996 resultados para Christine Whittington
The summer 2002 issue of The Olive Tree features articles about library projects, collections, technological innovations, and events at Fogler Library, University of Maine.
five:fashion musings is an upcoming 2009 publicaton to celebrate the fashion discipline's five-year milestone at the Queensland Unviesity of Technology. it represents a body of work by fashion practitioners, aceademic and educators commissioned to explore their research in fashion theory, practice and pedogogy through five key themes.
Has the GFC really changed the thinking of the property industry? Or are investment managers suffering from post-GFC stress disorder fated to repeat the mistakes of the past? Christine Retschlag reports on the mindset of the market.
Although in the late 1990s there was much discussion as to whether the idea of information literacy was necessary or had longevity, global interest in the phenomenon has increased rather than diminished. In the midst of all this activity, what has happened to the way in which we interpret the idea of information literacy in the last decade or more? The label of information literacy has certainly become widely applied, especially to library based programs and remains more popular in formal learning environments.Ultimately information literacy is about peoples’ experience of using information wherever they happen to be. Information literacy is about people interacting, engaging, working with information in many contexts, either individually or in community. Emerging technologies may transform the kinds of information available and how it is engaged with. Nevertheless, we continue to need to understand the experience of information use in order to support people in their information environments. We continue to need to develop programs which reflect and enhance peoples’ experiences of using information to learn in ever widening and more complex settings (Bruce, 2008; Bruce & Hughes, 2010).
Professor Christine Parker is a leading author in the field of legal regulation, governance, and professional ethics. She did her Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honors in 1991 and Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honors in 1992 in the University of Queensland. In 1997, she finished her doctoral dissertation and earned her Ph.D. from Australian National University.
Contient : 1° « Livre de faiz d'armes et de chevallerie », de « CHRISTINE » [DE PISAN] ; 2° « Le Livre de la Mutacion de fortune » [de CHRISTINE DE PISAN]
Contient : 1 « Une Epistre à la royne de France... madame Ysabel de Baviere » ; 2 « Une Epistre à Eustace Mourel » ; 3 « Proverbes mouraulx » ; 4 « Le Livre de prudence à l'ensseignement de bien vivre », traduction du livre des Quatre vertus de Sénèque, avec glose