieffenbachia picta, al fine di stabilire quali possano essere le durate e le modalità di somministrazione della luce per rendere massima la fotosintesi netta riducendo al minimo i consumi energetici dovuti all’accensione delle lampade; • valutazione della risposta morfo-fisiologica e fotosintetica a modificazioni dello spettro luminoso mediante l’uso di LED monocromatici colorati ad emissione nel bianco, blu e rosso in Ficus benjamina e Iresine herbistii al fine di stabilire se questo tipo di lampade possano essere utilizzate come fonte integrativa e/o sostitutiva nella realizzazione degli spazi verdi interni. Vengono analizzati il punto si compensazione alla luce (g), il punto di saturazione alla luce (s), l’efficienza quantica (AQE), il punto di respirazione al buio (Rd) e la fotosintesi netta massima (A max) per (Aglaonema commutatum, Asplenium nidus, Anthurium andreanum, Begonia rex, Calathea luoise, Calathea veitchiana, Calathea rufibarba, Calathea zebrina, Codiaeum variegatum, Cthenanthe oppenheimiana, Dieffenbakia picta, Ficus benjamina, Ficus elatica, Ficus longifolia, Fittonia verschaffeltii, Iresine herbistii, Philodendron erubescens, Philodendron pertusum, Potos aureus, Spathiphillum wallisi, Syngonium podophillum ) e classificate le specie in funzione di Amax in quattro categorie; A max < 2 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, A max compresa tra 2 e 4 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, Amax cpmpresa tra 4 e 6 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, Amax > 6 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, al fine di mettere in risalto la potenzialità fotosintetiche di ogni singola specie. I valori di PAR compresi tra (g) ed (s) forniscono le indicazioni sulle quali basarsi per scegliere una giusta lampada o dimensionare un punto luce per ogni singola specie e/o composizione. È stimata l’influenza di due livelli di concentrazione di CO2 ambientale (400 e 800 ppm) all’incrementare dell’intensità luminosa sul processo fotosintetico delle specie precedenti. Per quasi tutte le specie 800 ppm di CO2 non favoriscono nessun incremento all’attività fotosintetica ad eccezione di Ficus benjamina, Ficus elatica e Syngonium podophillum se non accompagnati da una disponibilità luminosa superiore alle 10 µmol m-2 s-1. Viene monitorato l’andamento dell’attività fotosintetica a PAR costante e variabile (intervallando periodi di 8 minuti a PAR 40 e 80) durante 8 ore di illuminazione su Ficus elastica e Dieffenbachia picta al fine di stabilire la miglior modalità di somministrazione della luce. La fotosintesi netta cumulativa per l’intera durata di illuminazione a PAR costante mostra un calo dopo alcune ore dall’attivazione in Dieffenbackia, e un andamento oscillatorio in Ficus. L’illuminazione alternata consente di raggiungere i quantitativi di CO2 organicata a 80 µmol m-2 s-1 di PAR, dopo 5 ore e mezza sia in Ficus che Dieffenbackia sebbene le potenzialità fotosintetiche delle due piante siano molto differenti. È stato valutato l’effetto dell’illuminazione artificiale mediante LED (15W) a luce bianca, blu e rossa monocromatica in rapporto alla luce neon(36W) bianca tradizionale (con differenti abbinamenti tra le lampade) sui principali parametri morfologici e fisiologici, in Ficus benjamin ‘Variegata’ e Iresine herbistii per verificare se tali fonti possono rappresentare una valida alternativa nella sostituzione o integrazione di altre lampade per gli spazi verdi indoor. Tutte le combinazioni LED indagate possono rappresentare un’alternativa di sostituzione alla coltivazione con neon ed un risparmio energetico di oltre il 50%. Una PAR di 20,6 µmol m-2 s-1 della singola lampada LED bianco è sufficiente per mantenere la pianta in condizioni di sopravvivenza con un consumo di 15W a fronte dei 36W necessari per il funzionamento di ogni neon. La combinazione LED bianco + LED blu monocromatico favorisce il contenimento della taglia della pianta, caratteristica gradita nella fase di utilizzo indoor, una maggior produzione di sostanza secca e un’attività fotosintetica più elevata.


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Plant species distributions are expected to shift and diversity is expected to decline as a result of global climate change, particularly in the Arctic where climate warming is amplified. We have recorded the changes in richness and abundance of vascular plants at Abisko, sub-Arctic Sweden, by re-sampling five studies consisting of seven datasets; one in the mountain birch forest and six at open sites. The oldest study was initiated in 1977-1979 and the latest in 1992. Total species number increased at all sites except for the birch forest site where richness decreased. We found no general pattern in how composition of vascular plants has changed over time. Three species, Calamagrostis lapponica, Carex vaginata and Salix reticulata, showed an overall increase in cover/frequency, while two Equisetum taxa decreased. Instead, we showed that the magnitude and direction of changes in species richness and composition differ among sites.


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While engaged in geoecological field work on Victoria Island, 277 new plants could be recorded for the vicinities of Holman, Cambridge Bay, Wellington Bay, Mt. Pelly, Richardson Islands, Hadley Bay, and Minto lnlet; 8 of them were new for Victoria Island, 6 for the western Canadian arctic archipelago.


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Little is known about the impact of changing temperature regimes on composition and diversity of cryptogam communities in the Arctic and Subarctic, despite the well-known importance of lichens and bryophytes to the functioning and climate feedbacks of northern ecosystems. We investigated changes in diversity and abundance of lichens and bryophytes within long-term (9-16 years) warming experiments and along natural climatic gradients, ranging from Swedish subarctic birch forest and subarctic/subalpine tundra to Alaskan arctic tussock tundra. In both Sweden and Alaska, lichen diversity responded negatively to experimental warming (with the exception of a birch forest) and to higher temperatures along climatic gradients. Bryophytes were less sensitive to experimental warming than lichens, but depending on the length of the gradient, bryophyte diversity decreased both with increasing temperatures and at extremely low temperatures. Among bryophytes, Sphagnum mosses were particularly resistant to experimental warming in terms of both abundance and diversity. Temperature, on both continents, was the main driver of species composition within experiments and along gradients, with the exception of the Swedish subarctic birch forest where amount of litter constituted the best explanatory variable. In a warming experiment in moist acidic tussock tundra in Alaska, temperature together with soil ammonium availability were the most important factors influencing species composition. Overall, dwarf shrub abundance (deciduous and evergreen) was positively related to warming but so were the bryophytes Sphagnum girgensohnii, Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi; the majority of other cryptogams showed a negative relationship to warming. This unique combination of intercontinental comparison, natural gradient studies and experimental studies shows that cryptogam diversity and abundance, especially within lichens, is likely to decrease under arctic climate warming. Given the many ecosystem processes affected by cryptogams in high latitudes (e.g. carbon sequestration, N2-fixation, trophic interactions), these changes will have important feedback consequences for ecosystem functions and climate.