997 resultados para Cicer arietinum L


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Background – Chickpea and fenugreek are both legumes that confer several nutritional and functional virtues, especially to diabetes and associated metabolic syndrome conditions. They are high in protein and fibre, low in fat and prove to be low glycaemic. They also provide a gluten-free alternative to those suffering from celiac disease. Though these seeds are locally available, hardly any products appear on the supermarket shelves.
Objectives – The aim was to utilise the health and nutritional benefits of chickpea and fenugreek and develop acceptable snack products by extrusion technology.
Design – Preliminary trials were conducted with different proportions of rice and chickpea at a range of extruder conditions to optimise the raw material and processing conditions. Studies were then conducted at optimum processing conditions using a 7:3 chickpea and rice combination replacing with 2% fenugreek or 5, 10, 15 and 20% FenuLifeÒ (deodorized fenugreek powder). Products were evaluated for their physical (expansion, crunchiness and colour) and sensory ( texture, colour, flavour and overall acceptability) characteristics in order to identify their suitability as snack products.
Outcomes – Addition of chickpea up to 70% with rice showed increased expansion and stable product characteristics. Addition of fenugreek and FenuLifeÒ, indicated slight reduction in product expansion (radial) and crunchiness. However, the product made with 20% FenuLifeÒ had significant changes in expansion, crunchiness and colour values. The median scores of sensory evaluation indicated that all products were within the acceptable range. Inclusion of fenugreek showed lower ratings for flavour due to the strong bitter taste of fenugreek. There were no significant differences between products containing FenuLifeÒ (5-15%) in their colour, flavour, texture and overall quality.
Conclusion – This study demonstrates an opportunity for using chickpea and fenugreek in functional product development. Fenugreek in the form of deodorize powder (fenulifeÒ) could be incorporated up to 15% in a mixture of chickpea and rice to develop snack products of acceptable physical and sensory properties.


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The aim of this study was to isolate the protein fractions from chickpea, var. IAC-Marrocos, as well as to evaluate its in vivo nutritional protein quality. Among the proteins, albumins showed better nutritional value in the in vivo assays and amino acid contents, despite their higher trypsin inhibitor contents. Trypsin inhibitors were found to be heat labile in all samples, but the digestibility results for unheated and heated flour and albumins suggest that their contents are not very decisive. The PER values for casein (not supplemented) were very similar to those of heated flour and unheated or heated albumin and total globulins. The albumin and glutelin fractions showed the best results for PDCAAS, however, lower than those of casein. Despite the high digestibility of the globulin the very low essential amino acid content lowered its PDCAAS, and it had the lowest values.


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No presente estudo procedeu-se ao isolamento e caracterização da fração globulina majoritária (11 S) de grão-de-bico, var. IAC-Marrocos. A globulina majoritária extraída foi isolada por cromatografia de filtração em gel e de troca-iônica mostrando apenas uma banda de proteína na eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida. A globulina majoritária, após passagem em coluna de Sephadex, revelou duas bandas protéicas de 55 e 52,5kDa e três bandas menores em gel de poliacrilamida dodecilsulfato de sódio. Na presença de 2-mercaptoetanol 6 polipeptídios na faixa de 18 a 42kDa foram revelados na eletroforese. A globulina isolada foi submetida à ação da tripsina e quimotripsina onde a forma nativa mostrou-se resistente à ação enzimática enquanto o aquecimento (96 e 121°C/15min) não foi suficiente para aumentar a susceptibilidade à hidrólise, significativamente. Adição de NaCl 0,3M levou a um aumento da estabilidade estrutural com menor susceptibilidade à digestão proteolítica, fato em parte perdido com o aquecimento. As hidrólises foram acompanhadas por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida dodecilsulfato de sódio.


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A germinação das sementes de grão-de-bico foi acompanhada por um período de 6 dias, no qual pequenas variações nos teores de nitrogênio e globulina total foram registradas. A globulina majoritária (tipo 11 S) apresentou maiores variações após o quarto dia de germinação. A natureza e distribuição da fração globulina majoritária isolada na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B mostrou pequenas modificações ao final do período de germinação. A eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecilssulfato de sódio do pico eluído na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B demonstra modificações nas bandas de proteínas entre os pesos moleculares de 20 e 30 kDa e acima de 60 kDa, indicando degradação protéica durante o período. Atividade proteolítica foi detectada na fração albumina da semente que aumentou até o quarto dia, seguido de queda até o sexto dia de germinação, quando da utilização de globulina total isolada da semente e caseína como substratos. Farinha de grão-de-bico, frações albumina e globulina total isoladas não apresentaram aumento na digestibilidade in vitro; entretanto, a fração globulina majoritária isolada foi mais suscetível à hidrólise após germinação.


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Response surface methodology was employed to optimize the production of a snack food from chickpea. The independent variables, process temperature (123-137-degrees-C) and feed moisture (13-27% d.s.b.) were selected at five levels (rotatable five level composite design: - square-root 2, -1, 0, 1, + square-root 2) in the extrusion of defatted chickpea flour. Response variables were expansion ratio, shear strength of the extrudate and sensory preference assessed by an untrained panel. Expansion ratio increased steadily with decrease in feed moisture similar to cereal extrusion. Regions of maxima were observed for sensory preference and shear strength, and these two product attributes were linearly related. The most acceptable chickpea snack was rated higher than a commercial corn snack.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate lysine availability of chickpea (Cicer arietinum, L.) flour submitted to thermoplastic extrusion at three feed moisture levels (13%, 18% and 27%). It was verified that extrusion treatments reduced available lysine by 58% and 55% at 13% and 18% feed moisture levels. The major lysine loss, 71%, was verified at 27% feed moisture level.


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La presencia de arsénico (As) en suelos permite su migración hacia cultivos como el garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.). En este trabajo se comparan contenidos de As en tres suelos de dos estados de la República Mexicana, y su acumulación en C. arietinum L. Los suelos resultaron moderadamente alcalinos, no salinos, reductores intermedios y con potenciales zeta (pZ) que indican suspensiones coloidales moderadamente estables. Con moderados contenidos de humedad y texturas franco- arcillosas, densidad aparente, capacidad de campo, agregados estables y capacidad de intercambio catiónico, significativamente diferentes y semejantes en velocidad de infiltración y espesor del horizonte A. En materia orgánica, carbono y nitrógeno son significativamente diferentes y con bajos contenidos. Existen diferencias importantes entre semillas de C. arietinum L. certificadas o no en su capacidad de germinación y desarrollo de raíces. El efecto genotóxico del As en raíces de C. arietinum L. se apreció por inducción de micronúcleos, reducción de 2,8 veces la división celular de muestras tratadas con agua con As, respecto de muestras control. Se apreció incremento de As de 9,5 veces en plántulas germinadas en suelo de El Salitre, que en suelo de Bella Vista, indicativo de migración del As. La suma de efectos de concentración de As en suelos y agua se incrementa 15,3 veces. Entre suelos de Bella Vista y Querétaro la correlación fue 2,9 veces mayor. En controles positivos los IBAs resultan 3 veces mayores que en las pruebas experimentales.


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Thermorheological changes in high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-treated chickpea flour (CF) slurries were studied as a function of pressure level (0.1, 150, 300, 400, and 600 MPa) and slurry concentration (1:5, 1:4, 1:3, and 1:2 flour-to-water ratios). HHP-treated slurries were subsequently analyzed for changes in properties produced by heating, under both isothermal and non-isothermal processes. Elasticity (G′) of pressurized slurry increased with pressure applied and concentration. Conversely, heat-induced CF paste gradually transformed from solid-like behavior to liquid-like behavior as a function of moisture content and pressure level. The G′ and enthalpy of the CF paste decreased with increasing pressure level in proportion with the extent of HHP-induced starch gelatinization. At 25 °C and 15 min, HHP treatment at 450 and 600 MPa was sufficient to complete gelatinization of CF slurry at the lowest concentration (1:5), while more concentrated slurries would require higher pressures and temperature during treatment or longer holding times. Industrial relevance Demand for chickpea gel has increased considerably in the health and food industries because of its many beneficial effects. However, its use is affected by its very difficult handling. Judicious application of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at appropriate levels, adopted as a pre-processing instrument in combination with heating processes, is presented as an innovative technology to produce a remarkable decrease in thermo-hardening of heat-induced chickpea flour paste, permitting the development of new chickpea-based products with desirable handling properties and sensory attributes.


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Desde que el garbanzo llegó a la Argentina, ha recorrido un camino con diferentes dificultades :bajo rendimiento, presencia de heladas tempranas y tardías durante su ciclo, escasa tecnología en el manejo, como y que sembrar, con que cosecharlo, como venderlo y reducción de la superficie de siembra.A su vez, se contaba con escasa información proveniente de la experimentación local. Si bien la mejora genética en una especie lleva varios años, sus objetivos trascienden porque el cultivar posee identidad genética asegurando un rendimiento, una tolerancia a factores adversos específicos y un destino de grano con calidad para alimentación. En más de tres décadas de trabajos de investigación, se cuenta con resultados realizados en Córdoba y en otras provincias, para dar respuesta a las principales dificultades que enfrenta un productor de garbanzo. El garbanzo tiene bondades significativas tales como cultivo constituir es una alternativa como leguminosa de invierno, posee un semilla que tiene valores importantes de proteínas, hidratos de carbono, ácidos grasos tipo omega 8, fibra y minerales, con diferentes alternativas de uso y de conservación a largo plazo. El desafío en esta etapa es llegar a los productores con información adecuada sobre el uso de semilla de calidad, con identidad y pureza genética y adaptada a los ambientes de producción de Argentina.Se complementará con identificación y manejo integrado de los principales insectos, enfermedades y factores adversos que afectan al cultivo. Con esta publicación se pretende dar a conocer las principales contribuciones a un manejo integral del cultivo, que en la actualidad es una fuente de ingresos importantes por la exportación de grano de calidad a más de 50 países.


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In Tunisia, broomrape ( Orobanche foetida Poir.) causes major drawbacks especially in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) suffers little damage compared to faba bean, but with the winter sowing chickpea cultivars, broomrape might become a serious problem for chickpea cultivation. The development of resistant cultivars remains the most efficient way to solve this problem. The behavior of six chickpea genotypes to O. foetida was studied under field natural infestation and artificial inoculation in pots and petri dishes in greenhouse conditions. During the cropping seasons 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 the level of infection was very low. The number of emerged parasites per host plant varied from 0.18 to 0.43 and the incidence from 6.5% to 23%. Among the six tested genotypes, G1, G2, and G4 showed partial resistance to O. foetida with low number and dry weight of emerged parasite and high grain yield compared to the other genotypes, although no significant differences were recorded. In pot experiments, the number and total dry weight of broomrape per plant were lower for G1 and G2 genotypes than the other genotypes. Parasitism does not affect significantly the shoot dry weight and number of pods of these genotypes. The total chlorophyll content was significantly reduced under infestation in all genotypes. In Petri dishes experiments, results showed that percent germination of O. foetida seeds varied from 49% to 65% and does not play a role in the resistance of chickpea genotypes. In contrast, broomrape attachment was lower and slower for the genotypes G1, G2, and G4 than the other genotypes. Resistance in chickpea genotypes was characterized by few parasite attachments on roots and a limited growth of established tubercles. No necrosis of attached tubercles was observed in the different experiments.


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In plants, calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are key intermediates in calcium-mediated signaling that couple changes in Ca2+ levels to a specific response. In the present study, we report the high-level soluble expression of calcium-dependent protein kinase1 from Cicer arietinum (CaCDPK1) in Escherichia coli. The expression of soluble CaCDPK1 was temperature dependent with a yield of 3-4 mg/l of bacterial culture. CaCDPK1 expressed as histidine-tag fusion protein was purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography till homogeneity. The recombinant CaCDPK1 protein exhibited both calcium-dependent autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation activities with a V (max) and K (m) value of 13.2 nmol/min/mg and 34.3 mu M, respectively, for histone III-S as substrate. Maximum autophosphorylation was seen only in the presence of calcium. Optimum temperature for autophosphorylation was found to be 37 A degrees C. The recombinant protein showed optimum pH range of 6-9. The role of autophosphorylation in substrate phosphorylation was investigated using histone III-S as exogenous substrate. Our results show that autophosphorylation happens before substrate phosphorylation and it happens via intra-molecular mechanism as the activity linearly depends on enzyme concentrations. Autophosphorylation enhances the kinase activity and reduces the lag phase of activation, and CaCDPK1 can utilize both ATP and GTP as phosphodonor but ATP is preferred than GTP.


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Tomato spotted wilt virus (genus Tospovirus) is recorded on chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Australia for the first time. It caused shoot tip symptoms of wilting, necrosis, bunching and chlorosis, followed by premature death of plants.


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Two novel mastreviruses (genus Mastrevirus; family Geminiviridae), with proposed names chickpea chlorosis virus (CpCV) and chickpea redleaf virus, are described from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) from eastern Australia. The viruses have genomes of 2,582 and 2,605 nucleotides, respectively, and share similar features and organisation with typical dicot-infecting mastreviruses. Two distinct strains of CpCV were suggested by phylogenetic analysis. Additionally, a partial mastrevirus Rep sequence from turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) indicated the presence of a distinct strain of Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TYDV). In phylogenetic analyses, isolates of Bean yellow dwarf virus, Chickpea chlorotic dwarf Pakistan virus and Chickpea chlorotic dwarf Sudan virus from southern and northern Africa and south-central and western Asia clustered separately from these three viruses from Australia. An Australian, eastern Asian, or south-eastern Asian origin for the novel mastreviruses and TYDV is discussed.


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Active preparations of tryptophan synthetase were obtained from Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) by the following procedure: (1) precipitation of inactive materials by manganous sulfate, (2) Adsorption of impurities on Alumina Cγ, (3) Adsorption of tryptophan synthetase on tricalcium phosphate gel, removal of inert protein from the gel by treatment with phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), and selective elution of the enzyme by 0.15 M phosphate buffer pH 7.2 containing 10% ammonium sulfate and 10−3 M serine. A 220-fold purification of the enzyme with 44% recovery of the activity was achieved. The pH optimum, effect of temperature, and substrate concentration and other properties of the purified enzyme have been studied in detail. Only the Image -isomer of serine takes part in the reaction. The Km values for indole, Image -serine, and Image -serine were calculated to be 0.66, 4.1, and 8.6 × 10−4 M, respectively. A kinetic study of the inhibition of tryptophan synthetase by indole-propionic acid has shown that it is of a competitive type. It has been demonstrated for the first time that 4-nitro-salicylaldehyde can replace pyridoxal phosphate as a coenzyme for the tryptophan synthetase reaction.