574 resultados para Chemokine CXCL2
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the mediators and the resident peritoneal cells involved in the neutrophil migration (NM) induced by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in mice. Study design: MTA (25 mg/cavity) was injected into normal and pretreated peritoneal cavities (PC) with indomethacin (IND), dexamethasone (DEX), BWA4C, U75302, antimacrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), and anti-interleukin-1β (IL-1β) antibodies and the NM was determined. The role of macrophage (MO) and mast cells (MAST) was determined by administration of thioglycollate 3% or 48/80 compound, respectively. The concentration of IL-1β and MIP-2 exudates was measured by ELISA. Results: MTA induced dose- and time-dependent NM into mice PC, with the participation of MO and MAST. NM was inhibited by DEX, BWA4C, and U75302, as well as anti-MIP-2 and anti-IL-1β antibodies. In the exudates, IL-1β and MIP-2 were detected. Conclusions: This study suggests that MTA induces NM via a mechanism dependent on MAST and MO mediated by IL-1β, MIP-2, and LTB4. © 2008 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
The role of innate immune response in protection against leptospirosis is poorly understood. We examined the expression of the chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and the cytokine TNF-alpha. in experimental resistant and susceptible mice models, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HePas and BALB/c strains, using a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Animals were infected intraperitoneally with 107 cells and the development of the disease was followed. Mortality of C3H/HeJ mice was observed whereas C3H/HePas presented jaundice and BALB/c mice remained asymptomatic. The infection was confirmed by the presence of leptospiral DNA in the organs of the animals, demonstrated by PCR. Sections of the organs were analyzed, after H&E stain. The relative expression of mRNA of chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and cytokine TNF-alpha was measured in lung, kidney and liver of the mice by qPCR. The concentrations of these proteins were measured in extracts of tissues and in serum of the animals, by ELISA. Increasing levels of transcripts and protein CXCL2/MIP-2 were detected since the first day of infection. The highest expression was observed at third day of infection in kidney, liver and lung of BALB/c mice. In C3H/HeJ the expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 was delayed, showing highest protein concentration in lung and kidney at the 5th day. Increasing in TNF-alpha transcripts were detected after infection, in kidney and liver of animals from the three mice strains. The expression of TNF-alpha protein in C3H/HeJ was also delayed, being detected in kidney and lung. Our data demonstrated that Leptospira infection stimulates early expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 and TNF-alpha in the resistant strain of mice. Histological analysis suggests that the expression of those molecules may be related to the influx of distinct immune cells and plays a role in the naturally acquired protective immunity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Allergische Erkrankungen, wie zum Beispiel die allergische Rhinitis oder das allergische Asthma haben im Verlauf der letzten vier Jahrzehnte stark zugenommen. So leidet heute jeder vierte bis fünfte Mensch an einer Allergie. Ausgelöst wird diese IgE-vermittelte Hypersensibilitätsreaktion des Typs I (Allergie vom Soforttyp) von Allergenen und beruht auf der Aktivierung von Mastzellen durch die Interaktion eines Antigens mit dem an eine Mastzelle über die Fc-Rezeptoren gebundenen IgE-Moleküls. Die degranulierende Mastzelle sezerniert Mediatoren, was zu einem Auftreten von allergischen Symptomen führt. Die Bildung von IgE wird durch das von TH2-Zellen produzierte Zytokin IL-4 induziert. Das von TH1-Zellen produzierte Zytokin IFN- ist in der Lage die Sekretion von IL-4 zu inhibieren, wie auch IL-4 hemmend auf die Produktion von IFN- wirkt. Dieses TH1-/ TH2-Gleichgewicht ist bei allergischen Erkrankungen in Richtung TH2 verschoben. Allergene werden von antigenpräsentierenden Zellen aufgenommen, prozessiert und auf der Zelloberfläche präsentiert. Die potentesten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen sind die dendritischen Zellen, die nach Kontakt mit einem Allergen in die benachbarten Lymphknoten wandern, ausreifen und kostimulatorische Moleküle exprimieren. Sie sind so in der Lage T-Zellen zu aktivieren und entweder in TH1- oder in TH2-Zellen differenzieren zu lassen. Die zytokinabhängige TH1- beziehungsweise TH2-Differenzierung führt zur Aktivierung der Januskinasen. Im aktiven Zustand phosphorylieren sie STAT-Moleküle, die dimerisieren und in den Zellkern translozieren, wo sie unter anderem als Transkriptionsfaktoren für Zytokingene dienen. Unreife humane dendritische Zellen von Allergikern zeigen nach Stimulation mit Proteinallergenen eine schnelle Phosphorylierung des mit der TH2-Entwicklung assoziierten STAT6. Dahingegen sind TH1-Antwort hervorrufende Kontaktallergene nicht in der Lage STAT6 oder andere STAT-Moleküle in dendritischen Zellen zu induzieren. Die Transkriptionsfaktoren T-bet und GATA3 sind ebenfalls von Bedeutung für die TH1-/TH2-Entwicklung, da T-bet ausschließlich in TH1-Zellen, GATA3 nur in TH2-Zellen exprimiert wird. Die Regulation des JAK/STAT-Weg unterliegt den Molekülen der intrazellulär vorkommenden Familie der SOCS-Proteine. SOCS3 ist in TH2-Zellen höher exprimiert als SOCS1, wohingegen SOCS1 in TH1-Zellen eine erhöhte Expression gegenüber SOCS3 aufweist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Proteinallergenen auf humane dendritische Zellen untersucht. Zunächst konnte eine morphologische Veränderung der unreifen dendritischen Zellen nach Kontakt mit dem Allergenextrakt beobachtet werden. Die beginnende Ausreifung der Zellen konnte mittels Durchflußzytometrie anhand der kostimulatorischen Moleküle CD80 und CD86, insbesondere aber über den Marker für reife dendritische Zellen CD83, nachgewiesen werden. Die zu beobachtende beginnende Ausreifung scheint ein Effekt des bakteriellen Lipopolysaccharids (LPS) zu sein, das in dem Allergenextrakt vorkommt, da sich durch Zugabe des kationischen Antibiotikums Polymyxin B die beginnende Reifung verhindern ließ. Auf RNA-Ebene war es im Rahmen dieser Arbeit möglich, den Einfluss verschiedener Allergene auf unreifen humanen dendritischen Zellen näher zu charakterisieren. So weisen unreife humane dendritische Zellen nach Kontakt mit Proteinallergenextrakt ein TH2-assoziiertes Genexpressionprofil auf, was sich durch eine erhöhte relative Expression der Gene SOCS3 und GATA3 auszeichnet. Im Gegensatz hierzu zeigen unreife humane dendritische Zellen nach Inkubation mit dem Kontaktallergen MCI/MI eine erhöhte relative Expression des Gens T-bet, was mit einer TH1-Antwort assoziiert ist. Nach Zugabe des „TH1-/ TH2-neutralen“ Tetanustoxoids konnten erhöhte relative Expressionen der Gene GATA3, T-bet und SOCS3 gemessen werden. Die Ergebnisse in dem in dieser Arbeit benutzten humanen in vitro System geben Anlass zur Hypothese, dass die Art der Immunantwort (TH1 versus TH2) sich bereits auf Ebene der dendritischen Zellen anbahnt. GeneChip-Analysen mittels High Density Micro Arrays von unreifen humanen dendritischen Zellen, die entweder mit Proteinallergenextrakt oder mit LPS in Berührung kamen, zeigten statistisch signifikant regulierte Gene, die allerdings keine Gemeinsamkeiten aufwiesen. Es konnten für die mit Alllergenextrakt gepulsten dendritischen Zellen insgesamt 10 Gene identifiziert werden, jedoch gelang es nicht, diese näher zu deuten oder in einen Zusammenhang mit der allergischen Erkrankung oder der dendritischen Zelle zu bringen. Für die mit LPS, dem stärkeren Stimulus, gepulsten dendritischen Zellen konnten 40 Gene identifiziert werden, die unter anderem für die Maturierung der dendritischen Zelle verantwortlich sind. Zudem war es möglich, die Daten der Arrays auf Proteinebene exemplarisch anhand des Chemokins CXCL2 (Gro-β) zu verifizieren.
Patients with sepsis have a marked defect in neutrophil migration. Here we identify a key role of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) in the regulation of neutrophil migration and resistance during polymicrobial sepsis. We found that the expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR2 was dramatically down-regulated in circulating neutrophils from WT mice with severe sepsis, which correlates with reduced chemotaxis to CXCL2 in vitro and impaired migration into an infectious focus in vivo. TLR2 deficiency prevented the down-regulation of CXCR2 and failure of neutrophil migration. Moreover, TLR2(-/-) mice exhibited higher bacterial clearance, lower serum inflammatory cytokines, and improved survival rate during severe sepsis compared with WT mice. In vitro, the TLR2 agonist lipoteichoic acid (LTA) down-regulated CXCR2 expression and markedly inhibited the neutrophil chemotaxis and actin polymerization induced by CXCL2. Moreover, neutrophils activated ex vivo by LTA and adoptively transferred into naive WT recipient mice displayed a significantly reduced competence to migrate toward thioglycolate-induced peritonitis. Finally, LTA enhanced the expression of G protein-coupled receptor kinases 2 (GRK2) in neutrophils; increased expression of GRK2 was seen in blood neutrophils from WT mice, but not TLR2(-/-) mice, with severe sepsis. Our findings identify an unexpected detrimental role of TLR2 in polymicrobial sepsis and suggest that inhibition of TLR2 signaling may improve survival from sepsis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bloodsucking parasites such as ticks have evolved a wide variety of immunomodulatory proteins that are secreted in their saliva, allowing them to feed for long periods of time without being detected by the host immune system. One possible strategy used by ticks to evade the host immune response is to produce proteins that selectively bind and neutralize the chemokines that normally recruit cells of the innate immune system that protect the host from parasites. We have identified distinct cDNAs encoding novel chemokine binding proteins (CHPBs), which we have termed Evasins, using an expression cloning approach. These CHBPs have unusually stringent chemokine selectivity, differentiating them from broader spectrum viral CHBPs. Evasin-1 binds to CCL3, CCL4, and CCL18; Evasin-3 binds to CXCL8 and CXCL1; and Evasin-4 binds to CCL5 and CCL11. We report the characterization of Evasin-1 and -3, which are unrelated in primary sequence and tertiary structure, and reveal novel folds. Administration of recombinant Evasin-1 and - 3 in animal models of disease demonstrates that they have potent antiinflammatory properties. These novel CHBPs designed by nature are even smaller than the recently described single-domain antibodies (Hollinger, P., and P. J. Hudson. 2005. Nat. Biotechnol. 23: 1126-1136), and may be therapeutically useful as novel antiinflammatory agents in the future.
Neospora caninum excreted/secreted antigens trigger CC-chemokine receptor 5-dependent cell migration
Neospora caninum, the causative agent of neosporosis, is an obligate intracellular parasite considered to be a major cause of abortion in cattle throughout the world. Most studies concerning N. caninum have focused on life cycle, seroepidemiology, pathology and vaccination, while data on host-parasite interaction, such as host cell migration, mechanisms of evasion and dissemination of this parasite during the early phase of infection are still poorly understood. Here we show the ability of excreted/secreted antigens from N. caninum (NcESAs) to attract monocytic cells to the site of primary infection in both in vitro and in vivo assays. Molecules from the family of cyclophilins present on the NcESAs were shown to work as chemokine-like proteins and NcESA-induced chemoattraction involved G(i) protein signaling and participation of CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Additionally, we demonstrate the ability of NcESAs to enhance the expression of CCR5 on monocytic cells and this increase occurred in parallel with the chemotactic activity of NcESAs by increasing cell migration. These results suggest that during the first days of infection, N. caninum produces molecules capable of inducing monocytic cell migration to the sites of infection, which will consequently enhance initial parasite invasion and proliferation. Altogether, these results help to clarify some key features involved in the process of cell migration and may reveal virulence factors and therapeutic targets to control neosporosis. (C) 2010 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neutrophil infiltration is a feature of alcoholic hepatitis (AH), and although the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear, it may involve a chemotactic gradient. We used lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce, in ethanol-fed rats, liver damage similar to that seen in AH. To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine the effect of ethanol on LPS-stimulated chemokine mRNA expression in this model. Hepatic cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-1, CINC-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 beta, MIP-2, and eotaxin mRNA levels were elevated 1 to 3 hr post-LPS in both groups. Maximal expression of MIP-2 and MCP-1 mRNA was higher in ethanol-fed rats 1 hr post-LPS, whereas CINC-2 mRNA expression was elevated above controls at 12 to 24 hr. Hepatic intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 mRNA levels were elevated in both groups at 1 hr, whereas L-selectin expression in ethanol-fed rats was elevated above controls at 12 to 24 hr. Hepatic neutrophil infiltration was highest during maximal hepatocyte necrosis. These data suggest that cell adhesion molecules, in conjunction with elevated cytokines and the subsequently induced chemokines, may assist in the formation of a chemotactic gradient within the liver, causing the neutrophil infiltration seen both in this model and possibly in AH.
Chemokines are important mediators of the early inflammatory response to infection and modify a wide range of host immune responses. Functional homologs of cellular chemokines have been identified in a number of herpesviruses, suggesting that the subversion of the host chemokine response contributes to the pathogenesis of these viruses. Transcriptional and reverse transcription-PCR analyses demonstrated that the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) chemokine homolog, m131, was spliced at the 3' end to the adjacent downstream open reading frame, m129, resulting in a predicted product of 31 kDa, which is significantly larger than most known chemokines. The in vivo impact of m131/129 was investigated by comparing the replication of MCMV mutants having m131/129 deleted (Delta m131/129) with that of wild-type (wt) MCMV. Our studies demonstrate that both wt and Delta m131/129 viruses replicated to equivalent levels during the first 2 to 3 days following in vivo infection. However, histological studies demonstrated that the early inflammatory response elicited by Delta m131/129 was reduced compared with that of wt MCMV. Furthermore, the Delta m131/129 mutants failed to establish a high-titer infection in the salivary glands, These results suggest that m131/129 possesses proinflammatory properties in vivo and is important for the dissemination of MCMV to or infection of the salivary gland. Notably, the Delta m131/129 mutants were cleared more rapidly from the spleen and liver during acute infection compared with wt MCMV. The accelerated clearance of the mutants was dependent on NK cells and cells of the CD4(+) CD8(+) phenotype. These data suggest that m131/129 may also contribute to virus mechanisms of immune system evasion during early infection, possibly through the interference of NK cells and T cells.
Chemokines receptors are used by HIV-1 for entry into CD4(+) T cells. The chemokines are capable of inhibiting HIV replication. This study determined the CCR5 and CXCR4 expression on T cells in HIV-1-infected patients treated with HAART. The successfully treated group ( plasma viral load 400 copies/mL), when compared with the failure group ( plasma viral load >400 copies/mL), had higher median CD4+ T cells count ( 583 and 245 cells/mm(3); respectively, p<0.0001). The failure patients had higher numbers and intensity of CCR5 and CXCR4-expressing T cells. Successfully treated patients were able to normalize the co-receptors expression-over on T cells. The viremic group showed higher CCR5 expression on CD4+ T cells and lower number of cells; CCR5 expression was normalized in the aviremic group; the naive group showed lower CCR5 expression and higher numbers of CD4 T cells; all groups showed normal CXCR4 expression compared to healthy controls. These findings may have clinical implications, since down-regulation of these co-receptors could be an adjuvant strategy for anti-HIV treatment.
Background and purpose: Chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 may mediate influx of neutrophils in models of acute and chronic inflammation. The potential benefits of oral administration of a CXCR1/2 inhibitor, DF 2162, in adjuvant-induced polyarthritis (AIA) were investigated. Experimental approach: A model of AIA in rats was used to compare the therapeutic effects of the treatment with DF2162, anti-TNF or anti-CINC-1 antibodies on joint inflammation and local production of cytokines and chemokines. Key results: DF2162 prevented chemotaxis of rat and human neutrophils induced by chemokines acting on CXCR1/2. DF2162 was orally bioavailable and metabolized to two major metabolites. Only metabolite 1 retained CXCR1/2 blocking activity. Treatment with DF2162 ( 15 mg kg(-1), twice daily) or metabolite 1, but not metabolite 2, starting on day 10 after arthritis induction diminished histological score, the increase in paw volume, neutrophil influx and local production of TNF, IL-1 beta, CCL2 and CCL5. The effects of DF2162 were similar to those of anti-TNF, and more effective than those of anti-CINC-1, antibodies. DF2162 prevented disease progression even when started 13 days after arthritis induction. Conclusions and implications: DF 2162, a novel orally-active non-competitive allosteric inhibitor of CXCR1 and CXCR2, significantly ameliorates AIA in rats, an effect quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those of anti-TNF antibody treatment. These findings highlight the contribution of CXCR2 in the pathophysiology of AIA and suggest that blockade of CXCR1/2 may be a valid therapeutic target for further studies aiming at the development of new drugs for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Background and purpose: Chemokines orchestrate neutrophil recruitment to inflammatory foci. In the present study, we evaluated the participation of three chemokines, KC/CXCL1, MIP-2/CXCL2 and LIX/CXCL5, which are ligands for chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2), in mediating neutrophil recruitment in immune inflammation induced by antigen in immunized mice. Experimental approach: Neutrophil recruitment was assessed in immunized mice challenged with methylated bovine serum albumin, KC/CXCL1, LIX/CXCL5 or tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Cytokine and chemokine levels were determined in peritoneal exudates and in supernatants of macrophages and mast cells by elisa. CXCR2 and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression was determined using immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Key results: Antigen challenge induced dose- and time-dependent neutrophil recruitment and production of KC/CXCL1, LIX/CXCL5 and TNF-alpha, but not MIP-2/CXCL2, in peritoneal exudates. Neutrophil recruitment was inhibited by treatment with reparixin (CXCR1/2 antagonist), anti-KC/CXCL1, anti-LIX/CXCL5 or anti-TNF-alpha antibodies and in tumour necrosis factor receptor 1-deficient mice. Intraperitoneal injection of KC/CXCL1 and LIX/CXCL5 induced dose- and time-dependent neutrophil recruitment and TNF-alpha production, which were inhibited by reparixin or anti-TNF-alpha treatment. Macrophages and mast cells expressed CXCR2 receptors. Increased macrophage numbers enhanced, while cromolyn sodium (mast cell stabilizer) diminished, LIX/CXCL5-induced neutrophil recruitment. Macrophages and mast cells from immunized mice produced TNF-alpha upon LIX/CXCL5 stimulation. Methylated bovine serum albumin induced expression of ICAM-1 on mesenteric vascular endothelium, which was inhibited by anti-TNF-alpha or anti-LIX/CXCL5. Conclusion and implications: Following antigen challenge, CXCR2 ligands are produced and act on macrophages and mast cells triggering the production of TNF-alpha, which synergistically contribute to neutrophil recruitment through induction of the expression of ICAM-1.
This study examines the role of Th1 (interferon-gamma [IFN-gamma]) and Th2 (interleukin-4 [IL-4] and IL-10) cytokines, an intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1), and a chemokine receptor (CCR5) in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions at different stages of development in knockout mice. For lesion induction, the first molar was opened and inoculated with 4 bacterial strains and left open to the oral environment. After 21 and 42 days, the IFN-gamma, IL-10, ICAM-1, and CCR5 knockout animals presented periapical lesions larger than those of wild-type animals. There was no statistically significant difference between periapical lesions induced in IL-4 knockout and wild-type animals during the periods evaluated. Our findings suggest an important role for IFN-gamma, IL-10, ICAM-1, and CCR5 in the pathogenesis of experimentally induced pulp infection and bone destruction as endogenous suppressor of periapical lesion development, whereas IL-4 appears to present a nonsignificant effect on periapical lesion modulation.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) includes different clinical manifestations displaying diverse intensities of dermal Inflammatory infiltrate Diffuse CL (DCL) cases are hyporesponsive and lesions show very few lymphocytes and a predominance of macrophages In contrast localized CL (LCL) cases are responsive to leishmanial antigen and lesions exhibit granulocytes and mononuclear cell infiltration in the early phases changing to a pattern with numerous lymphocytes and macrophages later in the lesion Therefore different chemokines may affect the predominance of cell infiltration in distinct clinical manifestations In lesions from LCL patients we examined by flow cytometry the presence of different chemokines and their receptors in T cells and we verified a higher expression of CXCR3 in the early stages of LCL (less than 30 days of infection) and a higher expression of CCR4 in the late stages of disease (more than 60 days of infection) We also observed a higher frequency of T cells producing IL-10 in the late stage of LCL Using immunohistochemistry we observed a higher expression of CCL7 CCL17 in lesions from late LCL as well as CCR4 suggesting a preferential recruitment of regulatory T cells in the late LCL Comparing lesions from LCL and DCL patients we observed a higher frequency of CCL7 in DCL lesions These results point out the Importance of the chemokines defining the different types of cells recruited to the site of the infection which could be related to the outcome of infection as well as the clinical form observed (C) 2010 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Published by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
We describe the genomic organization of a recently identified CC chemokine, MIP3 alpha /CCL20 (HGMW-approved symbol SCYA20). The MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 gene was cloned and sequenced, revealing a four exon, three intron structure, and was localized by FISK analysis to 2q35-q36. Two distinct cDNAs were identified, encoding two forms of MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, Ala MLP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, that differ by one amino acid at the predicted signal peptide cleavage site. Examination of the sequence around the boundary of intron 1 and exon 2 showed that use of alternative splice acceptor sites could give rise to Ata MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 or Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. Both forms of MIP-3cr/CCL20 were chemically synthesized and tested for biological activity. Both flu antigen plus IL-a-activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphoblasts and cord blood-derived dendritic cells responded to Ser and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. T lymphocytes exposed only to IL-2 responded inconsistently, while no response was detected in naive T lymphocytes, monocytes, or neutrophils. The biological activity of Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and the tissue-specific preference of different splice acceptor sites are not yet known. (C) 2001 Academic Press.