112 resultados para Cisto odontogênico calcificante


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O tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante normalmente se manifesta como uma massa indolor, de crescimento lento, que acomete tanto a maxila como a mandíbula, tendo predileção pelo segmento anterior (área dos incisivos e caninos). Geralmente, ocorre em adultos jovens, na terceira a quarta década de vida, sem preferência por gênero. Imagens de tomografia computadorizada revelaram características importantes não detectadas na radiografia panorâmica, tais como fenestração, calcificação e estruturas dentiformes. A característica microscópica típica dessa lesão é a presença de células epiteliais aberrantes anucleadas, em quantidades variáveis, denominadas "células fantasmas". Também se pode encontrar dentina displásica e, ocasionalmente, os cistos estão associados a tecido dentário duro, semelhante ao odontoma. O tratamento do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante incluiu simples enucleação e curetagem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar duas manifestações diferentes do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante, em que a tomografia computadorizada, associada às características clínicas, foi ferramenta importante para o diagnóstico, o planejamento cirúrgico e o acompanhamento dos pacientes.


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The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour is a rare benign odontogenic neoplasm that accounts for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumours. They are mainly located in the premolar/molar mandibular region, and are associated with an unerupted molar tooth. We present a literature review of the clinical, radiographic, pathological findings and treatment options of the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour, as well as describing the case of an calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour associated with an impacted right mandibular in a 32-year-old male patient, who was treated conservatively, without no sign of recurrence of the lesion after five years.


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Objectives: To investigate podoplanin expression in epithelial odontogenic tumours with and without ectomesenchyme and verify the association between its immunoexpression and proliferative activity in keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOTS) and orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts (OOCs). Design: Eight ameloblastomas, nine adenomatoid odontogenic tumours, twenty KCOTS, five OOC, one calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour, two ameloblastic fibromas, four ameloblastic fibro-odontomas and five calcifying cystic odontogenic tumours were immunohistochemically analysed with anti-podoplanin antibody. For KCOTS and OOC, the cell proliferation index was determined with Ki-67 immunostaining and compared by Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: Podoplanin was expressed in the peripheral odontogenic epithelium of most tumours. Ectomesenchyme was negative, except for odontoblasts. KCOTS exhibited positive podoplanin expression while in OOC it was absent/weak. There was statistically significant correlation ( p = 0.006) between podoplanin expression and cellular proliferation index of KCOTS and OOC. Conclusion: Podoplanin seems to be related to the proliferative activity of KCOTS and may have a role in the process of local invasion of odontogenic tumours with and without ectomesenchyme


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Background: Initially described by Gorlin et al. in 1962, the calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) may be associated with unerupted teeth, ameloblastomas, adenomatoid odontogenic tumors, and, in many cases, with odontomas. It is rare in patients in the first decade of life, particularly involving deciduous teeth. Surgery is the treatment of choice, with low recurrence rates. Case report: We present a clinical case of CCOT associated with odontoma and a missing deciduous tooth in a 3-year-old female patient. The lesion was removed under general anesthesia. The patient has been followed up for 1 year, and no recurrence was found. This appears to be the first report in such a young age


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O ameloblastoma e o tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante (TOCC) são tumores odontogênicos que tem origem do epitélio odontogênico, porém ainda não é conhecido o estímulo ou gatilho que leva à transformação neoplásica desses tumores. O comportamento biológico das lesões é distinto, pois o ameloblastoma é um tumor mais agressivo e com taxa de recorrência significativa. Já o TOCC é um tumor menos agressivo e raramente há recorrência e por esse motivo foi utilizado como controle no estudo. Portanto, a elucidação completa dos mecanismos pelos quais esses tumores odontogênicos apresentam tais comportamentos biológicos continua sendo um desafio para os pesquisadores. As c (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin) são metaloendopeptidases que são dependentes de zinco em seu domínio catalítico. Essas enzimas possuem ampla atividade catalítica contra uma variedade de substratos como os proteoglicanos (agrecan, brevican e versican), que são proteínas presente na matriz extracelular (MEC). As ADAMTS exibem características estruturais que lhes conferem um grande potencial para exibir múltiplas funções. Exibem função crucial em vários processos como proliferação, adesão, invasão e sinalização celular. As alterações nessas enzimas estão presentes em diversos tumores, o que sugere que estas proteínas podem estar envolvidas no processo carcinogênico em diferentes caminhos. Especificamente a ADAMTS-1 tem sido correlacionada com a tumorigênese de algumas neoplasias como no câncer de mama, pulmão e pâncreas. Assim como a ADAMTS, agrecan, brevican e versican são expressos em vários tumores e a regulação alterada desses proteoglicanos pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da carcinogênese. Neste trabalho foram estudadas ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican no ameloblastoma e TOCC. Foram incluídos 20 casos de ameloblastoma e 6 casos de TOCC, utilizados como controle. A expressão de ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican foi avaliada por imunohistoquímica e as áreas de marcação foram mensuradas e analisadas. Para análise de correlação entre as proteínas estudadas utilizou-se o teste de Spearman. Todas as amostras de ameloblastoma expressaram ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican. Todas as amostras de TOCC também expressaram as mesmas proteínas, porém numa quantidade significativamente menor que no ameloblastoma. A diferença de expressão de ADAMTS-1 e brevican no epitélio do ameloblastoma e do TOCC foi significante estatisticamente (p<0,0105). Assim como a expressão de agrecan e versican, no epitélio do ameloblastoma e do TOCC, também foi estatisticamente significante (p<0,0067) e (p<0,0148), respectivamente. Não houve correlação entre as proteínas estudadas.


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Usually diagnosed in routine radiographs, the simple bone cyst occurs infrequently. Etiology is unknown and differential diagnosis has to be made with dentigerous cyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, ameloblastoma and central giant cell granuloma. Treatment is surgical, by perforating the cortical bone. In most cases an empty cavity, without any capsule or epithelial covering, is encountered, but it may have a liquid content. Perforation of the mandibular cortical bone elicits a response that results in bone repair of the empty cavity. This article reviews the subject and presents two cases of this entity and discusses the possible factors that could interfere in healing course.


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Condicoes de solo e clima das regioes produtoras de soja; Condicoes para desenvolvimento e danos do NCS; Controle; Controle do NCS atraves do manejo da cultura da soja; Manejo da area infestada; Medidas profilaticas e cuidados com as sementes; Controle no NCS - uma acao interinstitucional e multidisciplinar.


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Os tumores odontogénicos são neoplasias derivadas da ectoderme ou dos componentes mesenquimais do periodonto. As lesões possuem características clínicas similares aos tumores odontogénicos, sendo a diferenciação histopatológica essencial para o diagnóstico. Existe controvérsia em relação aos nomes, as características clínicas e histopatológicas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos cirurgiões removem-nos sem exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso de fibroma periférico odontogénico (FPO) em um cão castrado, sem raça definida, 11 anos de idade. O paciente apresentava uma massa ao redor do segundo, terceiro e quarto dente pré-molar da maxila direita. Foi realizado o hemograma, bioquímica sérica, exame de urina e a biópsia da massa enviada para a histopatologia, sendo o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico de fibroma periférico odontogénico. O tratamento foi cirúrgico, utilizando o bisturi elétrico. O presente relato de caso permitiu concluir que o exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico é importante para o diagnóstico do tumor e a exérese total da massa tumoral é o tratamento de eleição.


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Ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor are odontogenic tumors arising from the odontogenic epithelium with distinct clinical behavior. In attempt to comprehend the interaction between the odontogenic tumor cells and the extracellular matrix, the present work evaluated and compared the immunohistochemical expression of the matrix metalloproteinases-1 (MMP-1), -2 (MMP-2) and -9 (MMP-9) in 20 cases of ameloblastoma and 10 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. MMP-1 exhibited exuberant expression in the parenchyma and in the stroma of both studied tumors, while the MMP-2 showed varied expression with about of 80% and 60% of the neoplastic cells exhibiting positivity in the ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. With relation to the MMP-2 expression by the mesenchymal cells, it was observed that 65% of the ameloblastoma and 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor were positive. The immunoreactivity of MMP-9 was detected in all studied cases, although its expression had occurred predominantely in less than 50% of the parenchyma cells of the ameloblastoma, while in about of 60% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor more than 50% of cells were positive. The mesenchymal cells were positive to MMP-9 in 65% of the ameloblastoma and in 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. Statistically significant difference was observed to the MMP-1 expression with relation to MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the ameloblastoma (p < 0.001). It was not possible to perform statistical analysis to the cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, however there was a tendency toward a differential expression of the MMP-1 with relation to other studied MMPs. These results suggest that MMP-1, - 2 and -9 are implicated in the growth and progression of both tumors analyzed as well as the more pronounced participation of the stroma in the ameloblastoma could together to be related to the higher clinical aggressiveness


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological features of cases diagnosed as dentigerous cyst by the Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentristy at the Federal University of Rio grande do Norte, attempting the possible correlation between histomorphological findings and epidemiological data contained at the files of the patients, in order to define a suggested variation of lesion named inflammatory dentigerous cyst. It was verified that dentigerous cyst are more frequently present in the earfy three decades of life, with the majority of cases occuring in the second decade (40,740/0 ), and also male (57,41%) and white patients (68,52%) were most affected. In relation to anatomic site, the dentigerous cyst was more prevalent at anterior maxila and posterior mandible, showing, usually, a slow growth pattem. The majority of lesions were asymptomatic and the radiographic observed was frequently na unilocular radiolucency. In regard to the histomorphological analysis, it was noticed that the lesions showed commonly a thin epithelium, with a capsule of fibrous connective tissue, richly vascularized and collagenized with an intense mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Finally, clinicopathological was performed and it was find out that cysts that showed a thick epithelium, with a high degree of vascularization and collagenization, intense inflammatory infiltrate in the cystic capsule, were located in the pre-molares region, in patients under 12 years old and the majority showing painfull sintomatology, properly, compatible with inflammatory dentigerous cyst. The findings of the present study indicate that, probably, there is a variant of the dentigerous cyst, and therefore, we suggest the denomination inflammatory follicular cyst for this entity


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Odontogenic cysts are pathologic cavities covered by odontogenic epithelium and filled by liquid, desquamated cells or other materials. The intraosseous lesions, such as radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst, present a potential of expansion capable of promoting the destruction of the surrounding osseous tissue. The mechanisms related to this process of expansion are the proliferation of cystic epithelium, the increase of the osmolarity of the cystic fluid and the synthesis of reabsorption factors such as IFN-γ and TGF-β1. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts in order to understand the role and behavior of these proteins in the expansion of these cysts. We selected 20 cases of radicular cyst and 20 cases of dentigerous cyst chosen from the files of UFRN s Laboratory of Oral Pathology. After analyzing the clinical data, the cases underwent the routine staining technique (HE) and immunohistochemistry for the appearance of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 in the epithelium and capsule of these cysts. The statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test revealed no statistically significant difference in immunoexpression of IFN-γ between the epithelium (p = 0.565) and capsules (p = 0.414) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference of immunoexpression of TGF-β1 between the epithelium (p = 0.620) and capsules (p = 0.056) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. The Wilcoxon test revealed no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.225) and capsules (p = 0.370) of radicular cysts. There was no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.361) of dentigerous cysts. However, there was a statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 immunoexpressions in the capsule (p = 0.001) of dentigerous cysts, being TGF-β1 the factor which presented the most significant immunoexpression. Given these results, we conclude that there was no difference in immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular and dentigerous cysts and that TGF-β1 was more significant than the IFN-γ in the capsule of dentigerous cysts


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BMPs are components superfamily ligands transformation growth fator-β (TGF-β) secreted into the extracellular environment, with mechanisms of intercellular communication through specific ligands and receptors in various target cells, being recognized for its influence in osteogenic induction, also play an important role in tissue homeostasis, cell proliferation, differentiation control , in addition to being present in the development of various malignancies. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of BMP-2, BMP-4 and its receptors BMPRIA and BMPRII in cases of ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. The sample consisted of 20 cases of solid ameloblastoma (SA), 10 cases of ameloblastoma unicystic (UA) and 16 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of BMPs and their receptors was evaluated in the parenchyma and stroma of lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells (0 - negative; 1-1 % to 10 % of cells positive; 2 - 11% to 25% of positive cells; 3 - 26% to 50% of cells positive; 4 - 51% to 75 % of positive cells; 5 - more than 75% positive cells). Analysis of the expression of BMP-2 revealed no statistically significant differences in parenchymal (p = 0.925) and stromal component (p = 0.345) between the groups, as well as BMP-4 (p = 0.873 / p = 0.131). In the epithelial component, SA and AOT had a higher frequency of score 5. In turn, all cases of UA were classified as score 5. The analysis of the stromal component showed no statistically significant difference between groups with respect to median scores BMPRIA positivity (p = 0.768) and BMPRII (p = 0.779). In the epithelial component of SA and UA, no statistically significant correlations between imunoexpression proteins analyzed were observed. In turn, the group of AOT, statistically significant positive correlations between the scores of expression of all studied proteins were found. In the stromal component, statistically significant positive correlations were found only in the SA group in BMP -4 and BMPRII (r = 0.476; p = .034), in the UA in BMP-4 and BMPRIA (r = 0.709; p = 0.022). The results of this study suggest that the BMPs and their receptors are involved in the development process odontogenic tumors. BMP-4, in turn, besides being present in odontogenic tumors have the capacity to form mineralized material.