4 resultados para Chrysopid


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As conseqüências da escassez alimentar no período pós-embrionário e potencial reprodutivo de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) em laboratório foram avaliadas. Larvas de 1.°, 2.º e 3.° ínstares receberam alimento apenas no 1.°, 2.º ou 3.° dia após a ecdise. Nos períodos em que antecederam ou sucederam os testes com os respectivos ínstares, as larvas receberam uma, duas e três unidades de alimentação (UA) a cada dois dias para o 1.°, 2.º e 3.° ínstares, respectivamente. Cada UA constou de um disco de cartolina contendo ovos de Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Diariamente, avaliou-se a viabilidade nos diferentes ínstares, da fase larval e pupal, assim como os períodos de pré-oviposição e oviposição, o número e a viabilidade de ovos. A escassez de alimento durante o 1.° ínstar pode ser suprida no decorrer do desenvolvimento larval. Entretanto, as larvas precisam encontrar alimento nas primeiras 48 horas de vida, pois a viabilidade nesse ínstar foi decrescendo com a ausência de alimento, podendo ocorrer 100% de mortalidade quando as larvas não se alimentam em até 48 horas após a eclosão. Os períodos de pré-oviposição e oviposição, assim como a fecundidade, não foram influenciados pela escassez de alimento durante o 1.° ínstar larval. Durante os 2.° e 3.° ínstares larvais, C. externa necessita de alimentação rica em proteína, pois a ingestão de apenas água e açúcares nesses estádios ocasionou alta mortalidade. Entretanto, a fecundidade e viabilidade dos ovos não foram afetadas pela escassez de alimento nesses ínstares.


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The first quantitative analysis of phylogenetic relationships of green lacewings (Chrysopidae) is presented based on DNA sequence data. A single nuclear and two mitochondrial genes are used in the analysis: carbomoylphosphate synthase (CPS) domain of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase-aspartate transcarbamoylase-dihydroorotase (CAD) (i.e. rudimentary locus), large subunit ribosomal gene (16S) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI). This study represents the first use of the CAD gene to investigate phylogenetic relationships of the lacewings. DNA sequences for 33 chrysopid species from 18 genera, representing all subfamilies and tribes, were compared with outgroups sampled from families Hemerobiidae, Osmylidae and Polystoechotidae. Parsimony analyses of the combined data set recovered all of the previously established subfamilial and tribal groups as monophyletic clades (although relatively weakly supported) except Apochrysinae sensu lato. The enigmatic Nothancyla verreauxi Navas has historically been difficult to place in a subfamily group based on morphological characteristics; molecular data presented herein do not adequately resolve this problem.


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The objective of this study was to determine the influence of Metarhizium anisopliae on the predatory capacity and functional response of Chrysoperla externa fed Bemisia tabaci B biotype rearing cotton. The stock rearings of B. tabaci B biotype and C. externa were maintained in cages according to preexisting methodologies. Upon hatching, predator larvae were fed on eggs of Ephestia küehniella until their 3rd instar and then fed on whitefly nymphs in density exceeding their intake capacity (150 nymphs/individual). The nymphs were offered on cotton leaf disks (5 cm diameter), 24 hours after the treatments application following: T1: Control (water); T2: M. anisopliae at the concentration of 105 conidia cm-3; T3: 10 8 conidia cm-3 origined from Metharril® formulation of the 109 viable conidia cm-3 M. anisopliae active principle. The predatory capacity was obtained by the difference between the numbers of nymphs supplied and nymphs left. Five different nymphal densities (130, 160, 190, 220, and 250) were selected for the functional response study. The number of nymphs preyed was recorded after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The M. anisopliae entomopathogenic fungi did not influence predatory capacity of C. externa which ranged from 70.6 individuals at the highest concentration to 87.1 in the control. Conclued that the C. externa predatory capacity was not affected by fungi M. anisopliae concentrations. The predator showed a type-II functional response after 24 hours, and a type-I response after 48, 72s, and 96 hours independent from fungi concentrations.


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The green lacewing Ceraeochrysa smithi (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae), like other members of its family, lays its eggs on stalks, but it is unusual in that it coats these stalks with droplets of an oily fluid. The liquid consists of a mixture of fatty acids, an ester, and a series of straight-chain aldehydes. Relative to the eggs of a congeneric chrysopid that lacks stalk fluid, the eggs of C. smithi proved well protected against ants. Components of the fluid, in an assay with a cockroach, proved potently irritant. Following emergence from the egg, C. smithi larvae imbibe the stalk fluid, thereby possibly deriving nutritive benefit, defensive advantage, or both.