23 resultados para Coagulantes
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) U.A.N.L.
This work aims to investigate the process of Dissolved air Flotation (DAF) for clarifying water samples with low turbidity using aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds as coagulants. The experimental procedure was carried out in a bench scale flotation unit. The influences on the pre-treatment conditions (coagulant dosage and flocculation time) and flotation parameters (superficial application rate and recirculation rate) were evaluated considering the efficiency of the process. The efficiency was evaluated by determining the turbidity of the untreated and treated water samples. The results obtained showed that turbidity reduction can be obtained very efficiently by using DAF and the latter coagulant in low turbidity water. Using aluminum sulphate in pH´s 5.0 and 6.0 better efficiencies were obtained with low concentrations (15 mg/L), achieving values of 92% of turbidity reduction. In the case of use of Moringa oleifera better efficiencies of reduction of turbidity were reported when using a concentration of 50 mg/L in all range of pH´s, achieving 86% of reduction. The zeta potential was also determined, in an attempt to aid comprehension of the coagulation mechanisms involved. The coagulation mechanisms with Moringa oleifera seeds were shown to be adsorption and charge neutralization, as well as adsorption and bridging. Concerning aluminum sulphate, the predominant mechanisms are adsorption and charge neutralization and enmeshment in a precipitate. The results indicate that for low turbidity water, Moringa oleifera seeds could potentially be a viable substitute for aluminum sulphate
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE
With the constant increase in the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation, mainly due to the high consumption patterns, it becomes difficult to manage correctly the solid waste and thus minimize their impact on the environment. One of the most problems of the large amount of waste generated is the liquid originated from physical, chemical and biological decomposition process of organic wastes, with dark color and bad smell, called leachate: it can reach the soil, polluting the groundwater and the surface water. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the process of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation applied in the treatment of the leachate generated in the not controlled landfill of Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Dissertação mest., Biologia e Geologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Se expone el recorrido que hace el agua del río Llobregat a la altura de Manresa (Barcelona), para su consumo doméstico e industrial, hasta volver otra vez al río. El río entra en la planta potabilizadora, donde se le añade cloro y coagulantes, y pasa a la red de distribución. El agua potable contenida en los depósitos se controla mediante medidores de presión y válvulas, y se distribuye por las casas, industrias, etc. Las aguas residuales, junto con el agua de la lluvia, pasan por la depuradora de agua residual. La parte sólida se transporta a la planta de compostaje donde se transforma en adobo y el agua depurada se retorna al río, cerrando el ciclo.
A hemostasia é um processo multifuncional, complexo e finamente regulado que envolve diversos componentes celulares e moleculares, incluindo plaquetas, parede vascular, cascata da coagulação sangüínea e fibrinólise. O desequilíbrio desses componentes pode desencadear condições patológicas, tais como hemorragias, hipercoagulopatias e a conseqüente trombose vascular. O descobrimento de novos princípios ativos e o desenvolvimento de drogas como instrumentos de intervenção antitrombótica constituem estratégias de eleição para a prevenção e o tratamento do quadro trombo-embólico. Muitos desses princípios ativos são obtidos de fontes naturais, incluindo os conhecidos anti-hemostáticos presentes em venenos de serpentes e na saliva de artrópodos hematófagos. Por afetarem o sistema hemostático humano, essas moléculas são alvo de estudos para o desenvolvimento de anti-venenos, testes laboratoriais e novas drogas terapêuticas. As lagartas do gênero Lonomia são conhecidas por produzirem proteínas tóxicas que estão associadas a uma severa síndrome hemorrágica em humanos, cujo quadro clínico é caracterizado por distúrbios da coagulação, insuficiência renal aguda, hematúria, sangramentos, dentre outros sintomas. O veneno é constituído por diversos princípios ativos, incluindo atividades pró-coagulantes e fibrinolíticas Apesar da importância social e científica desses envenenamentos e do conhecimento sobre a natureza dessas toxinas, as informações sobre as características moleculares do veneno ainda são escassas, o que limita o melhor entendimento das bases moleculares da síndrome hemorrágica e o desenvolvimento de um diagnóstico e de um tratamento mais adequados para os pacientes. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as proteínas mais abundantes e os genes expressos em maior proporção na taturana L. obliqua durante a fase larval (fase em que ocorrem os acidentes), visando identificar moléculas potencialmente envolvidas no envenenamento. As etapas realizadas foram: análise dos princípios ativos presentes em tecidos utilizados para a construção de bibliotecas de cDNA, seqüenciamento em massa das bibliotecas e análise dos transcritos utilizando ferramentas de bioinformática. Mais de mil seqüências de cDNA foram obtidas e agrupadas gerando um catálogo com informações sobre os transcritos encontrados, incluindo seqüências completas de cDNAs que codificam para proteínas provavelmente envolvidas no envenenamento, além de novas seqüências de função biológica desconhecida O conteúdo protéico do veneno foi analisado por SDS-PAGE seguido por seqüenciamento da região N-terminal das proteínas mais abundantes, possibilitando a correlação entre o cDNA e a proteína por ele codificada. As seqüências completas de cDNA foram enviadas para o GenBank (NCBI/NIH, EUA) e os resultado estão disponíveis em um sítio eletrônico específico no NCBI: http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/projects/omes. O cDNA mais abundante da lagarta, que codifica para uma lipocalina, foi clonado e obteve-se a proteína recombinante. Demonstramos que essa lipocalina liga o grupamento heme e participa da oxidação acoplada desse ligante, levando à formação de biliverdina γ, sugerindo uma nova função para as proteínas ligadoras de bilina em insetos. Os resultados obtidos colaboram para o maior entendimento das bases moleculares do envenenamento por L. obliqua, além de apontarem moléculas candidatas para o desenvolvimento de kits de diagnóstico para o envenenamento com Lonomia e para a melhora na especificidade do soro anti-lonômico, bem como para estudos mais aprofundados dos processos hemostáticos.
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido na estação de tratamento de água de Novo Hamburgo, avalia uma alternativa aos tradicionais coagulantes metálicos. Esta alternativa é um coagulante orgânico de origem vegetal produzido na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Este coagulante a base de tanino extraído da acácia negra tem o nome comercial de Veta organic. Foi verificada, além da qualidade da água tratada, do custo do tratamento e do impacto ambiental gerado durante o processo de potabilização da água, a operacionalidade da ETA com o coagulante. Foram pesquisados os fenômenos físico-químicos que ocorrem na coagulação. Foram feitas análises dos principais resíduos do tratamento (água de lavagem dos filtros e lodo dos decantadores), definindo alguns parâmetros para sua disposição no solo. A caracterização dos efluentes do tratamento confirmou alguns preceitos da literatura, como a relação DBO/DQO e o alto teor de umidade. Outros parâmetros apresentaram valores divergentes dos publicados em outros trabalhos, sendo, provavelmente, o principal motivo a substituição do coagulante. Foi traçado um comparativo com o sulfato de alumínio, determinando vantagens e desvantagens da substituição do sulfato de alumínio pelo Veta organic. Este comparativo considerou aspectos relacionados à operação e manutenção da ETA, segurança e salubridade dos envolvidos com o processo de tratamento, qualidade e quantidade da água tratada, volume e contaminação dos resíduos do tratamento, custo para tratar um metro cúbico de água e adequação às leis, normas e portarias referentes a abastecimento público de água e poluição por despejos industriais. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram verificar a redução na concentração de alumínio na água tratada e nos resíduos oriundos do tratamento com Veta organic em relação ao tratamento com sulfato de alumínio. Também, constatou-se a redução no volume de lodo gerado nos decantadores com o uso do Veta organic se comparado com os valores para quantidade de produção de lodo com sulfato de alumínio definidos em literatura. Foi determinado o aumento no custo do tratamento na ETA-NH com a introdução do novo coagulante. Além disso, foram feitas sugestões referentes à operação da estação que podem aumentar a eficiência do tratamento com o Veta organic, tendo sido abordadas questões relativas ao processo de tratamento, verificadas durante o trabalho de campo, com uso deste produto. A alteração mais importante na operação da ETA e que trouxe mais benefícios no tratamento com Veta organic foi a utilização de ar na retrolavagem dos filtros, tendo sido verificada a redução da cor e turbidez da água de lavagem dos filtros, com o auxílio do ar na lavagem, até valores estáveis.
Eutrophication is a growing process present in the water sources located in the northeast of Brazil. Among the main consequences of these changes in trophic levels of a water source, stands out adding complexity to the treatment to achieve water standards. By these considerations, this study aimed to define, on a laboratory scale, products and operational conditions to be applied in the processing steps using raw water from Gargalheiras dam, RN, Brazil. The dam mentioned shows a high number of cyanobacteria, with a concentration of cells / ml higher than that established by Decree No. 518/04 MS. The same source was also considered by the state environmental agency in 2009 as hypereutrophic. The static tests developed in this research simulated direct filtration (laboratory filters) and pre-oxidation with chlorine and powdered activated carbon adsorption. The research included the evaluation of the coagulants aluminum hydrochloride (HCA) and alum (SA). The development of the research investigated the conditions for rapid mixing, the dosages of coagulants and pHs of coagulation by the drawing of diagrams. The interference of filtration rate and particle size of filtering means were evaluated as samples and the time of contact were tested with chlorine and activated carbon. By the results of the characterization of the raw water source it was possible to identify the presence of a high pH (7.34). The true color was significant (29 uH) in relation to the apparent color and turbidity (66 uH and 13.60 NTU), reflecting in the measurement of organic matter: MON (8.41 mg.L-1) and Abs254 (0.065 cm-1). The optimization of quick mix set time of 17", the speed gradient of 700 s-1 in the coagulation with HCA and the time of 20" with speed gradient of 800 s-1 for SA. The smaller particle sizes of sand filtering means helped the treatment and the variation in filtration rate did not affect significantly the efficiency of the process. The evaluation of the processing steps found adjustment in standard color and turbidity of the Decree nº 518/04 MS, taking in consideration the average values found in raw water. In the treatment using the HCA for direct filtration the palatable pattern based on the apparent color can be achieved with a dose of 25 mg L-1. With the addition of pre-oxidation step, the standard result was achieved with a reduced dose for 12 mgHCA.L-1. The turbidity standard for water was obtained by direct filtration when the dose exceeds 25 mg L-1 of HCA. With pre-oxidation step there is the possibility of reducing the dose to 20 mg L-1.The addition of CAP adsorption, promoted drinking water for both parameters, with even lower dosage, 13 mg L-1 of HCA. With coagulation using SA removal required for the parameter of apparent color it was achieved with pre-oxidation and 22 mgSA.L-1. Despite the satisfactory results of treatment with the alum, it was not possible to provide water with turbidity less than 1.00 NTU even with the use of all stages of treatment
Experience in the use of stabilization ponds shows that this is a system with low cost, easy operation and maintenance and suitable for tropical countries. One of its disadvantages is due to high concentrations of suspended solids, mainly due to algal biomass in the effluents. Accordingly, the dissolved air flotation has been shown to be an efficient post-treatment technology. However, the efficiency of this process is related to coagulation and flocculation steps, as well as the adjustment of the involved variables in the process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the algae removal efficiency from wastewater stabilization ponds and the influence of the factors involved in the process using dissolved air flotation. For this, we used primary facultative and maturation effluents of ETE Ponta Negra in Natal. We did tests of coagulation, flocculation and flotation with the samples, using the equipment flotatest. In this process were tested coagulants aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride, and varied the factors pH, coagulant concentration, polymer concentration and rate of recirculation. At the end of the experiments were analyzed turbidity, suspended solids, color, COD and chlorophyll "a". These results were submitted to descriptive statistics to verify the efficiency of the process in general, and regression analysis to identify models that describe the process and demonstrate the factors that have greater influence on flotation. After step methodology, high values were found removal efficiency of suspended solids, reaching values greater than 90% in the best cases. It was concluded that flotation is more efficient in the facultative pond effluent using ferric chloride, and the variability of algae may negatively influence the process. Regression analyzes showed that pH is the most influential variable in the coagulation-flocculation-flotation, and its optimal value among the tested is 5.5 for both coagulants
The current environmental crisis demands transformations in the relations among society, nature and development, considering sustainability. In this context, an important theme is replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Moringa oleifera Lam. is a species that can be used as a raw material to produce biodiesel. Besides, it is a multiple purposes plant, which can be used also in water treatment. Thus, the aims of this work were to analyze the anatomical adaptations found in the stem and in the leaf and the seed s oil stores of M. oleifera., to investigate chemical characteristics of M. oleifera s seed oil, considering biodiesel production, and to evaluate the coagulation activity of these seeds in water treatment. Semipermanent histological laminas were made and it follows that the stem has thick cuticle, stomata whose cells guard are below the epidermis line, hollow medulla, druses and tector trichomes as adaptations to climate and soil conditions in which the species is found and the leaf is dorsiventral and it has thick cuticle, tector trichomes and druses. The seed has great reserves of oil. These features favor the use of Moringa oleifera Lam. as a raw material to produce biodiesel in Brazil s Northeast semiarid region. Chemical analysis were made through oil solvent extraction using mechanic stirrer. The oil was analyzed in UV spectrophotometer. A transesterification was made and biodiesel was analyzed in gas chromatography. Oil yield was high and good quality biodiesel was obtained. To evaluate seeds coagulantion activity, coagulation and flocculation essays in jartest were made, using seed extract to treat raw water. Seeds were efficient in cogulation process to treat water. So, they can be used in rudimentary systems or as a raw material to coagulant proteins extraction, as an alternative to traditional coagulants. M. oleifera has characteristics that favor its use to biodiesel production and water treatment
Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)