814 resultados para Clausi, Mirella -- Intervius


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Entrevista amb Anna Di Salvo y Mirella Clausi


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figura del arbitramento y sus alcances, así como las principales características de los procesos ejecutivos, para luego determinar la viabilidad jurídica de que los árbitros conozcan de los últimos


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[ES] Determinación del crecimiento del cladócero de agua dulce Daphnia sp. del copépodo Acartia clausi -a varias concentraciones de alimento y temperatura- en términos de talla corporal, empleando para ello la técnica de fotografía de siluetas.


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This study includes the first information on the combined effect of low pH and raised temperature on egg production rate (EP), hatching success (HS), excretion and respiration of the Mediterranean copepod Acartia clausi. Adult individuals of A. clausi and fresh surface seawater were collected at a coastal station in Saronikos Gulf during April 2012. Four different conditions were applied: two different pH levels (present: 8.09 and future: 7.83) at two temperature values (present: 16°C and present+4 °C= 20°C). EP and HS success decreased significantly over the duration of exposure at future pH at both temperature conditions. However, the analysis of the combined effect of pH, T, chlorophyll a and the duration of the experiments on EP and HS revealed that ocean acidification had no discernible effect, whereas warming; food and the duration of exposure were more significant for the reproductive output of A. clausi. Temperature appeared to have a positive effect on respiration and excretion. Acidification had no clear effect on respiration, but a negative effect on the A. clausi excretion was observed. Acidification and warming resulted in the increase of the excretion rate and the increase was higher than that observed by warming only. Our findings showed that a direct effect of ocean acidification on copepod's vital rates was not obvious, except maybe in the case of excretion. Therefore, the combination of acidification with the ambient oligotrophic conditions and the warming could result in species being less able to allocate resources for coping with multiple stressors.


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In children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, color vision losses have been related to dystrophin deletions downstream of exon 30, which affect a dystrophin isoform, Dp260, present in the retina. To further evaluate visual function in DMD children, we measured spatial, temporal, and chromatic red-green and blue-yellow contrast sensitivity in two groups of DMD children with gene deletion downstream and upstream of exon 30. Psychophysical spatial contrast sensitivity was measured for low, middle, and high spatial frequencies with achromatic gratings and for low and middle frequencies with red-green and blue-yellow chromatic gratings. Temporal contrast sensitivity was also measured with achromatic stimuli. A reduction in sensitivity at all spatial luminance contrasts was found for the DMD patients with deletion downstream of exon 30. Similar results were found for temporal luminance contrast sensitivity. Red-green chromatic contrast sensitivity was reduced in DMD children with deletion downstream of exon 30, whereas blue-yellow chromatic contrast sensitivity showed no significant differences. We conclude that visual function is impaired in DMD children. Furthermore, we report a genotype-phenotype relationship because the visual impairment occurred in children with deletion downstream but not upstream of exon 30, affecting the retinal isoform of dystrophin Dp260.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar a fauna flebotomínea em áreas do perímetro urbano do município de Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. O estudo foi desenvolvido de março de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006, em 17 ecótopos distribuídos em 12 locais, três no Centro e nove em diferentes bairros. As capturas foram realizadas quinzenalmente com armadilhas automáticas luminosas. Capturou-se 2.680 espécimes, 2.283 machos e 397 fêmeas, de 12 espécies, Brumptomyia avellari, Brumptomyia brumpti, Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Evandromyia corumbaensis, Evandromyia sallesi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Micropygomyia acanthopharynx, Micropygomyia quinquefer, Nyssomyia whitmani, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Psathyromyia punctigeniculata e Psathyromyia shannoni. Lutzomyia longipalpis, vetora do agente da leishmaniose visceral americana, foi a espécie mais freqüente e a mais abundante, representando 93,5% dos flebotomíneos capturados e índice de abundância padronizado de 0,85. Com freqüência mais expressiva nos ecótopos próximos de galinheiro e de pocilga, esta espécie foi capturada em todos os meses do ano, com picos no verão, inverno e primavera. As demais espécies foram pouco freqüentes. Ressalta-se que a captura de Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, no intradomicilio e peridomicílio, nas proximidade de mata remanescente, tem grande significado epidemiológico uma vez que essa espécie é a principal vetora da Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, agente etiológico da leishmaniose cutânea difusa anérgica. Portanto, na área urbana de Bonito foram encontradas duas espécies que comprovadamente participam da transmissão de leishmanioses, Lutzomyia longipalpis e Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, ambas encontradas naturalmente infectadas pelos respectivos agentes.


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The aims of this study were to carry out a serological survey of canine leishmaniasis and identify the phlebotomine fauna in the urban area of Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. The serological survey was conducted on a sample of 303 dogs, by means of the indirect immunofluorescence test. Phlebotomines were captured using automated light traps. The serological survey found that 30% of the dogs were seropositive, both from the center and from all districts of the town. A total of 2,772 specimens of phlebotomines were caught and the species most found was Lutzomyia longipalpis (90.4%), which corroborated its role as the vector of for canine visceral leishmaniasis in the region. Phlebotomines of the species Bichromomyia flaviscutellata (the main vector for Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis) and Nyssomyia whitmani (the vector for Leishmania (Viannia) brasiliensis) were also caught. The findings indicate the need for continuous epidemiological surveillance, with attention towards diminishing the vector breeding sites and the transmission of these diseases in that region.


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The prominent nitric oxide (NO) donor [Ru(terpy)(bdqi)NO](PF(6))(3) has been synthesized and evaluated with respect to noteworthy biological effects due to its NO photorelease, including vascular relaxation and melanoma cell culture toxicity. The potential for delivering NO in therapeutic quantities is tenable since the nitrosyl ruthenium complex (NRC) must first reach the ""target tissue"" and then release the NO upon stimulus. In this context. NRC-loaded lipid carriers were developed and characterized to further explore its topical administration for applications such as skin cancer treatment. NRC-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers were prepared via the microemulsification method, with average diameters of 275 +/- 15 nm and 211 +/- 31 nm and zeta potentials of -40.7 +/- 10.4 mV and -50.0 +/- 7.5 mV, respectively. In vitro kinetic studies of NRC release from nanoparticles showed sustained release of NRC from the lipid carriers and illustrated the influence of the release medium and the lyophilization process. Stability studies showed that NO is released from NRC as a function of temperature and time and due to skin contact. The encapsulation of NRC in SLN followed by its lyophilization, significantly improved the complex stability. Furthermore, of particular interest was the fact that in the NO photorelease study, the NO release from the NRC-loaded SLN was approximately twice that of just NRC in solution. NRC-loaded SLN performs well enough at releasing and protecting NO degradation in vitro that it is a promising carrier for topical delivery of NO. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. Play is an indication of a children`s development. Purpose. Organize a culturally adapt the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment to Brazilian population. Method. Translation and cultural adaptation procedures consisted of translation, synthesis, back translation, author`s approval, and pretest of the assessment. For the pretest, 14 typically developing children were assessed. Was evaluated the use of play materials, duration of the assessment, and reliability. Findings. Play materials and duration of the assessment were appropriate for Brazilian children. Analysis of intra-rater reliability showed good agreement ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. Inter-rater reliability showed good to moderate agreement for five items ranging from 0.76 to 0.59. Four items showed chance to poor agreement (rho = -0.13 to 0.50). Implications. Results of the pretest indicate the Brazilian version of the ChIPPA is potentially useful for Brazilian children. ChIPPA training in Portuguese in Brazil with play observation feedback is recommended to improve inter-rater reliability.


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The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase regulates the formation of the corticospinal tract (CST), a pathway controlling voluntary movements, and of the anterior commissure (AC), connecting the neocortical temporal robes. To study EphA4 kinase signaling in these processes, we generated mice expressing mutant EphA4 receptors either lacking kinase activity or with severely downregulated kinase activity. We demonstrate that EphA4 is required for CST formation as a receptor for which it requires an active kinase domain. In contrast, the formation of the AC is rescued by kinase-dead EphA4, suggesting that in this structure EphA4 acts as a ligand for which its kinase activity is not required. Unexpectedly, the cytoplasmic sterile-alpha motif (SAM) domain is not required for EphA4 functions. Our findings establish both kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions of EphA4 in the formation of major axon tracts.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil dos procedimentos cirúrgicos relacionados à otorrinolaringologia no Brasil no ano de 2003. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal do tipo seccional. MÉTODOS: Analisamos 80.030 procedimentos cirúrgicos nos 27 estados do Brasil no período compreendido entre janeiro e dezembro de 2003. Os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do Ministério da Saúde. O fator de inclusão se deu pela variável procedimento cirúrgico em otorrinolaringologia. Todos os arquivos foram processados pelo software TABWIN. RESULTADOS: No ano 2003, no Brasil, foram realizados 80.030 procedimentos cirúrgicos relacionados à ORL. A Região Sudeste é a região com maior número de procedimentos (53,08%), seguida pela Região Sul e Nordeste com 19,6% e 15,6% respectivamente. Quanto ao grupo de procedimento as cirurgias da faringe representam 45% dos procedimentos em ORL. Os procedimentos de alta complexidade foram realizados em maior número no grupo de cirurgia de ouvido. Quanto à distribuição segundo tipo de prestador, observamos que existe uma maior concentração dos procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados nos hospitais filantrópicos, seguido dos públicos estaduais e universitários. A Tabela adotada pelo SUS para pagamento de procedimentos cirúrgicos em ORL não se encontra atualizada para os procedimentos hoje realizados, repercutindo na notificação inapropriada de alguns tipos de cirurgias. CONCLUSÃO: Com o conhecimento do perfil dos internamentos cirúrgicos em ORL no Brasil, podem ser identificadas particularidades na distribuição quanto às diferentes regiões que podem auxiliar gestores de saúde à tomada de decisões no sentido de garantir os princípios preconizados pelo SUS no acesso aos serviços de saúde.


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A laringe é considerada o sítio de maior ocorrência de neoplasias na região de cabeça e pescoço, e para os estudos do câncer a mortalidade constitui-se um dos indicadores de saúde mais confiáveis OBJETIVO: Estudar a mortalidade por câncer de laringe em Pernambuco no período 2000-2004. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Considerou-se o universo dos óbitos por câncer de laringe, em residentes do estado de Pernambuco entre 2000 e 2004, extraídos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM/SUS). A análise dos dados foi realizada através de estatística descritiva com resultados expressos em tabelas, gráficos e mapa, utilizando o software Excel versão 2000 e o software EpiInfo, versão 6.04b. RESULTADOS: Existiu pouca variação do coeficiente de mortalidade entre os anos estudados. A mesorregião do Sertão concentrou o agregado com o maior número de óbitos e Fernando de Noronha apresentou a maior taxa de mortalidade. O perfil encontrado foi de homens entre 60-69 anos, pardos, casados, com baixo grau de escolaridade, cujo óbito aconteceu em ambiente hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu estabilidade da mortalidade e heterogeneidade entre os municípios. O perfil da mortalidade segundo variáveis sociais corrobora com outros estados brasileiros, exceto pela raça/cor.


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O objetivo foi avaliar doces de leite produzidos sem adição de açúcar. Realizaram-se três formulações: doce com adição de açúcar (A), com edulcorante sucralose (B) e doce com ciclamato, sacarina e sorbitol (C). Nos doces B e C utilizou-se a carragena. Realizaram-se análises físico-quimicas, microbiológicas, exigidas pela legislação vigente, e análise sensorial. Nas análises de acidez não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras. O teor de gordura, a atividade de água e textura das amostras não diferiram entre os doces B e C, e esses diferiram estatisticamente do A. Nas análises de pH houve diferença significativa entre os doces. O teor de sólidos solúveis do doce A apresentou 63 °Brix, e os doces B e C, 26 °Brix. Na aceitação, observou-se diferença significativa para todos os atributos avaliados. Para sabor, o doce A foi mais aceito que os doces B e C, e o doce B mais que o C. Para atributo de textura sensorial e impressão global, o doce A foi mais aceito que os doces B e C, e esses apresentaram a mesma aceitação. Na análise de textura instrumental, os doces B e C não obtiveram a mesma força de resistência à penetração que o doce A. Todas as análises microbiológicas dos doces A, B e C apresentaram-se dentro dos padrões exigidos pela legislação vigente. Doce de leite com sucralose (B) mostrou-se uma boa alternativa para substituição do doce de leite com sacarose (A), uma vez que obteve boa aceitação para o atributo sabor.


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Urinary tract infection is a common problem worldwide. Its clinical characteristics and susceptibility rates of bacteria are important in determining the treatment of choice and its duration. This study assessed the frequency and susceptibility to antimicrobials of uropathogens isolated from community-acquired urinary tract infections in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State capital, northeastern Brazil, from 2007 to 2010. A total of 1,082 positive samples were evaluated; E. coli was the most prevalent pathogen (60.4%). With respect to the uropathogens susceptibility rates, the resistance of enterobacteria to ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim was 24.4% and 50.6%, respectively. Susceptibility was over 90% for nitrofurantoin, aminoglycosides and third-generation cephalosporins. High resistance rates of uropathogens to quinolones and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim draws attention to the choice of these drugs on empirical treatments, especially in patients with pyelonephritis. Given the increased resistance of community bacteria to antimicrobials, local knowledge of susceptibility rates of uropathogens is essential for therapeutic decision making regarding patients with urinary tract infections.