995 resultados para Class of 2000 (FOG2000)


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Top Row: Michelle Arsulowicz, Christy L. baginski, Sarah Ball, Jessica Beitner, Gina Blank, Kelley Brown, Cheryl Buckler, Loredana Bugan, Kelly Burrows, Cynthia Carillo, Raquel Casarez, Rachel Cieslak, Nicole Clark, Stephanie Cochran, John condon

Row 2: Becky Cooper, Claire Coughlan, Heidi M. Dillenbeck, Jennfier Long, Tracy Adame, Stacy B. Buchanan, Tiffany A. Fellberg, Elise H. Peterson, Jessica Na, Abigail Sikkenga, Michelle, Falatko, Lisa Dolan, Laura Dorman, Suzanne Ewald

Row 3: Heather Fix, Anna galczyk, Inessa Gankin, Elizabeth Gardner, Jennfier Gray, Katy Gudritz, Lindsey Hancock, Christina Haremski, Marcie Harless, Anne Hartgerink

Row 4: Benjamin Hatchett, Karrie Herdus, Lacy Hillman, Amy Hlavka, Nicole Holt, Julie Huss, Jessica Inwood, Sujuan Johnson, Nicole N. Jones, Jennfier M. kenny

Row 5: Lori Khami, Jennifer Kiebler, Nipa Kinariwala, Kelli Kingma, Elizabeth Kubis, Jillian LaPrairie, Heather Livermore, Emily Long-Minard, Miki Loveland, Meyhan Manion, David Markiewicz, Dareth McCoy

Row 6: Kerri McElmeel, Suzanne McQuaid, Katie Murphy, Marie Murray, Nola Pender, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Susan Boehm, Beverly Jones, Patricia coleman-Burns, Darlene Najor, Kelly Nowak, Charisse Patterson, Jennfier Pliska

Row 7: Heather Prusi, Erika Punches, Gena ramazetti, Kimberly Rendz, Suzanne Robben, Sara Robbins, Lori rottschafer, Annette Sandretto, Sara Schad, Chad Schenavar, Jennifer Seamon, Katherine Shell, Charlotte L. Sims, Caryn Steenland, Andrea Stutzman

Row 8: Jennifer Thibault, stacey Turnipseed, Linda Twomey, Stephanie Van Eyk, Maryanne VanNasdale, Annemarie Vassalo, Anna Walawender, Mark Warren, Nicole Weber, Kindra Weid, Lela Shitley, Kristy Wierzba, Shari Wilkinson, Lily Wu


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Despite the simultaneous progress of traffic modelling both on the macroscopic and microscopic front, recent works [E. Bourrel, J.B. Lessort, Mixing micro and macro representation of traffic flow: a hybrid model based on the LWR theory, Transport. Res. Rec. 1852 (2003) 193–200; D. Helbing, M. Treiber, Critical discussion of “synchronized flow”, Coop. Transport. Dyn. 1 (2002) 2.1–2.24; A. Hennecke, M. Treiber, D. Helbing, Macroscopic simulations of open systems and micro–macro link, in: D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, D.E. Wolf (Eds.), Traffic and Granular Flow ’99, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pp. 383–388] highlighted that one of the most promising way to simulate efficiently traffic flow on large road networks is a clever combination of both traffic representations: the hybrid modelling. Our focus in this paper is to propose two hybrid models for which the macroscopic (resp. mesoscopic) part is based on a class of second order model [A. Aw, M. Rascle, Resurection of second order models of traffic flow?, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 60 (2000) 916–938] whereas the microscopic part is a Follow-the Leader type model [D.C. Gazis, R. Herman, R.W. Rothery, Nonlinear follow-the-leader models of traffic flow, Oper. Res. 9 (1961) 545–567; R. Herman, I. Prigogine, Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic, American Elsevier, New York, 1971]. For the first hybrid model, we define precisely the translation of boundary conditions at interfaces and for the second one we explain the synchronization processes. Furthermore, through some numerical simulations we show that the waves propagation is not disturbed and the mass is accurately conserved when passing from one traffic representation to another.


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We propose a Nystr¨om/product integration method for a class of second kind integral equations on the real line which arise in problems of two-dimensional scalar and elastic wave scattering by unbounded surfaces. Stability and convergence of the method is established with convergence rates dependent on the smoothness of components of the kernel. The method is applied to the problem of acoustic scattering by a sound soft one-dimensional surface which is the graph of a function f, and superalgebraic convergence is established in the case when f is infinitely smooth. Numerical results are presented illustrating this behavior for the case when f is periodic (the diffraction grating case). The Nystr¨om method for this problem is stable and convergent uniformly with respect to the period of the grating, in contrast to standard integral equation methods for diffraction gratings which fail at a countable set of grating periods.


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The heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator proposed by White (1980), also known as HC0, is commonly used in practical applications and is implemented into a number of statistical software. Cribari–Neto, Ferrari & Cordeiro (2000) have developed a bias-adjustment scheme that delivers bias-corrected White estimators. There are several variants of the original White estimator that also commonly used by practitioners. These include the HC1, HC2 and HC3 estimators, which have proven to have superior small-sample behavior relative to White’s estimator. This paper defines a general bias-correction mechamism that can be applied not only to White’s estimator, but to variants of this estimator as well, such as HC1, HC2 and HC3. Numerical evidence on the usefulness of the proposed corrections is also presented. Overall, the results favor the sequence of improved HC2 estimators.


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Mastoparans are tetradecapeptides found to be the major component of vespid venoms. A mastoparan toxin isolated from the venom of Anterhynchium flavomarginatum micado has been crystallized and X-ray diffraction data collected to 2.7 Angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. Crystals were determined to belong to the space group P6(2)22 (P6(4)22). This is the first mastoparan to be crystallized and will provide further insights into the conformational significance of mastoparan toxins with respect to their potency and activity in G-protein regulation.


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The effects of alpha-pompilidotoxin (alpha-PMTX), a new neurotoxin isolated from the venom of a solitary wasp, were studied on the neuromuscular synapses in lobster walking leg and the rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons. Paired intracellular recordings from the presynaptic axon terminals and the innervating lobster leg muscles revealed that alpha-PMTX induced long bursts of action potentials in the presynaptic axon, which resulted in facilitated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. The action or alpha-PMTX was distinct from that of other known facilitatory presynaptic toxins, including sea anemone toxins and alpha-scorpion toxins, which modify the fast inactivation of Na+ current. We further characterized the action of alpha-PMTX on Na+ channels by whole-cell recordings from rat trigeminal neurons. We found that alpha-PMTX stowed the Na+ channels inactivation process without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na+ currents, and that alpha-PMTX had voltage-dependent effects on the rate of recovery from Na+ current inactivation and deactivating tail currents. The results suggest that alpha-PMTX slows or blocks conformational changes required for fast inactivation of the Na+ channels on the extracellular surface. The simple structure of alpha-PMTX, consisting of 13 amino acids, would be advantageous for understanding the functional architecture of Na+ channel protein.


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In the present paper we introduce a hierarchical class of self-dual models in three dimensions, inspired in the original self-dual theory of Towsend-Pilch-Nieuwenhuizen. The basic strategy is to explore the powerful property of the duality transformations in order to generate a new field. The generalized propagator can be written in terms of the primitive one (first order), and also the respective order and disorder correlation functions. Some conclusions about the charge screening and magnetic flux were established. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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1-[(3’-Diethylaminopropyl)-3-(substitutedphenylmethylene) pyrrolidines] were synthe-sized and evaluated for CQ resistant reversal activity. The compounds of the series elicit better biological response than their phenyl methyl analogues in general. The most active compound 4b has been evaluated in vivo in details and the results are presented. The possible mode of action of the compounds of this series is by inhibition of the enzyme heme oxygenase, thereby increasing the levels of heme and hemozoin, which are lethal to the parasite.


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Using monotone bifunctions, we introduce a recession concept for general equilibrium problems relying on a variational convergence notion. The interesting purpose is to extend some results of P. L. Lions on variational problems. In the process we generalize some results by H. Brezis and H. Attouch relative to the convergence of the resolvents associated with maximal monotone operators.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33, 30C45; Secondary 33A35