12 resultados para Chironominae
Skutzia epleri sp. n. from USA, S. inthanonensis sp. n. from Thailand, and S. quetzali sp. n. from Panama and Mexico are described and figured as male imagines, and S. gaianii Andersen is recorded from Trinidad and Tobago. The genus now consists of 6 species. In addition to the species mentioned above, S. inopinata Reiss from Canada and S. bahiensis Reiss from Brazil are included. Skutzia is placed in the subtribe Zavreliina of the tribe Tanytarsini, but because the immatures are not known, this placement must be regarded as tentative. The distribution of the genus, previously known only from the Nearctic and the Neotropical regions, is expanded to include the Oriental region, indicating a Beringian connection. An emended diagnosis and a key to the males of Skutzia are provided.
The pupae and larvae of Caladomyia ortoni Säwedall, 1981 and Caladomyia riotarumensis Reiff, 2000, from São Paulo State, are described and illustrated. Caladomyia ortoni Säwedall, 1981 = Nimbocera paulensis Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 1991, syn. nov.
The discovery of the immature life history stages of Riethia truncatocaudata (Edwards, 1931) from South America allows diagnosis of Riethia Kieffer, 1917 in all stages, incorporating reared species from the complete austral range. Pseudochironomus truncatocaudata Edwards, 1931 is a senior synonym (syn. n.) of Pseudochironomus melanoides Edwards, 1931. We redescribe the male to complement the short original descriptions of R. truncatocaudata and R. melanoides. The species is congeneric with Australian Riethia stictoptera Kieffer, the type species of the genus Riethia. Extensive material available from the western Pacific (Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia) confirms that the diagnosis extends to a gondwanan clade, likely sister group to the largely northern genus Pseudochironomus Kieffer.
Quatro larvas foram coletadas em água retida pelo fungo Aquascypha hydrophora (Berk.) Reid (Fungi: Stereaceae) fixo em troncos de árvores eretas, na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil. Das larvas coletadas, apenas um exemplar desenvolveu até a fase adulta, sendo identificado como Polypedilum (Tripodura) amataura Bidawid-Kafka, 1996. Esta é a primeira descrição para uma forma imatura deste gênero, e também o primeiro registro em micotelmata.
The gut contents of nine genera of benthic Chironominae and Tanypodinae from the Middle Paraná River floodplain habitats (a lake and a secondary channel) were analyzed to determine their feeding patterns and functional feeding groups. Amorphous detritus, animal and vegetal tissues, and mineral materials (predominantly sand) were observed in the larval guts. Amorphous detritus were the main food item found for Polypedilum (Tripodura) sp., Chironomus gr. decorus sp., Endotribelos sp., Phaenopsectra sp., Cladopelma sp., and Pelomus sp. (Chironominae), while animal tissues (mainly oligochaetes) were the most important food item found for Ablabesmyia (Karelia) sp., Coelotanypus sp., and Procladius sp. (Tanypodinae). Dietary overlap was calculated for all pairs of genera. Within predators, the highest overlap was obtained between Coelotanypus sp. and Ablabesmyia (Karelia) sp., while within detritivores the highest niche overlap was obtained between Endotribelos sp. and Phaenopsectra sp.
The study of the type material of Chironomus (Polypedilum) griseistriatum Edwards, 1931 described from Patagonia lead us to formally transfer the species to Apedilum Townes, 1945 as a new combination, and a reared specimen allows us to describe its pupa. Based on several larvae belonging to Apedilum collected in the proximity of the localities in which the adults and pupae were found, we tentatively describe the larval stage. Subfossil larval head capsules of the same species were found in Laguna Stibnite at 46°S in Chile dated to about 2,500 years ago and in Puerto Blest, Lago Nahuel Huapi at 41°S in Argentina dated about 2,000 years ago. We discuss the habitat of the species based on both modern and subfossil material. Identification keys to male adult, pupae and fourth instar larvae are also provided.
Chironomidae es una de las familias más abundantes y diversas en los ecosistemas de agua dulce, sin embargo su complejidad sistemática ha sido motivo de su escaso desarrollo en muchos estudios limnológicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los ensambles de Chironomidae bentónicos y derivantes de un arroyo serrano de la región central de Argentina evaluando abundancia, diversidad y composición de especies en diferentes hábitats fluviales y distintas estaciones del año. Se tomaron muestras cuantitativas de bentos y deriva en el arroyo Achiras (Córdoba, Argentina) en hábitats de rabión y corredera, y se registraron variables ambientales en las cuatro estaciones del año, entre 2007 y 2008. Se registró un total de 25 taxones pertenecientes a cuatro subfamilias. Los quironómidos bentónicos constituyeron el 19% de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados, mientras que en deriva representaron el 33%. En el bentos dominó Thienemannimyia sp. y en la deriva, Corynoneura sp. De acuerdo con los resultados de ANOVAs de dos vías, los mayores valores de riqueza taxonómica y densidad bentónica se registraron en el periodo de aguas bajas (otoño e invierno) y la diversidad de quirónomidos bentónicos fue mayor en rabión. Por el contrario, para el ensamble de derivantes sólo la equitatividad fue diferente entre hábitats y entre estaciones. El análisis TWINSPAN mostró una separación espacio-temporal de las muestras de bentos, mientras que las muestras de deriva se segregaron sólo temporalmente lo que sugiere que el transporte aguas abajo de los invertebrados homogeniza la variación espacial observada en el bentos. La densidad de bentos y deriva varió de manera similar a través de las estaciones del año y el coeficiente de Jaccard presentó un alto índice de similitud entre bentos y deriva (86%). Este trabajo posibilitó conocer la dinámica temporal y espacial de los quironómidos bentónicos y derivantes en un arroyo serrano. La ampliación del conocimiento taxonómico, biológico y ecológico de Chironomidae posibilitará adecuar e implementar estrategias de manejo y conservación de los ecosistemas lóticos en la región central de Argentina.
In this paper we describe a new species of a non-biting midge of the genus Aedokritus Roback, 1958 (Chironominae, Chironomidae) from Brazil and Bolívia. That is the fifth species of this genus. The other species of the genus are: A. penicilligerus (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina and Peru; A. pruinescens (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; A. platycnemis (Edwards, 1931), from Argentina; and A. sartis Roback, 1960, from Brazil.
Neste estudo investigamos a fauna de larvas de Chironomidae presente em depósitos submersos de matéria orgânica (folhiço) em um riacho de primeira ordem na região serrana (cerca de 1100 m) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A fauna de Chironomidae do folhiço submerso foi quantitativamente amostrada durante o outono, inverno, primavera e verão. A fragmentação do folhiço foi estimada e a presença de folhas, madeira, raízes e frutos foi investigada. Foram estudadas variações na composição da fauna e na estrutura do folhiço entre as estações do ano e levantadas hipóteses acerca de possíveis fatores que influenciariam os quironomídeos nestes depósitos de folhiço. As subfamílias Chironominae, Orthocladiinae e Tanypodinae foram encontradas e as participações de freqüência de cada subfamília e gênero calculadas em cada estação. Chironominae e Orthocladiinae foram identificados até o nível genérico, e 23 gêneros foram encontrados. Lauterborniella, Polypedilum e Tanytarsus foram os gêneros mais abundantes. Foi observada uma variação na estrutura do folhiço submerso entre as estações do ano, sendo provavelmente influenciada pelas interações entre fatores climáticos (principalmente precipitações) e o relevo e seus efeitos na bacia de drenagem. A fauna de Chironomidae também apresentou mudanças durante o período estudado, com grupos variando quanto à participação relativa e quanto à ocorrência entre as estações. Os efeitos do clima na vegetação e nas características físicas do riacho foram discutidos para elucidar suas influências nos depósitos de folhiço e na fauna de Chironomidae.
Macroinvertebrates associated to reed-beds (Phragmites australis) in six shallow natural water bodies along the 220 km of coast of the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) were studied. These sites were selected to reflect different trophic states, but also, and due to the natural variability of mediterranean wetlands, they greatly differ in salinity and hydroperiod. To unify the sampling, reed bed was chosen to provide data from a habitat common to all wetlands, including the most eutrophic ones where submerged macrophytes have disappeared due to water turbidity. Individual submerged stems of Phragmites australis were sampled along with the surrounding water. The animal density found refers to the available stem surface area for colonization. Forty-one taxa were recorded in total, finding Chironomidae to be the most important group, quantitatively and qualitatively. In freshwater sites it was observed an increase in macroinvertebrate"s density at higher trophic states. Nevertheless each studied region had a different fauna. The PCA analysis with macroinvertebrate groups distinguished three types of environment: freshwaters (characterized by swimming insect larvae, collectors and predators, oligochaetes and Orthocladiinae), saline waters (characterized by crustaceans and Chironominae) and the spring pool, which shares both taxa. Chironomids were paid special attention for being the most abundant. A DCA analysis based on the relative abundance of Chironomids reveals salinity as the main characteristic responsible for its distribution, but trophic state and hydrological regime were also shown to be important factors.
The Chironomidae is a cosmopolitan family of Nematoceran flies with more than 20 000 species described. However the diversity of genera and species of the family in the Andean region beyond the 2 000m.a.s.l are scarcely known. We conducted faunal surveys and biomonitoring research in different streams of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru from May 2005 to October 2011. Based on specimens collections, and a taxonomic key was developed to identify pupae and pupal exuviae of 46 genera of midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) collected from streams at high altitude areas on the Andean tropical mountains. We included illustrations and brief taxonomic descriptions for all genera, of which several ones have not yet been formally described; in this latter case we used the nomenclature of Roback & Coffman (1983). For two genera, Cricotopus and Genus 1, keys to the most common morphospecies were provided. Results showed that in this area the chironomid assemblages are dominated by the members of the subfamily Orthocladiinae (22 genera) followed by the Chironominae (13). Six genera of Tanypodinae were identified, while only three and two genera were present from subfamilies Podonominae and Diamesinae. This key may be very useful for both studies about drift in streams, and for biomonitoring purposes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)