23 resultados para Chests


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"Selected publications": p. 26-27.


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[Es]Las guías de resucitación recomiendan el uso de dispositivos de feedback para mejorar la calidad de las compresiones torácicas. Estos sistemas calculan la profundidad y frecuencia de las compresiones torácicas e informan al rescatador para que, si es necesario, éste corrija su maniobra para ajustarse a los valores recomendados por las guías. La mayoría de estos dispositivos integran la aceleración dos veces para estimar la profundidad de compresión. Sin embargo, cuando la reanimación cardiopulmonar se realiza en vehículos en movimiento, como por ejemplo un tren de larga distancia, los sistemas que utilizan la señal de aceleración pueden verse afectados por las aceleraciones generadas por el propio tren. En este trabajo se estudia la precisión en el cálculo de la profundidad del pecho, a partir de la señal de aceleración, cuando la reanimación cardiopulmonar es realizada en un tren en movimiento. Este análisis permitirá determinar si los sistemas de feedback basados en la aceleración son aptos para ser utilizados en un tren de larga distancia.


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The paper deals with certain technological aspects of transportation of fish. Frozen fish packed in thermocole insulated plywood box (tea chests) and transported has been found to remain in good condition, for 3 to 4 days. Fish reaching the destination in a thawed state can be stored in crushed ice for a further period of 2-3 days. The effect of initial temperature of frozen fish on the storage life, the maximum storage period for different types of frozen fish packed in the insulated container and the changes in chemical and organoleptic qualities of different varieties of fish under condition of transport are also discussed.


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A comparative study of the insulation efficiencies of expanded polystyrene slabs and multi-layer gunny fabric in long distance transportation of fresh iced fish was made. Used plywood boxes (second hand tea chests) were employed as containers and the experiments conducted between Kakinada and Calcutta. All the three insulants tried, namely, 25.4 mm thick expanded polystyrene slab, four and two layer gunny (jute) fabric, all sealed in 150 gauge polythene sheets, showed comparable insulation efficiencies, considering total bacterial counts, organoleptic qualities and TMA and TVN values of the transported fish as parameters.


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The changes in the biochemistry of different varieties of iced fish during transportation in thermocole lined second hand tea chests from Veraval to Bombay and Delhi are discussed. The moisture increased for all the varieties except for eel and hilsa at Bombay. TMAN and TVN increased in all cases. Maximum increase of TMAN and TVN was observed in seer fish.


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Polythene lined thermocole insulated plywood boxes (second-hand tea chests) could be successfully used for transport of fresh iced fish. It was found that a minimum of 25 mm thermocole insulation was necessary during summer (April to June) and 15 mm during winter (Nov. to March). By using these insulated boxes the initial fish to ice ratio could be brought down to 1:0.75 and still further to 1:0.5 at the height of winter in Jan. and Feb. These second-hand tea chests are robust and are able to stand a minimum of 5 trips to and fro. The moulded polystyrene boxes are not suited for long distance transport. Another redeeming feature in the entire operation was that there was practically no loss of fish due to spoilage in transit. 100% of the fish transported was in acceptable condition and could be marketed. In the non-insulated boxes used by the trade, the loss due to spoilage ranged from 10% to 25%, and this could be completely eliminated by the use of these insulated boxes.


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Current state-of-the-art techniques for determination of the change in volume of human chests, used in lung-function measurement, calculate the volume bounded by a reconstructed chest surface and its projection on to an approximately parallel static plane over a series of time instants. This method works well so long as the subject does not move globally relative to the reconstructed surface's co-ordinate system. In practice this means the subject has to be braced, which restricts the technique's use. We present here a method to compensate for global motion of the subject, allowing accurate measurement while free-standing, and also while undergoing intentional motion. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Current methods for formation of detected chess-board vertices into a grid structure tend to be weak in situations with a warped grid, and false and missing vertex-features. In this paper we present a highly robust, yet efficient, scheme suitable for inference of regular 2D square mesh structure from vertices recorded both during projection of a chess-board pattern onto 3D objects, and in the more simple case of camera calibration. Examples of the method's performance in a lung function measuring application, observing chess-boards projected on to patients' chests, are given. The method presented is resilient to significant surface deformation, and tolerates inexact vertex-feature detection. This robustness results from the scheme's novel exploitation of feature orientation information. © 2013 IEEE.


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Pensar a Europa e Portugal, a partir da imprensa desportiva portuguesa, é o principal objectivo deste trabalho, que deve ser visto como uma espécie de "viagem" por um tempo conturbado (1893-1945), com os principais jornais desportivos a servirem de guia. Esta longa peregrinação de 52 anos — iniciada quando surge o primeiro jornal desportivo em Portugal e encerrada no ano em que termina a Segunda Guerra Mundial (altura em que este género de imprensa se consolida) — permitiu recuperar, simultaneamente, do baú do esquecimento, reflexões sobre a Europa e Portugal, e um pedaço da esquecida história da imprensa desportiva. /***Abstract - The main goal of this work is to think Europe and Portugal starting from the discourses produced in the portuguese spod press on the subject. This research must be seen as a “journey" through a troubled time (1893-1945), with the sport newspapers as guides. It's a long way of 52 years that started when the first portuguese sport newspaper born and finished at the end of the Second World War (period when Chis kind of press was already established) permitted, at the same time, a recovery, from the chests of forgetfulness, of reflections about Europe and Portugal and a piece of forgotten sport press history.


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Alimentos de origem animal representam papel fundamental na epidemiologia das salmoneloses humanas. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, a carne de frango ainda é passível de contaminação bacteriana, especialmente por microrganismos do gênero Salmonella, que podem encontrar-se albergados no trato intestinal ou em outra parte do corpo das aves. O presente trabalho objetivou pesquisar a ocorrência de Salmonella em carne de frango e derivados procedentes da região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foram analisadas, através do método convencional de cultivo, 45 amostras de carcaças, 60 de carne mecanicamente separada (CMS), 25 de lingüiça de frango, 20 de peito, e 15 de coxa e sobre-coxa. Salmonella spp. foi encontrada em 13,3% (6/45) das carcaças, 25% (15/60) das amostras de CMS, 16% (4/25) das lingüiças, 30% (6/20) dos peitos e 13,3% (2/15) das coxas e sobre-coxas analisadas. do total de 165 amostras analisadas, 33 (20%) apresentaram contaminação por Salmonella estando, portanto, impróprias para o consumo conforme legislação brasileira.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Diottix(r) was calibrated at 25 Hz to achieve the frequency indicated in literature as being effective to mobilize the airways secretions. However, the amplitude and frequency of the waves generated by the equipment in different regions of the chest still need to be investigated. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency and amplitude of waves generated by Diottix(r) in chests of healthy subjects. Diottix(r) was used in the anterior and posterior regions of the chest. The mechanical waves were captured using stethoscopes connected to electret microphones, which were connected to a digital oscilloscope. Frequency and amplitude data were recorded by the stethoscope, positioned in six points in the anterior region and six in the posterior region of the chest, following the positions commonly used in pulmonary auscultation. Signals were recorded and transferred to a computer with software for their analysis. The frequency of waves did not present a significant change (from 24.9 to 26.4 Hz). The wave amplitude in the anterior versus the posterior region in each area of the lung, the upper, middle and lower, had differences. Diottix(r) produces frequencies in the chest according to the calibrated; thus, it can be a complementary resource to bronchial hygiene maneuvers. The amplitudes of waves seem to be affected by other structures like bone parts and heart.