979 resultados para Cirques (Glacial landforms)


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This paper deals with the Quaternary glacial history of the NW part of Andorra starting from the sedimentological study of the important complex of glacial deposits located near La Massana and Ordino...


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This paper is an abstract of the doctoral thesis presented by the autor at the University of Barcelona on September 1983. It constitutes a regional study about the Quatemary Glacial Geology in the Ribagorca high valleys. It is the first work in relation to the geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy of the glacial and related deposits in this zone of the Pyrenees. Several formations of quatemary deposits have been studied in detail (mainly in Llauset Valley and in Tall area); and the local quatemary stratigraphy is established and finally a correlation with some previously studied areas in the Pyrenees is attemped.


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In this article, we present a map of the glacial geomorphology of the Altai andWestern Sayan Mountains, covering an area of almost 600,000 km2. Although numerous studies provide evidence for restricted Pleistocene glaciations in this area, others have hypothesized the past existence of an extensive ice sheet. To provide a framework for accurate glacial reconstructions of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, we present a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 based on a mapping from 30 m resolution ASTER DEM and 15 m/30 mresolution Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. Four landform classes have been mapped: marginal moraines, glacial lineations, hummocky terrain, and glacial valleys. Our mapping reveals an abundance of glacial erosional and depositional landforms. The distribution of these glacial landforms indicates that the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains have experienced predominantly alpine-style glaciations, with some small ice caps centred on the higher mountain peaks. Large marginal moraine complexes mark glacial advances in intermontane basins. By tracing the outer limits of present-day glaciers, glacial valleys, and moraines, we estimate that the past glacier coverage have totalled to 65,000 km2 (10.9% of the mapped area), whereas present-day glacier coverage totals only 1300 km2 (0.2% of the mapped area). This demonstrates the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for mapping the glacial geomorphology in remote mountain areas and for quantifying the past glacier dimensions. The glacial geomorphological map presented here will be used for further detailed reconstructions of the paleoglaciology and paleoclimate of the region.


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The Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range is one of the most famous formerly-glaciated areas of Japan. Many glacial landforms remain in three neighbouring U-shaped valleys, named Yarisawa, Yokoo and Migimata. Moraines and outwash terraces can be classified into four groups according to their location and to the amount of glacial quartz grains contained in the deposits. A glaciation is proved for other parts of the Northern Japanese Alps before 100 000 years B.P., but not for the Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range, because the corresponding glacial landforms cannot be found here. The oldest known Ichinomata stage before and after 60 000 years B.P. corresponds to the Yokoo glacial which is proved wirhin the whole Japanese Alps. The three younger stages, Babadaira stage (before 30 000 years B.P.), Yarisawa stage I (about 30000 years B.P.) and Yarisawa stage II (about 15000 years B.P.), belong to the Karasawa glacial. About 10 000 years B.P. the glaciers melted away. At all times the relief-influence was especially important for Ihe mass-balances of Japanese glaciers. Wind-drifted snow from the west-exposed windward slopes to the slopes in eastern (lee) exposition, and a voluminous snow accumulation by avalanches from the high rocky walls onto the glacier surfaces beneath, caused very low situated glaciers as well as low equilibrium-lines. In most cases the snow-lines were situated 100 m or more above the equilibrium-lines. During the Ichinomata stage the snow-line reached an altitude of 2400-2450 m. It rose about 100 m to the Babadaira stage, 300 m to Yarisawa stage I and about 450 m to Yarisawa stage II. At present the snow-line is situated above the Northern Japanese Alps at over 4000 m. Therefore only perennial snow-patches exist. If the snow-line would go down by a few hundred meters, this region would be highly interesting Ifor studies on the beginning of mountain glaciation.


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El objeto de nuestro trabajo es el estudio del micromodelado desarrollado sobre granito y su evolución postglacial en dos áreas de los Pirineos Españoles: Panticosa (valle del río Gállego) y Cavallers (valle del río Koguera de Tor). Ambas áreas presentan un modelado principalmente glacial con micro y macro-formas típicas, heredadas de la Última glaciación...


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Mediante la combinación de métodos geomorfológicos y sondeos eléctricos, se han estudiado 6 cubetas lacustres cuaternarias de origen glacial en el Pirineo. Esterri d'Aneu, Benasque y Bono son unos claros ejemplos de cubetas de sobreexcavación glacial. El Seminari de Vilaller constituye un ambiente lacustre proglacial debido a un cierre morrénico. El lago de Taüll como ejemplo de un ambiente lacustre yuxtaglacial debido también a una obturación morrénica y la laguna de Les Basses d'Ules, en el valle de Arán, formada a partir de procesos de fracturación del substrato rocoso después de la retirada del glaciar del Garona. Debido al elevado contraste entre la resistividad de los diferentes materiales cuaternarios de recubrimiento y el substrato rocoso, se ha podido determinar mediante sondeos eléctricos el espesor del cuaternario y diferenciar las diversas formaciones que lo constituyen. En general, aparecen 3 formaciones cuaternarias sobre el substrato rocoso paleowico: una unidad glaciolacustre que es relativamente conductora, una unidad fluviodeltaica de resistividad variable pero con valores más elevados que la anterior, y una unidad superior de resistividades muy variables según la cubeta y que, en general, es más resistente. La potencia del relleno cuaternario es muy variable según la cubeta. Así encontramos espesores de más de 300 metros de media en la cubeta de Esterri d'Aneu y de tan solo unos pocos metros en Les Basses d'Ules.


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With the aim of monitoring the dynamics of the Livingston Island ice cap, the Departament de Geodinàmica i Geofísica of the Universitat de Barcelona began ye a r ly surveys in the austral summer of 1994-95 on Johnsons Glacier. During this field campaign 10 shallow ice cores were sampled with a manual ve rtical ice-core drilling machine. The objectives were: i) to detect the tephra layer accumulated on the glacier surface, attributed to the 1970 Deception Island pyroclastic eruption, today interstratified; ii) to verify wheter this layer might serve as a reference level; iii) to measure the 1 3 7Cs radio-isotope concentration accumulated in the 1965 snow stratum; iv) to use the isochrone layer as a mean of verifying the age of the 1970 tephra layer; and, v) to calculate both the equilibrium line of the glacier and average mass balance over the last 28 years (1965-1993). The stratigr a p hy of the cores, their cumulative density curves and the isothermal ice temperatures recorded confi rm that Johnsons Glacier is a temperate glacier. Wi n d, solar radiation heating and liquid water are the main agents controlling the ve rtical and horizontal redistribution of the volcanic and cryoclastic particles that are sedimented and remain interstratified within the g l a c i e r. It is because of this redistribution that the 1970 tephra layer does not always serve as a ve ry good reference level. The position of the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) in 1993, obtained by the 1 3 7Cs spectrometric analysis, varies from about 200 m a.s.l. to 250 m a.s.l. This indicates a rising trend in the equilibrium line altitude from the beginning of the 1970s to the present day. The va rying slope orientation of Johnsons Glacier relative to the prevailing NE wind gives rise to large local differences in snow accumulation, which locally modifies the equilibrium line altitude. In the cores studied, 1 3 7Cs appears to be associated with the 1970 tephra laye r. This indicates an intense ablation episode throughout the sampled area (at least up to 330 m a.s.l), which probably occurred synchronically to the 1970 tephra deposition or later. A rough estimate of the specific mass balance reveals a considerable accumulation gradient related to the increase with altitude.


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Mountain centered glaciers have played a major role throughout the last three million years in the Scandinavian mountains. The climatic extremes, like the present warm interglacial or cold glacial maxima, are very short-lived compared to the periods of intermediate climate conditions, characterized by the persistence of mountain based glaciers and ice fields of regional size. These have persisted in the Scandinavian mountains for about 65% of the Quaternary. Mountain based glaciers thus had a profound impact on large-scale geomorphology, which is manifested in large-scale glacial landforms such as fjords, glacial lakes and U-shaped valleys in and close to the mountain range. Through a mapping of glacial landforms in the northern Scandinavian mountain range, in particular a striking set of lateral moraines, this thesis offers new insights into Weichselian stages predating the last glacial maximum. The aerial photograph mapping and field evidence yield evidence that these lateral moraines were overridden by glacier ice subsequent to their formation. The lateral moraines were dated using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide techniques. Although the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide signature of the moraines is inconclusive, an early Weichselian age is tentatively suggested through correlations with other landforms and stratigraphical archives in the region. The abundance and coherent spatial pattern of the lateral moraines also allow a spatial reconstruction of this ice field. The ice field was controlled by topography and had nunataks protruding also where it was thickest close to the elevation axis of the Scandinavian mountain range. Outlet glaciers discharged into the Norwegian fjords and major valleys in Sweden. The process by which mountain based glaciers grow into an ice sheet is a matter of debate. In this thesis, a feedback mechanism between debris on the ice surface and ice sheet growth is presented. In essence, the growth of glaciers and ice sheets may be accelerated by an abundance of debris in their ablation areas. This may occur when the debris cover on the glacier surface inhibits ablation, effectively increasing the glaciers mass balance. It is thus possible that a dirty ablation area may cause the glacier to advance further than a clean glacier under similar conditions. An ice free period of significant length allows soil production through weathering, frost shattering, and slope processes. As glaciers advance through this assemblage of sediments, significant amounts of debris end up on the surface due to both mass wastage and subglacial entrainment. Evidence that this chain of events may occur, is given by large expanses of hummocky moraine (local name Veiki moraine) in the northern Swedish lowlands. Because the Veiki moraine has been correlated with the first Weichselian advance following the Eemian, it implies a heavily debris charged ice sheet emanating from the mountain range and terminating in a stagnant fashion in the lowlands.


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Glacial landforms in northern Russia, from the Timan Ridge in the west to the east of the Urals, have been mapped by aerial photographs and satellite images supported by field observations. An east-west trending belt of fresh hummock-and-lake glaciokarst landscapes has been traced to the north of 67°N. The southern boundary of these landscapes is called the Markhida Line, which is interpreted as a nearly synchronous limit of the last ice sheet that affected this region. The hummocky landscapes are subdivided into three types according to the stage of postglacial modification: Markhida, Harbei and Halmer. The Halmer landscape on the Uralian piedmont in the east is the freshest, whereas the westernmost Markhida landscape is more eroded. The west- east gradient in morphology is considered to be a result of the time-transgressive melting of stagnant glacier ice and of the underlying permafrost. The pattern of ice-pushed ridges and other directional features reflects a dominant ice flow direction from the Kara Sea shelf. Traces of ice movement from the central Barents Sea are only discernible in the Pechora River left bank area west of 50°E. In the Polar Urals the horseshoe-shaped end moraines at altitudes of up to 560 m a.s.l. reflect ice movement up-valley from the Kara Ice Sheet, indicating the absence of a contemporaneous ice dome in the mountains. The Markhida moraines, superimposed onto the Eemian strata, represent the maximum ice sheet extent in the western part of the Pechora Basin during the Weichselian. The Markhida Line truncates the huge arcs of the Laya-Adzva and Rogovaya ice-pushed ridges protruding to the south. The latter moraines therefore reflect an older ice advance, probably also of Weichselian age. Still farther south, fluvially dissected morainic plateaus without lakes are of pre-Eemian age, because they plunge northwards under marine Eemian sediments. Shorelines of the large ice-dammed Lake Komi, identified between 90 and 110 m a.s.l. in the areas south of the Markhida Line, are radiocarbon dated to be older than 45 ka. The shorelines, incised into the Laya-Adzva moraines, morphologically interfinger with the Markhida moraines, indicating that the last ice advance onto the Russian mainland reached the Markhida Line during the Middle or Early Weichselian, before 45 ka ago.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 66-69).


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Glacier and ice sheet retreat exposes freshly deglaciated terrain which often contains small-scale fragile geomorphological features which could provide insight into subglacial or submarginal processes. Subaerial exposure results in potentially rapid landscape modification or even disappearance of the minor–relief landforms as wind, weather, water and vegetation impacts on the newly exposed surface. Ongoing retreat of many ice masses means there is a growing opportunity to obtain high resolution geospatial data from glacier forelands to aid in the understanding of recent subglacial and submarginal processes. Here we used an unmanned aerial vehicle to capture close-range aerial photography of the foreland of Isfallsglaciären, a small polythermal glacier situated in Swedish Lapland. An orthophoto and a digital elevation model with ~2 cm horizontal resolution were created from this photography using structure from motion software. These geospatial data was used to create a geomorphological map of the foreland, documenting moraines, fans, channels and flutes. The unprecedented resolution of the data enabled us to derive morphological metrics (length, width and relief) of the smallest flutes, which is not possible with other data products normally used for glacial landform metrics mapping. The map and flute metrics compare well with previous studies, highlighting the potential of this technique for rapidly documenting glacier foreland geomorphology at an unprecedented scale and resolution. The vast majority of flutes were found to have an associated stoss-side boulder, with the remainder having a likely explanation for boulder absence (burial or erosion). Furthermore, the size of this boulder was found to strongly correlate with the width and relief of the lee-side flute. This is consistent with the lee-side cavity infill model of flute formation. Whether this model is applicable to all flutes, or multiple mechanisms are required, awaits further study.


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This investigation aims to gain a better understanding of the glacial history of the Pine Point Mining district, Northwest Territories, by examining the sedimentological properties of the glacial sediments including, geochemical analysis, heavy mineral concentrate analysis, clast macro-­‐fabrics, pebble lithologies, and micromorphological investigation. Four till units were identified, and three were associated with identified erosional bedrock features and streamlined landforms in the area, indicating a minimum of three ice flow directions. Sedimentological properties suggest that these units were all Type-­B tectomict/mélange till, emplaced as part of a soft subglacial deformable bed. The lack of ice-­‐marginal advance and retreat sequences within the studied till, suggests the Middle Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice margin was likely north and west of the Pine Point area, as opposed to along the margin of the Canadian Shield and Western Sedimentary Basin where it has been suggested to have existed.