261 resultados para Chiroptera


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We conducted surveys of bats in China between 1999 and 2007, resulting in the identification of at least 62 species. In this paper we present data on 19 species, comprising 12 species from the family Rhinolophidae and seven from the Hipposideridae. Rhinolophids captured were Rhinolophus affinis, R. ferrumequinum, R. lepidus, R. luctus, R. macrotis, R. siamensis, R. marshalli, R. rex, R. pearsonii, R. pusillus, R. sinicus and R. stheno. Because of extensive morphological similarities we question the species distinctiveness of R. osgoodi (may be conspecific with R. lepidus), R. paradoxolophus (which may best be treated as a subspecies of R. rex), R. huananus (probably synonymous with R. siamensis), and we are skeptical as to whether R. sinicus is distinct from R. thomasi. Hipposiderids captured were Hipposideros armiger, H. cineraceus, H. larvatus, H. pomona, H. pratti, Aselliscus stoliczkanus and Coelops frithii. Of these species, two rhinolophids (Rhinolophus marshalli and R. stheno) and one hipposiderid (Hipposideros cineraceus) represent new species records for China. We present data on species' ranges, morphology and echolocation call frequencies, as well as some notes on ecology and conservation status. China hosts a considerable diversity of rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats, yet threats to their habitats and populations are substantial.


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We studied the wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed of Tylonycteris pachypus and Tylonycteris robustula in Longzhou County, South China during the summer (June–August) of 2005. The wingspan, wing loading and aspect ratio of the two species were relatively low, and those of T. pachypus were lower compared with T. robustula. The echolocation calls of T. pachypus and T. robustula consist of a broadband frequency modulated (FM) sweep followed by a short narrowband FM sweep. The dominant frequency of calls of T. pachypus was 65.1 kHz, whereas that of T. robustula was 57.7 kHz. The call frequencies (including highest frequency of the call, lowest frequency of the call and frequency of the call that contained most energy) of T. pachypus were higher than those of T. robustula, and the pulse duration of the former was longer than that of the latter. The inter-pulse interval and bandwidth of the calls were not significantly different between the two species. Tylonycteris pachypus foraged in more complex environments than T. robustula, although the two species were both netted in edge habitats (around trees or houses), along pathways and in the tops of trees. Tylonycteris pachypus flew slower (straight level flight speed, 4.3 m s−1) than T. robustula (straight level flight speed, 4.8 m s−1). We discuss the relationship between wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed, and demonstrate resource partitioning between these two species in terms of morphological and behavioural factors.


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The intermediate leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros larvatus) is a medium-sized bat distributed throughout the Indo-Malay region. In north-east India, bats identified as H. larvatus captured at a single cave emitted echolocation calls with a bimodal distribution of peak frequencies, around either 85 kHz or 98 kHz. Individuals echolocating at 85 kHz had larger ears and longer forearms than those echolocating at 98 kHz, although no differences were detected in either wing morphology or diet, suggesting limited resource partitioning. A comparison of mitochondrial control region haplotypes of the two phonic types with individuals sampled from across the Indo-Malay range supports the hypothesis that, in India, two cryptic species are present. The Indian 98-kHz phonic bats formed a monophyletic clade with bats from all other regional populations sampled, to the exclusion of the Indian 85-kHz bats. In India, the two forms showed 12–13% sequence divergence and we propose that the name Hipposideros khasiana for bats of the 85-kHz phonic type. Bats of the 98-kHz phonic type formed a monophyletic group with bats from Myanmar, and corresponded to Hipposideros grandis, which is suggested to be a species distinct from Hipposideros larvatus. Differences in echolocation call frequency among populations did not reflect phylogenetic relationships, indicating that call frequency is a poor indicator of evolutionary history. Instead, divergence in call frequency probably occurs in allopatry, possibly augmented by character displacement on secondary contact to facilitate intraspecific communication.


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The development of vocalizations during postnatal growth in the flat-headed bats, Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula in South China is described. Females of both species gave birth to twins at the end of May, and the infants flew in the last ten days of June. Vocalizations served as precursors to echolocation calls and as isolation calls (i-calls) used to attract mothers. As the infants grew, the frequency of i-calls and precursor calls increased. The duration of i-calls increased little before 6-day old and then decreased. At the same time, the duration of echolocation precursor calls decreased. The directive calls that the mother or the infant emitted when searching for each other are also described. Female directive calls are lower in frequency and longer in duration than their echolocation calls, and the duration of infant directive calls is longer than those of the i-calls and precursor calls.


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Lonchophylla bokermanniSazima, Vizotto & Taddei, 1978 é uma espécie de morcego nectarívoro de médio porte endêmica do sudeste brasileiro. Pouco se sabe sobre sua biologia e distribuição geográfica, e por isso mesmo é classificada pela União para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN) como Deficiente de Dados. Está, no entanto, na lista brasileira da fauna ameaçada de extinção, sendo considerada Vulnerável por apresentar distribuição restrita, populações pequenas e isoladas, e estar vivenciando uma rápida destruição de seus habitats.Uma das mais importantes lacunas no conhecimento sobre L. bokermanni é o seu padrão de distribuição geográfica. Esta espécie possui uma distribuição disjunta, com uma forma na porção interior de sua distribuição, restrita aos arredores de sua localidade tipo, e uma forma com uma distribuição mais ampla, entre a Serra do Mar e o litoral. Existe a possibilidade de que a forma costeira possa corresponder a uma espécie ainda não descrita, visto que possui antebraços menores e algumas medidas cranianasdiferentes em relação a forma do interior.Nesta dissertação procuro gerar dados quantitativos mínimos necessários para determinar o status de conservação de L. bokermanni segundo os critérios da IUCN. Tendo em vista as incertezas taxonômicas, sempre que possível as análises foram feitas com três conjuntos de dados: i) todos os registros de ocorrência, assumindo que representam uma única espécie, ii) apenas com os dados da forma do interior, assumindo que representam L. bokermanni, e iii) apenas com os dados da forma costeira, assumindo que representam uma nova espécie. No primeiro capítulo foram identificadas áreas prioritárias para a busca de novas populações de L. bokermanni Essas áreas apresentam as condições climáticas e altitudinais típicas para a espécie, mantêm sua cobertura florestal, têm poucos inventários de quirópteros e estão fora da área de distribuição conhecida da espécie. O capítulo também apresenta o resultado da busca em campo por novas populações da espécie em três destas áreas prioritárias, ao sul da distribuição conhecida. No segundo capítulo a probabilidade de detecção e ocupação de Lonchophylla bokermanni foi modelada em escala regional e local, utilizando covariáveis ambientais e metodológicas que podem explicar os padrões encontrados. O grau de incerteza na distribuição conhecida da espécie foi avaliado, e estimou-se o esforço mínimo necessário para termos confiançana ausência da espécie em uma localidade. No terceiro capítulo a informação apresentada nos capítulos anteriores foi utilizada para determinar o status de conservação de L. bokermanni (segundo o critério de Extensão de Ocorrência da IUCN), discutir o estado atual de conhecimento sobre a espécie e as consequências de possíveis mudanças taxonômicas para seu status de conservação.


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A Mata Atlântica brasileira é um dos biomas mais ameaçados do planeta e abriga uma das maiores biodiversidades conhecidas dentre os ecossistemas terrestres. Este bioma apresenta uma mastofauna diversificada e em algumas áreas as taxocenoses de morcegos podem representar mais da metade de toda a riqueza local de mamíferos. Diante da variedade de hábitos alimentares, suas interações ecológicas e abundância na Mata Atlântica fluminense, a análise da comunidade de morcegos torna-se crucial para subsidiar planos de manejo. Apesar do Rio de Janeiro ser um dos estados mais bem amostrados para morcegos, muitos locais ainda não foram amostrados satisfatoriamente e ainda sabemos pouco sobre a dinâmica das comunidades de morcegos em paisagens fragmentadas. De maio de 2011 a julho de 2014, realizamos 72 noites de amostragens em seis diferentes usos de solo numa paisagem fragmentada na Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, região metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste do Brasil. Utilizamos 10 redes de neblina de 9 x 3m, abertas durante toda a noite (média de 12 horas por noite), totalizando um esforço de captura de 233280 m.h. Esta dissertação está dividida em dois capítulos. No primeiro, baseando-se nos dados obtidos e na literatura, sugerimos algumas diretrizes para o desenho amostral de inventários de morcegos, apresentando a importância de cada diretriz para maximizar o sucesso na amostragem de morcegos na Mata Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil. No segundo capítulo, investigamos as diferenças na riqueza de espécies, abundância e guildas tróficas entre os seis usos de solo amostrados e discuto a distribuição das espécies entre elas. Nós capturamos 1821 morcegos distribuídos em três famílias: Phyllostomidae (25 espécies), Molossidae (3 espécies) e Vespertilionidae (6 espécies). Outras duas espécies de duas famílias, Noctilionidae e Thyropteridae, foram registradas por observações diretas (sem capturas), totalizando 36 espécies de morcegos para a Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu. Os morcegos frugívoros representaram 82,7% das capturas. As maiores riquezas de espécies foram registradas na área antropizada (22 espécies) e borda de floresta contínua (21 espécies) enquanto as menores foram na floresta contínua (13 espécies) e no fragmento pequeno (10 espécies). A mesma tendência foi encontrada para as guildas tróficas. Sete guildas foram registradas na área antropizada e na borda de floresta, enquanto apenas cinco na floresta contínua e três no fragmento pequeno. O escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS) e análise de Cluster, ambos com a dissimilaridade de Bray-Curtis, mostraram a separação dos usos de solo em grupos distintos dependendo do grau de alteração dos mesmos.


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The Vespertilionidae is the largest family in the order Chiroptera and has a worldwide distribution in the temperate and tropical regions. In order to further clarify the karyotype relationships at the lower taxonomic level in Vespertilionidae, genome-wid


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Rhinolophus (Rhinolophidae) is the second most speciose genus in Chiroptera and has extensively diversified diploid chromosome numbers (from 2n=28 to 62). In spite of many attempts to explore the karyotypic evolution of this genus, most studies have been


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Bats are a unique but enigmatic group of mammals and have a world-wide distribution. The phylogenetic relationships of extant bats are far from being resolved. Here, we investigated the karyotypic relationships of representative species from four families


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Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.


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Bamboo bats are a group of small bats with unique skull and morphology. They roost inside hollow bamboo stems in tropical and subtropical Asia and the Ambon Islands (Moluccas). We examined 53 specimens of Tylonycteris from southern and southwestern China. Comparisons of skull and external characteristics, pelage color, shapes of thumbpads and footpads, and statistical analysis of cranial measurements revealed that specimens from Damenglong, Jinghong County, Xishuang-banna, Yunnan, are distinctly different from the other two species of Tylonycteris described so far. The Yunnan specimens are the smallest in size; have dark blackish brown pelage color; and have larger upper premolars, smaller first lower premolars, and longer C-M-3. They are sympatric with the previously described species. Here we review the genus Tylonycteri and describe a new species, Tylonycteris pygmaeus, from the Yunnan material.


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Although the monophyly of Chiroptera is well supported by many independent studies, higher-level systematics, e.g. the monophyly of microbats, remains disputed by morphological and molecular studies. Chromosomal rearrangements, as one type of rare genomic changes, have become increasingly popular in phylogenetic studies as alternatives to molecular and other morphological characters. Here, the representatives of families Megadermatidae and Emballonuridae are studied by comparative chromosome painting for the first time. The results have been integrated into published comparative maps, providing an opportunity to assess genome-wide chromosomal homologies between the representatives of eight bat families. Our results further substantiate the wide occurrence of Robertsonian translocations in bats, with the possible involvement of whole-arm reciprocal translocations (WARTs). In order to search for valid cytogenetic signature(s) for each family and superfamily, evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements identified by chromosomal painting and/or banding comparison are subjected to two independent analyses: (1) a cladistic analysis using parsimony and (2) the mapping of these chromosomal changes onto the molecularly defined phylogenetic tree available fromthe literature. Both analyses clearly indicate the prevalence of homoplasic events that reduce the reliability of chromosomal characters for resolving interfamily relationships in bats.


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New applications of genetic data to questions of historical biogeography have revolutionized our understanding of how organisms have come to occupy their present distributions. Phylogenetic methods in combination with divergence time estimation can reveal biogeographical centres of origin, differentiate between hypotheses of vicariance and dispersal, and reveal the directionality of dispersal events. Despite their power, however, phylogenetic methods can sometimes yield patterns that are compatible with multiple, equally well-supported biogeographical hypotheses. In such cases, additional approaches must be integrated to differentiate among conflicting dispersal hypotheses. Here, we use a synthetic approach that draws upon the analytical strengths of coalescent and population genetic methods to augment phylogenetic analyses in order to assess the biogeographical history of Madagascar's Triaenops bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequence data for Malagasy and east African Triaenops reveal a pattern that equally supports two competing hypotheses. While the phylogeny cannot determine whether Africa or Madagascar was the centre of origin for the species investigated, it serves as the essential backbone for the application of coalescent and population genetic methods. From the application of these methods, we conclude that a hypothesis of two independent but unidirectional dispersal events from Africa to Madagascar is best supported by the data.


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Eleven polymorphic microsatellite marker loci were developed from a Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri) genomic enriched library. Assessment of the usefulness of these markers for population genetics studies of Leisler's bats was carried out by screening 100 specimens sampled from eight locations in Ireland and two in Northeastern France. Both moderately and highly polymorphic marker loci were identified. Five to 28 alleles were found to be segregating per locus with observed heterozygosities values ranging from 28.4 to 94%. Initial evaluation indicates that these microsatellites will be useful for genetic based studies aiming, for instance, at parentage and population structure of Leisler's bats.


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The decision on when to emerge from the safety of a roost and forage for prey is thought to be a result of the trade off between peak insect abundance and predation pressure for bats. In this study we show that the velvety free-tailed bat Molossus molossus emerges just after sunset and just before sunrise for very short foraging bouts (average 82.2 min foraging per night). Contrary to previous studies, bats remain inactive in their roost between activity patterns. Activity was measured over two complete lunar cycles and there was no indication that phase of the moon had an influence on emergence time or the numbers of bats that emerged from the roost. This data suggests that M. molossus represents an example of an aerial hawking bat whose foraging behaviour is in fact adapted to the compromise between the need to exploit highest prey availability and the need to avoid predation.