979 resultados para Chromosome Y


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Le développement sexuel est un processus complexe qui dépend de nombreux gènes, une mutation pouvant entraîner un développement sexuel anormal. Par ailleurs, des anomalies chromosomiques peuvent avoir des répercussions importantes sur la détermination gonadique, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit du chromosome Y puisqu'il porte le gène clé du développement sexuel masculin. Premièrement, nous avons identifié par cytogénétique moléculaire le point de cassure chez 5 patients avec une translocation X;Y et 10 patients avec un chromosome Y isodicentrique. Nous avons ainsi démontré que certaines régions sont plus à risque d'être remaniées, notamment lorsqu'elles contiennent des palindromes ou d'autres séquences répétées. Nous avons également établi une relation entre la distance séparant le centromère et le point de cassure et l'instabilité des chromosomes Y isodicentriques lors des divisions cellulaires. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié en cytogénétique les gonades de 22 patients avec un chromosome Y normal ou remanié et présentant un développement sexuel anormal. Nous avons mis en évidence la perte du chromosome Y remanié dans une majorité de cellules gonadiques des 10 patients étudiés, expliquant leur phénotype sexuel anormal. Cependant, chez 11 des 12 patients avec un chromosome Y normal, aucun mosaïcisme expliquant clairement leur détermination gonadique anormale n'a été retrouvé. Finalement, nous avons analysé par immunohistochimie les gonades dysgénésiques de 30 patients avec une anomalie du développement sexuel et un chromosome Y normal ou remanié. Nos travaux ont montré la présence de cellules germinales immatures au sein de cordons sexuels primitifs sous forme de tissu gonadique indifférencié dans 15 gonades, dont 9 ont évolué en tumeur gonadique. Dans 13 autres gonades, ces cellules germinales immatures avaient disparues par apoptose. Dans l'ensemble, notre recherche met en évidence la susceptibilité du chromosome Y à subir des remaniements et à être instable lors des divisions cellulaires, et indique que le mosaïcisme peut avoir des répercussions sur la détermination gonadique. Nos travaux montrent également que le tissu gonadique indifférencié peut évoluer vers deux entités, une tumeur gonadique ou une bandelette suite à l'apoptose des cellules germinales, mettant en lumière la nécessité d'analyser le tissu gonadique des patients XY avec dysgénésie gonadique dont les gonades sont laissées en place.


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Chromosomal homologies have been established between the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi, MRE, 2n = 46) and five ovine species: wild goat (Capra aegagrus, CAE, 2n = 60), argall (Ovis ammon, OAM, 2n = 56), snow sheep (Ovis nivicola, ONI, 2n = 52), red goral (Naemorhedus cranbrooki, NCR, 2n = 56) and Sumatra serow (Capricornis sumatraensis, CSU, 2n = 48) by chromosome painting with a set of chromosome-specific probes of the Chinese muntjac. In total, twenty-two Chinese muntjac autosomal painting probes detected thirty-five homologous segments in the genome of each species. The chromosome X probe hybridized to the whole X chromosomes of all ovine species while the chromosome Y probe gave no signal. Our results demonstrate that almost all homologous segments defined by comparative painting show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns and that each speciation event is accompanied by specific chromosomal rearrangements. The combined analysis of our results and previous cytogenetic and molecular systematic results enables us to map the chromosomal rearrangements onto a phylogenetic tree, thus providing new insights into the karyotypic evolution of these species.


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Traditionally comparative cytogenetic studies are based mainly on banding patterns. Nevertheless, when dealing with species with highly rearranged genomes, as in Akodon species, or with other highly divergent species, cytogenetic comparisons of banding patterns prove inadequate. Hence, comparative chromosome painting has become the method of choice for genome comparisons at the cytogenetic level since it allows complete chromosome probes of a species to be hybridized in situ onto chromosomes of other species, detecting homologous genomic regions between them. In the present study, we have explored the highly rearranged complements of the Akodon species using reciprocal chromosome painting through species-specific chromosome probes obtained by chromosome sorting. The results revealed complete homology among the complements of Akodon sp. n. (ASP), 2n = 10; Akodon cursor (ACU), 2n = 15; Akodon montensis (AMO), 2n = 24; and Akodon paranaensis (APA), 2n = 44, and extensive chromosome rearrangements have been detected within the species with high precision. Robertsonian and tandem rearrangements, pericentric inversions and/or centromere repositioning, paracentric inversion, translocations, insertions, and breakpoints, where chromosomal rearrangements, seen to be favorable, were observed. Chromosome painting using the APA set of 21 autosomes plus X and Y revealed eight syntenic segments that are shared with A. montensis, A. cursor, and ASP, and one syntenic segment shared by A. montensis and A. cursor plus five exclusive chromosome associations for A. cursor and six for ASP chromosome X, except for the heterochromatin region of ASP X, and even chromosome Y shared complete homology among the species. These data indicate that all those closely related species have experienced a recent extensive process of autosomal rearrangement in which, except for ASP, there is still complete conservation of sex chromosomes homologies.


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In the last decade, huge breakthroughs in genetics - driven by new technology and different statistical approaches - have resulted in a plethora of new disease genes identified for both common and rare diseases. Massive parallel sequencing, commonly known as next-generation sequencing, is the latest advance in genetics, and has already facilitated the discovery of the molecular cause of many monogenic disorders. This article describes this new technology and reviews how this approach has been used successfully in patients with skeletal dysplasias. Moreover, this article illustrates how the study of rare diseases can inform understanding and therapeutic developments for common diseases such as osteoporosis. © International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2013.


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Mixed chimerism may occur more frequently than previously thought following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and may have implications in terms of relapse, graft-versus-host disease and immune reconstitution. DNA analysis using single or multilocus polymorphic probes cannot reliably discriminate between donor and recipient cells below a level of 10%. We used probe pHY2.1, a cloned segment of tandemly repeated DNA (2000 copies) on the long arm of chromosome Y. A dot blot procedure allowed us to immobilize DNA directly from 50 microliter of peripheral blood or bone marrow. Cross-reactivity was eliminated by hybridization at conditions of extreme stringency (65 degrees C, 50% formamide). Mixing experiments detected male DNA at a level of 0.1% after 10 h exposure. Five patients were studied serially post-bone marrow transplantation. One patient showed mixed chimerism for 12 months, one had complete autologous recovery and the remaining three showed complete engraftment. All results were verified by standard karyotyping on bone marrow cells. This technique is a simple, rapid and sensitive assay for chimerism following sex mismatched bone marrow transplantation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We analysed samples of Aedes aegypti from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Franca (Brazil) by C-banding and Ag-banding staining techniques. C-banding pattern of Ae. aegypti from Sao Jose do Rio Preto examined in metaphase cells differed from Franca. The chromosomes 2, 3 and X showed centromeric C-bands in both populations, but a slightly stained centromeric band in the Y chromosome was observed only in Sao Jose do Rio Preto. In addition, the X chromosome in both populations and the Y chromosome of all individuals from Sao Jose do Rio Preto showed an intercalary band on one of the arms that was absent in Franca. An intercalary, new band, lying on the secondary constriction of chromosome 3 was also present in mosquitoes of both populations. The comparison of the present data with data in the literature for Ae. aegypti from other regions of the world showed that they differ as to the banding pattern of sex chromosomes and the now described intercalary band in chromosome 3. The observations suggested that the heterochromatic regions of all chromosomes are associated to constitute a single C-banded body in interphase cells. Ag-banding technique stained the centromeric regions of all chromosomes (including the Y) and the intercalary C-band region of the X chromosome in both populations. As Ae. aegypti populations are widespread in a great part of the world, the banding pattern variations indicate environmental interactions and may reveal both the chromosome evolutionary patterns in this species and the variations that may interfere with its vector activity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Oito subespécies do gênero Saguinus (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. bicolor, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax, S. i. imperator, S. m. midas e S. m. niger) foram estudadas citogeneticamente, das quais cinco (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax e S. i. imperator) tiveram seu cariótipo descrito pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os cariótipos foram analisados por coloração convencional, pelos padrões de bandas G, C e NOR, e pelo método de bandeamento sequencial G/C. Todos os espécimens mostraram o mesmo número diplóide (2n = 46 cromossomos) e os padrões de bandas G, C e NOR foram muito similares entre as subespécies, diferindo apenas na quantidade e distribuição de heterocromatina constitutiva de alguns autossomos. Heterocromatina constitutiva presente na região telomérica de alguns cromossomos foi observada apenas em S. f. fuscicollis e S. f. weddelli. O cromossomo X foi igual em todas subespécies, porém, o cromossomo Y diferiu em morfologia e tamanho. Quimerismo cromossômico XX/XY foi verificado em todas as subespécies.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Y chromosome markers have been widely studied due to their various applications in the fields of forensic and evolutionary genetics. In this study, 35 Y-SNPs and 17 Y-STRs were genotyped in 253 males from the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. A total of 18 haplogroups and 243 haplotypes were detected; the haplogroup and haplotype diversities were 0.7794 and 0.9997, respectively. Genetic distance analysis using the Y-STR data showed no statistically significant differences between Espirito Santo and other admixed populations from Brazil. The classification of paternal lineages based on haplogroups showed a predominant European contribution (85.88 %), followed by African (11.37 %) and Amerindian (2.75 %) contributions.


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The prognostic relevance of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is unclear. The impact of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis on time to complete cytogenetic (CCR) and major molecular remission (MMR) and progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was analyzed using data from 1151 Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph(+)) CML patients randomized to the German CML Study IV. At diagnosis, 1003 of 1151 patients (87%) had standard t(9;22)(q34;q11) only, 69 patients (6.0%) had variant t(v;22), and 79 (6.9%) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACAs). Of these, 38 patients (3.3%) lacked the Y chromosome (-Y) and 41 patients (3.6%) had ACAs except -Y; 16 of these (1.4%) were major route (second Philadelphia [Ph] chromosome, trisomy 8, isochromosome 17q, or trisomy 19) and 25 minor route (all other) ACAs. After a median observation time of 5.3 years for patients with t(9;22), t(v;22), -Y, minor- and major-route ACAs, the 5-year PFS was 90%, 81%, 88%, 96%, and 50%, and the 5-year OS was 92%, 87%, 91%, 96%, and 53%, respectively. In patients with major-route ACAs, the times to CCR and MMR were longer and PFS and OS were shorter (P < .001) than in patients with standard t(9;22). We conclude that major-route ACAs at diagnosis are associated with a negative impact on survival and signify progression to the accelerated phase and blast crisis.