998 resultados para Client state
Esta monografía busca explicar la incidencia de la cultura política nicaragüense en el mantenimiento del régimen de los Somoza (1936 – 1979). Se explorará la incidencia de la cultura política nicaragüense en el régimen autoritario tradicional de los Somoza a través de las orientaciones cognitivas, afectivas y evaluativas de la población, que permitieron el mantenimiento y una relativa estabilidad y duración de aquél en Nicaragua. Se comprenderá el régimen somocista como un régimen autoritario tradicional. Posteriormente, siguiendo los postulados de Gabriel Almond y Sidney Verba, se identificará los principales elementos de la cultura política nicaragüense durante el régimen de los Somoza y por último, se explicará cómo incidió la cultura política en la aceptación pasiva del régimen, el uso del terror como una herramienta de estabilización y la ausencia de una identidad ciudadana democrática.
Our object is to analyze the experiences in participative management in the cities o Natal and Maceió. The center of our interests is to evaluate if the operational changes in public administration in Brazil have really caused transformations in the municipal government which tend to constitute democracy in our country. The enlargement of civil society participation experiences in public management (at least as a proposal) has led to a great diversity of results even when executed by individuals from the same political party or with the same ideological interests. Thus, we investigate why the participative management process takes place in different forms even when the managers belong to the same party and share the same ideas. We based our analysis in the analytical scheme developed by Esping-Andersen (1991) in his studies about the cause for different welfare states in the world. We defend the thesis that the specifities in management are explained through an integrative analysis between the capacity of organization existent in society, the kind of govern coalition and the institutional legacy present in both cities. The complete analysis of the two experiences studied shows that there are similarities specially in the mayors government forms and in the importance they give in their speech to the participation of society as the element which sustains the management. Nevertheless, although both mayors are connected to the political party project, there are also differences in the advance of such process mainly because of the basis work performed by the left party among the popular movement, the kind of govern coalition which has been developed in the city and by the institutional legacy left by the former administration
Cover title: State mental health plan.
Annual Report for Departmemnt of Human Rights
INAPIS (National Aging Program Information System) Activity Report collects and reports service/performance data and related program management information to the federal and state government. This report shows the number of older Iowans who receive services and the number of units by service category from Title III funding of the Older Americans Act, the Administration on Aging (AoA) and limited state general fund dollars. Additionally, it shows the number of persons served by individual services and total "unduplicated" client count across all services. In other words, if you add the total number of clients from all services it is higher than the actual number of persons served across all services, because some people need and receive more than one service.
Public report covering the services provided during fiscal 2007 by the federally mandated Client Assistance Program located in the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Persons with Disabilities.
Annual report for federal fiscal year 2008 submitted to the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education. This report is requied to be submitted each year by December 31th for the pervious fiscal year as part of the federal grant requirements for the Client Assistance Program grantee in each state. In Iowa, the Client Assistance Program is housed in the Division of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Human Rights and provides information and referral services and advocacy services as outlined under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Special investigation of the Glenwood Resource Center Client Activity Clearing Account for the period January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
We study state-based video communication where a client simultaneously informs the server about the presence status of various packets in its buffer. In sender-driven transmission, the client periodically sends to the server a single acknowledgement packet that provides information about all packets that have arrived at the client by the time the acknowledgment is sent. In receiver-driven streaming, the client periodically sends to the server a single request packet that comprises a transmission schedule for sending missing data to the client over a horizon of time. We develop a comprehensive optimization framework that enables computing packet transmission decisions that maximize the end-to-end video quality for the given bandwidth resources, in both prospective scenarios. The core step of the optimization comprises computing the probability that a single packet will be communicated in error as a function of the expected transmission redundancy (or cost) used to communicate the packet. Through comprehensive simulation experiments, we carefully examine the performance advances that our framework enables relative to state-of-the-art scheduling systems that employ regular acknowledgement or request packets. Consistent gains in video quality of up to 2B are demonstrated across a variety of content types. We show that there is a direct analogy between the error-cost efficiency of streaming a single packet and the overall rate-distortion performance of streaming the whole content. In the case of sender-driven transmission, we develop an effective modeling approach that accurately characterizes the end-to-end performance as a function of the packet loss rate on the backward channel and the source encoding characteristics.
The Steering Committee recognizes that the Departments may need to implement reviews necessary to address specific Federal requirements and that while consolidated reporting should be used when possible, the review and reporting processes should facilitate the ability to garner Federal funding. However, the analysis thus far confirms the need for change and a significant potential to reduce redundant monitoring and reporting. At the end of this Executive Summary, there is a summary presentation, including a timeline and progress indicators, that gives more details on these recommendations.
This paper aims to present a state-of-the-art review of the scope and practical implications of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform in the UK construction practice. Theoretical developments suggest that BIM is an integration of both product and process innovation, not just a disparate set of software tools. BIM provides effective collaboration, visual representation and data management, which enable the smooth flow of information throughout the project’s lifecycle. The most frequently reported benefits are related to Capital Cost (capex) and Operational costs (opex) and time savings. Key challenges, however, focus on the interoperability of software, capital installation costs, in-house experience, client preference and cultural issues within design teams and within the organisation. The paper concludes with a critical commentary on the changing roles and a process required to implement BIM in UK construction projects, and suggests areas for further research.
The Client Advocacy Office at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health publishes a monthly report with information on complaints resolved at agency centers and other statistics on the Client Advocacy Office.
The Client Advocacy Office at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health publishes a monthly report with information on complaints resolved at agency centers and other statistics on the Client Advocacy Office.
The Client Advocacy Office at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health publishes a monthly report with information on complaints resolved at agency centers and other statistics on the Client Advocacy Office.
The Client Advocacy Office at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health publishes a monthly report with information on complaints resolved at agency centers and other statistics on the Client Advocacy Office.