955 resultados para Coach Ed Simonich
In this issue...coffee shops, intramural sports, International club, Copper Guards, Nobel Prize, Egypt, Mineral Club, Anderson-Carlisle, Petroleum Department
In this issue...Wesley Salonen, M-Club, the Anaconda Company, Coach Ed Simonich, Mining Association of Montana, Copper Guards, Engineering Day
In this issue...Mineral Club, YMCA, Montana Board of Education, Alaska, Mr. S. L. Groff, Coach Ed Simonich, Whittier Elementary, Continental Oil Company
In this issue...Coach Ed Simonich, Travonia Mine, Pepsi Cola, Butte Country Club, Petroleum Engineering, Metropolitan Opera, Evelyn Beal, Museum Hall, The Rainmaker
In this issue...Geological Society of America, Hawaii, Mineral Club, Philipsburg, Montana, Copper Guards, Montana Power, Antonio C. Pastor, Coach Ed Simonich
In this issue...Coed Dance, Student Wives Club, Dandy Larson, Intramurals, Coach Ed Simonich, Custer Battlefield, The Anaconda Company, Father Rossi, Montana Power
In this issue...Maimstrom Air Force Base, Newman Club, Coach Ed Simonich, Harvest Ball, glaciers, New York Stock Exchange, Montana Power, Christmas, Bill Tiddy
In this issue...Anaconda Railroad, Professor Stout, International Club, Hord's Jewelry, KXLF Television station, Coed Club, cyclone fence, Ray Kotow
In this issue...New Faculty, Orediggers, Anderson-Carlisle, campus parking, cheerleaders, freshman class, Phil Judd, Mineral dressing, Coach Ed Simonich
in this issue...Gem State Jamboree, Mineral Club, Pan American Company, Ed Simonich, Sigma Rho, Student Council, Alumni Association, basketball
In this issue...Geology, Sidney L. Groff, Mineral Collection, cheerleaders, Ski Club, Library, Newman Club, Ed Simonich, Butte Jaycees, Youth Center
In this issue...Mines Hockey, Ed Simonich, Faculty Wives Club, convocation, Mineral Research Center, Drama Club, Memoir 36, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
In this issue...Christmas Formal, Douglas H. Harnish, Geology Seminar, World Oil magazine, Ed Simonich, Butte Civic Center, Butte Copperleafs, Bill of Rights
In this issue...Library, Constitution, fraternities, Continental Oil Company, Circle K Club, Mineral Club, Ed Simonich, Geologists, Montana Power Company, hayride party
Back Row: (10) Groundskeeper Erich Keil, Scott Niemiec, Scott Weaver, Mark Temple, Andy Wade, Brian Simmons, John Arvai, Matt Humbles, Student Manager Matt Hyde, Student Trainer Ann Whittenbach.
Middle Row: (12) Volunteer Assistant Coach Ed Turek, Jasen Livingston, Chris Newton, Heath Murray, Nate Holdren, Matt Ferullo, Ray Ricken, Chad Chapman, Sean Coston, Ryan Van Oeveren, Rodney Goble, Trainer Rex Thompson.
Front Row: (11) (from left): Assistant Coach Ace Adams, Toby Brzoznowski, Bryan Santo, Eric Heintschel, Co-Captain Todd Marion, Head Coach Bill Freehan, Co-Captain Scott Timmerman, Scott Winterlee, Matt Copp, Pat Maloney, Assistant Coach Dan O'Brien.