944 resultados para Coating cracking


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In this work, the thermally induced cracking behavior of a segmented coating has been investigated. The geometry under consideration is a hollow cylinder with a segmented coating deposited onto its outer surface. The segmentation cracks are modeled as a periodic array of axial edge cracks. The finite element method is utilized to obtain the solution of the multiple crack problem and the Thermal Stress Intensity Factors (TSIFs) are calculated. Based on dimensional analysis, the main parameters affecting TSIFs are identified. It has been found that the TSIF is a monotonically increasing function of segmentation crack spacing. This result confirms that a segmented coating exhibits much higher thermal shock resistance than an intact counterpart, if only the segmentation crack spacing is narrow enough. The dependence of TSIF on some other parameters, such as normalized time, segmentation crack depth, convection severity as well as material constants, has also been discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The inducement of interface fracture is crucial to the analysis of interfacial adhesion between coating and substrate. For electroplated coating/metal substrate adhering materials with strong adhesion, interface cracking and coating spalling are difficult to be induced by conventional methods. In this paper an improved bending test named as T-bend test was conducted on a model coating system, i.e. electroplated chromium on a steel substrate. After the test, cross-sections of the coated materials were prepared to compare the failure behaviors under tensile strain and compressive strain induced by T-bend test. And the observation results show that coating cracking, interface cracking and partial spalling appear step by step. Based on experimental results, a new method may be proposed to rank the coated materials with strong inter-facial adhesion. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An enhanced mandrel bend testing method has been proposed for the evaluation of the maximum strain level that could be tolerated by an organic coating, and for the understanding of localised coating deformation and cracking behaviours under nonuniform mechanical strains. The aim is to develop a practical method that is suitable for selecting pipeline coatings in order to ensure that the selected coatings have sufficient flexibility to meet the high strain demand during the construction, hydrostatic testing and operation of high pressure pipelines. Two new mandrel bend testing setups have been designed by employing either centre or end clamps in order to improve the uniformity of strain distributions over coated steel coupons, and by using strain gauges to perform in situ measurements of local strains. A series of tests have been carried out to evaluate the new method for testing the flexibility of selected epoxy based pipeline industry coatings. Preliminary computational simulation has also been carried out for assisting the interpretation of mandrel bending test results.


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A novel experimental assembly consisting of a specially designed tensile testing rig and a standard electrochemical flat cell has been designed for simulating buried high pressure pipeline environmental conditions in which a coating gets damaged and degrades under mechanical strain, and for studying the influence of mechanically induced damages such as the cracking of a coating on its anti-corrosion property. The experimental assembly is also capable of applying a cathodic protection (CP) potential simultaneously with the mechanical strain and environmental exposure. The influence of applied mechanical strain as well as extended exposure to the corrosive environment, coupled with the application of CP, has been investigated based on changes in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Preliminary results show that the amplitude of the coating impedance decreases with an increase in the applied strain level and the length of environmental exposure. The EIS characteristics and changes are found to correlate well with variations in coating cracking and degradation features observed on post-test samples using both optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. These results demonstrate that this new experimental method can be used to simulate and examine coating behaviour under the effects of complex high pressure pipeline mechanical, electrochemical and environmental conditions.


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An approach to achieving the ambitious goal of cost effectively extending the safe operation life of energy pipeline to 100 years is the application of health monitoring and life prediction tools that are able to provide both long-term remnant pipeline life prediction and in-situ pipeline condition monitoring. A critical step is the enhancement of technological capabilities that are required for understanding and quantifying the effects of key factors influencing buried steel pipeline corrosion and environmentally assisted materials degradation, and the development of condition monitoring technologies that are able to provide in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline damage. This paper provides an overview of our current research aimed at developing new sensors and electrochemical cells for monitoring, categorising and quantifying the level and nature of external pipeline and coating damages under the combined effects of various inter-related variables and processes such as localised corrosion, coating cracking and disbondment, cathodic shielding, transit loss of cathodic protection.


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Reliable testing methodologies for the assessment of protective coatings are critical for ensuring the integrity and durability of pipeline coatings (such as field joint coatings) and the mitigation of pipeline corrosion. Currently the failure of joint coatings is one of the major concerns in corrosion protection of pipelines, although they represent only approximately 5% of the coated area in a pipeline system. This paper presents an overview of major testing methodologies currently used in the pipeline industry for the selection, testing, and life prediction of coatings, in particular field joint coatings. Particular focus is on the discussion of difficulties and limitations in testing methods for assessing pipeline coating cracking, cathodic disbondment and loss of adhesion. It is shown that there are limitations in current methodologies in evaluating the coating flexibility - a key parameter for avoiding coatings cracking during hydrostatic testing, cyclic pressure operation and field bending. Methodologies for assessing the effect of holidays in coatings on the cathodic disbondment of pipeline coating under excessively negative cathodic protection (CP) voltages also require improvement. Furthermore, methods for understanding the effects of coating wet adhesion on pipeline coating, cracking and disbondment also need attention. Some preliminary results for addressing some of these issues are also presented in this paper.


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In order to understand the influence of ductile metal interlayer on the overall deformation behavior of metal/nitride multilayer, different configurations of metal and nitride layers were deposited and tested under indentation loading. To provide insight into the trends in deformation with multilayer spacings, an FEM model with elastic-perfect plastic metal layers alternate with an elastic nitride on top of an elastic-plastic substrate. The strong strain mismatch between the metal and nitride layers significantly alters the stress field under contact loading leading to micro-cracking in the nitride, large tensile stresses immediately below the contact, and a transition from columnar sliding in thin metal films to a more uniform bending and microcracking in thicker coatings.


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The fracture toughness and interfacial adhesion properties of a coating on its substrate are considered to be crucial intrinsic parameters determining performance and reliability of coating-substrate system. In this work, the fracture toughness and interfacial shear strength of a hard and brittle Cr coating on a normal medium carbon steel substrate were investigated by means of a tensile test. The normal medium carbon steel substrate electroplated with a hard and brittle Cr coating was quasi-statically stretched to induce an array of parallel cracks in the coating. An optical microscope was used to observe the cracking of the coating and the interfacial decohesion between the coating and the substrate during the loading. It was found that the cracking of the coating initiated at critical strain, and then the number of the cracks of the coating per unit axial distance increased with the increase in the tensile strain. At another critical strain, the number of the cracks of the coating became saturated, i.e. the number of cracks per unit axial distance became a constant after this critical strain. Based on the experiment result, the fracture toughness of the brittle coating can be determined using a mechanical model. Interestingly, even when the whole specimen fractured completely under an extreme strain of the substrate, the interfacial decohesion or buckling of the coating on its substrate was completely absent. The test result is different from that appeared in the literature though the identical test method and the brittle coating/ductile metal substrate system are taken. It was found that this difference can be attributed to an important mechanism that the Cr coating on the steel substrate has a good adhesion, and the ultimate interfacial shear strength between the Cr coating and the steel substrate has exceeded the maximum shear flow strength level of the steel substrate. This result also indicates that the maximum shear flow strength level of the ductile steel substrate can be only taken as a lower bound estimate on the ultimate shear strength of the interface. This estimation of the ultimate interfacial shear strength is consistent with the theoretical analysis and prediction presented in the literature.


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Thermal barrier coatings with a columnar microstructure are prone to erosion damage by a mechanism of surface cracking upon impact by small foreign particles. In order to explore this erosion mechanism, the elastic indentation and the elastic-plastic indentation responses of a columnar thermal barrier coating to a spherical indenter were determined by the finite element method and by analytical models. It was shown that the indentation response is intermediate between that of a homogeneous half-space and that given by an elastic-plastic mattress model (with the columns behaving as independent non-linear springs). The sensitivity of the indentation behaviour to geometry and to the material parameters was explored: the diameter of the columns, the gap width between columns, the coefficient of Coulomb friction between columns and the layer height of the thermal barrier coating. The calculations revealed that the level of induced tensile stress is sufficient to lead to cracking of the columns at a depth of about the column radius. It was also demonstrated that the underlying soft bond coat can undergo plastic indentation when the coating comprises parallel columns, but this is less likely for the more realistic case of a random arrangement of tapered columns. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.


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Ceramic membranes are of particular interest in many industrial processes due to their ability to function under extreme conditions while maintaining their chemical and thermal stability. Major structural deficiencies under conventional fabrication approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using larger titanate nanofibres and smaller boehmite nanofibres. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The differences in the porous supports have no substantial influences on the texture of resulting membranes. The membranes with top layer of nanofibres coated on different porous supports by spin-coating method have similar size of the filtration pores, which is in a range of 10–100 nm. These membranes are able to effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. The retention can attain more than 95%, while maintaining a high flux rate about 900 L m-2 h. The calcination after spin-coating creates solid linkages between the fibres and between fibres and substrate, in addition to convert boehmite into -alumina nanofibres. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report the resistance of plasma-sprayed titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructured coatings in a corrosive environment.----- Design/methodology/approach: Weight loss studies are performed according to ASTM G31 specifications in 3.5?wt% NaCl. Electrochemical polarization resistance measurements are made according to ASTM G59-91 specifications. Corrosion resistance in a humid and corrosive environment is determined by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber for 100?h. Microstructural studies are carried out using an atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope.----- Findings: The nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer good resistance to corrosion, as shown by the results of immersion, electrochemical and salt spray studies. The corrosion resistance of the coating is dictated primarily by the geometry of splat lamellae, density of unmelted nanoparticles, magnitude of porosity and surface homogeneity.----- Practical implications: The TiO2 nanostructured coatings show promising potential for use as abrasion, wear-resistant and thermal barrier coatings for service in harsh environments.----- Originality/value: The paper relates the corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coatings to their structure and surface morphology.


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A deconvolution method that combines nanoindentation and finite element analysis was developed to determine elastic modulus of thin coating layer in a coating-substrate bilayer system. In this method, the nanoindentation experiments were conducted to obtain the modulus of both the bilayer system and the substrate. The finite element analysis was then applied to deconvolve the elastic modulus of the coating. The results demonstrated that the elastic modulus obtained using the developed method was in good agreement with that reported in literature.


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Healing large bone defects and non-unions remains a significant clinical problem. Current treatments, consisting of auto and allografts, are limited by donor supply and morbidity, insufficient bioactivity and risk of infection. Biotherapeutics, including cells, genes and proteins, represent promising alternative therapies, but these strategies are limited by technical roadblocks to biotherapeutic delivery, cell sourcing, high cost, and regulatory hurdles. In the present study, the collagen-mimetic peptide, GFOGER, was used to coat synthetic PCL scaffolds to promote bone formation in critically-sized segmental defects in rats. GFOGER is a synthetic triple helical peptide that binds to the [alpha]2[beta]1 integrin receptor involved in osteogenesis. GFOGER coatings passively adsorbed onto polymeric scaffolds, in the absence of exogenous cells or growth factors, significantly accelerated and increased bone formation in non-healing femoral defects compared to uncoated scaffolds and empty defects. Despite differences in bone volume, no differences in torsional strength were detected after 12 weeks, indicating that bone mass but not bone quality was improved in this model. This work demonstrates a simple, cell/growth factor-free strategy to promote bone formation in challenging, non-healing bone defects. This biomaterial coating strategy represents a cost-effective and facile approach, translatable into a robust clinical therapy for musculoskeletal applications.