443 resultados para Choline Acetyltransferase


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Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; EC catalyzes the reversible synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) from acetyl CoA and choline at cholinergic synapses. Mutations in genes encoding ChAT affecting motility exist in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila, but no CHAT mutations have been observed in humans to date. Here we report that mutations in CHAT cause a congenital myasthenic syndrome associated with frequently fatal episodes of apnea (CMS-EA). Studies of the neuromuscular junction in this disease show a stimulation-dependent decrease of the amplitude of the miniature endplate potential and no deficiency of the ACh receptor. These findings point to a defect in ACh resynthesis or vesicular filling and to CHAT as one of the candidate genes. Direct sequencing of CHAT reveals 10 recessive mutations in five patients with CMS-EA. One mutation (523insCC) is a frameshifting null mutation. Three mutations (I305T, R420C, and E441K) markedly reduce ChAT expression in COS cells. Kinetic studies of nine bacterially expressed ChAT mutants demonstrate that one mutant (E441K) lacks catalytic activity, and eight mutants (L210P, P211A, I305T, R420C, R482G, S498L, V506L, and R560H) have significantly impaired catalytic efficiencies.


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Indirect immunofluorescence methods using a mouse monoclonal antibody raised to rat choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed dense networks of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the superior cervical ganglion, the stellate ganglion, and the celiac superior mesenteric ganglion of the rat. Numerous and single ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia, respectively. The majority of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia were nitric oxide synthase (NOS) positive. Some ChAT-immunoreactive fibers contained enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Virtually all ChAT-positive cell bodies in the stellate ganglion were vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-positive, and some were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive. After transection of the cervical sympathetic trunk almost all ChAT- and NOS-positive fibers and most enkephalin- and CGRP-positive fibers disappeared in the superior cervical ganglion. The results suggest that most preganglionic fibers are cholinergic and that the majority of these in addition can release nitric oxide, some enkephalin, and a few CGRP. Acetylcholine, VIP, and CGRP are coexisting messenger molecules in some postganglionic sympathetic neurons.


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Acetylcholine, one of the main neurotransmitters in the nervous system, is synthesized by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; acetyl-CoA:choline O-acetyltransferase, EC The molecular mechanisms controlling the establishment, maintenance, and plasticity of the cholinergic phenotype in vivo are largely unknown. A previous report showed that a 3800-bp, but not a 1450-bp, 5' flanking segment from the rat ChAT gene promoter directed cell type-specific expression of a reporter gene in cholinergic cells in vitro. Now we have characterized a distal regulatory region of the ChAT gene that confers cholinergic specificity on a heterologous downstream promoter in a cholinergic cell line and in transgenic mice. A 2342-bp segment from the 5' flanking region of the ChAT gene behaved as an enhancer in cholinergic cells but as a repressor in noncholinergic cells in an orientation-independent manner. Combined with a heterologous basal promoter, this fragment targeted transgene expression to several cholinergic regions of the central nervous system of transgenic mice, including basal forebrain, cortex, pons, and spinal cord. In eight independent transgenic lines, the pattern of transgene expression paralleled qualitatively and quantitatively that displayed by endogenous ChAT mRNA in various regions of the rat central nervous system. In the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord, 85-90% of the transgene expression was targeted to the ventral part of the cord, where cholinergic alpha-motor neurons are located. Transgene expression in the spinal cord was developmentally regulated and responded to nerve injury in a similar way as the endogenous ChAT gene, indicating that the 2342-bp regulatory sequence contains elements controlling the plasticity of the cholinergic phenotype in developing and injured neurons.


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Pesticidas organofosforados são amplamente usados e seu uso constitui um grave problema de saúde pública. A ação clássica destes compostos é a inibição irreversível da acetilcolinesterase, promovendo acúmulo de acetilcolina nas sinapses e hiperestimulação colinérgica. No entanto, as consequências da exposição a baixas doses podem se estender a outros mecanismos de ação e sistemas neurotransmissores. Considerando que crianças constituem um grupo particularmente vulnerável aos efeitos de pesticidas, neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos da exposição aos organofosforados metamidofós (MET) e clorpirifós (CPF) durante o desenvolvimento sobre os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico e sobre o comportamento de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos suíços foram expostos a injeções subcutâneas de MET, clorpirifós ou veículo do terceiro (PN3) ao nono (PN9) dias de vida pós-natal. As doses de exposição foram previamente escolhidas através da construção de uma curva dose-resposta que identificou como mais adequadas para este estudo as doses de 1mg/kg de MET e 3mg/kg de CPF, as quais promoveram em torno de 20% de inibição da acetilcolinesterase. Em PN10, parte dos animais foi sacrificada e foram avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico no tronco encefálico e córtex cerebral. De PN60 a PN63, os animais foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes comportamentais. Em seguida, estes animais também foram sacrificados tendo sido avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico. Em PN10, MET e CPF causaram alterações que sugerem aumento da atividade colinérgica respectivamente no tronco e córtex em fêmeas. No sistema serotoninérgico, apenas CPF promoveu alterações, aumentando a ligação ao receptor 5HT1A e transportador 5HT em fêmeas e diminuindo na ligação ao 5HT2. Em PN63, a atividade da acetilcolinesterase foi reestabelecida em todos os grupos. Ainda assim, MET diminuiu a atividade da colina acetiltransferase no córtex e a ligação ao transportador colinérgico no tronco. Quanto aos efeitos do CPF, no tronco, houve redução da atividade da colina acetiltransferase em fêmeas e aumento em machos. Sobre o sistema serotoninérgico, MET e CPF promoveram diminuições no 5HT1A respectivamente no tronco e córtex das fêmeas e CPF aumentou a ligação no córtex de machos. A ligação ao 5HT2 foi aumentada após o tratamento com MET e ao transportador 5HT foi diminuída em fêmeas após o tratamento com clorpirifós. Sobre o comportamento, identificamos comportamento associado à depressão em animais expostos a MET e aumento dos níveis de ansiedade, além de prejuízo de aprendizado/memória após exposição à CPF. Desta forma, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição à metamidofós e clorpirifós durante o desenvolvimento é capaz de alterar, de diferentes formas, a atividade colinérgica e serotoninérgica, mesmo que as doses de exposição sejam toxicologicamente equivalentes. Foram verificados efeitos nas vias neuroquímicas logo após a exposição e após um longo período de interrupção do tratamento, indicando efeitos tardios em sistemas importantes que podem estar associados às alterações comportamentais. Finalmente, o presente estudo reforça a associação epidemiológica entre pesticidas e alterações psiquiátricas e a capacidade da programação de alterações a longo-prazo quando a exposição se dá durante o desenvolvimento.


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A Organização Mundial da Saúde estima que existam aproximadamente 250 milhões de mulheres tabagistas no mundo. Em países em desenvolvimento, a prevalência do tabagismo pode variar de 11 a 35% em mulheres grávidas, constituindo um problema de saúde pública. Nicotina, um agonista colinérgico considerado o mais importante componente ativo da fumaça do cigarro, é capaz de causar déficits em um cérebro em desenvolvimento, no entanto, muitos estudos investigam estes efeitos durante a gestação de roedores, que corresponde aos dois primeiros trimestres de gestação em humanos. O presente estudo, foi focado nos efeitos da nicotina sobre o sistema colinérgico cerebral durante o equivalente ao terceiro trimestre de gestação em humanos. Ratas lactantes foram expostas a nicotina (NIC, 6 mg/Kg/dia) ou a salina (SAL) via mini-bombas osmóticas (s.c.) a partir do 2 dia ate o 16 dia pós-natal (PN). Filhotes NIC e SAL foram sacrificados durante a exposição, em PN15, e após a retirada em três momentos diferentes, PN21, PN30 e em PN90. Quatro biomarcadores foram considerados. Para avaliação dos efeitos sobre os receptores nicotínicos de acetilcolina (nAChRs), nós utilizamos [3H]citisina, que é um ligante seletivo para α4β2. Nos também medimos o marcador [3H]hemicholinium-3 (CH-3) de alta afinidade para o transportador pré-sináptico de colina, e a atividade das enzimas colina acetiltransferase (ChAT) e acetilcolinesterase (AChE) no córtex cerebral (CX), mesencéfalo (MB) e hipocampo (HP) na prole. O grupo NIC apresentou supra-regulação de nAChRs em todas as regiões durante a exposição, este efeito foi revertido pouco tempo após a retirada. Interessantemente, uma significante infra-regulação de nAChRs foi observada após um longo tempo da retirada somente em CX. A exposição à nicotina reduziu a marcação para HC-3 durante a exposição em todas as regiões e foi revertida em PN21. Já em PN30, o grupo NIC apresentou uma diminuição do HC-3. Em contraste, em PN90, foi observado um aumento de HC-3. Não foram observados efeitos para atividade da ChAT e da AChE em CX. No que diz respeito ao MB, o grupo NIC apresentou um aumento de atividade para ambas as enzimas, ChAT e AChE, em PN30. Para a mesma idade, nos observamos um decréscimo desta atividade somente em HP. E, após um longo tempo de retirada, somente HP apresentou um aumento na atividade da ChAT. Estes dados sugerem que a exposição à nicotina em ratos durante o equivalente ao terceiro trimestre de gestação em humanos promove alterações no sistema colinérgico dos filhotes. Somado a isto, nossos resultados indicam que os efeitos prejudiciais são observáveis mesmo muito tempo após a exposição ter sido interrompida.


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There is substantial evidence for a susceptibility gene for late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) on chromosome 10. One of the characteristic features of AD is the degeneration and dysfunction of the cholinergic system. The genes encoding choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and its vesicular transporter (VAChT), CHAT and SLC18A3 respectively, map to the linked region of chromosome 10 and are therefore both positional and obvious functional candidate genes for late-onset AD. We have screened both genes for sequence variants and investigated each for association with late-onset AD in up to 500 late-onset AD cases and 500 control DNAs collected in the UK. We detected a total of 17 sequence variants. Of these, 14 were in CHAT, comprising three non-synonymous variants (D7N in the S exon, A120T in exon 5 and L243F in exon 8), one synonymous change (H547H), nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms in intronic, untranslated or promoter regions, and a variable number of tandem repeats in intron 7. Three non-coding SNPs were detected in SLC18A3. None demonstrated any reproducible association with late-onset AD in our samples. Levels of linkage disequilibrium were generally low across the CHAT locus but two of the coding variants, D7N and A120T, proved to be in complete linkage disequilibrium.


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Rotation-mediated aggregating brain cell cultures at two different maturational stages (DIV 11 and DIV 20) were subjected for 1 or 2 hours to ischaemic conditions by transient immobilization (arrest of media circulation). During recovery, cell damage was evaluated by measuring changes in cell type-specific enzyme activities and total protein content. It was found that in immature cultures (DIV 11), immobilization for 1 or 2 hours did not affect the parameters measured. By contrast, at DIV 20, ischaemic conditions for 1 hour caused a pronounced decrease in the activities of glutamic acid decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase. A significant decrease in these neuron-specific enzyme activities was found at post-ischaemic days 1-14, indicating immediate and irreversible neuronal damage. The activity of the astrocyte-specific enzyme, glutamine synthetase, was significantly increased at 4 days post-treatment; equal to control values at 6 days; and significantly decreased at 14 days after the ischaemic insult. Immobilization of DIV 20 cultures for 2 hours caused a drastic reduction in all the parameters measured at post-ischaemic day 6. Generally, the ischaemic conditions appeared to be more detrimental to neurons than to astrocytes, and GABAergic neurons were more affected than cholinergic neurons.


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We report 24 unrelated individuals with deletions and 17 additional cases with duplications at 10q11.21q21.1 identified by chromosomal microarray analysis. The rearrangements range in size from 0.3 to 12 Mb. Nineteen of the deletions and eight duplications are flanked by large, directly oriented segmental duplications of >98% sequence identity, suggesting that nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) caused these genomic rearrangements. Nine individuals with deletions and five with duplications have additional copy number changes. Detailed clinical evaluation of 20 patients with deletions revealed variable clinical features, with developmental delay (DD) and/or intellectual disability (ID) as the only features common to a majority of individuals. We suggest that some of the other features present in more than one patient with deletion, including hypotonia, sleep apnea, chronic constipation, gastroesophageal and vesicoureteral refluxes, epilepsy, ataxia, dysphagia, nystagmus, and ptosis may result from deletion of the CHAT gene, encoding choline acetyltransferase, and the SLC18A3 gene, mapping in the first intron of CHAT and encoding vesicular acetylcholine transporter. The phenotypic diversity and presence of the deletion in apparently normal carrier parents suggest that subjects carrying 10q11.21q11.23 deletions may exhibit variable phenotypic expressivity and incomplete penetrance influenced by additional genetic and nongenetic modifiers.


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Adult rats emit 22 kHz ultrasonic alann calls in aversive situations. This type of call IS a component of defensive behaviour and it functions predominantly to warn conspecifics about predators. Production of these calls is dependent on the central cholinergic system. The laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) contain largely cholinergic neurons, which create a continuous column in the brainstem. The LDT projects to structures in the forebrain, and it has been implicated in the initiation of 22 kHz alarm calls. It was hypothesized that release of acetylcholine from the ascending LDT terminals in mesencephalic and diencephalic areas initiates 22 kHz alarm vocalization. Therefore, the tegmental cholinergic neurons should be more active during emission of alarm calls. The aim of this study was to demonstrate increased activity of LDT cholinergic neurons during emission of 22 kHz calls induced by air puff stimuli. Immunohistochemical staining of the enzyme choline acetyltransferase identified cell bodies of cholinergic neurons, and c-Fos immunolabeling identified active cells. Double labeled cells were regarded as active cholinergic cells. There were significantly more (pcholinergic and non-cholinergic cells, which are selectively active in the LDT during emission of 22 kHz alarm calls.


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An ascending cholinergic projection, which originates in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT), was implicated in the initiation of ultrasonic vocalization. The goal of this study was to histochemically examine the activity the LDT following ultrasonic calls induced by two methods. It was hypothesized that cholinergic LDT cells would be more active during air puffinduced vocalization than carbachol-induced one. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and cFos protein were visualized histochemically as markers of cholinergic calls and cellular activity, respectively. Results indicated that animals vocalizing after carbachol, but not after air puff, had a significantly higher number of Fos labeled nuclei within the LDT than non vocalizing controls. A significantly higher number of doublelabeled neurons were discovered in the LDT of vocalizing animals (in both groups) as compared to control conditions. Thus, there were significantly more active cholinergic cells in the LDT of vocalizing than non-vocalizing rats for both methods of call induction.


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In the present study, a detailed investigation on the alterations of muscarinic M1, M3, α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7 nAchR), GABA receptors and its subtypes; GABAAα1 and GABAB in the brain regions of streptozotocin induced diabetic and insulin induced hypoglycemic rats were carried out. Gene expression of acetylcholine esterase (AChE), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), GAD, GLUT3, Insulin receptor, superoxide dismutase (SOD), Bax protein, Phospholipase C and CREB in hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic rat brain were studied. Muscarinic M1, M3 receptors, AChE, ChAT, GABAAα1, GABAB, GAD, Insulin receptor, SOD, Bax protein and Phospholipase C expression in pancreas was also carried out. The molecular studies on the CNS and PNS damage will elucidate the therapeutic role in the corrective measures of the damage to the brain during hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.


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Purpose We investigated the effects of ischemia/reperfusion in the intestine (I/R-i) on purine receptor P2X(2)-immunoreactive (IR) neurons of the rat ileum. Methods The superior mesenteric artery was occluded for 45 min with an atraumatic vascular clamp and animals were sacrificed 4 h later. Neurons of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses were evaluated for immunoreactivity against the P2X(2) receptor, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), choline acetyl transferase (ChAT), calbindin, and calretinin. Results Following I/R-i, we observed a decrease in P2X(2) receptor immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm and surface membranes of neurons of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses. These studies also revealed an absence of calbindin-positive neurons in the I/R-i group. In addition, the colocalization of the P2X(2) receptor with NOS, ChAT, and calretinin immunoreactivity in the myenteric plexus was decreased following I/R-i. Likewise, the colocalization between P2X(2) and calretinin in neurons of the submucosal plexus was also reduced. In the I/R-i group, there was a 55.8% decrease in the density of neurons immunoreactive (IR) for the P2X(2) receptor, a 26.4% reduction in NOS-IR neuron, a 25% reduction in ChAT-IR neuron, and a 47% reduction in calretinin-IR neuron. The density of P2X(2) receptor and calretinin-IR neurons also decreased in the submucosal plexus of the I/R-i group. In the myenteric plexus, P2X(2)-IR, NOS-IR, ChAT-IR and calretinin-IR neurons were reduced in size by 50%, 49.7%, 42%, and 33%, respectively, in the I/R-i group; in the submucosal plexus, P2X(2)-IR and calretinin-IR neurons were reduced in size by 56% and 72.6%, respectively. Conclusions These data demonstrate that ischemia/reperfusion of the intestine affects the expression of the P2X(2) receptor in neurons of the myenteric and submucosal plexus, as well as density and size of neurons in this population. Our findings indicate that I/R-i induces changes in P2X(2)-IR enteric neurons that could result in alterations in intestinal motility.


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The definition of the nerve cell types of the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine has become important, as more researchers turn to the use of mice with genetic mutations to analyze roles of specific genes and their products in enteric nervous system function and to investigate animal models of disease. We have used a suite of antibodies to define neurons by their shapes, sizes, and neurochemistry in the myenteric plexus. Anti-Hu antibodies were used to reveal all nerve cells, and the major subpopulations were defined in relation to the Hu-positive neurons. Morphological Type II neurons, revealed by anti-neurofilament and anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide antibodies, represented 26% of neurons. The axons of the Type II neurons projected through the circular muscle and submucosa to the mucosa. The cell bodies were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and their terminals were immunoreactive for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) occurred in 29% of nerve cells. Most were also immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal peptide, but they were not tachykinin (TK)-immunoreactive, and only 10% were ChAT-immunoreactive. Numerous NOS terminals occurred in the circular muscle. We deduced that 90% of NOS neurons were inhibitory motor neurons to the muscle (26% of all neurons) and 10% (3% of all neurons) were interneurons. Calretinin immunoreactivity was found in a high proportion of neurons (52%). Many of these had TK immunoreactivity. Small calretinin neurons were identified as excitatory neurons to the longitudinal muscle (about 20% of neurons, with ChAT/calretinin/+/- TK chemical coding). Excitatory neurons to the circular muscle (about 10% of neurons) had the same coding. Calretinin immunoreactivity also occurred in a proportion of Type II neurons. Thus, over 90% of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine can be currently identified by their neurochemistry and shape.


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To the vertebrates, maintain body balance against the gravitational field and be able to orient themselves in the environment are fundamental aspects for survival, in which the participation of vestibular system is essential. As part of this system, the vestibular nuclear complex is the first central station that, by integrating many information (visual, proprioceptive), and the vestibular, assumes the lead role in maintaining balance. In this study, the vestibular nuclear complex was evaluated in relation to its cytoarchitecture and neurochemical content of cells and axon terminals, through the techniques of Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry for neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN), glutamate (Glu), substance P (SP), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (enzyme that synthesizes acetylcholine-Ach) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) (enzyme that synthesizes gamma-amino butyric acid-GABA). The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) was used as experimental animal, which is a small primate native from the Atlantic Forest in the Brazilian Northeast. As results, the Nissl technique, complemented by immunohistochemistry for NeuN allowed to delineate the vestibular nucleus superior, lateral, medial and inferior (or descending) in the brain of the common marmoset. Neurons and terminals immunoreactive to Glu and ChAT and only immunoreactive terminals to SP and GAD were seen in all nuclei, although in varying density. This study confirms the presence in the vestibular nuclei of the common marmoset, of Glu and SP in terminals, probably from the first order neurons of vestibular ganglion, and of GABA in terminals, presumably from Purkinge cells of the cerebellum. Second-order neurons of the vestibular nuclei seem to use Glu and Ach as neurotransmitters, judging by their expressive presence in the cell bodies of these nuclei in common marmosets, as reported in other species


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The auditory system is composed by a set of relays from the outer ear to the cerebral cortex. In mammals, the central auditory system is composed by cochlear nuclei, superior olivary complex, inferior colliculus and medial geniculate body. In this study, the auditory rombencephalic centers, the cochlear nuclear complex and the superior olivary complex were evaluated from the cytoarchitecture and neurochemical aspects, thorough Nissl staining and immunohistochemical techniques to reveal specific neuron nuclear protein (NeuN), glutamate (Glu), glutamic acid decarboxilase (GAD), enkephalin (ENK), serotonin (5-HT), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and calcium-binding proteins calbindin (CB), calretinin (CR), and parvalbumin (PV). The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a little native primate of the Brazilian atlantic forest was used as an experimental animal. As results, it was noted that the cochlear nuclear complex is composed by anteroventral, posteroventral and dorsal nuclei, and the superior olivary complex is constituted by the lateral and medial superior olivary nuclei and the trapezoid body nucleus. Glu, GAD, ENK, ChAT, CB, CR, PV-immunoreactive cells, fibers and terminals besides besides only 5-HT terminals were found unhomogeneously in all nuclei, of both complex. The emerging data are discussed in a comparative and functional context, and represent an important contribution to knowledge of the central auditory pathways in the common marmoset, and then in primates