36 resultados para Chorale.


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Concert program for University Chorale, February 27, 1976


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Concert program for University Chorale, March 1, 1977


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Concert Program for University Chorale Talent Show February 10, 2007


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Concert Program


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Concert Program


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The field of research is contemporary theatre practice with a community focus. In 2007, La Boite Theatre Company partnered with the Queensland Music Festival to produce an operatic representation of the 1964 Mt Isa industrial dispute, focussed on the charismatic figure of Pat Mackie. “Community theatre” is often criticised on grounds that the work aims only to satisfy community outcomes. This work explored whether a story from a specific location, which is very much an embedded story in the culture of the Mt Isa community, could be told in such a way as to appeal to, resonate with, and have relevance for, broader national and international audiences. To address this question required rigorous interrogation of both content and form. The play was researched through interviews with members of the Mt Isa community, political leadership at the time of the dispute, and participants of the dispute, including Pat Mackie himself. The production was then framed as an oratorio. Uniquely, the play had two back-to-back seasons; the first in Mount Isa (3 shows: 1500 people including a significant number of school children) and a 4-week season at the Roundhouse Theatre, Brisbane (over 5,000 attendances). In each location, a chorale was formed of community participants who, alongside the professional cast, performed the work. The production and its complementary exhibition had a significant local and national profile. The project was featured in The Australian newspaper’s Queensland Music Festival wrap-up as an exemplar of successful community engagement and creative adventure. Playlab Press has since published the script.


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Resumen: El Requiem Alemán de Brahms ha sido objeto de numerosos análisis teológicomusicológicos, debido principalmente a dos características peculiares: 1. es una obra del género requiem que no utiliza el texto de la Missa pro defunctis, sino que emplea una selección de textos bíblicos elegidos por su autor, y 2. su contenido motívico deriva de manipulaciones sobre la melodía del coral Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, que aparecen a lo largo de los 7 números de la obra. Este trabajo pone de relieve la existencia de un motivo autónomo, independiente del contenido del coral, que aparece en cinco de los siete números y al que el autor asigna la representación simbólica de la Redención.


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Concert performance in 2012 Internationaler Orgelsommer 4 August 2012. Showcase of British music from 19th and 20th centuries. Weitz Fanfare and Gothic March; Handel Organ Concerto Op 4 No 5; W.T.Best Sonata in G; Francis Jackson Toccata, Chorale and Fugue; Hollins A Song of Sunshine; Healey Willan Introduction Passacaglia and Fugue


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The Haward of Dictionary of Music (1983), defines variation as "a technique modifying a given musical idea." From the Baroque period on, the form and the techniques of variation were developed and enriched in Germany and France. Therefore, I presented the works of composers from these two nations. Even though there was a vast number of possibilities, I wanted to be scholastically fair and interesting in making my selections by choosing well-known pieces along with lesser-known ones. Haydn's well-known Variations in F minor consist of two sets of double variations which break into an improvisation fantasy. The first movement of Beethoven Sonata in A flat major, Op. 26, is a set of five variations on the composer's original theme. The variations are positioned in the first movement instead of Sonata-Allegro form. In 1861 Brahrns composed the Variations and Fugue, Op. 24, on the theme of Handel. Brahms displays a wealth of rhythmic, harmonic and textural contrasts in the variations. Chopin's E Major Variations without opus number are written on a Swiss influenced German folksong. Faure's Theme and Variations in C sharp minor, Op. 73, includes eleven variations. The work displays the composer's subtlety, grace and reticence. 12 Variationen iiber ein eigenes Thema were written by Alban Berg as a composition study with Schonberg. The Finale of Dutilleux's Piano Sonata, titled "Chorale with Variations", is written in an impressionistic style. A rich expressiveness is well blended in a classical form. In 1742, the remarkable Aria and thirty variations known as the Goldberg Variations were composed by J. S. Bach. The thirty Variations are unified by the bass line, which forms the foundation of the Aria. The pieces discussed above were presented in three recitals. Compact disc recordings of these recitals are available in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland.


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The variation and fugue originated from the 15th and 16th centuries and blossomed during the Baroque and Classical Periods. In a variation, a theme with a particular structure precedes a series of pieces that usually have the same or very similar structure. A fugue is a work written in imitative counterpoint in which the theme is stated successively in all voices of polyphonic texture. Beethoven’s use of variation and fugue in large scale works greatly influenced his contemporaries. After the Classical Period, variations continued to be popular, and numerous composers employed the technique in various musical genres. Fugues had pedagogical associations, and by the middle of 19th century became a requirement in conservatory instruction, modeled after Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier. In the 20th century, the fugue was revived in the spirit of neoclassicism; it was incorporated in sonatas, and sets of preludes and fugues were composed. Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy presents his song Der Wanderer through thematic transformations, including a fugue and a set of variations. Liszt was highly influenced by this, as shown in his thematic transformations and the fugue as one of the transformations in his Sonata in b. In Schumann’s Symphonic Études, Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini and Copland’s Piano Variations, the variation serves as the basis for the entire work. Prokofiev and Schubert take a different approach in Piano Concerto No. 3 and Wanderer Fantasy, employing the variation in a single movement. Unlike Schubert and Liszt's use of the fugue as a part of the piece or movement, Franck’s Prelude Chorale et Fugue and Shchedrin’s Polyphonic Notebook use it in its independent form. Since the Classical Period, the variation and fugue have evolved from stylistic and technical influences of earlier composers. It is interesting and remarkable to observe the unique effects each had on a particular work. As true and dependable classic forms, they remain popular by offering the composer an organizational framework for musical imagination.