181 resultados para Chrotopterus auritus


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We describe and compare diets of 3 species of vampyrine bats based on analysis of food remains found in gastrointestinal tracts of preserved museum specimens. We also examined possible ontogenetic, intersexual, geographic, and seasonal variations in feeding habits of each species. Trachops cirrhosus fed mainly on insects (79% of prey items), whereas Chrotopterus auritus and Vampyrum spectrum primarily ate small vertebrates (61-73% of prey items for both species). Vertebrate prey most frequently eaten by C. auritus were murid rodents whereas V. spectrum consumed primarily passerine birds. The frequency of occurrence of food items did not differ significantly with age or sex, at least for T. cirrhosus and C. auritus. Significant seasonal variations in diet were observed only for C. auritus, which consumed more insects during the wet season. Our findings confirm the importance of insects in the diet of T. cirrhosus and present new information on a diversified diet for V. spectrum and opportunistic feeding for C. auritus.


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Os morcegos representam um grupo amplamente distribuído e diversificado. A diversidade de hábitos alimentares faz da ordem Chiroptera uma das mais bem sucedidas entre os mamíferos, desempenhando, em função de seus hábitos, um importante papel no controle de insetos, na polinização e na dispersão de sementes de numerosos vegetais. A família Phyllostomidae constitui a terceira maior família em número de espécies dentro da Ordem Chiroptera. Entre as representantes neotropicais é a mais numerosa, sendo encontrada em florestas tropicais da America do Sul, particularmente, concentrada na Amazônia que é a região com maior diversidade de morcegos do mundo. No presente trabalho foram analisados citogeneticamente exemplares de três espécies da subfamília Phyllostominae: Chrotopterus auritus, Trachops cirrhosus e Vampyrum spectrum coletados no estado do Pará e Amazonas. Os dados cromossômicos obtidos para Chrotopterus auritus (2n = 28 e NF = 52) e Trachops cirrhosus (2n = 30, FN = 56) estão de acordo com os descritos na literatura. Para Vampyrum spectrum (2n=30 NF=56) relatamos os primeiros padrões de bandeamento e FISH (Hibridização in situ Fluorescente). A técnica de bandeamento C demonstrou um padrão pericentromérico de distribuição da heterocromatina constitutiva nas três espécies estudadas. A técnica de FISH com sondas de DNA teloméricas humanas mostrou apenas marcações distais em todos os cromossomos das três espécies e as sondas de rDNA 18S confirmaram a localização das Regiões Organizadoras Nucleares observadas na técnica de Ag-NOR, presentes no braço longo do par 2 de Chrotopterus auritus, no par 11 de Trachops cirrhosus e no braço longo do par 1 de Vampyrum spectrum. A análise comparativa entre elas sugere um extenso grau de diferenciação cromossômica, com poucos cromossomos compartilhados entre os três gêneros. Contudo, cinco pares cromossômicos inteiros se mantiveram conservados sem nenhum tipo de rearranjo após a divergência das três linhagens. A comparação entre as espécies revela que C. auritus e V. spectrum apresentam mais elementos compartilhados entre si do que em relação à T. cirrhosus. Nossos resultados apoiam a proximidade filogenética entre C. auritus e V. spectrum e sugerem a associação de T. cirrhosus com o clado do gênero Phyllostomus.


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Os morcegos estão constantemente expostos a condições ambientais que podem alterar o seu padrão de atividade. No presente trabalho descrevemos a atividade horária de morcegos filostomídeos em três áreas florestais no sudeste do Brasil. Também testamos a influência da temperatura ambiente, luminosidade da lua e de diferentes áreas na atividade de Carollia perspicillata. Foram coletados 154 indivíduos pertencentes à família Phyllostomidae, sendo 37,7% deles representados por C. perspicillata (n = 60). Glossophaga soricina, Sturnira lilium e Desmodus rotundus apresentaram um padrão unimodal em sua atividade. Já Anoura caudifer, Chrotopterus auritus e Micronicterys microtis demonstraram uniformidade nas capturas ao longo da noite. C. persprcillata apresentou um padrão bimodal, com picos de atividade no início e final da noite, no entanto a espécie foi ativa durante todo o período. Houve diferença na atividade de C. perspicillata entre as áreas, sendo uniformemente distribuída nas áreas I e III, e unimodal na área II. A temperatura ambiente e a luminosidade do luar não foram fatores decisivos na regulação da atividade de C. perspicillata.


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RESUMO As espécies de Histeridae são quase que exclusivamente predadoras e podem ser encontradas em uma grande diversidade de ambientes. Dentre os grupos associados a carcaças, alguns são citados como relevantes na entomologia forense médico-legal. Entretanto, há pouca informação taxonômica para a família, principalmente na Região Neotropical. Desta forma, os objetivos do trabalho foram elaborar uma chave de identificação e caracterizar as espécies de Histeridae de interesse médico-legal no Brasil. Além disso, são apresentadas informações de distribuição geográfica e aspectos biológicos das espécies. As seguintes espécies são registradas como relevantes na entomologia forense no Brasil: Aeletes nicolasi Leivas, 2012; Euspilotus azureus (Sahlberg, 1823); Hister cavifronsMarseul, 1854; Omalodes bifoveolatus Marseul, 1853;Omalodes foveola Erichson, 1834; Omalodes lucidus Erichson, 1834, Operclipygus subterraneusCaterino & Tishechkin, 2013; Phelister sanguinipennisMarseul, 1853; e Scapomegas auritus Marseul, 1855. Esta contribuição representa a primeira ferramenta para uma melhor identificação dos Histeridae associados a carcaças no Brasil e pode servir como referência e aplicação na entomologia médico-legal.


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Międzyrzecz Fortified Front, were Natura 2000 site PLH080003 Nietoperek is situated, was built by the Germans in the 1930s and during the World War II. It is composed of above ground bunkers connected by underground tunnels of ca. 32 km total length. Nietoperek is the eighth largest bats hibernation site in EU. Monthly censuses were carried out from October to April during three consecutive winter seasons (2011/12 – 2013/14) in area covering ca. 30% of the undergrounds. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe changes in numbers of each species in the course of hibernation season, (2) to suggest deadlines for counting particular bat species to obtain maximal numbers and (3) to describe negative impact of tourism on hibernating bats. The results will be useful for restriction of winter tourism in Nietoperek. The total number of bats observed during the study was 37869 individuals of 9 species. Because of difficulties in distinguishing without handling M. mystacinus and M. brandtii were treated as one group. M. myotis constituted from 53% (first season) to 64% (last season) of all hibernating bats. The maximal numbers of individuals were observed in November (first two seasons) and in December (third season). M. daubentonii constituted from 27% (first season) to 21% (last season) and M. nattereri from 10% (first season) to 11% (second season) of all bats. During the three seasons the maximal numbers of M. daubentonii and M. nattereri were observed in November and December respectively. B. barbastellus and P. auritus constituted from 4% (first season) to 2% (last season) of the multi species colony. The maximal numbers of B. barbastellus were observed in January and P. auritus in January (first and second seasons) and in December (third season). Results indicated that the best period for counting maximal numbers of M. myotis and M. daubentonii is November, for M. nattereri is December and for B. barbastellus and P. auritus is January. The study undertaken in the part visited by tourists in winter (total length of 900 m) proved negative effect caused by human disturbance with 23% decline of total bat numbers.


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Canadian and U.S. federal wildlife agencies completed four decadal surveys, spanning the years 1977 to 2009, to census colonial waterbirds breeding on the Great Lakes and adjoining bodies of water. In this paper, we reports abundance, distribution, and general population trends of three species: Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), Great Egret (Ardea alba), and Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Estimates of nest numbers ranged from approximately 4000-6100 for the Black-crowned Night-Heron, 250-1900 for the Great Egret, and 3800-6400 for the Great Blue Heron. Average annual rates of change in nest numbers between the first (1977) and fourth (2008) census were −1% for the Black-crowned Night-Heron, +23% for the Great Egret, and −0.27% for the Great Blue Heron. Across the 30-year census, Black-crowned Night-Heron estimates decreased in U.S. (−57%) but increased (+18%) in Canadian waters, Great Egret nests increased 1381% in Canadian waters with a smaller, but still substantial increase in the number of nests at U.S. colonies (+613%), and Great Blue Heron numbers increased 148% in Canadian waters and 713% in U.S. waters. Although a single factor cannot be clearly linked to changes observed in each species’ distribution, hydrological variation, habitat succession, nest competition with Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), and land use changes likely all contributed. Management activities should support both breeding and foraging conditions including restoration of early successional habitats and anticipate continued northward expansions in the distributions of these waterbirds.


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Myxobolus cerebralis, the cause of whirling disease in salmonids, has dispersed to waters in 25 states within the USA, often by an unknown vector. Its incidence in Yellowstone cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri within the highly protected environment of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, is a prime example. Given the local abundances of piscivorous birds, we sought to clarify their potential role in the dissemination of M. cerebralis. Six individuals from each of three bird species (American white pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus, and great blue heron Ardea herodias) were fed known-infected or uninfected rainbow trout O. mykiss. Fecal material produced during 10-d periods before and after feeding was collected to determine whether M. cerebralis could be detected and, if so, whether it remained viable after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of these birds. For all (100%) of the nine birds fed known-infected fish, fecal samples collected during days 1–4 after feeding tested positive for M. cerebralis by polymerase chain reaction. In addition, tubificid worms Tubifex tubifex that were fed fecal material from known-infected great blue herons produced triactinomyxons in laboratory cultures, confirming the persistent viability of the parasite. No triactinomyxons were produced from T. tubifex fed fecal material from known-infected American white pelicans or double-crested cormorants, indicating a potential loss of parasite viability in these species. Great blue herons have the ability to concentrate and release viable myxospores into shallow-water habitats that are highly suitable for T. tubifex, thereby supporting a positive feedback loop in which the proliferation of M. cerebralis is enhanced. The presence of avian piscivores as an important component of aquatic ecosystems should continue to be supported. However, given the distances traveled by great blue herons between rookeries and foraging areas in just days, any practices that unnaturally attract them may heighten the probability of M. cerebralis dispersal and proliferation within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.


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In order to determine potential definitive hosts of the digenetic trematode, Bolbophorus damnificus, two American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), two Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), two Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias), and two Great Egrets (Ardea alba) were captured, treated with praziquantel, and fed channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) infected with B. damnificus metacercariae. Patent infections of B. damnificus, which developed in both American White Pelicans at 3 days post-infection, were confirmed by the presence of trematode ova in the feces. Mature B. damnificus trematodes were recovered from the intestines of both pelicans at 21 days post-infection, further confirming the establishment of infection. No evidence of B. damnificus infections was observed in the other bird species studied. This study provides further evidence that Double-crested Cormorants, Great Blue Herons, and Great Egrets do not serve as definitive hosts for B. damnificus.


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Die Phylogenie der Westpaläarktischen Langohren (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Plecotus) – eine molekulare Analyse Die Langohren stellen eine Fledermausgattung dar, die fast alle westpaläarktischen Habitate bist zum Polarkreis hin besiedeln und in vielerlei Hinsicht rätselhaft sind. In der Vergangenheit wurden zahlreiche Formen und Varietäten beschrieben. Trotzdem galt für lange Zeit, dass nur zwei Arten in Europa anerkannt wurden. Weitere Arten waren aus Nordafrika, den Kanaren und Asien bekannt, aber auch deren Artstatus wurde vielfach in Frage gestellt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation habe ich mittels molekularer Daten,der partiellen Sequenzierung mitochondrialer Gene (16S rRNA und ND1), sowie der mitochondrialen Kontrollregion, eine molekular Analyse der phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb und zwischen den Linien der westpaläarktischen Langohren durchgeführt. Die besten Substitutionsmodelle wurden berechnet und phylogenetische Bäume mit Hilfe vier verschiedener Methoden konstruiert: dem neighbor joining Verfahren (NJ), dem maximum likelihood Verfahren (ML), dem maximum parsimony Verfahren (MP) und dem Bayesian Verfahren. Sechs Linien der Langohren sind genetisch auf einem Artniveau differenziert: Plecotus auritus, P. austriacus, P. balensis, P. christii, P. sardus, und P. macrobullaris. Im Falle der Arten P. teneriffae, P. kolombatovici und P. begognae ist die alleinige Interpretation der genetischen Daten einzelner mitochondrialer Gene für eine Festlegung des taxonomischen Ranges nicht ausreichend. Ich beschreibe in dieser Dissertation drei neue Taxa: Plecotus sardus, P. kolombatovici gaisleri (=Plecotus teneriffae gaisleri, Benda et al. 2004) and P. macrobullaris alpinus [=Plecotus alpinus, Kiefer & Veith 2002). Morphologische Kennzeichen, insbesondere für die Erkennung im Feld, werden hier dargestellt. Drei der sieben Arten sind polytypisch: P. auritus (eine west- und ein osteuropäische Linie, eine sardische Linie und eine aktuell entdeckte kaukasische Linie, Plecotus kolombatovici (P. k. kolombatovici, P. k. gaisleri und P. k. ssp.) und P. macrobullaris (P. m. macrobullaris und P. m. alpinus). Die Verbreitungsgebiete der meisten Arten werden in dieser Arbeit erstmals ausschließlich anhand genetisch zugeordneter Tiere dargestellt.Die Untersuchung der ökologischen Einnischung der nun anerkannten Formen, insbesondere in Gebieten sympatrischer Verbreitung, bietet ein spannendes und lohnendes Feld für zukünftige Forschungen. Nicht zuletzt muss sich die Entdeckung eines beachtlichen Anteils kryptischer Diversität innerhalb der westpaläarktischen Langohren auch bei der Entwicklung spezieller Artenschutzkonzepte widerspiegeln.


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In the present thesis I examined individual and sex-specific habitat use and site fidelity in the western barbastelle bat, Barbastella barbastellus, using data from a four-year monitoring in a Special Area of Conservation in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The western barbastelle occurs in central and southern Europe from Portugal to the Caucasus, but is considered to be rare in large parts of its range. Up to now, long-term field studies to assess interannual site fidelity and the possible effects of intra- and interspecific competition have not been studied in this species. Nevertheless, such data provide important details to estimate the specific spatial requirements of its populations, which in turn can be incorporated in extended conservation actions. I used radio-telemetry, home range analyses und automated ultrasound detection to assess the relation between landscape elements and western barbastelle bats and their roosts. In addition, I estimated the degree of interspecific niche overlap with two selected forest-dwelling bat species, Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) and the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus). Intra- and interannual home range overlap analyses of female B. barbastellus revealed that fidelity to individual foraging grounds, i.e. a traditional use of particular sites, seems to effect the spatial distribution of home ranges more than intraspecific competition among communally roosting females. The results of a joint analysis of annual maternity roost selection and flight activities along commuting corridors highlight the necessity to protect roost complexes in conjunction with commuting corridors. Using radio-tracking data and an Euclidean distance approach I quantified the sex-specific and individual habitat use by female and male western barbastelle bats within their home ranges. My data indicated a partial sexual segregation in summer habitats. Females were found in deciduous forest patches and preferably foraged along linear elements within the forest. Males foraged closer to forest edges and in open habitats. Finally, I examined the resource partitioning between the western barbastelle bat and two syntopic bat species with a potential for interspecific competition due to similarities in foraging strategies, prey selection and roost preferences. Simultaneous radio-tracking of mixed-species pairs revealed a partial spatial separation of the three syntopic bat species along a gradient from the forest to edge habitats and open landscape. Long-eared bats were found close to open habitats which were avoided by the other two species. B. barbastellus preferred linear landscape elements (edge habitats) and forests, M. bechsteinii also preferred forest habitats. Only little overlap in terms of roost structure and tree species selection was found.


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Assessing the ecological requirements of species coexisting within a community is an essential requisite for developing sound conservation action. A particularly interesting question is what mechanisms govern the stable coexistence of cryptic species within a community, i.e. species that are almost impossible to distinguish. Resource partitioning theory predicts that cryptic species, like other sympatric taxa, will occupy distinct ecological niches. This prediction is widely inferred from eco-morphological studies. A new cryptic long-eared bat species, Plecotus macrobullaris, has been recently discovered in the complex of two other species present in the European Alps, with even evidence for a few mixed colonies. This discovery poses challenges to bat ecologists concerned with planning conservation measures beyond roost protection. We therefore tested whether foraging habitat segregation occurred among the three cryptic Plecotus bat species in Switzerland by radiotracking 24 breeding female bats (8 of each species). We compared habitat features at locations visited by a bat versus random locations within individual home ranges, applying mixed effects logistic regression. Distinct, species-specific habitat preferences were revealed. P. auritus foraged mostly within traditional orchards in roost vicinity, with a marked preference for habitat heterogeneity. P. austriacus foraged up to 4.7 km from the roost, selecting mostly fruit tree plantations, hedges and tree lines. P. macrobullaris preferred patchy deciduous and mixed forests with high vertical heterogeneity in a grassland dominated-matrix. These species-specific habitat preferences should inform future conservation programmes. They highlight the possible need of distinct conservation measures for species that look very much alike.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 563, located on the west flank of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, recovered a long Miocene section from which magnetostratigraphic and isotopic stratigraphy are available. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been performed in the Lower and Middle Miocene sediments from Site 563. The abundance patterns of the identified species allow us to determine several bioevents for this time interval. The recognized biohorizons, related to the available magnetostratigraphy, provide new data on the biostratigraphic value of many species and on the synchroneity of the events over a wide geographic area. Relations with the oxygen isotope stratigraphy are also reported. Sphenolith distribution is examined in particular detail due to their biostratigraphic importance in the Early Miocene. In particular the recently described species Sphenolithus procerus, Sphenolithus tintinnabulum and Sphenolithus multispinatus can be useful to subdivide the Lower Miocene zones NN2 and NN3. A large variety of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus has been identified within zones NN6 and NN7.