958 resultados para Coastal State


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In 1953 the Heard and McDonald Islands Act, which formalised the transfer of sovereignty over the two named sub-Antarctic islands from the United Kingdom, was passed by the Australian Government. For the ensuing 40 years, Australian management of the Islands was uneventful. The first subAntarctic scientific station was established at Atlas Cove, on Heard Island, in December 1947 following the initial indication by Britain of a willingness to transfer rights to the Islands. In 1987 the Islands, together with their 12 mile territorial sea, were proclaimed a wilderness reserve with a number of activities including fishing and mining prohibited. The same area was included on the WorId Heritage List in 1997. In 1979 a 200 nautical mile Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) was proclaimed around all Australian territories. In 1994 new terminology was embraced and the Exclusive Economic Zone was declared.


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Special edition: The United Nations and international legal order - the case of the Juno Trader - on 18 December 2004, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ordered the prompt release of a refrigerated cargo vessel and its cargo for fisheries violations in an exclusive economic zone - Tribunal unanimously decided that the vessel and cargo be released, upon posting of a bond in the form of a bank guarantee - crew should be free to leave without conditions - in this case, on prompt release, the Tribunal made valuable contributions to existing case law on the issue - shows that specialised tribunals may perform a decentralised application of the international rule of law - crystallises international fundamental standards of fairness and human rights.


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The widespread implementation of Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction (EFJ) has confronted coastal states with several resource management problems. One of these consists of the economic relations, if any, that the coastal state should establish with distant-water fishing nations (DWFN's) seeking access to the coastal state's 200-mile zone. Several of the other papers presented here deal with specific aspects of the issue. This paper, on the other hand, will concern itself with the question of the analytical framework to be used by economists in studying this issue. It will offer some suggestions with respect to possible components of the framework. In doing so, the paper will restrict itself to the coastal state's perspective of EFJ and the management issues arising therefrom. It goes without saying, of course, that an enlightened coastal state will attempt to acquaint itself with the DWFN view of the world.


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Resumen: El Derecho del Mar constituye, históricamente, uno de los puntos sobresalientes en la evolución y actualidad del Derecho Internacional ya que, incluso, su aparición y gestación precede a los mismos Estados. En ese sentido, a partir de la denominada “batalla de los libros”, el mar ha sido objeto de arduos y permanentes debates que pueden reflejarse, casi en su totalidad, en la Tercera Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar, realizada entre 1973 y 1982. Sobre estas consideraciones, la propuesta del presente trabajo es analizar una de ellas, como lo es la inmunidad de los buques de guerra extranjeros durante su estadía en puertos de otros Estados. Si bien a priori la cuestión no se manifiesta como compleja, lo cierto es que a 200 años del Schooner Exchange, su debate ha reaparecido, especialmente, a partir del caso de la Fragata ARA Libertad. En razón de lo expuesto, comenzaremos con una breve conceptualización jurídica de los buques y su clasificación, para luego examinar el régimen de inmunidad que poseen los buques de guerra extranjeros y las características que presenta la relación entre éste y el Estado ribereño local. Posteriormente, consideraremos estos aspectos a la luz del caso referido para, finalmente, formular algunas reflexiones considerando todo lo analizado en su conjunto.


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In 1998, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) began a series of marine angler expenditure surveys in the coastal regions of the United States (U.S.) to evaluate marine recreational fishing expenditures and the financial impacts of these expenditures in each region and the U.S. as a whole. In this report, we use the previously estimated expenditure estimates to assess the total financial impact of anglers’ saltwater expenditures. Estimates are provided for sales, income, employment, and tax impacts for each coastal state in the U.S. Aggregate estimates are also provided for the entire U.S., excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and Texas. Direct, indirect, and induced effects associated with resident and non-resident angler expenditures were estimated using a regional input-output modeling system called IMPLAN Pro. Nationwide, recreational saltwater fishing generated over $30.5 billion in sales in 2000, nearly $12.0 billion in income, and supported nearly 350,000 jobs. Approximately 89 cents of every dollar spent by saltwater anglers was estimated to remain within the U.S. economy. At the state level, many of the goods anglers purchased were imports, and, as such, as little as 44 cents of every dollar stayed in Rhode Island and as much as 80 cents of every dollar stayed in Georgia. In the Northeast, the highest impacts were generated in New Jersey, even though recreational fishing expenditures in Massachusetts and Maryland were considerably higher. In the Southeast, the highest impacts were generated in Florida, and on the Pacific Coast, the highest impacts were generated in California. Expenditures on boat maintenance/expenses generated more impacts than any other expenditure category in the U.S. Expenditures on rods and reels was the single most important expense category in terms of generating impacts in most of the Northeast states. Expenditures on boat expenses generated the highest in most Southeast states, and expenditures for boat accessories produced the highest impacts in most Pacific Coast states.(PDF file contains 184 pages.)


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The creation of extended zones (EEZ's) has shifted some aspects of fisheries management and policy from the arena of international negotiations to the economic and political decision making process within the coastal state. The transition from a world of international commons to one of coastal state jurisdiction raises a variety of issues. The one of concern here is a broad welfare question: Given the transfer of assets from the international commons to the coastal state, how well (efficiently) has the state used these new assets to increase the flow of income and Gross National Product (GNP)?


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Este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar a qualidade de vida e suas representações em momentos distintos de diagnóstico entre pessoas que vivem com o HIV/aids, no município de Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro. O estudo foi apoiado na teoria das representações sociais associada ao constructo da qualidade de vida. Realizou-se estudo quali-quantitativo, desenvolvido no Programa de DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais do município de Rio das Ostras, tendo como sujeitos e amostra 100 pessoas que viviam com HIV/aids. A amostra foi estratificada, contando com 50 pessoas com tempo de diagnóstico de até 6 meses e 50 superior a 6 meses. A coleta de dados se deu através da aplicação de um questionário de caracterização socioeconômica e clínica, instrumento WHOQOL-HIV-Bref e entrevistas semiestruturadas, durante o período compreendido entre os meses de maio de 2013 a janeiro de 2014. Todos os sujeitos responderam aos dois primeiros instrumentos, e para as entrevistas foi constituída uma subamostra de 40 pessoas, igualmente distribuídas em dois grupos de acordo com o tempo de diagnóstico. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de estatística descritiva e inferencial utilizando o software SPSS 17.0. A análise das representações sociais foi apoiada pelo software Alceste 4.10. O grupo estudado caracterizou-se igualitariamente entre os sexos, com orientação religiosa evangélica (36%), média de idade de 37,6 anos, residentes no município de tratamento (89%), escolaridade fundamental e média incompleta (48%), empregados (65%), com renda pessoal média de R$ 1.077,00, com tempo de diagnóstico menor que quatro anos (68%), em uso de terapia antirretroviral (74%) e tempo de uso de terapia antirretroviral menor que quatro anos (52%). Os resultados da análise da qualidade de vida demonstraram que os escores dos domínios espiritualidade/religião/crenças pessoais (14,61) e relações sociais (14,52) apresentaram as maiores médias brutas, dentre aquelas com tendência positiva de avaliação. As médias mais baixas recaíram nos domínios nível de independência (13,77) e meio ambiente (13,29). Observou-se que o tempo de diagnóstico não interferiu nos escores de qualidade de vida da amostra. A representação da qualidade de vida revelou-se constituída por conteúdos associados às expectativas futuras, qualidade de vida frente ao diagnóstico, enfrentamento, uso do antirretroviral, transmissão e prevenção. Nesses conteúdos observou-se que essa representação compartilha significados, apontando para a hipótese de representação não autônoma em relação a representação social da aids. Conclui-se que o grupo possui mecanismos de adaptação à situação vivenciada, revelando percepção da necessidade de autocuidado e manutenção de uma rede de apoio alicerçada na espiritualidade/religiosidade e nas relações sociais, o que faz crer existir um caminhar progressivo para novos sistemas de interpretação, regendo relações mais positivas e objetivadas na representação social da qualidade de vida.


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Okoye, Adaeze, et al, 'Cross-Border Unitization and Joint Development Agreements: An International Law Perspective', Houston Journal of International Law (2007) 29(2) pp.355-425 RAE2008


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit Option droit des affaires"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Per la tradizione amministrativa la concessione è lo strumento che consente ai singoli di utilizzare un bene pubblico a titolo particolare. Proprio l’endiadi espressa dai due aggettivi della definizione tradizionale, pubblico e particolare, nasconde la ragione della fortuna dello strumento concessorio, capace di soddisfare, allo stesso tempo, un’esigenza di carattere pubblico ed un bisogno eminentemente privato, sopravvivendo ai più differenti periodi storici ed all’affermarsi delle più radicali correnti di pensiero. A fare da sfondo a questa insanabile tensione, in perenne oscillazione tra i due poli estremi della definizione, la nozione, a sua volta relativa, discussa e costantemente rivisitata, di bene pubblico. Per questa ragione il titolo del lavoro che si presenta è articolato in tre segmenti, che fanno riferimento allo strumento, soltanto formalmente unitario, della concessione negli ambiti del demanio marittimo, del demanio costiero e del demanio portuale. Nel primo capitolo si esamina la disciplina normativa applicabile alle varie tipologie di concessione ipotizzabili sul demanio marittimo, cercando di cogliere, in una prospettiva di analisi diacronica, le linee di evoluzione dell’uso particolare dei beni variamente connessi alle esigenze della navigazione. Il secondo capitolo è, invece, dedicato all’esame dell’elaborazione giurisprudenziale relativa alle vicende del demanio marittimo. Mentre nel terzo capitolo, infine, si è tentato di ricercare e di rappresentare una teoria unitaria della concessione dovuta, in gran parte, all’incedere, apparentemente irresistibile, di un vocabolario comune dei contratti pubblici di matrice comunitaria. In questo contesto appare evidente la crisi, probabilmente irreversibile, della concezione di bene pubblico e quindi di concessione.


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Poussée par une croissance économique rapide ces trente dernières années, la demande chinoise en matières premières a considérablement augmenté au cours de cette période. Premier importateur mondial de nombreux minerais depuis le début du XXIe siècle, la Chine, qui n’est pas un État côtier de l’Arctique, semble attentive au potentiel économique de la région, et notamment en ce qui a trait à l’exploitation des gisements miniers. Avec l’ouverture relative des accès maritimes à travers les passages arctiques, les entreprises chinoises seraient en mesure d’effectuer des économies sur les coûts de transport et pourraient plus aisément accéder aux gisements miniers du Groenland et de l’Arctique canadien. La montée en puissance de l’économie chinoise, qui s’est concrétisée depuis le début du siècle, son affirmation politique sur la scène mondiale, et sa diplomatie des ressources perçue comme agressive a contribué à développer une perception négative de la Chine au sein des opinions publiques canadiennes, danoises, groenlandaises, et islandaises. Dans un contexte de débats et d’inquiétudes sur les questions de souveraineté dans l’Arctique, les presses canadiennes, groenlandaises et danoises ont contribué à construire, dans leurs opinions publiques respectives ces dernières années, une certaine sinophobie face aux investissements directs à l’étranger chinois, qui débutent réellement en 2005. Par exemple, un sondage mené en 2015 par l’Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada faisait ressortir que près de 76% de la population canadienne était hostile à l’acquisition d’entreprises canadiennes par des entreprises chinoises, tous secteurs confondus. Au Groenland, la perspective d’opérations minières dirigées par des entreprises chinoises a provoqué l’ire des médias danois et groenlandais. Alors que certains dénoncent une stratégie géopolitique chinoise plus large dans cette région du monde, d’autres mettent l’accent sur les implications de la venue de nombreux travailleurs chinois, de même que sur les questions d’une Chine cherchant à assurer un accès à long terme aux ressources de la région, prétextant que le Groenland serait une région d’investissement majeur pour les entreprises chinoises. La Chine, par l’entremise de ses entreprises, chercherait-elle à faire main basse sur les ressources minières de l’Arctique ? L’Arctique canadien, le Groenland et le Grand Nord québécois sont-ils des territoires d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises ? Comment les facteurs qui déterminent les choix des entreprises chinoises se sont-ils traduits dans l’Arctique ? Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trente-six entreprises et organes du gouvernement ont été consultés. Les résultats de l’enquête soulignent que ces territoires ne sont pas des régions où les entreprises chinoises investissent d’importantes sommes, mais demeurent attractifs en raison de la stabilité politique et du climat compétitif des affaires qui y règnent, ainsi que pour la qualité des ressources physiques qu’on y retrouve. Cependant, les acteurs chinois soulignent d’importants défis tels que le déficit en matière d’infrastructures maritimes et de communication dans l’Arctique, le manque d’informations sur les opportunités d’affaires, c’est le cas des projets disponibles au Groenland notamment, et les acteurs chinois soulignent également leur manque d’expérience à l’international, de même que le coût et la disponibilité de la main-d’oeuvre comme des défis importants pour les entreprises chinoises. En somme, les investissements des entreprises chinoises dans des projets miniers dans l’Arctique canadien et au Groenland s’insèrent, certes, dans les stratégies globales des entreprises chinoises qui visent à diversifier et sécuriser leurs sources d’approvisionnements. En revanche, s’il apparaît que les territoires arctiques ne sont pas des régions d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises dans le secteur extractif, les acteurs chinois sondés raisonnent, de manière générale, selon une logique de marché et recherchent donc, pour la plupart, à assurer la rentabilité de leur entreprise par la réalisation de gains. Outre les fluctuations des prix des matières premières sur les marchés mondiaux qui affectent grandement les opérations minières globales, de nombreux facteurs dans l’Arctique tels que l’éloignement, les conditions météorologiques extrêmes, et le manque d’infrastructures augmentent considérablement le coût de faire des affaires dans le secteur minier dans l’Arctique, qui demeure un marché niche.


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Atlantic and Gulf Coast shorelines include some of the most unique and biologically rich ecosystems in the United States that provide immeasurable aesthetic, habitat and economic benefits. Natural coastal ecosystems, however, are under increasing threat from rampant and irresponsible growth and development. Once a boon to local economies, complex natural forces – enhanced by global climate change and sea level rise - are now considered hazards and eroding the very foundation upon which coastal development is based. For nearly a century, beach restoration and erosion control structures have been used to artificially stabilize shorelines in an effort to protect structures and infrastructure. Beach restoration, the import and emplacement of sand on an eroding beach, is expensive, unpredictable, inefficient and may result in long-term environmental impacts. The detrimental environmental impacts of erosion control structures such as sea walls, groins, bulkheads and revetments include sediment deficits, accelerated erosion and beach loss. These and other traditional responses to coastal erosion and storm impacts- along with archaic federal and state policies, subsidies and development incentives - are costly, encourage risky development, artificially increase property values of high-risk or environmentally sensitive properties, reduce the post-storm resilience of shorelines, damage coastal ecosystems and are becoming increasingly unsustainable. Although communities, coastal managers and property owners face increasingly complex and difficult challenges, there is an emerging public, social and political awareness that, without meaningful policy reforms, coastal ecosystems and economies are in jeopardy. Strategic retreat is a sustainable, interdisciplinary management strategy that supports the proactive, planned removal of vulnerable coastal development; reduces risk; increases shoreline resiliency and ensures long term protection of coastal systems. Public policies and management strategies that can overcome common economic misperceptions and promote the removal of vulnerable development will provide state and local policy makers and coastal managers with an effective management tool that concomitantly addresses the economic, environmental, legal and political issues along developed shorelines. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The pressures placed on the natural, environmental, economic, and cultural sectors from continued growth, population shifts, weather and climate, and environmental quality are increasing exponentially in the southeastern U.S. region. Our growing understanding of the relationship of humans with the marine environment is leading us to explore new ecosystem-based approaches to coastal management, marine resources planning, and coastal adaptation that engages multiple state jurisdictions. The urgency of the situation calls for coordinated regional actions by the states, in conjunction with supporting partners and leveraging a diversity of resources, to address critical issues in sustaining our coastal and ocean ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life of our citizens. The South Atlantic Alliance (www.southatlanticalliance.org) was formally established on October 19, 2009 to “implement science-based policies and solutions that enhance and protect the value of coastal and ocean resources of the southeastern United States which support the region's culture and economy now and for future generations.” The Alliance, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will provide a regional mechanism for collaborating, coordinating, and sharing information in support of resource sustainability; improved regional alignment; cooperative planning and leveraging of resources; integrated research, observations, and mapping; increased awareness of the challenges facing the South Atlantic region; and inclusiveness and integration at all levels. Although I am preparing and presenting this overview of the South Atlantic Alliance and its current status, there are a host of representatives from agencies within the four states, universities, NGOs, and ongoing southeastern regional ocean and coastal programs that are contributing significant time, expertise, and energy to the success of the Alliance; information presented herein and to be presented in my oral presentation was generated by the collaborative efforts of these professionals. I also wish to acknowledge the wisdom and foresight of the Governors of the four states in establishing this exciting regional ocean partnership. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Atlantic and Gulf Coast shorelines include some of the most unique and biologically rich ecosystems in the United States that provide immeasurable aesthetic, habitat and economic benefits. Natural coastal ecosystems, however, are under increasing threat from rampant and irresponsible growth and development. Once a boon to local economies, complex natural forces – enhanced by global climate change and sea level rise - are now considered hazards and eroding the very foundation upon which coastal development is based. For nearly a century, beach restoration and erosion control structures have been used to artificially stabilize shorelines in an effort to protect structures and infrastructure. Beach restoration, the import and emplacement of sand on an eroding beach, is expensive, unpredictable, inefficient and may result in long-term environmental impacts. The detrimental environmental impacts of erosion control structures such as sea walls, groins, bulkheads and revetments include sediment deficits, accelerated erosion and beach loss. These and other traditional responses to coastal erosion and storm impacts- along with archaic federal and state policies, subsidies and development incentives - are costly, encourage risky development, artificially increase property values of high-risk or environmentally sensitive properties, reduce the post-storm resilience of shorelines, damage coastal ecosystems and are becoming increasingly unsustainable. Although communities, coastal managers and property owners face increasingly complex and difficult challenges, there is an emerging public, social and political awareness that, without meaningful policy reforms, coastal ecosystems and economies are in jeopardy. Strategic retreat is a sustainable, interdisciplinary management strategy that supports the proactive, planned removal of vulnerable coastal development; reduces risk; increases shoreline resiliency and ensures long term protection of coastal systems. Public policies and management strategies that can overcome common economic misperceptions and promote the removal of vulnerable development will provide state and local policy makers and coastal managers with an effective management tool that concomitantly addresses the economic, environmental, legal and political issues along developed shorelines. (PDF contains 4 pages)