998 resultados para Christian ethic


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The present dissertation analyses the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the short story written by João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga (1946) seeking to point out the possibility of the philosophic application of some Nietzschean ideas to enlarge the aesthetic value of the short story. It has been especially aimed at applying the concept of the noble superior being described by Nietzsche, the ubermensch, to the hero s ontological nature, Augusto Matraga. Nietzsche s postulates of the will to power, the elements suggested of the trial between Dionysus and Apollo and the ascetic ideal, will be especially relevant to this work, which intends to establish until what point the hero can be conceived as a good ascetic person, in so far as his noble ontological nature trespass the Christian morality, bringing him closer to the man who, according to Nietzsche, is beyond good and evil. Some Heideggerian concepts will also be relevant in order to reinforce the idea that the judgment created about Matraga is just an appearance that does not contemplate his essential Being, contributing to veil his real tragic-ontological valour, what implies that the aesthetic power of the short has been under valued


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This article focuses on the analysis of the concept of love in the religious philosophy of Pavel Florensky, who shares the ontological approach to the consideration of love with other representatives of Russian religious philosophy (N. berdyaev and S. bulgakov). We pay more careful attention to the understanding of love-άγαπαν by Florensky. We have drawn the conclusion that, in the philosophy of P. Florensky, Love, closely connected with truth and beauty, is considered an ontological basis existence of personality. We develop the ideas of Pavel Florensky, and accordingly assume that it is possible to synthesise love-agape and love-eros around the idea of sacrificial love. Agapelogical and erotical ‘bezels’ of one jewel of love is aspects of united love, which is given by God. this gift of God, the gift of united love, is kept by humans through prayer and deeds of love.


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Cette thèse sur l’oeuvre de Christian Bobin (1951-) porte aussi et avant tout sur le lyrisme et le désenchantement contemporains. En posant pour horizon ces deux objets de discours, j’interprète le discours éthique et poétique sur l’« enchantement simple » chez l’auteur français. Dans une perspective herméneutique, il s'agit d'éprouver l'hypothèse selon laquelle les oeuvres de Bobin véhiculent un discours poétique « répliquant » (Ricoeur) à un certain discours intellectuel dominant, s'énonçant contre lui, mais aussi en réitérant plusieurs de ses credo. La première partie annonce la posture théorique et la méthode (comparatiste), puis définit le lyrisme et le désenchantement comme horizon d’interprétation. La seconde partie, qui interroge l’identité « poéthique » (Pinson) de l’auteur (entendu comme catégorie du texte), dévoile la manière dont l’auteur prend acte du désenchantement et du nihilisme : en masculinisant le désenchantement, le reliant au logos, et en féminisant l’enchantement, l’associant au muthos. Le parti pris du temps authentique est soutenu par la valorisation de conduites et d’attitudes temporelles relevant de l’éthique de l’authenticité (Rousseau), alors que le parti pris du féminin correspond à la valorisation d’attitudes relevant de l’éthique de la bonté (Levinas). Puisque la première éthique mise sur le temps du sujet et que la seconde favorise le temps de l’autre, un premier paradoxe émerge au coeur des messages spéculatifs véhiculés, dont on prend la mesure grâce au discours de l’auteur sur le temps, les hommes, les femmes et la bonté. Dans la troisième partie, je mets au jour le grand projet éthique dont l’auteur investit son oeuvre : écrire pour prendre soin, soigner. Après avoir défini ce que j’appelle « l’écriture du care » chez Bobin, je m’attarde aux figures féminines fondatrices de l’oeuvre et constate que l’ambition est triple chez l’auteur : premièrement, prendre soin du présent, deuxièmement, protéger les femmes de la misogynie et troisièmement, revaloriser les attitudes care qui leur sont traditionnellement reconnues et comprendre, dédramatiser, esthétiser leur « folie ». Apparaît alors un second paradoxe : la valorisation simultanée de figures charnelles inscrites dans la temporalité (maternité) et de figures atemporelles, hors temps (extase). Enfin, un regard sur les « femmes à venir » bobiniennes montrera trois figures promises à la pratique du soin promue par l’auteur. Au final, c’est non seulement la poéthique bobinienne qui est mise en lumière, mais aussi des postures éthiques et poétiques centrales en Occident, que plusieurs poètes lyriques adoptent « en temps de détresse » (Hölderlin).


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This study aimed to highlight the praxis of various mainstream and alternative faith traditions in Australia with relation to environmental sustainability issues. A mixed methods approach (surveys, interviews, site visits) was used to investigate the levels of awareness and involvement of faith communities on issues including biodiversity protection, water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management and cultural property heritage. The aim of this chapter is to highlight a theme of integration (or lack thereof) that arose out of the interviews which formed a critical part of the participants’ worldview. A brief overview of the relationships of attitudes and behaviours to environmental issues and the importance placed on values and worldviews is provided. Individuals from 40 faith groups participated in the study; in this chapter, individuals and case studies from ten different groups are highlighted. These range from the conventional, mainstream Christian traditions to alternative Christian and Eastern traditions as well as the new age movement. The study found that mainstream traditions were making important attempts at integrating their worldview into appropriate environmental management strategies; however, the impact was marginal overall. The lesser known and alternative traditions, however, were at a significant leading edge of integrating praxis; yet, because these traditions are viewed with an element of suspicion, their efforts were marginalized by members of other faiths and the public. Thus, there are several points of convergence and divergence that faith traditions have with regard to environmental sustainability.


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In discussions of educational administration theory, school culture has emerged as a contentious construct characterized by polarized positions. The underlying tensions are between conflicting structuralist and post-structuralist perspectives. These have led to views of Christian school culture and school organization as being either, on the one hand, static, positivist, hierarchical, individualistic and capitalistic or, on the other, dynamic, coherentist, communally interdependent, service oriented and Christ-centered. All schools demonstrate an ethos or organizational culture by default if not by design. It is therefore imperative for Christian school administrators, educators, and the community to consciously define the aspects of school culture that reflect the shared biblical values of the Christian school community.


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Weber's contribution on Protestant work ethic has stimulated numerous social scientists. However, the question whether a Protestant specific work ethic exists at all is still rarely analysed. Our results indicate that work ethic is influenced by denomination-based religiosity and education.


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In this chapter I raise questions about the current scope and purpose of early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS) and the ways ECEfS is enacted in practice. This is to highlight why social, political and economic areas of concern should be central in ECEfS alongside an environmental focus. Specifically, this chapter establishes the place of Reconciliation in ECEfS because it is one of the most pressing ethical, social, political and economic issues on the Australian landscape. To reposition an ethic of sustainability is to broaden the scope and purpose of sustainability work so that particular regard is given to the place of Reconciliation in ECEfS. An ethic of sustainability is also concerned with the responsibility of non-Indigenous educators to take ownership of Reconciliation work in education curricula and contexts.


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World Ethics Forum conference proceedings : the joint conference of The International Institute for Public Ethics (IIPE) and The World Bank : leadership, ethics and integrity in public life : 9-11 April 2006, Keble College, University of Oxford UK /


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Executive Summary Child sexual abuse (CSA) in Christian Institutions continues to be of serious concern in public, criminal justice and institutional discourse. This study was conducted in conjunction with Project Kidsafe Foundation and sought the perspectives of Australian survivors of CSA by Personnel in Christian Institutions (PICIs). In total, 81 individual survivors responded to an online survey which asked them a range of questions about their current and childhood life circumstance; the nature, extent and location of abuse; grooming strategies utilised by perpetrators; their experiences of disclosure; and outcomes of official reporting to both criminal justice agencies and also official processes Christian institutions. Survey participants were given the option to further participate in a qualitative interview with the principal researcher. These interviews are not considered within this report. In summary, survey data examined here indicate that: • Instances of abuse included a range of offences from touching outside of clothing to serious penetrative offences. • The onset of abuse occurred at a young age: between 6 and 10 years for most female participants, and 11 and 13 years for male participants. • In the majority of cases the abuse ceased because of actions by survivors, not by adults within families or the Christian institution. • Participants waited significant time before disclosing their abuse, with many waiting 20 years or more. • Where survivors disclosed to family members or PICIs, they were often met with disbelief and unhelpful responses aimed at minimising the harm. • Where an official report was made, it was most often made to police. In these cases 53% resulted in an official investigations. • The primary reasons for reporting were to protect others from the perpetrator and make the Christian institution accountable to an external agency. • Where reports to Christian institutions were made, most survivors were dissatisfied with outcomes, and a smaller majority was extremely dissatisfied. This report reflects the long-held understanding that responding to CSA is a complex and difficult task. If effective and meaningful responses are not made, however, trauma to the survivor is most often compounded and recovery delayed. This report demonstrates the need for further independent analysis and oversight of responses made to CSA by both criminal justice, religious and social institutions. Meaningful change will only be accessible, however, if family, community and institutional environments are safe places for survivors to disclose their experiences of abuse and begin to seek ways of healing. There is much to be learnt from survivors that have already made this journey.


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The ongoing crises of child sexual abuse by Christian institutions leaders across the Anglophone world continue to attract public attention and public inquiries. The pervasiveness of this issue lends credence to the argument that the prevailing ethos functioning within some Christian Institutions is one which exercises influence to repeatedly mismanage allegations of child sexual abuse by Church leaders. This work draws on semistructured interviews conducted with 15 Personnel in Christian Institutions (PICIs) in Australia who were identified as being pro-active in their approach to addressing child sexual abuse by PICIs. From these data, themes of power and forgiveness are explored through a Foucaultian conceptualising of pastoral power and ‘truth’ construction. Forgiveness is viewed as a discourse which can have the power effect of either silencing or empowering victim/survivors. The study concludes that individual PICIs’ understandings of the role ofpower in their praxis influences outcomes from the deployment of forgiveness.


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This issue of Precedent is concerned with professional legal ethics. ln my view, professional ethics are rules about how you do your job, based on moral principles. By virtue of the nature of the work they do, the reputation of the institution through which they are admitted to practice (the court), and the consequences that can flow if they act inappropriately or incompetently, lawyers are under constant scrutiny in all aspects of their lives. Errors, omissions or misdeeds in both their professional and their personal lives have the potential to damage them, their clients, the profession itself and the court. We ought never to take for granted the trust the public places in us to preserve the integrity of the legal system itself, especially in times when that system may be under threat, either from without or from within.


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A review of "Hans Christian Andersen : European Witness" by Paul Binding (Yale UP, 2014). How a writer bears witness to his age is necessarily the expression of many things, not least the possibly quite peculiar nature of an author’s life. Literary works often emerge from complex upbringings, from periods of youthful isolation spent reading and writing. More still seem to have been written as a result of the fraught relationships that befall authors, perhaps because authors so often view their relationships with a degree of creative and critical distance. And yet, if a writer’s output evidences an unusual life, it also witnesses broader questions being asked by a community as a whole. At some level, even the most remarkable figures are typical of their age, and reflections of it. By the close of Paul Binding’s study of the life and works of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–75), we are reminded that extraordinary feats of originality and imagination are often the result of how unique minds enter wider discourses...