12 resultados para Chloranthus spicatus
花是被子植物特有的繁殖器官。花的发育取决于一个复杂的涉及到多个基因和过程的调控体系,因此花的起源和多样化过程实际上可以理解为这个调控体系的进化过程。所以,要全面地理解花和被子植物的起源和多样化,就必须研究花发育基因的功能和进化。 金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)是基部被子植物的代表类群之一。与研究得比较深入的模式植物(如真双子叶植物中的拟南芥、金鱼草和矮牵牛等,和单子叶植物中的水稻和玉米等)相比,该科植物的花比较简单。花被以及雄蕊或雌蕊的丢失使得该科一些类群(如草珊瑚属Sarcandra和金粟兰属Chloranthus)具有被子植物中最简单的两性花(仅含一枚雄蕊和一枚雌蕊),而另一些类群(如Ascarina和雪香兰属Hedyosmum)具有了被子植物中最简单的单性花(雄花仅由一枚雄蕊、雌花由一枚雌蕊构成)。因此,对金粟兰科植物中花发育基因的研究不仅有助于理解花的起源和早期分化机制,还将为认识花部构造简单化的机制提供资料。 本研究以金粟兰(Chloranthus spicatus)为研究材料,从它的花和花序中分离得到了六个可能与花被的发生和发育有关的MADS-box基因,分析了它们的序列结构、系统发育关系、表达式样和进化中所受到的选择压力,探讨了金粟兰花发育和花被缺失的分子机理。主要研究结果包括: 1. 构建了金粟兰的花和花序的cDNA文库。构建工作使用了Clontech公司的SMART试剂盒,并采用其中的LD PCR方法,还使用了Stratagene公司的包装蛋白。该文库的初始滴度大约为5 × 106 pfu,重组率大约是90%, 插入片断几乎均大于0.5 kb。因此该文库质量优良,为以后的研究工作奠定了基础。 2. 从金粟兰的花中分离出了CsAP1、CsAP1a、CsAP1b、CsAP1c、CsAP3和CsSEP3基因。氨基酸序列分析结果表明它们都是MIKCc型MADS-box基因。系统发育分析结果表明CsAP1、CsAP1a、CsAP1b和CsAP1c与AP1/SQUA类基因聚在一起,而CsAP3和CsSEP3分别与AP3/DEF类和SEP1/2/3/4类基因聚在一起。CsAP1b和CsAP1c可能与CsAP1a互为复制本。但是二者在序列上有异常之处,因此可能只有CsAP1a具有功能。从序列上看CsAP1和CsSEP3能够正常行使功能。CsAP3的C末端出现了一个由鸟嘌呤到胸腺嘧啶的点突变,因此paleoAP3基序不完整,这可能影响了它的功能。 3. 用原位杂交的方法分析了CsAP1、CsAP3和CsSEP3的表达式样。CsAP1在穗状花序分生组织(包括苞片原基)、花原基、雄蕊和心皮原基、雄蕊裂片、花粉囊、胚珠、珠被和胚囊中表达。CsAP3在穗状花序分生组织中不表达,在花原基上发生雄蕊的位置开始表达,进而在雄蕊原基、雄蕊药隔裂片和花粉囊中表达,却不在心皮原基和心皮上表达。CsSEP3在穗状花序分生组织中也不表达,而在花原基、雄蕊原基、药隔裂片、花粉囊、心皮原基和胚珠中表达。CsAP1的表达模式反映了A功能基因决定花分生组织特性的原始作用;CsAP3的表达模式体现了B功能基因在雄性器官中的固有表达,反映了该类基因在两性器官分化中的原始作用;CsSEP3的表达模式反映了E功能基因提供成花背景(floral context)的作用。 4. 分析了已知的金粟兰的花发育相关基因受到的选择压力。同大多数近缘同源基因相比,CsAP1、CsAP3、CsPI、CsAG1受到负选择并且其强度没有明显差异;CsAG2和CsSEP3受到了更强的负选择;CsAP1a则受到减轻了的负选择。该结果表明除了CsAP1a之外,其它基因的功能可能没有改变。 5. 综上所述,在无花被的金粟兰中,仍然存在着与花被发育相关的基因,并且它们的功能没有改变,这充分反映了花发育ABC模型的保守性。金粟兰中花被的缺失可能与这些基因的下游基因有关,也可能与其它途径相关。CsAP1的复制以及CsAP3的末端突变可能是花被缺失之后的结果,而不是花被缺失的原因。
花是被子植物区别于其它植物大类群的最重要的特征,其形态多种多样。花的发育取决于一个复杂的涉及到多个基因和过程的调控体系,因此花的起源和多样化过程实际上可以理解为这个调控体系的进化过程。在被子植物的不同物种中,花发育相关基因的组成并不相同,且经历了不同的进化历史,这意味着这些基因可能以不同的方式调控花的发育。相对于核心真双子叶植物相对稳定的花形态结构而言,基部被子植物的花具有丰富的多样性。因此,对基部被子植物花发育相关基因的研究对于我们理解被子植物花的进化非常重要。 金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)是基部被子植物的代表类群之一。与研究得比较深入的模式植物相比,花被、雄蕊或雌蕊的缺失,使得该科植物的花比较简单。因此对该科植物中花发育基因的研究不仅有助于揭示花的起源以及花多样性分化的分子机制,还将为认识花部构造简单化的机制提供资料。本文以金粟兰(Chloranthus spicatus)为实验材料,取得了以下研究结果: 1.花发育相关基因的克隆 应用5’/3’RACE的方法,我们从金粟兰不同发育阶段的混合花芽中克隆到了与花发育相关的MADS-box基因:CsPI、CsAG1和CsAG2。 2. 两个A类MADS-box基因表达式样的对比分析 在营养分生组织向生殖分生组织的转变中,花原基的形成,以及随后雄蕊、心皮、花粉、胚珠和胚囊的发育中,CsAP1-1和 CsAP1-2基因均表达。唯一不同之处在于,在花发育成熟期,CsAP1-1在外珠被也有表达,而CsAP1-2在外珠被处没有表达,而只在内珠被处表达。这一结果反映了基因重复事件发生后,两个基因在功能上也有了一些分化。 3. B类基因功能的保守性和多样性 通过转基因实验和蛋白质相互作用研究对B类基因的功能和作用方式进行了研究,得到以下结果:1)金粟兰CsAP3基因的C末端的点突变所造成的paleoAP3基元的部分缺失对该基因的功能没有决定性的影响;2)金粟兰paleoAP3型基因CsAP3所编码蛋白的C末端以及paleoAP3基元,与拟南芥euAP3型基因AtAP3所编码蛋白的C末端以及euAP3基元没有功能上的不同;3)金粟兰paleoAP3型基因CsAP3与拟南芥euAP3型基因AtAP3 的主要功能存在一定差异,前者主要参与雄蕊形成,而后者既参与雄蕊的形成也参与花瓣的形成; 4)CsPI基因所编码的蛋白可以与AP3类蛋白相互作用进而影响花瓣的形成,因此该基因在功能上是保守的。 4. 金粟兰CsAG1基因的序列结构和功能分析 通过序列结构分析发现,CsAG1属于C类基因,具有保守的AG I基元和AG II基元。过量表达实验分析表明CsAG1的功能与A类基因的功能是相拮抗的。 5. 各类MADS-domain蛋白间的相互作用 在前面工作的基础上,我们首次对金粟兰中各类MADS-domain蛋白间的作用方式进行了研究。酵母双杂交结果表明:1)C末端的完整性对于MADS-domain蛋白二聚体的形成没有影响; 2)去掉M区的CsAP3蛋白与CsPI蛋白都能够形成异源二聚体,同时它们又可以各自形成同源二聚体; 3)E类蛋白既可以和A类或C类基因产物相互作用,也可以同AP3和PI型蛋白相互作用,充分体现了E类基因产物作用式样的保守性; 4)金粟兰中,FUL-like型基因所编码的蛋白CsAP1-1与CsSEP3和CsAG1也能形成异源二聚体,这与核心真双子叶植物的euFUL型蛋白在作用式样上是非常相似的。然而,金粟兰CsAP1-1蛋白不能形成同源二聚体。 综合以上结果发现,在无花被的金粟兰中,仍然存在着A、B、C/D、E类花发育相关的基因。这些基因的功能与核心真双子叶植物中同类基因的相比,有些是保守的,比如CsPI基因可以参与花被的形成;但也有一些是不同的,比如CsAP3基因主要参与雄蕊形成而非花被形成过程。由此可以看出被子植物花器官的发育是一个非常复杂的调控过程,不同植物中的调控机理及进化历程可能是不同的。
Aim of the study: Chloranthus erectus (Buch.-Ham.) Verdcourt (Chloranthaceae) is a shrub native to tropical and temperate zone of Eastern Himalaya of India and South-East Asia and have traditionally been used as a folklore medicine to treat localised swelling, joint pain, skin inflammation, fever and bodyache. In this study, an attempthas been made to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract obtained from Chloranthus erectus leaves (MECEL) in acute, sub-acute and chronic mouse models. Materials and methods: Inflammation in the hind paw of Wistar albino rat was induced by carrageenan, histamine and serotonin, and tissue granuloma pouch was induced by cotton pellet method. Antiinflammatory drug-phenylbutazone was used as standard drug for comparison. Results: In acute carrageenan-induced rat hind paw edema, oral administration of MECEL at 200 mg/kg produced significant inhibition of edema by 38.34 % (p<0.01) while the histamine- and serotonin-induced sub-acute model, the inhibition of paw edema reached 52.54 % (p < 0.001) and 25.5 % (p < 0.01), respectively. in a 7-day study, MECEL at 20 and 50 mg/kg produced significant suppression of cotton pellet-induced tissue granuloma formation in rats. Conclusions: This preliminary study revealed that the methanol extract of Chloranthus erectus exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in the tested models, and may provide the scientific rationale for its popular folk medicine as anti-inflammatory agent.
Objective : The main objective of this work was to study the antipyretic and antibacterial activity of C. erectus (Buch.-Ham.) Verdcourt leaf extract in an experimental albino rat model. Materials and Methods : The methanol extract of C. erectus leaf (MECEL) was evaluated for its antipyretic potential on normal body temperature and Brewers yeast-induced pyrexia in albino rats model. While the antibacterial activity of MECEL against five Gram (-) and three Gram () bacterial strains and antimycotic activity was investigated against four fungi using agar disk diffusion and microdilution methods. Result : Yeast suspension (10 mL/kg b.w.) elevated rectal temperature after 19 h of subcutaneous injection. Oral administration of MECEL at 100 and 200 mg/kg b.w. showed significant reduction of normal rectal body temperature and yeast-provoked elevated temperature (38.8 0.2 and 37.6 0.4, respectively, at 2-3 h) in a dose-dependent manner, and the effect was comparable to that of the standard antipyretic drug-paracetamol (150 mg/kg b.w.). MECEL at 2 mg/disk showed broad spectrum of growth inhibition activity against both groups of bacteria. However, MECEL was not effective against the yeast strains tested in this study. Conclusion : This study revealed that the methanol extract of C. erectus exhibited significant antipyretic activity in the tested models and antibacterial activity as well, and may provide the scientific rationale for its popular use as antipyretic agent in Khamptiss folk medicines.
Aim of the study: Most people especially in rural areas depend on herbal medicines to treat many diseases including inflammation-related ailments such as rheumatism, muscle swelling, cut wound, accidental bone fracture, insect bites, pains and burn by fire and hot water. The objectives of this study were: to catalog ethno-medicinal plants of Lohit community, ecological status, indigenous folk medicinal uses, morphological parts used and to determine their reported pharmacological studies. Materials and methods: The ethnobotanical information on traditional medicinal plants exclusively used for management of inflammation-related ailments by the Khampti community of Arunachal Pradesh, India was based on first-hand field survey work through semi-structured interviews. Results and conclusion: A total of 34 species in 32 genera and 22 families were encountered during the field survey. Botanical families such as Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Lamiaceae were represented by the highest numbers of species reported in this study. Thirteen plant species, namely: Bombax ceiba, Canarium strictum, Chloranthus erectus, Xanthium indicum, Lycopodium clavatum, Coleus blumei, Batrachospermum atrum, Chlorella vulgaris, Marchantia palmata, Marchantia polymorpha, Eria pannea, Sterculia villosa and Alpinia galanga are reported for the first time for the treatment of inflammation-related diseases.
本文在形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、细胞学和分子系统学研究的基础上,对金粟兰属进行了世界性的专著性研究。主要内容包括: 1. 形态学 在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对金粟兰属植物形态性状的变异式样及其分类学意义进行了分析,发现习性、雄蕊的颜色和形状、花柱的有无等性状在种内稳定,是比较可靠的分类学性状。通过查阅模式,发现湖北金粟兰和多穗金粟兰是宽叶金粟兰生长发育的后期阶段,单穗金粟兰和安徽金粟兰是及己生长发育的后期阶段;认为菲律宾金粟兰、轮叶金粟兰和台湾及己与台湾金粟兰是同种植物,全缘金粟兰、石棉金粟兰和毛脉金粟兰与网脉金粟兰是同种植物:推测天目山金粟兰是依据及己的畸形植株发表的。最后,认为金粟兰属在全世界仅有10种植物,即鱼子兰、金粟兰、及己、宽叶金粟兰、华南金粟兰、台湾金粟兰、狭叶金粟兰、丝穗金粟兰、网脉金粟兰和银线草。 2. 解剖学 通过对金粟兰科4属16种植物的叶表皮特征的观察,发现叶表皮性状,尤其是气孔器的类型对于理解该科的属间和种间关系有重要意义。环列型气孔器可能是联系Ascarina与草珊瑚属和金粟兰属的关键性状;根据气孔器的类型,金粟兰属的10种植物可以分为两类:第一类包括鱼子兰、金粟兰、及己、宽叶金粟兰、华南金粟兰和台湾金粟兰,其叶片下表皮的气孔器以平列型为主;第二类包括狭叶金粟兰、丝穗金粟兰、网脉金粟兰和银线草,其叶片中的气孔器以侧列型为主。显然,叶表皮性状不支持前人依据习性对该属所作的划分,但与基于雄蕊形态的划分基本吻合。 3. 孢粉学 在扫描电镜下对金粟兰属植物的花粉进行了观察,发现花粉性状在属内比较一致,对于探讨属内种间关系意义不大。 4. 细胞学 对金粟兰科11种植物进行了细胞学研究,首次报道了5种植物的染色体数目和核型,并首次在金粟兰属发现了六倍体。核型分析的结果表明,草珊瑚属与金粟兰属在间期核形态、前期染色体形态和中期染色体形态上均存在明显差异,因而将它们分开的处理是完全正确的:在金粟兰属,根据前4对(四倍体种丝穗金粟兰的前8对)染色体的形态,已有核型资料的八个种可以分为两类:在狭叶金粟兰、丝穗金粟兰、网脉金粟兰和银线草中,这些染色体全部为具中部着丝粒染色体;而在鱼子兰、金粟兰、及己和华南金粟兰中,这些染色体为各种类型。 5. 分子系统学 首次对金粟兰属植物ITS区和trnL-F区序列进行了测定。在ITS、trnL-F分开处理以及将二者结合起来构建的系统树中,金粟兰属的10种植物均被分为两支:一支由狭叶金粟兰、丝穗金粟兰、网脉金粟兰和银线草组成,另一支由鱼子兰、金粟兰、及己、宽叶金粟兰、华南金粟兰和台湾金粟兰组成。 6. 金粟兰属的属下分类系统 从上研究结果可以看出,叶表皮、细胞学和分子资料均不支持前人依据习性对金粟兰属的划分,但支持前人依据雄蕊形态的划分。因此,本文把金粟兰属分为两个亚属,即金粟兰亚属和银线草亚属;金粟兰亚属又分为两个组,其中金粟兰亚组包括鱼子兰和金粟兰,及己组包括华南金粟兰和台湾金粟兰;银线草亚属包括狭叶金粟兰、丝穗金粟兰、网脉金粟兰和银线草。 7. 属的系统位置 综合已有的各方面的资料,对金粟兰科的属间关系进行了评价,认为草珊瑚属与金粟兰属关系最近,Ascarina是二者的姊妹群,雪香兰属是上述三属的姊妹群。
Two isomeric flavonol 3-O-glycosides, tamarixetin and isorhamnetin 3-O-neohesperido side (1 and 2), were synthesized. The natural product from Costus spicatus assigned as the former compound is revised to the latter structure. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Brazilian Cerrado houses a hugely diverse biota and is considered a conservation hotspot. One of the greatest threats to the integrity of this ecosystem is introduced African grasses, which can competitively exclude native grasses and cause changes in the microclimate and other disturbances. The Cerrado is a mosaic vegetation that provides different combinations, both spatially and temporally, of conditions that can become natural stressors to the herbaceous vegetation (water, nutrient and light availability). These mosaics are reflected in differences in relationships among native and invasive species, affecting competition and creating situations (place/season) that are more, or less, susceptible to invasion. The present study aimed to identify the different biological responses of native (Aristida recurvata, Aristida setifolia, Axonopus barbigerus, Echinolaena inflexa, Gymnopogon spicatus, Paspalum gardnerianum, Paspalum stellatum, Schizachyrium microstachyum, Schizachyrium sanguineum) and invasive (Melinis minutiflora and Andropogon gayanus) grasses to variations in natural stressors and to disturbance (fire and clipping), in order to understand changes in ecosystem functioning and competition processes between the grasses, and to understand invasion dynamics in this ecosystem. The presence of invasive species proved to affect the ecosystem functioning by increasing soil feeding activity. These differences were no longer observed in the dry season or when fires were frequent, showing that water availability and fire are more detrimental to soil feeding activity than is the vegetation. Laboratory experiments showed that both drought and flood simulated scenarios damaged both species, although the invasive species performed better under all watering conditions and responded better to fertilization. Underlying mechanisms such as the efficiency of photosynthesis and antioxidant mechanisms helped to explain this behavior. The invasive species grew faster and showed less cellular damage and a healthier photosystem, reflected in higher assimilation rates under stress. These differences between the native and invasive species were reduced with clipping, especially in dry soil with no fertilization, where the native species recovered better in relation to the pre-clipping levels. Flooding was as stressful as drought, but the invasive species can bypass this issue by growing an extensive root system, especially in the better-drained soils. Fire is more detrimental than clipping, with a slower recovery, while post-fire temperatures affect the germination of both invasive and native seeds and may be an important factor influencing the persistence of a diverse biota. This approach will finally contribute to the choice of the appropriate management techniques to preserve the Cerrado’s biodiversity.
Reworked shallow-water foraminifers that settled on the upper slope of the central Great Barrier Reef at Site 821 (water depth, 212.6 m) were used as indicators of the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that have controlled the Pleistocene evolution of the adjacent platform. Throughout the 400-m-thick sequence drilled, the nature, composition, and distribution of the shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages studied indicate that (1) all the species recorded are at present living in diverse tropical, reef-related areas of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic provinces; (2) the composition of the microfaunal taphocoenoses is almost identical between the different stratigraphic intervals studied and the modern Great Barrier Reef environments; (3) inner-neritic, tropical environments have continued to develop since the middle Pleistocene; (4) high- to moderate-energy platform edges occurred repeatedly throughout Pleistocene time. These factors may suggest that, since the beginning of the Pleistocene, several reef-like tracts have grown successively on the central area of the northeastern Australian shelf edge. These tracts probably had a sufficiently evolved morphological zonation to act as shelters for foraminiferal biocoenoses of high species diversity.
The collections of the Oceanographic Institute of Vietnam include several species of hermit crabs of the genus Calcinus Dana. Three of keys were studied by Fize and Serene (1955): C. herbsti Man, C. gaimardi H. Milne Edwards and C. latens Randall . The seventy specimens belong to four species. The first one, C. minutus Buytendijk, was described by Indonesia in 1937; the second one, represented by a single small specimen is related to C. spicatus Forest. Finally, two other are Calcinus vachonis sp. November and Colcinus pulcher sp. nov.