46 resultados para Cocultures


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Cocaine exposure in utero causes severe alterations in the development of the central nervous system. To study the basis of these teratogenic effects in vitro, we have used cocultures of neurons and glial cells from mouse embryonic brain. Cocaine selectively affected embryonic neuronal cells, causing first a dramatic reduction of both number and length of neurites and then extensive neuronal death. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated a shift from a multipolar neuronal pattern towards bi- and unipolarity prior to the rounding up and eventual disappearance of the neurons. Selective toxicity of cocaine on neurons was paralleled by a concomitant decrease of the culture content in microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), a neuronal marker measured by solid-phase immunoassay. These effects on neurons were reversible when cocaine was removed from the culture medium. In contrast, cocaine did not affect astroglial cells and their glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) content. Thus, in embryonic neuronal-glial cell cocultures, cocaine induces major neurite perturbations followed by neuronal death without affecting the survival of glial cells. Provided similar neuronal alterations are produced in the developing human brain, they could account for the qualitative or quantitative defects in neuronal pathways that cause a major handicap in brain function following in utero exposure to cocaine.


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Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) are frequently incorporated into osteochondral implants and cell seeding is often facilitated with hydrogels which exert a profound influence on the chondrogenic differentiation of MSC. An attempt was made to elucidate this effect by comparing the chondrogenic differentiation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSC) in fibrin and fibrin alginate composites. A biphasic osteochondral model which simulated the native in vivo environment was employed in the study. In the first stage of the experiment, BMSC was encapsulated in fibrin, Fibrin Alginate 0.3% (FA0.3) and 0.6% (FA0.6). Chondrogenic differentiation within these cell-hydrogel pellets was compared against that of standard cell pellets under inductive conditions and the matrices which supported chondrogenesis were used in the cartilage phase of biphasic constructs. Neo-cartilage growth was monitored in these cocultures. It was observed that hydrogel encapsulation influenced mesenchymal condensation which preceded chondrogenic differentiation. Early cell agglomeration was observed in fibrin as compared to fibrin alginate composites. These fibrin encapsulated cells differentiated into chondrocytes which secreted aggrecan and collagen II. When the alginate content rose from 0.3 to 0.6%, chondrogenic differentiation declined with a reduction in the expression of collagen II and aggrecan. Fibrin and FA0.3 were tested in the cartilage phase of the biphasic osteochondral constructs and the former supported superior cartilage growth with higher cellularity, total Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen II levels. The FA0.3 cartilage phase was found to be fragmented and partially calcified. The use of fibrin for cartilage repair was advocated as it facilitated BMSC chondrogenesis and cartilaginous growth in an osteochondral environment.


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Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplant is a well established curative therapy for some hematological malignancies. However, achieving adequate supply of HSC from some donor tissues can limit both its application and ultimate efficacy. The theory that this limitation could be overcome by expanding the HSC population before transplantation has motivated numerous laboratories to develop ex vivo expansion processes. Pioneering work in this field utilized stromal cells as support cells in cocultures with HSC to mimic the HSC niche. We hypothesized that through translation of this classic coculture system to a three-dimensional (3D) structure we could better replicate the niche environment and in turn enhance HSC expansion. Herein we describe a novel high-throughput 3D coculture system where murine-derived HSC can be cocultured with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) in 3D microaggregates—which we term “micromarrows.” Micromarrows were formed using surface modified microwells and their ability to support HSC expansion was compared to classic two-dimensional (2D) cocultures. While both 2D and 3D systems provide only a modest total cell expansion in the minimally supplemented medium, the micromarrow system supported the expansion of approximately twice as many HSC candidates as the 2D controls. Histology revealed that at day 7, the majority of bound hematopoietic cells reside in the outer layers of the aggregate. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction demonstrates that MSC maintained in 3D aggregates express significantly higher levels of key hematopoietic niche factors relative to their 2D equivalents. Thus, we propose that the micromarrow platform represents a promising first step toward a high-throughput HSC 3D coculture system that may enable in vitro HSC niche recapitulation and subsequent extensive in vitro HSC self-renewal.


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Breast cancer metastasis to the bone occurs frequently, causing numerous complications including severe pain, fracture, hypercalcemia, and paralysis. Despite its prevalence and severity, few effective therapies exist. To address this, we examined whether the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), would be efficacious in inhibiting breast cancer metastasis to bone. Utilizing the human breast cancer subline, MDA-MB-231SA, previously in vivo selected for its enhanced ability to generate osteolytic bone lesions, we determined that 17-AAG potently inhibited its in vitro proliferation and migration. Moreover, 17-AAG significantly reduced MDA-MB-231SA tumor growth in the mammary-fat pad of nude mice. Despite these findings, 17-AAG enhanced the incidence of bone metastasis and osteolytic lesions following intracardiac inoculation in the nude mouse. Consistent with these findings, 17-AAG enhanced osteoclast formation 2- to 4-fold in mouse bone marrow/osteoblast cocultures, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (BANKL)-stimulated bone marrow, and RAW264.7 cell models of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, the drug enhanced osteoclastogenesis in human cord blood progenitor cells, demonstrating that its effects were not limited to mouse models. In addition to 17-AAG, other Hsp90 inhibitors, such as radicicol and herbimycin A, also enhanced osteoclastogenesis. A pro-osteolytic action of 17-AAG independent of tumor presence was also determined in vivo, in which 17-AAG-treated tumor-naive mice had reduced trabecular bone volume with an associated increase in osteoclast number. Thus, HSP90 inhibitors can stimulate osteoclast formation, which may underlie the increased incidence of osteolysis and skeletal tumor incidence causedby 17-AAG in vivo. These data suggest an important contraindication to the Hsp90 targeted cancer therapy currently undergoing clinical trial.


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Metabolic cooperation mediated by secreted factors between Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells has been well documented. We have confirmed that factors secreted by peritubular myoid cells modulate androgen-binding protein (ABP) secretion by Sertoli cells and shown further that this can also be achieved with peritubular myoid cell extracellular matrix (ECM). While peritubular myoid cell ECM potentiated the stimulatory effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP on Sertoli cell ABP secretion, secreted factors did not, suggesting that the two components influence Sertoli cells through distinct mechanisms. We also tested other factors and other cell lines for effects on ABP production by Sertoli cells. The addition of human plasma fibronectin or conditioned medium from the basement membrane-producing Englebreth-Holm- Swarm sarcoma also stimulated ABP secretion by Sertoli cells. Cocultures of epithelial Sertoli cells with the cells of mesenchymal origin, such as testicular peritubular myoid cells, embryonic skin fibroblasts, and bladder smooth muscle cells, significantly stimulated ABP secretion by Sertoli cells, but co-culture with the epithelial-derived Martin-Darby canine kidney cell line had no effect on Sertoli cell-secreted ABP levels. Our data further define the epithelial-mesenchymal cell interaction that exists between Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells in the mammalian testis.


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To determine whether Sertoli cells influence DNA synthesis by rat peritubular myoid cells in vitro, the effects of Sertoli cells on [3H]thymidine incorporation by peritubular myoid cells in a coculture situation were examined. Incubation of testicular peritubular myoid cells with Sertoli cells in coculture induced a significant increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation by peritubular myoid cells. This indicates a cell-cell cooperation between Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells in the testis in terms of DNA synthesis. Secreted factors from Sertoli cells, as tested in a parabiotic culture situation, also increased [3H]thymidine incorporation by peritubular myoid cells. Moreover, in terms of total cellular protein, cocultures of Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells resulted in a significant increase when compared with the monocultures, and this coculture effect substituted for the stimulatory response of serum on peritubular myoid cell monoculture. This study investigated the cooperative role of Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells in paracrine regulation of testicular functions.


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The incorporation of 3H-proline into protein was regarded as a measure of total protein synthesis and the incorporation into hydroxyproline as indicative of collagen synthesis. Relative collagen synthesis (expressed as percent of total protein synthesized) by Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells cultured from 20-22 day old rat testis was estimated. In both secreted and cellular pools, relative collagen synthesis by Sertoli cells was significantly greater than by peritubular myoid cells. Coculture of Sertoli and myoid cells resulted in a significant increase in relative collagen synthesis when compared to monocultures of each cell type. Addition of serum to peritubular myoid cells resulted in a stronger stimulation of relative collagen production. Sertoli cell extracellular matrix inhibited relative collagen synthesis by peritubular myoid cells in the presence or absence of serum. Radioactivity into hydroxyproline as corrected per cellular DNA also showed similar results. Immunolocalization studies confirmed that both cell types synthesize type I and type IV collagens. These results indicate that stimulation of collagen synthesis observed in Sertoli-myoid cell cocultures is due to humoral interactions, rather than extracellular matrix, and Sertoli cell extracellular matrix regulates serum-induced increase in collagen synthesis by peritubular myoid cells.


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We used multipotent stem cells (MSCs) derived from the young rat subventricular zone (SVZ) to study the effects of glutamate in oligodendrocyte maturation. Glutamate stimulated oligodendrocyte differentiation from SVZ-derived MSCs through the activation of specific N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits. The effect of glutamate and NMDA on oligodendrocyte differentiation was evident in both the number of newly generated oligodendrocytes and their morphology. In addition, the levels of NMDAR1 and NMDAR2A protein increased during differentiation, whereas NMDAR2B and NMDAR3 protein levels decreased, suggesting differential expression of NMDA receptor subunits during maturation. Microfluorimetry showed that the activation of NMDA receptors during oligodendrocyte differentiation elevated cytosolic calcium levels and promoted myelination in cocultures with neurons. Moreover, we observed that stimulation of MSCs by NMDA receptors induced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which were negatively modulated by the NADPH inhibitor apocynin, and that the levels of ROS correlated with the degree of differentiation. Taken together, these findings suggest that ROS generated by NADPH oxidase by the activation of NMDA receptors promotes the maturation of oligodendrocytes and favors myelination


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Endothelial cell (EC) seeding represents a promising approach to provide a nonthrombogenic surface on vascular grafts. In this study, we used a porcine EC/smooth muscle cell (SMC) coculture model that was previously developed to examine the efficacy of EC seeding. Expression of tissue factor (TF), a primary initiator in the coagulation cascade, and TF activity were used as indicators of thrombogenicity. Using immunostaining, primary cultures of porcine EC showed a low level of TF expression, but a highly heterogeneous distribution pattern with 14% of ECs expressing TF. Quiescent primary cultures of porcine SMCs displayed a high level of TF expression and a uniform pattern of staining. When we used a two-stage amidolytic assay, TF activity of ECs cultured alone was very low, whereas that of SMCs was high. ECs cocultured with SMCs initially showed low TF activity, but TF activity of cocultures increased significantly 7-8 days after EC seeding. The increased TF activity was not due to the activation of nuclear factor kappa-B on ECs and SMCs, as immunostaining for p65 indicated that nuclear factor kappa-B was localized in the cytoplasm in an inactive form in both ECs and SMCs. Rather, increased TF activity appeared to be due to the elevated reactive oxygen species levels and contraction of the coculture, thereby compromising the integrity of EC monolayer and exposing TF on SMCs. The incubation of cocultures with N-acetyl-cysteine (2 mM), an antioxidant, inhibited contraction, suggesting involvement of reactive oxygen species in regulating the contraction. The results obtained from this study provide useful information for understanding thrombosis in tissue-engineered vascular grafts.


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The ability of tissue engineered constructs to replace diseased or damaged organs is limited without the incorporation of a functional vascular system. To design microvasculature that recapitulates the vascular niche functions for each tissue in the body, we investigated the following hypotheses: (1) cocultures of human umbilical cord blood-derived endothelial progenitor cells (hCB-EPCs) with mural cells can produce the microenvironmental cues necessary to support physiological microvessel formation in vitro; (2) poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogel systems can support 3D microvessel formation by hCB-EPCs in coculture with mural cells; (3) mesenchymal cells, derived from either umbilical cord blood (MPCs) or bone marrow (MSCs), can serve as mural cells upon coculture with hCB-EPCs. Coculture ratios between 0.2 (16,000 cells/cm2) and 0.6 (48,000 cells/cm2) of hCB-EPCs plated upon 3.3 µg/ml of fibronectin-coated tissue culture plastic with (80,000 cells/cm2) of human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs), results in robust microvessel structures observable for several weeks in vitro. Endothelial basal media (EBM-2, Lonza) with 9% v/v fetal bovine serum (FBS) could support viability of both hCB-EPCs and SMCs. Coculture spatial arrangement of hCB-EPCs and SMCs significantly affected network formation with mixed systems showing greater connectivity and increased solution levels of angiogenic cytokines than lamellar systems. We extended this model into a 3D system by encapsulation of a 1 to 1 ratio of hCB-EPC and SMCs (30,000 cells/µl) within hydrogels of PEG-conjugated RGDS adhesive peptide (3.5 mM) and PEG-conjugated protease sensitive peptide (6 mM). Robust hCB-EPC microvessels formed within the gel with invasion up to 150 µm depths and parameters of total tubule length (12 mm/mm2), branch points (127/mm2), and average tubule thickness (27 µm). 3D hCB-EPC microvessels showed quiescence of hCB-EPCs (<1% proliferating cells), lumen formation, expression of EC proteins connexin 32 and VE-cadherin, eNOS, basement membrane formation by collagen IV and laminin, and perivascular investment of PDGFR-β+/α-SMA+ cells. MPCs present in <15% of isolations displayed >98% expression for mural markers PDGFR-β, α-SMA, NG2 and supported hCB-EPC by day 14 of coculture with total tubule lengths near 12 mm/mm2. hCB-EPCs cocultured with MSCs underwent cell loss by day 10 with a 4-fold reduction in CD31/PECAM+ cells, in comparison to controls of hCB-EPCs in SMC coculture. Changing the coculture media to endothelial growth media (EBM-2 + 2% v/v FBS + EGM-2 supplement containing VEGF, FGF-2, EGF, hydrocortisone, IGF-1, ascorbic acid, and heparin), promoted stable hCB-EPC network formation in MSC cocultures over 2 weeks in vitro, with total segment length per image area of 9 mm/mm2. Taken together, these findings demonstrate a tissue engineered system that can be utilized to evaluate vascular progenitor cells for angiogenic therapies.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) represent promising cell sources for angiogenic therapies. There are, however, conflicting reports regarding the ability of MSCs to support network formation of endothelial cells. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of human bone marrow-derived MSCs to support network formation of endothelial outgrowth cells (EOCs) derived from umbilical cord blood EPCs. We hypothesized that upon in vitro coculture, MSCs and EOCs promote a microenvironment conducive for EOC network formation without the addition of angiogenic growth supplements. EOC networks formed by coculture with MSCs underwent regression and cell loss by day 10 with a near 4-fold and 2-fold reduction in branch points and mean segment length, respectively, in comparison with networks formed by coculture vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) cocultures. EOC network regression in MSC cocultures was not caused by lack of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A or changes in TGF-β1 or Ang-2 supernatant concentrations in comparison with SMC cocultures. Removal of CD45+ cells from MSCs improved EOC network formation through a 2-fold increase in total segment length and number of branch points in comparison to unsorted MSCs by day 6. These improvements, however, were not sustained by day 10. CD45 expression in MSC cocultures correlated with EOC network regression with a 5-fold increase between day 6 and day 10 of culture. The addition of supplemental growth factors VEGF, fibroblastic growth factor-2, EGF, hydrocortisone, insulin growth factor-1, ascorbic acid, and heparin to MSC cocultures promoted stable EOC network formation over 2 weeks in vitro, without affecting CD45 expression, as evidenced by a lack of significant differences in total segment length (p=0.96). These findings demonstrate the ability of MSCs to support EOC network formation correlates with removal of CD45+ cells and improves upon the addition of soluble growth factors.


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Umbilical cord blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells (UCB-ECFC) show utility in neovascularization, but their contribution to osteogenesis has not been defined. Cocultures of UCB-ECFC with human fetal-mesenchymal stem cells (hfMSC) resulted in earlier induction of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Day 7 vs. 10) and increased mineralization (1.9×; p <.001) compared to hfMSC monocultures. This effect was mediated through soluble factors in ECFC-conditioned media, leading to 1.8-2.2× higher ALP levels and a 1.4-1.5× increase in calcium deposition (p <.01) in a dose-dependent manner. Transcriptomic and protein array studies demonstrated high basal levels of osteogenic (BMPs and TGF-ßs) and angiogenic (VEGF and angiopoietins) regulators. Comparison of defined UCB and adult peripheral blood ECFC showed higher osteogenic and angiogenic gene expression in UCB-ECFC. Subcutaneous implantation of UCB-ECFC with hfMSC in immunodeficient mice resulted in the formation of chimeric human vessels, with a 2.2-fold increase in host neovascularization compared to hfMSC-only implants (p = .001). We conclude that this study shows that UCB-ECFC have potential in therapeutic angiogenesis and osteogenic applications in conjunction with MSC. We speculate that UCB-ECFC play an important role in skeletal and vascular development during perinatal development but less so in later life when expression of key osteogenesis and angiogenesis genes in ECFC is lower.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Enhanced vascular permeability attributable to disruption of blood-brain barrier results in the development of cerebral edema after stroke. Using an in vitro model of the brain barrier composed of human brain microvascular endothelial cells and human astrocytes, this study explored whether small GTPase RhoA and its effector protein Rho kinase were involved in permeability changes mediated by oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD), key pathological phenomena during ischemic stroke.

METHODS: OGD increased RhoA and Rho kinase protein expressions in human brain microvascular endothelial cells and human astrocytes while increasing or unaffecting that of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in respective cells. Reperfusion attenuated the expression and activity of RhoA and Rho kinase in both cell types compared to their counterparts exposed to equal periods of OGD alone while selectively increasing human brain microvascular endothelial cells endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein levels. OGD compromised the barrier integrity as confirmed by decreases in transendothelial electric resistance and concomitant increases in flux of permeability markers sodium fluorescein and Evan's blue albumin across cocultures. Transfection of cells with constitutively active RhoA also increased flux and reduced transendothelial electric resistance, whereas inactivation of RhoA by anti-RhoA Ig electroporation exerted opposite effects. In vitro cerebral barrier dysfunction was accompanied by myosin light chain overphosphorylation and stress fiber formation. Reperfusion and treatments with a Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 significantly attenuated barrier breakdown without profoundly altering actin structure.

CONCLUSIONS: Increased RhoA/Rho kinase/myosin light chain pathway activity coupled with changes in actin cytoskeleton account for OGD-induced endothelial barrier breakdown.


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Rationale: Major coronary vessels derive from the proepicardium, the cellular progenitor of the epicardium, coronary endothelium, and coronary smooth muscle cells (CoSMCs). CoSMCs are delayed in their differentiation relative to coronary endothelial cells (CoEs), such that CoSMCs mature only after CoEs have assembled into tubes. The mechanisms underlying this sequential CoE/CoSMC differentiation are unknown. Retinoic acid (RA) is crucial for vascular development and the main RA-synthesizing enzyme is progressively lost from epicardially derived cells as they differentiate into blood vessel types. In parallel, myocardial vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression also decreases along coronary vessel muscularization. Objective: We hypothesized that RA and VEGF act coordinately as physiological brakes to CoSMC differentiation. Methods and Results: In vitro assays (proepicardial cultures, cocultures, and RALDH2 [retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2]/VEGF adenoviral overexpression) and in vivo inhibition of RA synthesis show that RA and VEGF act as repressors of CoSMC differentiation, whereas VEGF biases epicardially derived cell differentiation toward the endothelial phenotype. Conclusion: Experiments support a model in which early high levels of RA and VEGF prevent CoSMC differentiation from epicardially derived cells before RA and VEGF levels decline as an extensive endothelial network is established. We suggest this physiological delay guarantees the formation of a complex, hierarchical, tree of coronary vessels. (Circ Res. 2010;107:204-216.)