997 resultados para Cluster measurement


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Drawing on extensive academic research and theory on clusters and their analysis, the methodology employed in this pilot study (sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government’s Economic Research Grants Assessment Board) seeks to create a framework for reviewing and monitoring clusters in Wales on an ongoing basis, and generate the information necessary for successful cluster development policy to occur. The multi-method framework developed and tested in the pilot study is designed to map existing Welsh sectors with cluster characteristics, uncover existing linkages, and better understand areas of strength and weakness. The approach adopted relies on synthesising both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Statistical measures, including the size of potential clusters, are united with other evidence on input-output derived inter-linkages within clusters and to other sectors in Wales and the UK, as well as the export and import intensity of the cluster. Multi Sector Qualitative Analysis is then designed for competencies/capacity, risk factors, markets, types and crucially, the perceived strengths of cluster structures and relationships. The approach outlined above can, with the refinements recommended through the review process, provide policy-makers with a valuable tool for reviewing and monitoring individual sectors and ameliorating problems in sectors likely to decline further.


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Clusters are aggregations of atoms or molecules, generally intermediate in size between individual atoms and aggregates that are large enough to be called bulk matter. Clusters can also be called nanoparticles, because their size is on the order of nanometers or tens of nanometers. A new field has begun to take shape called nanostructured materials which takes advantage of these atom clusters. The ultra-small size of building blocks leads to dramatically different properties and it is anticipated that such atomically engineered materials will be able to be tailored to perform as no previous material could.^ The idea of ionized cluster beam (ICB) thin film deposition technique was first proposed by Takagi in 1972. It was based upon using a supersonic jet source to produce, ionize and accelerate beams of atomic clusters onto substrates in a vacuum environment. Conditions for formation of cluster beams suitable for thin film deposition have only recently been established following twenty years of effort. Zinc clusters over 1,000 atoms in average size have been synthesized both in our lab and that of Gspann. More recently, other methods of synthesizing clusters and nanoparticles, using different types of cluster sources, have come under development.^ In this work, we studied different aspects of nanoparticle beams. The work includes refinement of a model of the cluster formation mechanism, development of a new real-time, in situ cluster size measurement method, and study of the use of ICB in the fabrication of semiconductor devices.^ The formation process of the vaporized-metal cluster beam was simulated and investigated using classical nucleation theory and one dimensional gas flow equations. Zinc cluster sizes predicted at the nozzle exit are in good quantitative agreement with experimental results in our laboratory.^ A novel in situ real-time mass, energy and velocity measurement apparatus has been designed, built and tested. This small size time-of-flight mass spectrometer is suitable to be used in our cluster deposition systems and does not suffer from problems related to other methods of cluster size measurement like: requirement for specialized ionizing lasers, inductive electrical or electromagnetic coupling, dependency on the assumption of homogeneous nucleation, limits on the size measurement and non real-time capability. Measured ion energies using the electrostatic energy analyzer are in good accordance with values obtained from computer simulation. The velocity (v) is measured by pulsing the cluster beam and measuring the time of delay between the pulse and analyzer output current. The mass of a particle is calculated from m = (2E/v$\sp2).$ The error in the measured value of background gas mass is on the order of 28% of the mass of one N$\sb2$ molecule which is negligible for the measurement of large size clusters. This resolution in cluster size measurement is very acceptable for our purposes.^ Selective area deposition onto conducting patterns overlying insulating substrates was demonstrated using intense, fully-ionized cluster beams. Parameters influencing the selectivity are ion energy, repelling voltage, the ratio of the conductor to insulator dimension, and substrate thickness. ^


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Combustion sources are well-known sources of electrical ions (Howard, J.B. et al. 1973). Motor vehicles emissions are one of the main sources of ions in urban environments. The presence of charged particles in motor vehicle emissions has been known for many years (Kittelson, 1986; Yu et al, 2004; Jung and Kittelson, 2005). Although these particles are probably charged by the attachment of air ions, there is very little information on the nature, sign and magnitude of the small ions (diameter < 1.6 nm) emitted by motor vehicles and/or present by the sides of roads.


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Aerosol particles play an important role in the Earth s atmosphere and in the climate system: they scatter and absorb solar radiation, facilitate chemical processes, and serve as seeds for cloud formation. Secondary new particle formation (NPF) is a globally important source of these particles. Currently, the mechanisms of particle formation and the vapors participating in this process are, however, not truly understood. In order to fully explain atmospheric NPF and subsequent growth, we need to measure directly the very initial steps of the formation processes. This thesis investigates the possibility to study atmospheric particle formation using a recently developed Neutral cluster and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS). First, the NAIS was calibrated and intercompared, and found to be in good agreement with the reference instruments both in the laboratory and in the field. It was concluded that NAIS can be reliably used to measure small atmospheric ions and particles directly at the sizes where NPF begins. Second, several NAIS systems were deployed simultaneously at 12 European measurement sites to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of particle formation events. The sites represented a variety of geographical and atmospheric conditions. The NPF events were detected using NAIS systems at all of the sites during the year-long measurement period. Various particle formation characteristics, such as formation and growth rates, were used as indicators of the relevant processes and participating compounds in the initial formation. In a case of parallel ion and neutral cluster measurements, we also estimated the relative contribution of ion-induced and neutral nucleation to the total particle formation. At most sites, the particle growth rate increased with the increasing particle size indicating that different condensing vapors are participating in the growth of different-sized particles. The results suggest that, in addition to sulfuric acid, organic vapors contribute to the initial steps of NPF and to the subsequent growth, not just later steps of the particle growth. As a significant new result, we found out that the total particle formation rate varied much more between the different sites than the formation rate of charged particles. The results infer that the ion-induced nucleation has a minor contribution to particle formation in the boundary layer in most of the environments. These results give tools to better quantify the aerosol source provided by secondary NPF in various environments. The particle formation characteristics determined in this thesis can be used in global models to assess NPF s climatic effects.


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Different types of Large Carbon Cluster (LCC) layers are synthesized by a single-step pyrolysis technique at various ratios of precursor mixture. The aim is to develop a fast responsive and stable thermal gauge based on a LCC layer which has relatively good electrical conduction in order to use it in the hypersonic flow field. The thermoelectric property of the LCC layer has been studied. It is found that these carbon clusters are sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore suitable thermal gauges were developed for blunt cone bodies and were tested in hypersonic shock tunnels at a flow Mach number of 6.8 to measure aerodynamic heating. The LCC layer of this thermal gauge encounters high shear forces and a hostile environment for test duration in the range of a millisecond. The results are favorable to use large carbon clusters as a better sensor than a conventional platinum thin film gauge in view of fast responsiveness and stability.


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The total cross-section for the dd → 4HeK+K− reaction has been measured at a beam momentum of 3.7GeV/c, corresponding to an excess energy of 39MeV, which is the maximum possible atthe Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich. A deuterium cluster-jet target and the ANKE forward magnetic spectrometer, placed inside the storage ring, have been employed in this investigation. We find a total cross-section of σtot < 14 pb, which brings into question the viability of investigating the dd → 4He a0(980)reaction as a means of studying isospin violation.


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Experiments of Al-23 and Mg-22 radioactive beams bombarding a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV have been performed at the projectile fragment separator beamline (RIPS) in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton emission from Al-23 and Mg-22 excited states, respectively. The trajectorie of the decay products, namely Na-21 + p + p from Al-23 and Ne-20 + p + p from Mg-22, are clean identified. The relative momentum and opening angle between two protons in the rest frame of three body decay channels are obtained by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results demonstrate that there are some di-proton emission components from He-2 cluster for the excited Al-23 and Mg-22.


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An experiment of Mg-22 and Ne-20 beams bombarding on a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV has been performed at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS)in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton correlated emission from Mg-22 and Ne-20 excited states. The two-protons momentum correlation functions have been obtained for Mg-22 and Ne-20, respectively. The trajectories of the Mg-22 decayed products (Ne-20 + p + p) were also measured to get the angular correlations between the two protons in Center of Mass of decaying system by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results exhibit that Mg-22 has the features of He-2 cluster decay mechanism.


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A novel [Ni'S-4'Fe-2(CO)(6)] cluster (1: 'S-4'=(CH3C6H3S2)(2)(CH2)(3)) has been synthesised, structurally characterised and has been shown to undergo a chemically reversible reduction process at -1.31 V versus Fc(+)/Fc to generate the EPR-active monoanion 1(-). Multifrequency Q-, X- and S-band EPR spectra of Ni-61-enriched 1(-) show a well-resolved quartet hyperfine splitting in the low-field region due to the interaction with a single Ni-61 (I = 3/2) nucleus. Simulations of the EPR spectra require the introduction of a single angle of non-coincidence between g, and A(1), and g(3) and A(3) to reproduce all of the features in the S- and X-band spectra. This behaviour provides a rare example of the detection and measurement of non-coincidence effects from frozen-solution EPR spectra without the need for single-crystal measurements, and in which the S-band experiment is sensitive to the non-coincidence. An analysis of the EPR spectra of 1(-) reveals a 24% Ni contribution to the SOMO in 1(-), supporting a delocalisation of the spin-density across the NiFe2 cluster. This observation is supported by IR spectroscopic results which show that the CO stretching frequencies, v(CO), shift to lower frequency by about 70 cm(-1) when 1 is reduced to 1(-). Density functional calculations provide a framework for the interpretation of the spectroscopic properties of 1(-) and suggest that the SOMO is delocalised over the whole cluster, but with little S-centre participation. This electronic structure contrasts with that of the Ni-A, -B, -C and -L forms of [NiFe] hydrogenase in which there is considerable S participation in the SOMO.


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We introduce a general scheme for sequential one-way quantum computation where static systems with long-living quantum coherence (memories) interact with moving systems that may possess very short coherence times. Both the generation of the cluster state needed for the computation and its consumption by measurements are carried out simultaneously. As a consequence, effective clusters of one spatial dimension fewer than in the standard approach are sufficient for computation. In particular, universal computation requires only a one-dimensional array of memories. The scheme applies to discrete-variable systems of any dimension as well as to continuous-variable ones, and both are treated equivalently under the light of local complementation of graphs. In this way our formalism introduces a general framework that encompasses and generalizes in a unified manner some previous system-dependent proposals. The procedure is intrinsically well suited for implementations with atom-photon interfaces.


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Background The Well London programme used community engagement, complemented by changes to the physical and social neighbourhood environment, to improve physical activity levels, healthy eating and mental wellbeing in the most deprived communities in London. The effectiveness of Well London is being evaluated in a pair-matched cluster randomised trial (CRT). The baseline survey data are reported here. Methods The CRT involved 20 matched pairs of intervention and control communities (defined as UK census lower super output areas; ranked in the 11% most deprived LSOAs in London by Index of Multiple Deprivation) across 20 London boroughs. The primary trial outcomes, sociodemographic information and environmental neighbourhood characteristics were assessed in three quantitative components within the Well London CRT at baseline: a cross-sectional, interviewer-administered adult household survey; a self-completed, school-based adolescent questionnaire; a fieldworker completed neighbourhood environmental audit. Baseline data collection occurred in 2008. Physical activity, healthy eating and mental wellbeing were assessed using standardised, validated questionnaire tools. Multiple imputation was used to account for missing data in the outcomes and other variables in the adult and adolescent surveys. Results There were 4107 adults and 1214 adolescent respondents in the baseline surveys. The intervention and control areas were broadly comparable with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The environmental characteristics of the intervention and control neighbourhoods were broadly similar. There was greater between cluster variation in the primary outcomes in the adult population compared to the adolescent population. Levels of healthy eating, smoking and self-reported anxiety/depression were similar in the Well London population and the national Health Survey for England. Levels of physical activity were higher in the Well London population but this is likely to be due to the different measurement tools used in the two surveys. Conclusions Randomisation of social interventions such as Well London is acceptable and feasible and in this study the intervention and control arms are well balanced with respect to the primary outcomes and key sociodemographic characteristics. The matched design has improved the statistical efficiency of the study amongst adults but less so amongst adolescents. Follow-up data collection will be completed 2012.


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The overall operation and internal complexity of a particular production machinery can be depicted in terms of clusters of multidimensional points which describe the process states, the value in each point dimension representing a measured variable from the machinery. The paper describes a new cluster analysis technique for use with manufacturing processes, to illustrate how machine behaviour can be categorised and how regions of good and poor machine behaviour can be identified. The cluster algorithm presented is the novel mean-tracking algorithm, capable of locating N-dimensional clusters in a large data space in which a considerable amount of noise is present. Implementation of the algorithm on a real-world high-speed machinery application is described, with clusters being formed from machinery data to indicate machinery error regions and error-free regions. This analysis is seen to provide a promising step ahead in the field of multivariable control of manufacturing systems.


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Background: Medication errors in general practice are an important source of potentially preventable morbidity and mortality. Building on previous descriptive, qualitative and pilot work, we sought to investigate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and likely generalisability of a complex pharm acist-led IT-based intervention aiming to improve prescribing safety in general practice. Objectives: We sought to: • Test the hypothesis that a pharmacist-led IT-based complex intervention using educational outreach and practical support is more effective than simple feedback in reducing the proportion of patients at risk from errors in prescribing and medicines management in general practice. • Conduct an economic evaluation of the cost per error avoided, from the perspective of the National Health Service (NHS). • Analyse data recorded by pharmacists, summarising the proportions of patients judged to be at clinical risk, the actions recommended by pharmacists, and actions completed in the practices. • Explore the views and experiences of healthcare professionals and NHS managers concerning the intervention; investigate potential explanations for the observed effects, and inform decisions on the future roll-out of the pharmacist-led intervention • Examine secular trends in the outcome measures of interest allowing for informal comparison between trial practices and practices that did not participate in the trial contributing to the QRESEARCH database. Methods Two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial of 72 English general practices with embedded economic analysis and longitudinal descriptive and qualitative analysis. Informal comparison of the trial findings with a national descriptive study investigating secular trends undertaken using data from practices contributing to the QRESEARCH database. The main outcomes of interest were prescribing errors and medication monitoring errors at six- and 12-months following the intervention. Results: Participants in the pharmacist intervention arm practices were significantly less likely to have been prescribed a non-selective NSAID without a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) if they had a history of peptic ulcer (OR 0.58, 95%CI 0.38, 0.89), to have been prescribed a beta-blocker if they had asthma (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.58, 0.91) or (in those aged 75 years and older) to have been prescribed an ACE inhibitor or diuretic without a measurement of urea and electrolytes in the last 15 months (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.34, 0.78). The economic analysis suggests that the PINCER pharmacist intervention has 95% probability of being cost effective if the decision-maker’s ceiling willingness to pay reaches £75 (6 months) or £85 (12 months) per error avoided. The intervention addressed an issue that was important to professionals and their teams and was delivered in a way that was acceptable to practices with minimum disruption of normal work processes. Comparison of the trial findings with changes seen in QRESEARCH practices indicated that any reductions achieved in the simple feedback arm were likely, in the main, to have been related to secular trends rather than the intervention. Conclusions Compared with simple feedback, the pharmacist-led intervention resulted in reductions in proportions of patients at risk of prescribing and monitoring errors for the primary outcome measures and the composite secondary outcome measures at six-months and (with the exception of the NSAID/peptic ulcer outcome measure) 12-months post-intervention. The intervention is acceptable to pharmacists and practices, and is likely to be seen as costeffective by decision makers.