234 resultados para Chiapas (Mèxic)


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En el artículo el autor reflexiona sobre su experiencia educativa en Méjico realizando tareas de cooperación.


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This study explored ethnic identity among 662 students (326 mestizos and 336 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (IUCh). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. The aims for this study were: 1) to determine the structure and validity of ethnic identity as measured by the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure in a sample of majority and minority ethnic groups from Intercultural University in Chiapas, and 2) to examine the variability of ethnic identity across ethnic groups. Specifically, it was hypothesized that the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure would show two factors, and that ethnic groups would differ on ethnic identity. The results supported the hypotheses


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En este trabajo investigó la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial, comparando tres modelos de medición, de una versión en español de 12 ítems de la Escala de Identidad Étnica Multigrupo de Phinney, en una muestra de 631 estudiantes mexicanos (301 indígenas y 330 mestizos) entre 17 y 40 años de edad. Los resultados apoyan la consistencia interna de la medida y apuntan a una estructura de dos factores de la identidad étnica: la afirmación o identificación étnica y la exploración étnica. Así mismo, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los grupos estudiados, siendo los indígenas quienes puntúan más alto en identidad étnica y sus componentes. Sugerimos que se necesitan más investigaciones para evaluar la identidad étnica y validar la medida y los factores de la identidad étnica a través de diversos grupos étnicos con otras muestras de adolescentes y adultos de habla hispana


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Andrés Fábregas Puig és el rector de la Universitat Intercultural de Chiapas, a Mèxic. El mes de març passat va visitar la UdG i va pronunciar una conferència a la Càtedra Unesco de la Universitat sobre l'actualitat sociopolítica del seu país


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This study explored ethnic identity among 410 mestizo students who were attending one of three universities, which varied in their ethnic composition and their educative model. One of these universities was private and had mostly mestizo students such as the public one did. The third educative context, also public, had an intercultural model of education and the students were mixed among mestizo and indigenous. The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) was administered to high school students in order to compare their scores on ethnic identity and its components: affi rmation, belonging or commitment and exploration. Principle components factor analysis with varimax rotation and tests of mean group differences are performed. The results showed signifi cant differences between the studied groups. Scores on ethnic identity and its components were signifi cantly higher among mestizos group from University with intercultural model of education than mestizos from public and private universities of the same region. Implications of these fi ndings for education are considered, as they are the strengths as well as the limitations of this research


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The general aim of this paper is to explore and illustrate a theoretical model which postulates two mechanisms involved in the construction of collective identity: "action - transformation" and "symbolic identification". First, we define the concept of "collective identity" and we revise some works on this topic. After that, in order to justify the creation of Intercultural Universities, we described the linguistic and religious diversity from Chiapas. Some results concerning a quantitative and qualitative investigation with indigenous and mestizos students from the Intercultural University of Chiapas are also exposed. Finally, we point out some limitations of this study, and we suggest some possible future research directions


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The general aim of this paper is to explore and illustrate the role of the physical and psychological surrounding in narrative making ofthe personal identity. A qualitative study is put forward. It consists of a reduced version of the autobiographical multi-methodology(Bagnoli, 2004). That has been applied to a sample of six students of the Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas. The specific goals are: a) to illustrate, through citations obtained from interviews and graphical material, the theoretical concepts of attachment to theplace (Pol, 2002; Vidal y colaboradores, 2004) and community sense (Kim y Kaplan, 2004); and b) to detect the most relevantfactors of such concepts manifested in the students. Data was analyzed through the Atlas.ti computer program, version 5.0 (Muñoz, 2005). The findings suggest that sense of connection and participation in the community (action - transformation) has been observed as the most significant factors in our studied sample


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The thesis or hypothesis of this paper is that the multiple connections of explicit andimplicit life styles foster the construction of hybrid, multiple or complex identities. Wemean by hybrid identities the confluence of multiple identifications in the personalbiography. If the globalization and cultural diversity are the fundamental forms ofglobal life, the mobility is its principal ingredient. We describe different cultural traitsin Chiapas. Internet, migration to United States, or the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA), between North America, Canada, and Mexico, were hybridizedwith the heterogeneity of identity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious). It is discussed thesocial and political consequences of the hybrid contemporary societies


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Estudi sobre estudiants de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas per explorar les diferents identitats culturals i les seves relacions


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The thesis or hypothesis of this paper is that the multiple connections of explicit and implicit life styles foster the construction of hybrid, multiple or complex identities. We mean by hybrid identities the confluence of multiple identifications in the personal biography. If the globalization and cultural diversity are the fundamental forms of global life, the mobility is its principal ingredient. We describe different cultural traits in Chiapas. Internet, migration to United States, or the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between North America, Canada, and Mexico, were hybridized with the heterogeneity of identity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious). It is discussed the social and political consequences of the hybrid contemporary societies


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OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es identificar factores socioeconómicos, gineco-obstétricos y del producto asociados a mortalidad perinatal. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles pareado. Se consideró caso a los nacidos vivos o muertos que nacieron y fallecieron entre las 28 semanas de gestación a los 7 días de vida extrauterina. y control al producto nacido vivo entre las 28 semanas de gestación y los 7 días de vida extrauterina. Los datos se obtuvieron de los expedientes clínicos hospitalarios. Se estudiaron 99 casos y 197 controles. Se hizo un análisis estadístico utilizando Stata 6.0. RESULTADOS La media de edad de la madre fue de 24.82 años y del producto de 37.78 semanas de gestación. El promedio de peso del producto fue de 2,760 gramos. Los factores asociados a mortalidad perinatal fueron: ocupación del padre agricultor (RM ajustada 3,31; IC 95% 1,26-8,66); índice de riesgo obstétrico alto (RM ajustada 10,57; IC 95% 2,82-39,66), antecedente de cesárea (RM ajustada 2,75; IC 95% 1,37-5,51); cinco y más consultas prenatales (RM ajustada 4,43; IC 95% 1.86-10,54); producto pretérmino (RM ajustada 9,20; IC 95% 4,39-19,25). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran que es necesario implementar medidas de prevención y control que aseguren la identificación del riesgo en las mujeres embarazadas, con el fin de abatir la incidencia de mortalidad perinatal.


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A serologic survey was carried out in four different geographic zones of Chiapas, Mexico. A total of 1,333 samples were collected from residents of thirteen communities located on the Coast, Central Mountain, Lacandon Forest and a zone called Mesochiapas. One hundred and fifty one seropositive individuals (11.3%) were identified. Human Trypanosoma cruzi infection was influenced by geography. In the Lacandon Forest and Central Mountains there was a higher seroprevalence 32.1 and 13.8% respectively, than on the coast (1.2%). In Mesochiapas there were no seropositive individuals among the 137 persons tested. An active transmission is probably continuing because seropositive cases (13.8%) were detected in children under 10 years of age. The vector recognized on the Coast was Triatoma dimidiata while in the Lacandon Forest it was Rhodnius prolixus.


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Aquest estudi representa la primera exploració de l'ús de la televisió i la selecció de programes per part de grups d'indígenes a Chiapas. Més concretament, s'examina com els membres d'aquests grups seleccionen canals i programes específics dels mitjans de comunicació per raons d'etnicitat, i com això té a veure amb estratègies de mobilitat social. Les dades de 173 indígenes estudiants de la universitat Intercultural de Chiapas van indicar que per a 77 membres d'aquesta mostra, veure la televisió i seleccionar programes sobre la base de la seva etnicitat és una activitat de visualització important per a la seva autoestima etnolingüística. Aquests resultats es discuteixen en termes de la representació televisiva dels grups ètnics de Chiapas i motiven la realització de futures investigacions sobre aquests temes a Chiapas.