942 resultados para Class C
Recentemente, os mercados emergentes se tornaram um alvo potencial para a indústria da beleza e o Brasil está se tornando um mercado lucrativo para os produtos cosméticos Premium (Euromonitor International, 2013). A população de baixa renda no Brasil representa 70% de seus habitantes ao considerar as classes C, D e E (Barki e Parente, 2010), sendo a classe C representada por 56% da população (Neri, 2012). Este é um mercado potencial para as empresas multinacionais (MNCs), que enfrentam desafios de fazer negócios no país, visto que a classe C opta por gastar parte de sua renda com produtos relacionados a beleza (Silva e Parente, 2007) e ainda há um pouco conhecimento sobre o comportamento de consumo na base da pirâmide. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar e descrever o comportamento de consumo das mulheres brasileiras da classe C no setor de beleza, em relação aos produtos Mass Premium, melhorando o conhecimento no que diz respeito a essa população e ao tema proposto. Para atingir esse objetivo, o autor utilizou uma metodologia baseada em uma análise descritivas qualitativa em que foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres de todas as faixas etárias, que pertencem à classe C brasileira e citações foram usadas para fornecer a confirmação dos resultados da análise. Os resultados sugerem que, ao longo dos anos, houve de fato um movimento de trade up no consumo de produtos de beleza. Além disso, foram identificados cinco aspectos principais, que conduzem decisão de compra das mulheres de classe C, no setor de beleza: confiabilidade, qualidade, status, autoestima e bem-estar. Apesar das limitações de um estudo exploratório, espera-se que a pesquisa aumente o conhecimento sobre o mercado da base da pirâmide, especialmente no que diz respeito à indústria da beleza.
In Group B Streptococcus (GBS) three structurally distinct types of pili have been discovered as potential virulence factors and vaccine candidates. The pilus-forming proteins are assembled into high-molecular weight polymers via a transpeptidation mechanism mediated by specific class C sortases. Using a multidisciplinary approach including bioinformatics, structural and biochemical studies and in vivo mutagenesis we performed a broad characterization of GBS sortase C. The high resolution X-ray structure of the enzymes revealed that the active site, located into the β-barrel core of the enzyme, is made of the catalytic triad His157-Cys219-Arg228 and covered by a loop, known as the “lid”. We show that the catalytic triad and the predicted N- and C-terminal trans-membrane regions are required for the enzyme activity. Interestingly, by in vivo complementation mutagenesis studies we found that the deletion of the entire lid loop or mutations in specific lid key residues had no effect on catalytic activity of the enzyme. In addition, kinetic characterizations of recombinant enzymes indicate that the lid mutants can still recognize and cleave the substrate-mimicking peptide at least as well as the wild type protein.
Ca2+ influx controls multiple neuronal functions including neurotransmitter release, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, and synaptic plasticity. Brain L-type Ca2+ channels, which contain either alpha 1C or alpha 1D as their pore-forming subunits, are an important source of calcium entry into neurons. Alpha 1C exists in long and short forms, which are differentially phosphorylated, and C-terminal truncation of alpha 1C increases its activity approximately 4-fold in heterologous expression systems. Although most L-type calcium channels in brain are localized in the cell body and proximal dendrites, alpha 1C subunits in the hippocampus are also present in clusters along the dendrites of neurons. Examination by electron microscopy shows that these clusters of alpha 1C are localized in the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses, which are known to contain glutamate receptors. Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-specific glutamate receptors induced the conversion of the long form of alpha 1C into the short form by proteolytic removal of the C terminus. Other classes of Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits were unaffected. This proteolytic processing reaction required extracellular calcium and was blocked by inhibitors of the calcium-activated protease calpain, indicating that calcium entry through NMDA receptors activated proteolysis of alpha1C by calpain. Purified calpain catalyzed conversion of the long form of immunopurified alpha 1C to the short form in vitro, consistent with the hypothesis that calpain is responsible for processing of alpha 1C in hippocampal neurons. Our results suggest that NMDA receptor-induced processing of the postsynaptic class C L-type Ca2+ channel may persistently increase Ca2+ influx following intense synaptic activity and may influence Ca2+-dependent processes such as protein phosphorylation, synaptic plasticity, and gene expression.
Mammalian class A macrophage-specific scavenger receptors (SR-A) exhibit unusually broad binding specificity for a wide variety of polyanionic ligands. The properties of these receptors suggest that they may be involved in atherosclerosis and host defense. We have previously observed a similar receptor activity in Drosophila melanogaster embryonic macrophages and in the Drosophila macrophage-like Schneider L2 cell line. Expression cloning was used to isolate from L2 cells a cDNA that encodes a third class (class C) of scavenger receptor, Drosophila SR-CI (dSR-CI). dSR-CI expression was restricted to macrophages/hemocytes during embryonic development. When expressed in mammalian cells, dSR-CI exhibited high affinity and saturable binding of 125I-labeled acetylated low density lipoprotein and mediated its chloroquine-dependent, presumably lysosomal, degradation. Although the broad polyanionic ligand-binding specificity of dSR-CI was similar to that of SR-A, their predicted protein sequences are not similar. dSR-CI is a 609-residue type I integral membrane protein containing several well-known sequence motifs, including two complement control protein (CCP) domains and somatomedin B, MAM, and mucin-like domains. Macrophage scavenger receptors apparently mediate important, well-conserved functions and may be pattern-recognition receptors that arose early in the evolution of host-defense mechanisms. Genetic and physiologic analysis of dSR-CI function in Drosophila should provide further insights into the roles played by scavenger receptors in host defense and development.
The requirements for edge protection systems on most sloped work surfaces (class C, according to EN 13374-2013 code) in construction works are studied in this paper. Maximum deceleration suffered by a falling body and maximum deflection of the protection system were analyzed through finite-element models and confirmed through full-scale experiments. The aim of this work is to determine which value for deflection system entails a safe deceleration for the human body. This value is compared with the requirements given by the current version of EN 13374-2013. An additional series of experiments were done to determine the acceleration linked to minimum deflection required by code (200 mm) during the retention process. According to the obtained results, a modification of this value is recommended. Additionally, a simple design formula for this falling protection system is proposed as a quick tool for the initial steps of design.
"Project no. 30.014."
The multifractal properties of two indices of geomagnetic activity, D st (representative of low latitudes) and a p (representative of the global geomagnetic activity), with the solar X-ray brightness, X l , during the period from 1 March 1995 to 17 June 2003 are examined using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA). The h(q) curves of D st and a p in the MF-DFA are similar to each other, but they are different from that of X l , indicating that the scaling properties of X l are different from those of D st and a p . Hence, one should not predict the magnitude of magnetic storms directly from solar X-ray observations. However, a strong relationship exists between the classes of the solar X-ray irradiance (the classes being chosen to separate solar flares of class X-M, class C, and class B or less, including no flares) in hourly measurements and the geomagnetic disturbances (large to moderate, small, or quiet) seen in D st and a p during the active period. Each time series was converted into a symbolic sequence using three classes. The frequency, yielding the measure representations, of the substrings in the symbolic sequences then characterizes the pattern of space weather events. Using the MF-DFA method and traditional multifractal analysis, we calculate the h(q), D(q), and τ (q) curves of the measure representations. The τ (q) curves indicate that the measure representations of these three indices are multifractal. On the basis of this three-class clustering, we find that the h(q), D(q), and τ (q) curves of the measure representations of these three indices are similar to each other for positive values of q. Hence, a positive flare storm class dependence is reflected in the scaling exponents h(q) in the MF-DFA and the multifractal exponents D(q) and τ (q). This finding indicates that the use of the solar flare classes could improve the prediction of the D st classes.
The explicit description of homogeneous operators and localization of a Hilbert module naturally leads to the definition of a class of Cowen-Douglas operators possessing a flag structure. These operators are irreducible. We show that the flag structure is rigid in the sense that the unitary equivalence class of the operator and the flag structure determine each other. We obtain a complete set of unitary invariants which are somewhat more tractable than those of an arbitrary operator in the Cowen-Douglas class. (C) 2014 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do eventual envolvimento das infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C, na etiopatogenia do carcinoma hapatocelular (CHC) na Amazônia Oriental, estudaram-se 36 pacientes internados em três hospitais públicos em Belém (PA), de janeiro de 1992 a março de 1999. Os critérios de inclusão adotados foram: o clínico, associado à imagenologia compatível, níveis séricos de alfafetoproteína (AFP) acima de 400ng/ml e/ou histopatologia compatível. Foram avaliados os aspectos clínicos, exames bioquímicos e hematológicos, imagenologia, histopatologia, níveis séricos de AFP e exames sorológicos das hepatites B e C. A presença dos ácidos nucléicos virais, o HBV-DNA e o HCV-RNA, foi avaliada a partir da detecção no soro pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. Observou-se um predomínio do sexo masculino (p<0.01), com reação M/F de 6,2: 1. Média e medianas gerais de idade foram, respectivamente, 50,8 e 53,0 anos, com amplitude de 6-81 anos. A maioria dos pacientes (52,7%) era procedente da zona rural, sendo a profissão de lavrador a mais freqüente (p<0,01). Etilismo foi encontrado em 33,3% dos casos. Dor abdominal e hepatomegalia, presentes em 94,4% dos casos, foram os sintomas e sinais mais freqüentes. Observou-se a presença de cirrose em 83,3% dos casos, sendo 80% enquadrados nas classes B e C (child-pugh). Cinqüenta por cento apresentaram complicações durante o diagnóstico, sendo as mais freqüentes a encefalopatia hepática e a hemorragia digestiva alta, relacionadas à doença hepática crônica de base. Marcadores sorológicos de infecção pelo HBV e pelo HCV foram encontrados em, respectivamente, 88,9% e 8,3% da casuística. Em 11,1% não se encontrou marcador sorológico. O HbsAg foi encontrado em 58, 3%. Anti-HBc foi encontrado em 86%, estando associado ao anti- HBs em 25%. Entre os HbsAg positivos: o anti- Hbe foi encontrado em 85%; o antiHBc IgM em 57,1%; e o anti-HD não foi detectado. O HBV- DNA foi encontrado em 37,7% do total de casos e em 65% dos HbsAG positivos. O HCV-RNA foi encontrado em 8,5% da amostra estudada e em 100% dos casos anti-HCV positivos. Não foi observada positividade para o HBV-DNA e para o HCV-RNA em soros de pacientes HbsAG ou anti- HCV negativos. A AFP esteve acima da normalidade em 88,9% dos casos, estando acima de 400 ng/ml em 75% e em 27,8% a titulações foi superior a 70.000 ng/ml. A ultrassonografia abdominal mostrou tumores com múltiplos nódulos em 63,9% e, nódulo único em 36,1% dos casos. O tipo histológico predominante foi carcinoma bem diferenciado do tipo trabecular (p<0,05). Os casos HbsAg positivos apresentaram menor média de idade e níveis de AFP mais elevados (p<0,01). A maioria dos pacientes se encontravam em fase avançada de doenças com uma taxa de óbito durante o diagnóstico de 38,9%. Conclui-se que, na Amazônia Oriental, a infecção pelo HBV parece exercer importância na etiologia do CHC, ressaltando-se a necessidade de incrementação de medidas preventivas, como vacinação e programa de detecção precoce do tumor em populações de risco. São necessários estudos adicionais controlados ou direcionados, para os possíveis co-fatores de importância na região, o que pode contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na hepatocarcinogênese.
At head of title: ... U.S. Bureau of Public Roads' class C.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 90C29; Secondary 90C30.
This paper presents the site classification of Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BMP) area using geophysical data and the evaluation of spectral acceleration at ground level using probabilistic approach. Site classification has been carried out using experimental data from the shallow geophysical method of Multichannel Analysis of Surface wave (MASW). One-dimensional (1-D) MASW survey has been carried out at 58 locations and respective velocity profiles are obtained. The average shear wave velocity for 30 m depth (Vs(30)) has been calculated and is used for the site classification of the BMP area as per NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program). Based on the Vs(30) values major part of the BMP area can be classified as ``site class D'', and ``site class C'. A smaller portion of the study area, in and around Lalbagh Park, is classified as ``site class B''. Further, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis has been carried out to map the seismic hazard in terms spectral acceleration (S-a) at rock and the ground level considering the site classes and six seismogenic sources identified. The mean annual rate of exceedance and cumulative probability hazard curve for S. have been generated. The quantified hazard values in terms of spectral acceleration for short period and long period are mapped for rock, site class C and D with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years on a grid size of 0.5 km. In addition to this, the Uniform Hazard Response Spectrum (UHRS) at surface level has been developed for the 5% damping and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock, site class C and D These spectral acceleration and uniform hazard spectrums can be used to assess the design force for important structures and also to develop the design spectrum.
This paper is concerned with a study of some of the properties of locally product and almost locally product structures on a differentiable manifold X n of class C k . Every locally product space has certain almost locally product structures which transform the local tangent space to X n at an arbitrary point P in a set fashion: this is studied in Theorem (2.2). Theorem (2.3) considers the nature of transformations that exist between two co-ordinate systems at a point whenever an almost locally product structure has the same local representation in each of these co-ordinate systems. A necessary and sufficient condition for X n to be a locally product manifold is obtained in terms of the pseudo-group of co-ordinate transformations on X n and the subpseudo-groups [cf., Theoren (2.1)]. Section 3 is entirely devoted to the study of integrable almost locally product structures.
Different seismic hazard components pertaining to Bangalore city,namely soil overburden thickness, effective shear-wave velocity, factor of safety against liquefaction potential, peak ground acceleration at the seismic bedrock, site response in terms of amplification factor, and the predominant frequency, has been individually evaluated. The overburden thickness distribution, predominantly in the range of 5-10 m in the city, has been estimated through a sub-surface model from geotechnical bore-log data. The effective shear-wave velocity distribution, established through Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) survey and subsequent data interpretation through dispersion analysis, exhibits site class D (180-360 m/s), site class C (360-760 m/s), and site class B (760-1500 m/s) in compliance to the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) nomenclature. The peak ground acceleration has been estimated through deterministic approach, based on the maximum credible earthquake of M-W = 5.1 assumed to be nucleating from the closest active seismic source (Mandya-Channapatna-Bangalore Lineament). The 1-D site response factor, computed at each borehole through geotechnical analysis across the study region, is seen to be ranging from around amplification of one to as high as four times. Correspondingly, the predominant frequency estimated from the Fourier spectrum is found to be predominantly in range of 3.5-5.0 Hz. The soil liquefaction hazard assessment has been estimated in terms of factor of safety against liquefaction potential using standard penetration test data and the underlying soil properties that indicates 90% of the study region to be non-liquefiable. The spatial distributions of the different hazard entities are placed on a GIS platform and subsequently, integrated through analytical hierarchal process. The accomplished deterministic hazard map shows high hazard coverage in the western areas. The microzonation, thus, achieved is envisaged as a first-cut assessment of the site specific hazard in laying out a framework for higher order seismic microzonation as well as a useful decision support tool in overall land-use planning, and hazard management. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.