959 resultados para Christian intellectuals
Ce mémoire porte sur l’évolution de l’antijudaïsme chez les intellectuels chrétiens parisiens, particulièrement chez Eudes de Châteauroux, lors du procès du Talmud, c’est-à-dire, entre les années 1240 – année où commence le procès – et 1248, année de la condamnation finale des textes talmudiques. Avec la création des universités au XIIe siècle prend place une curiosité intellectuelle croissante et un désir d’apprendre davantage. Parallèlement à cet essor, l’Église se renforce et une orthodoxie doctrinale commence à s’implanter, avec le désir toujours plus fort de contrôler et d’encadrer les fidèles. Lorsque Nicolas Donin dénonce le Talmud au souverain pontife, en 1239, Grégoire IX demande aux savants chrétiens de l’étudier et de l’analyser. Après examen, ces textes sont condamnés et les juifs accusés de se détourner de l’Ancien Testament pour suivre le Talmud, un livre rempli d’erreurs. Ainsi, ce que nous allons démontrer dans ce travail est que l’antijudaïsme virulent chez Eudes de Châteauroux, lors du procès du Talmud, vient d’une incompréhension des livres talmudiques.
This study concentrates on the discovery of Japanese Buddhism by Brazilian intellectuals as a group of spiritual practices and as a body of spiritual wisdom. The study has been realized through readings and meetings with Japanese Buddhist monks and/or Japanese immigrants. These intellectuals defend a religious experience based on a universal notion of representations of Japanese Buddhism, which provides them with a non-dualistic philosophical perspective and a unique psychological experience. Through innovative spiritual experiences these intellectuals have broken the tension created within the dispute between secularized science and the Catholic hegemony, both predominant in the intellectual panorama.
Brazilian social thought draws on the inspiration of past masters the common denominator of whose work is probably a deep humanism. Confronting the challenges of a fluid, ever-changing reality is now a matter of survival. The idea of climate change has made the environment, long relegated to second place, a matter of much wider interest and concern. The other great problem is poverty, and here, while there have been undeniable advances, much remains to be done. The main challenge is producing forms of social organization that will allow ordinary citizens to have an impact on what really matters. Developing policy in these areas has engaged the efforts of a wide range of experts from a variety of fields. Whereas university-educated intellectuals once formed an intelligentsia, today they are engaged in practical politics and much more often function as agents who link social actors together than as mere elaborators of theories.
Despite his significance in early modern Germany, where he was well-known as a political and moral philosopher, jurist, lay-theologian, social and educational reformer, Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) is little known in the world of Anglophone scholarship. 1 Unlike those of his mentor, Samuel Pufendorf, none of Thomasius's works was translated into English, when, at the end of the seventeenth century, English thinkers were searching for a final settlement to the religious question. None has been translated since. Moreover, while Thomasius has been subject to increasing scholarly attention in Germany since the 1970s, where he has been treated largely as a representative of the "early Enlightenment," there is very little secondary literature on him in English. 2 Things are however beginning to change in this regard, with recent research already giving rise to important new Anglophone books and essays. 3 Knud Haakonssen's article on [End Page 595] Thomasius for the new Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy might well be a straw in the wind
Introduction: the rise and rise of the public intellectual My starting point is the remarkable rise to prominence of public intellectuals – and talk about public intellectuals – over the last decade in Australia. Since 1997, especially, this has occurred around Indigenous questions with the result that issues such as the stolen generations, genocide, the apology and reconciliation have also gained new prominence. This is undeniably a good thing. New ways of thinking about history and the nation and new kinds of public ethical discourse have been put into circulation. History as battleground is preferable to the great Australian silence. And yet – my starting point is also the ambivalent effects and meanings of these recent developments, not least the way that the debates have centred so much around the figure of the 'public intellectual', the way that certain kinds of intellectuals and intellectual discourse have come to dominate the mainstream representation of the issues.