989 resultados para Children and teenager right’s


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Este trabalho se propõe a ser um fio na teia de reflexões que tecem o debate sobre a participação infantil a partir do ponto de vista das crianças em co-operação com adultos. Sua trama se compõe de campos distintos e autônomos - infância, direito social e participação -, que se cruzam e inter-relacionam, investigados no âmbito de uma experiência realizada na organização social Fundação Xuxa Meneghel, que tem como eixo central de suas ações a promoção e a proteção de crianças e adolescentes que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade social na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de uma micro-experiência, que pretende compreender o ser criança em relação aos seus direitos humanos e sociais, observando sua influência nas práticas sociais presentes na nossa cultura. O direito à participação infantil - entendida como ferramenta para a auto-proteção e a promoção das crianças como sujeitos plenos exercitando a cidadania - se materializou numa investigação em que as concepções metodológicas convencionais foram se re-construindo por meio das vozes infantis em diálogo com seus pares e com os adultos. As crianças apresentaram seus pontos de vista e as significações que atribuem ao seu entorno e a suas possibilidades e limites de participar de forma genuína nas suas principais instâncias de socialização: família, escola e comunidade. A experiência se constitui numa provocação do olhar para as identidades e as culturas das crianças que dela participaram, para suas vivências expressas por representações de ações e emoções contextualizadas no tempo e no espaço, numa tentativa de compor com elas - e ampliando para todas as crianças da instituição - uma compreensão do que significa o direito de participar, ensinado e apreendido em perspectiva social e cultural.


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This presentation discusses topics and issues that connect closely with the Conference Themes and themes in the ARACY Report Card. For example, developing models of public space that are safe, welcoming and relevant to children and young people will impact on their overall wellbeing and may help to prevent many of the tensions occurring in Australia and elsewhere around the world. This area is the subject of ongoing international debate, research and policy formation, relevant to concerns in the ARACY Report Card about children and young people’s health and safety, participation, behaviours and risks and peer and family relationships.


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The use of public space by young people and children is a major issue in a number of countries and a range of measures are deployed to to control public space which restrict their social and spatial citizenship rights.


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As all human beings are consumers of health care provision across the life span and in receipt of care delivered by accountable health care professionals, all should have the right to be involved in shaping the future of their own health care. Rights-based participation, when applied successfully, has the potential to inform and influence the delivery of child health care, the child’s experience of health care, plus children’s nursing education (Coyne & Gallagher, 2011). The “right” of every child and young person to participate in research that relates to their own health care is also sustained by the author’s lead position as a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education for pre-registration children’s nursing in Northern Ireland and the appreciation of their voice when practicing as a registered children’s nurse and ward sister. The report provides an insight into seminal work on human and child rights; the historical context of children in Western society, and the evolution of children’s nursing amid the child’s right to participate in shaping their own health care.


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The conceptualization of childhood has changed over the centuries and appears to be undergoing further change in our post-modern culture. While the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child is designed to give children everywhere basic human rights while taking into consideration their special needs, no recent research has examined adult attitudes toward those rights. In an attempt to understand the attitudes adults hold regarding autonomy rights and to look for some factors that could predict those attitudes, the current study considers values, parenting style, emotions and the issue of parent status as possible predictor variables. A total of 90 participants took part in the research, which had both written and interview components. Results generally failed to establish a reliable set of predictors. However, some interesting information was obtained regarding the endorsement of children's autonomy rights and some general conclusions were reached about our view of children and their rights at the end of the twentieth century.


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Includes bibliography


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Rights of children and adolescents with disabilities Until not long ago, children with disabilities were made fun of, hidden away and, all too often, the victims of violence. Fortunately, this state of affairs has improved thanks to changes in the way disability is viewed and to the ratification, by 23 countries in the region, of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).


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The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 [POCA] embodies a serious attempt by the South African government to effectively police and curb organised crime, money laundering and criminal gang activities in South Africa. The Act provides inter alia for a range of crippling fines and for orders such as confiscation and forfeiture. Asset forfeiture and confiscation orders can affect the rights of third parties directly and indirectly in a number of ways. Young persons and children can beaffected indirectly because asset forfeiture and confiscation orders may violate the right to parental care of the dependent young persons and children of the person who is subject to the order. This brief article will investigate aspects of the protection afforded to the rights of children when such orders are made in terms of the provisions of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.