991 resultados para Cis-stilbene


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The trans- and cis-stilbenes upon inclusion in NaY zeolite are thermally stable. Direct excitation and triplet sensitization results in geometric isomerization and the excited state behavior under these conditions are similar to that in solution. Upon direct excitation, a photostationary state consisting of 65% cis and 35% trans isomers is established. Triplet sensitization with 2-acetonaphthone gave a photostationary state consisting of 63% cis and 37% trans isomers. These numbers are similar to the ones obtained in solution. Thus, the presence of cations and the confined space within the zeolite have very little influence on the overall chemistry during direct and triplet sensitization. However, upon electron transfer sensitization with N-methylacridinium (NMA) as the sensitizer within NaY, isomerization from cis-stilbene radical cation to trans-stilbene occurs and the recombination of radical ions results in triplet stilbene. Prolonged irradiation gave a photostationary state (65% cis and 35% trans) similar to triplet sensitization. This behavior is unique to the zeolite and does not take place in solution. Steady state fluorescence measurements showed that the majority of stilbene molecules are close to the N-methylacridinium sensitizer. Diffuse reflectance flash photolysis studies established that independent of the isomer being sensitized only trans radical cation is formed. Triplet stilbene is believed to be generated via recombination of stilbene radical cation and sensitizer radical anion. One should be careful in using acidic HY zeolite as a medium for photoisomerization of stilbenes. In our hands, in these acidic zeolites isomerization dominated the photoisomerization. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dendritic rnicroenvironments defined by dynamic internal cavities of a dendrimer were probed through geometric isomerization of stilbene and azobenzene. A third-generation poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimer with hydrophilic exterior and hydrophobic interior was used as a reaction cavity in aqueous medium. The dynamic inner cavity sizes were varied by utilizing alkyl linkers that connect the branch junctures from ethyl to n-pentyl moiety (C(2)G(3)-C(5)G(3)). Dendrimers constituted with n-pentyl linker were found to afford higher solubilities of stilbene and azobenzene. Direct irradiation of trans-stilbene showed that C(5)G(3) and C(4)G(3) dendrimers afforded considerable phenanthrene formation, in addition to cis-stilbene, whereas C(3)G(3) and C(2)G(3) gave only cis-stilbene. An electron-transfer sensitized trans-cis isomerization, using cresyl violet perchlorate as the sensitizer, also led to similar results. Thermal isomerization of cis-azobenzene to trans-azobenzene within dendritic microenvironments revealed that the activation energy of the cis- to trans-isomer was increasing in the series C(5)G(3) < C(4)G(3) < C(3)G(3)


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Dendrimere spielen als strukturtreue Nanopartikel eine herausragende Rolle. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, Dendrimere mit einer hohen Dichte an photoaktiven Chromophoren herzu-stellen und zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden die terminalen Aminogruppen von Poly(propylenimin)dendrimeren 1. und 2. Generation, Astramol DAB-Am-4R und DAB-Am-8R, mit Stilbenen und Styrylstilbenen als Chromophor verknüpft. Mittels Wittig-Horner- und Heck-Reaktion wurden (E)-Stilbene aufgebaut, die auf der einen Seite drei Propoxygruppen zur Verbesserung der Löslichkeit und auf der anderen Seite eine passende Funktionalität zur Verknüpfung mit dem dendritischen Core tragen. Als Verknüpfungsmethoden wurden die Verknüpfung als Amid (PSDA), Schiffsche Base (PSDS) und Harnstoff (PSDH) getestet. Die Schiffschen Basen wurden außerdem zur Erhöhung der Hydrolysestabilität zum sekundären Amin reduziert (PSDR und PQDR). Durch die Verknüpfung mit dem Core werden die stilbenoiden Chromophore sehr stark photoaktiviert. Das beruht auf einem Singulett-Energietransfer (Förster-Mechanismus) von Chromophor zu Chromophor. Dieser Prozeß konkurriert zu den Deaktivierungsprozessen, verlängert die mittlere S1-Lebensdauer und erhöht somit die Chancen der Photochemie. Der Styrylstilben-Chromophor hat darüber hinaus einen erheblichen Teil seiner UV-Absorbtion bereits im Tageslicht und photopolymerisiert daher bereits im Tageslicht. Vor allem bei den Dendrimeren 2. Generation stellte sich die Frage nach der vollständigen, d.h. achtfachen Umsetzung; das Core sollte als Knäuel vorliegen, die Arme zum Teil nach innen gefaltet und somit dem Reaktand nur bedingt zugänglich. Auch dort konnten unter optimierten Reaktionsbedingungen alle Aminogruppen umgesetzt werden. Die vollständige Umsetzung der Dendrimere wurde mittels NMR und massenspektroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Bei den Absorptionsspektren der Dendrimere 1. Generation ändert sich die Lage der Maxima je nach Art der Verknüpfung der Chromophore mit dem Core. Die Verlängerung des Chromophors um eine Styryleinheit bedingt eine beträchtliche Rotverschiebung. Die Lage der Emissionsmaxima differiert stärker als die Lage der Absorptionsmaxima. Den geringsten Stokes-Shift weist der Harnstoff auf, dann folgt das sekundäre Amin, dann die Schiffsche Base. Dies weist auf unterschiedlich relaxierte S1-Geometrien hin. Die Verbindungen PSDS1, PSDR1 und PSDH1 aus 3,4,5-Tripropoxystilbeneinheit und Astramol-Core 1. Generation DAB-Am-4 wurden in einer Konzentration von 10-5 mol/L belichtet. Der vollständige Photoabbau durch Belichtung in Chloroform mit einer Xenon-Lampe erfolgte ohne jeglichen Filter innerhalb von zehn Minuten (PSDH1), 20 Minuten (PSDR1) und einer Stunde (PSDS1). Allen drei Verbindungen gemeinsam ist das Entstehen eines intermediären neuen Maximums geringer Intensität, das um etwa 100 nm bathochrom verschoben ist. Das Harnstoffsystem weist außerdem ein weiteres intermediäres Maximum bei 614 nm auf. Diese Maxima können (laut früherer Untersuchungen) durch Oxidation entstandenen chinoiden Strukturen zugeordnet werden, deren Lebensdauer (im Sekundenbereich) zu kurz für eine NMR-Charakterisierung ist. PSDR1 wurde außerdem bei höheren Konzentrationen (10-4 und 10-3 mol/L) mit einer Quecksilberlampe mit Pyrex-Filter (lambda > 300 nm) belichtet. Dabei wird, wie erwartet, eine Verbreiterung der NMR-Signale beobachtet. Es bildet sich zunächst cis-Stilben. Außerdem läßt sich bei 4.3 ppm ein Signal beobachten, das von inter- oder intramolekular gebildeten Methinprotonen herrührt. Auch wenn laut MOPAC- und Kraftfeldrechnung die Doppelbindungen ungünstig für eine [pi2s + pi2s]-Cyclodimerisierung zueinander stehen, kann im photochemisch angeregten Zustand eine Geometrie vorherrschen, die die intramolekulare Kopf-Kopf-Cyclobutanbildung ermöglicht. Die massenspektrometrischen Untersuchungen der Belichtungsprodukte (FD, ESI, MALDI-TOF) zeigen als höchste Masse lediglich das Monomer. Allerdings kann dadurch nicht auf eine rein intramolekulare Reaktion geschlossen werden. Die fortschreitende statistische CC-Verknüpfung kann schnell zu vernetzten Nanopartikeln führen, die im Massenspektrometer nicht fliegen. Die NMR-Spektren der mit zunehmender Vernetzung immer schlechter löslich werdenden Teilchen belegen die Oligomerisierung.


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We have determined the crystal structure of HcRed, a far-red fluorescent protein isolated from Heteractis crispa, to 2.1 resolution. HcRed was observed to form a dimer, in contrast to the monomeric form of green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the tetrameric forms of the GFP-like proteins (eqFP611, Rtms5 and DsRed). Unlike the well-defined chromophore conformation observed in GFP and the GFP-like proteins, the HcRed chromophore was observed to be considerably mobile. Within the HcRed structure, the cyclic tripeptide chromophore, Glu64-Tyr65-Gly66, was observed to adopt both a cis coplanar and a tran. non-coplanar conformation. As a result of these two con formations, the hydroxyphenyl moiety of the chromophore makes distinct interactions within the interior of the b-can. These data together with a quantum chemical model of the chromophore, suggest the cis coplanar conformation to be consistent with the fluorescent properties of HcRed, and the trans non-coplanar conformation to be consistent with non-fluorescent properties of hcCP, the chromoprotein parent of HcRed. Moreover, within the GFP-like family, it appears that where conformational freedom is permissible then flexibility in the chromophore conformation is possible. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The behavior of the photosensitized cis-trans isomerization of 2,3-diphenylbutene-2 was studied as a function of sensitizer energy by previously established methods. In addition, certain sensitizers for which parameters other than energy transfer are operative in inducting isomerizations, were studied in more detail. Sensitization of various stilbenes and substituted stilbenes by triphenylene is discussed in terms of excited state complex formation with stilbene. Sensitization by quinones, halogen-containing aromatics and 1,2-diketones is discussed in terms of attack by photolytically produced free radicals, either by addition to and elimination from the double bond, or in the cases of 1,2-diphenylpropene and 2,3-diphenylbutene-2, by hydrogen abstraction from one of the methyl groups and reversible abstraction by the allylic radical to produce cis-trans isomerized substrate and the structurally isomerized products, 2,3-diphenylpropene and 2,3-diphenylbutene-1.


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Superior enantioselectivity in the dihydroxylation of trans-stilbene catalysed by anchored triosmium carbonyl species without using a chiral modifier is observed inside sterically congested MCM-41 channels; this effect is more pronounced through the introduction of surface Al sites into the silicate.


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Photochemical and photophysical properties of fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-L)](+) complexes, Clphen = 5-chloro-1,10-phenathroline and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy, were investigated to complement the understanding of intramolecular energy transfer process in tricarbonyl rhenium(I) complexes having an electron withdrawing group attached to polypyridyl ligands. These new compounds were synthesized, characterized and the photoisomerization quantum yields were accurately determined by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The true quantum yields for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen) (trans-bpe)](+) were constant (Phi = 0.55) at all investigated irradiation wavelengths. However, for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-stpy)](+), similar true quantum yields were observed only at higher energy irradiation (Phi(313 nm) = 0.53 and Phi(365 nm) = 0.57), but it decreased significantly at 404 nm (Phi = 0.41). These results indicated different deactivation pathways for the trans-stpy complex photoisomerization. Quantum yields decreased as the (3)IL(trans-L) and (3)MLCT(Re -> NN) excited states become closer and the behavior was discussed in terms of the excited state energy gaps. Additionally, luminescence properties of photoproducts, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(cis-L)](+), were also investigated in different environments to analyze the relative energy of the (3)MLCT(Re -> Clphen) excited state for each compound. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance, (1)H NMR, was fully described as a powerful tool to follow a photoreaction and to determine accurate quantum yields, so called true quantum yields (Phi(true)), when a reactant and photoproduct absorption overlap. For this, Phi(true) for the trans-cis photoisomerization process were determined for rhenium(I) polypyridyl complexes, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(NN)(trans-L)](+) (NN = 1,10-phenanthroline, phen, or 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, ph(2)phen, and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl) ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy). The true values determined at 365 nm irradiation (e. g. Phi(NMR) = 0.80 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)) were much higher than those determined by absorption spectral changes (Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.39 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)). Phi(NMR) are more accurate in these cases due to the distinct proton signals of trans and cis-isomers, which allow the actual determination of each component concentration under given irradiation time. Nevertheless when the photoproduct or reactant contribution at the probe wavelength is negligible, one can determine Phi(true) by regular absorption spectral changes. For instance, Phi(313) nm for free ligand photoisomerization determined both by absorption and (1)H NMR variation are equal within the experimental error (bpe: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.27, Phi(NMR) = 0.26; stpy: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.49, Phi(NMR) = 0.49). Moreover, (1)H NMR data combined with electronic spectra allowed molar absorptivity determination of difficult to isolate cis-complexes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Unusual high photoassisted quantum yields for cis-to-trans (phi(254) (nm) = 0.27 +/- 0.05) isomerization of CNstpy coordinated to fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(CNstpy)](+) were determined along with trans-to-cis ones (phi(313) (nm)= 0.58 +/- 0.02; phi(365) (nm)= 0.61 +/- 0.06; phi(404) (nm) = 0.42 +/- 0.02). Additionally, in contrast to other similar rhenium(I) complexes, the cis photoproduct is quasi non-emissive and comparable to the trans-complex. The cis-to-trans photoisomerization is due to the deactivation from the ILcis-CNstpy excited state in competition to the usual (MLCTRe -> phen)-M-3 luminescence. These efficient cis to trans and trans to cis photoisomerization can be conveniently used in light powered molecular machines. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photochemical cis-trans isomerization of the 4-{4-[2-(pyridin-4-yl)ethenyl]phenyl}-2,2': 6',2''-terpyridine ligand (vpytpy) was investigated by UV-vis, NMR and TWIM-MS. Ion mobility mass spectrometry was performed pursuing the quantification of the isomeric composition during photolysis, however an in-source trans-to-cis isomerization process was observed. In order to overcome this inherent phenomenon, the isomerization of the vpytpy species was suppressed by complexation, reacting with iron(II) ions, and forming the [Fe(vpytpy)(2)](2+) complex. The strategy of "freezing" the cis-trans isomerizable ligand at a given geometric conformation was effective, preventing further isomerization, thus allowing the distinction of each one of the isomers in the photolysed mixture. In addition, the experimental drift times were related to the calculated surface areas of the three possible cis-cis, cis-trans and trans-trans iron(II) complex isomers. The stabilization of the ligand in a given conformation also allows us to obtain the cis-cis and cis-trans complexes exhibiting the ligand in the metastable cis-conformation, as well as in the thermodynamically stable trans-conformation.


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In the structure of the title compound, cis NH4+ C8H11O4-, the carboxylic acid and carboxyl groups of the cation adopt C-C-C-O torsion angles of 174.9(2) and -145.4(2)deg. respecticely with the alicyclic ring. The ammonium H atoms of the cations give a total of five hydrogen-bonding associations with carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anion which, together with a carboxylic acid O-H...O(carboxyl) interaction give two-dimensional sheet structures which lie in the (101) planes in the unit cell.


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In the scope of this study, ‘performance measurement’ includes the collection and presentation of relevant information that reflects progress in achieving organisational strategic aims and meeting the needs of stakeholders such as merchants, importers, exporters and other clients. Evidence shows that utilising information technology (IT) in customs matters supports import and export practices and ensures that supply chain management flows seamlessly. This paper briefly reviews some practical techniques for measuring performance. Its aim is to recommend a model for measuring the performance of information systems (IS): in this case, the Customs Information System (CIS) used by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD).The study evaluates the effectiveness of CIS implementation measures in Malaysia from an IT perspective. A model based on IS theories will be used to assess the impact of CIS. The findings of this study recommend measures for evaluating the performance of CIS and its organisational impacts in Malaysia. It is also hoped that the results of the study will assist other Customs administrations evaluate the performance of their information systems.


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In humans, more than 30,000 chimeric transcripts originating from 23,686 genes have been identified. The mechanisms and association of chimeric transcripts arising from chromosomal rearrangements with cancer are well established, but much remains unknown regarding the biogenesis and importance of other chimeric transcripts that arise from nongenomic alterations. Recently, a SLC45A3–ELK4 chimera has been shown to be androgen-regulated, and is overexpressed in metastatic or high-grade prostate tumors relative to local prostate cancers. Here, we characterize the expression of a KLK4 cis sense–antisense chimeric transcript, and show other examples in prostate cancer. Using non-protein-coding microarray analyses, we initially identified an androgen-regulated antisense transcript within the 3′ untranslated region of the KLK4 gene in LNCaP cells. The KLK4 cis-NAT was validated by strand-specific linker-mediated RT-PCR and Northern blotting. Characterization of the KLK4 cis-NAT by 5′ and 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) revealed that this transcript forms multiple fusions with the KLK4 sense transcript. Lack of KLK4 antisense promoter activity using reporter assays suggests that these transcripts are unlikely to arise from a trans-splicing mechanism. 5′ RACE and analyses of deep sequencing data from LNCaP cells treated ±androgens revealed six high-confidence sense–antisense chimeras of which three were supported by the cDNA databases. In this study, we have shown complex gene expression at the KLK4 locus that might be a hallmark of cis sense–antisense chimeric transcription.