1000 resultados para Ciclo Brayton Joule


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Apresenta duas grandes áreas de aplicação da termodinâmica: refrigeração e geração de potência. Cita como funcionam máquinas térmicas de combustão externa e interna. Relembra o ciclo de Carnot, eficiente para transformar calor em trabalho e apresenta o ciclo de Rankine, que se aproxima do ciclo de Carnot, porém suas turbinas são projetadas com a umidade formada na expansão do vapor saturado sendo removida no processo, evitando erosões. Apresenta o ciclo de Rankine com aquecimento, que se aproxima mais ao ciclo de Carnot. Apresenta o ciclo de refrigeração de Rankine, com a expressão de cálculo de coeficiente de desempenho. Apresenta dispositivos a gás de um único passe, como motor de gasolina ideal, funcionando como o ciclo Otto. Apresenta o ciclo Diesel, de motor diesel ideal, comparando com o ciclo Otto. Apresenta a turbina a gás, ciclo de Brayton ou Joule.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma comparação das eficiências energética e exergética de três alternativas diferentes de montagem de sistemas de co-geração de energia que empregam o gás natural como combustível. O caso estudado é uma situação real de um curtume que utiliza lenha como combustível para geração de sua energia térmica e compra energia elétrica da distribuidora. A primeira alternativa é composta por um motor de combustão interna a ciclo Otto, a segunda emprega uma turbina a gás a ciclo Brayton e a terceira usa um gerador de vapor superaquecido juntamente com uma turbina a vapor em contrapressão. Para simulação das plantas é utilizado um software comercial que foi alterado, ficando capacitado para calcular exergias físicas e químicas de plantas de utilidades, cálculos exergoeconômicos, tais como taxas de custo das correntes e eixos, e também de determinar para cada equipamento os valores das variáveis usadas para a avaliação e o melhoramento do desempenho de plantas. Após as modificações o programa foi testado resolvendo um problema conhecido e cuja solução encontrada foi comparada com o da bibliografia. Foram obtidos resultados muito próximos ao padrão usado para comparação, os desvios encontrados são desprezíveis para os objetivos deste trabalho. A planta com melhor eficiência energética e exergética é aquela com motor ciclo Otto, seguida pela montagem que emprega a turbina a gás e finalmente, o conjunto gerador de vapor e turbina a vapor. São calculados os custos de insumos: investimentos necessários para construção das plantas, os custos de operação e manutenção e os custos com combustível. A partir destes valores são resolvidos os sistemas de equações para determinar as taxas de custos das correntes e eixos. Para as três plantas as variáveis de decisão são modificadas buscando aumentar a eficiência exergética e diminuir os custos dos produtos de co-geração. A metodologia para avaliação e melhoramento do desempenho das plantas é empregada e observa-se que é na terceira configuração é onde as modificações tiveram maior impacto, seguida pela primeira planta e por último a segunda alternativa.


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El modelo energético actual está marcado por el predominio de los combustibles fósiles y el intento de introducir energías renovables para evolucionar hacia un modelo más sostenible. Entre las distintas alternativas, las plantas híbridas solar-fósil parecen una solución interesante ya que combinan las ventajas de las dos fuentes de energía. Hasta el momento, las líneas de investigación y análisis de plantas híbridas se ha centrado en el acoplamiento de tecnología solar a plantas o ciclos de potencia operativos. Este enfoque, tiene sentido en un marco como el actual, donde las plantas híbridas operativas no disponen de sistema de almacenamiento y donde se intenta reducir los costes, acoplando tecnología solar a ciclos de potencia existentes. Sin embargo, resta generalidad al análisis de la hibridación, imponiendo el diseño de la planta. Resulta interesante por tanto, realizar estudios que analicen la hibridación desde un punto de vista más general y que permitan a la propia planta, optimizar su diseño. Este estudio pretende aportar conocimiento en esta línea, analizando distintas posibilidades de diseño de futuras plantas híbridas operando en modo Fuel saving mode (FSM). Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio general y sistemático de distintas topologías de plantas híbridas, las cuales consideran como ciclo de potencia el ciclo Brayton y el ciclo Rankine. Para aportar la máxima generalidad posible, se han considerado un amplio abanico de condiciones operativas en ambos bloques. Como aporte al resto de estudios, éste estudio analiza la hibridación desde el punto de vista del bloque termosolar lo que indirectamente permite analizar el funcionamiento de la planta en modo híbrido. Para ello, se han identificado dos casos de diseño: 1. Caso A: Diseño de planta híbrida a partir de una planta o bloque convencional 2. Caso B: Diseño de planta híbrida a partir de una tecnología solar determinada La distinción entre casos de diseño, permite por un lado, establecer el potencial de la hibridación en las dos situaciones que se pueden plantear en la práctica estableciendo además, una base comparativa de resultados y por otro lado, identificar las condiciones de funcionamiento óptimas en las que diseñar la planta. Como conclusión principal, el estudio realizado demuestra que las condiciones de funcionamiento que optimizan la planta híbrida pueden diferir dependiendo del caso de diseño que se considere, lo que implica que el funcionamiento de la planta no tiene porqué estar optimizado simultáneamente para sus dos modos de funcionamiento (modo fósil y modo híbrido). Por tanto, se considera que el diseño final de la planta híbrida debería estar en función del tiempo en que la planta opera en cada uno de los modos, es decir, del Solar Capacity Factor (SCF). Además, el estudio realizado identifica dos situaciones concretas para las cuales la hibridación estaría desaconsejada desde un punto de vista energético. Aunque los resultados obtenidos son sólo una primera aproximación del diseño final de la planta híbrida, proporcionan unas directrices a partir de la cuales iniciar su desarrollo. Esto es especialmente interesante de cara a políticas estratégicas, donde en función de los objetivos vigentes o que se puedan plantear, se puede modificar el diseño de la planta en su estructura básica.


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The generation of solar thermal power is dependent upon the amount of sunlight exposure,as influenced by the day-night cycle and seasonal variations. In this paper, robust optimisation is applied to the design of a power block and turbine, which is generating 30 MWe from a concentrated solar resource of 560oC. The robust approach is important to attain a high average performance (minimum efficiency change) over the expected operating ranges of temperature, speed and mass flow. The final objective function combines the turbine performance and efficiency weighted by the off-design performance. The resulting robust optimisation methodology as presented in the paper gives further information that greatly aids in the design of non-classical power blocks through considering off-design conditions and resultant performance.


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Negative differential resistance (NDR) in current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and apparent colossal electroresistance were observed in Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 single crystals at low temperatures. The continuous dc I-V measurements showed a marked thermal drift. In addition, temperature of the sample surface was found to be significantly higher than that of the base at high applied currents. Two different strategies namely estimation and diminution of the Joule heating (pulsed I-V measurements) were employed to investigate its role in the electric transport properties. Our experiments reveal that the NDR in Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is a consequence of Joule heating rather than the melting of charge order. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3486221]


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In this paper, we address a closed-form analytical solution of the Joule-heating equation for metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity kappa has been considered on the basis of second-order three-phonon Umklapp, mass difference, and boundary scattering phenomena. It is found that kappa, in case of pure SWCNT, leads to a low rising in the temperature profile along the via length. However, in an impure SWCNT, kappa reduces due to the presence of mass difference scattering, which significantly elevates the temperature. With an increase in impurity, there is a significant shift of the hot spot location toward the higher temperature end point contact. Our analytical model, as presented in this study, agrees well with the numerical solution and can be treated as a method for obtaining an accurate analysis of the temperature profile along the CNT-based interconnects.


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Supercritical carbon dioxide based Brayton cycle for possible concentrated solar power applications is investigated and compared with trans- and sub-critical operations of the same fluid. Thermal efficiency, specific work output and magnitude of irreversibility generation are used as some of the performance indicators. While the thermal efficiency increases almost linearly with low side pressure in the sub- and trans-critical cycles, it attains a maximum in the supercritical regime at 85 bar after which there are diminishing returns on increasing the low side pressure. It is also found that supercritical cycle is capable of producing power with a thermal efficiency of >30% even at a lower source temperature (820K) and accounting for foreseeable non-idealities albeit with a higher turbine inlet pressure (similar to 300 bar) which is not matched by a conventional sub-critical cycle even with a high source temperature of 978K. The reasons for lower efficiency than in an ideal cycle are extracted from an irreversibility analysis of components, namely, compressor, regenerator, turbine and gas cooler. Low sensitivity to the source temperature and extremely small volumetric flow rates in the supercritical cycle could offset the drawback of high pressures through a compact system.


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We address a physics-based solution of joule heating phenomenon in a single-layer graphene (SLG) sheet under the presence of Thomson effect. We demonstrate that the temperature in an isotopically pure (containing only C-12) SLG sheet attains its saturation level quicker than when doped with its isotopes (C-13). From the solution of the joule heating equation, we find that the thermal time constant of the SLG sheet is in the order of tenths of a nanosecond for SLG dimensions of a few micrometers. These results have been formulated using the electron interactions with the inplane and flexural phonons to demonstrate a field-dependent Landauer transmission coefficient. We further develop an analytical model of the SLG specific heat using the quadratic (out of plane) phonon band structure over the room temperature. Additionally, we show that a cooling effect in the SLG sheet can be substantially enhanced with the addition of C-13. The methodologies as discussed in this paper can be put forward to analyze the graphene heat spreader theory.


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Several operational aspects for thermal power plants in general are non-intuitive and involve simultaneous optimization of a number of operational parameters. In the case of solar operated power plants, it is even more difficult due to varying heat source temperatures induced by variability in insolation levels. This paper introduces a quantitative methodology for load regulation of a CO2 based Brayton cycle power plant using the `thermal efficiency and specific work output' coordinate system. The analysis shows that a transcritical CO2 cycle offers more flexibility under part load performance than the supercritical cycle in case of non-solar power plants. However, for concentrated solar power, where efficiency is important, supercritical CO2 cycle fares better than transcritical CO2 cycle. A number of empirical equations relating heat source temperature, high side pressure with efficiency and specific work output are proposed which could assist in generating control algorithms. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A supercritical CO2 test facility is currently being developed at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India to analyze the performance of a closed loop Brayton cycle for concentrated solar power (CSP) generation. The loop has been designed for an external heat input of 20 kW a pressure range of 75-135 bar, flow rate of 11 kg/min, and a maximum cycle temperature of 525 degrees C. The operation of the loop and the various parametric tests planned to be performed are discussed in this paper The paper addresses various aspects of the loop design with emphasis on design of various components such as regenerator and expansion device. The regenerator design is critical due to sharp property variations in CO2 occurring during the heat exchange process between the hot and cold streams. Two types of heat exchanger configurations 1) tube-in-tube (TITHE) and 2) printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) are analyzed and compared. A PCHE is found to be similar to 5 times compact compared to a TITHE for identical heat transfer and pressure drops. The expansion device is being custom designed to achieve the desired pressure drop for a range of operating temperatures. It is found that capillary of 5.5 mm inner diameter and similar to 2 meter length is sufficient to achieve a pressure drop from 130 to 75 bar at a maximum cycle temperature of 525 degrees C.


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This paper evaluates cost and performance tradeoffs of alternative supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) closed-loop Brayton cycle configurations with a concentrated solar heat source. Alternative s-CO2 power cycle configurations include simple, recompression, cascaded, and partial cooling cycles. Results show that the simple closed-loop Brayton cycle yielded the lowest power-block component costs while allowing variable temperature differentials across the s-CO2 heating source, depending on the level of recuperation. Lower temperature differentials led to higher sensible storage costs, but cycle configurations with lower temperature differentials (higher recuperation) yielded higher cycle efficiencies and lower solar collector and receiver costs. The cycles with higher efficiencies (simple recuperated, recompression, and partial cooling) yielded the lowest overall solar and power-block component costs for a prescribed power output.


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Recent studies have evaluated closed-loop supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) Brayton cycles to be a higher energy density system in comparison to conventional superheated steam Rankine systems. At turbine inlet conditions of 923K and 25 MPa, high thermal efficiency (similar to 50%) can be achieved. Achieving these high efficiencies will make concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies a competitive alternative to current power generation methods. To incorporate a s-CO2 Brayton power cycle in a solar power tower system, the development of a solar receiver capable of providing an outlet temperature of 923 K (at 25 MPa) is necessary. The s-CO2 will need to increase in temperature by similar to 200 K as it passes through the solar receiver to satisfy the temperature requirements of a s-CO2 Brayton cycle with recuperation and recompression. In this study, an optical-thermal-fluid model was developed to design and evaluate a tubular receiver that will receive a heat input similar to 2 MWth from a heliostat field. The ray-tracing tool SolTrace was used to obtain the heat-flux distribution on the surfaces of the receiver. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling using the Discrete Ordinates (DO) radiation model was used to predict the temperature distribution and the resulting receiver efficiency. The effect of flow parameters, receiver geometry and radiation absorption by s-CO2 were studied. The receiver surface temperatures were found to be within the safe operational limit while exhibiting a receiver efficiency of similar to 85%.